
GrumpsReport is an unabashedly biased internet publication devoted to promoting, preserving, defending and passing on traditional ideals, values and mores. You know… the kind we were raised on by The Greatest Generation.

Our site derives its name from the nickname given to its Founder and Managing Editor by his grandchildren. “Grandpa” was conventional but boring. “Gramps” was overused. “Grampy” and “Pops” were farcical. “Grumps” just kind of fit, and the name stuck.

Grumps is not really grumpy, at least not all the time. He will admit to occasionally yelling at the TV, and at times catches himself mumbling under his breath as he sees or hears things that really put him off. But he rejects the label, “Angry Old White Man” that some would place on him.

Our Editors, Contributors and staff have a lot in common with Grumps. We too find the lessons we were raised on clash with what today has come to be accepted behavior. We share a love of our country as it once was and can be again, not as it is becoming. That’s not to suggest that we have rose-colored, “those were the good ‘ole days” glasses. However, we assert there are values, principles and traditions that transcend generations and underpin the greatest periods of growth, happiness and prosperity in the world’s history, and these are increasingly and relentlessly under assault.

Here are just a few of them:

  • We believe in personal responsibility, self-reliance, hard work, and above all, meritocracy;
  • We believe in free markets and capitalism, but not “crony capitalism”, and that socialism has always been and always will be a scourge on mankind;
  • We believe government is not the solution, but the problem;
  • We believe the U.S. Constitution is not a “living document” but an inspired charter that was meant not just for the 18th Century but the 21st as well;
  • We believe there are fundamental differences between men and women and boys and girls that must be respected;
  • Without condoning behavior we deem offensive, we nevertheless believe in treating everyone with respect, tolerance and courtesy irrespective of their creed, faith, gender, age or race;
  • We believe in traditional marriage between one man and one woman;
  • We believe the 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms is a bulwark against tyranny and oppression, and needs to be defended;
  • We believe parents, not bureaucrats and not public sector unions, should control education;
  • We believe current immigration laws should be enforced;
  • We believe in God and in freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion;
  • We believe in the Golden Rule;
  • We believe in private medical care, not government-provided, universal care;
  • We believe “It Takes a Family”, not a “Village”;
  • We believe in a strong National Defense, that we should talk softly and revert to war as a last resort but carry a BIG STICK, and that we DO have a responsibility as the greatest nation the world has ever known to set an example and export democracy and our values to the rest of the world; and,
  • We believe that truth is not relative but immutable and exists whether or not one person or the entirety of mankind believes it or not, and that we should be determined to seek it.

If you subscribe to most if not all of the above tenets, you’ll find a home here. If not, you will likely be offended and probably should find other websites to visit.

And while our readers are not solely seniors, most of our original articles are written from the perspective and wisdom of 50+ adults, who make up the majority of our contributors. That, in part, is why our site is devoid of flashing lights, what’s called clickbait, and annoying features like scrolling images, comments or “discussion” sections.

We sincerely hope you will enjoy and benefit from visiting this site. Should you wish to contribute an article or essay, or comment on anything you see here, please use the contact form accessible from the header menu.
