On Kamala Harris

Steve Feinstein via American Thinker June 10, 2021 so articulately characterized Kamala Harris that I just had to extract from his article. Thank you Steve. Extremely well put.

“With her constant situationally inappropriate hyenalike cackling, her astonishingly unserious, wild proclamations about matters of critical national import (such as her preposterous assertion that “climate change” is a root cause of illegal immigration), and her bizarre narcissistic need for self-promotion as evidenced by her passing out “Kamala Harris” cookies to reporters, it is clear that Harris is nothing more than a hastily cobbled together collection of progressive checked boxes: Person of Color? Check. Female? Check. Victim of discrimination? Check. Radical ideology? Check.

Yet these boxes remain distressingly unchecked:

  • Detailed understanding of economics and taxation
  • Job creator
  • Successful manager in the “take no prisoners” private sector
  • Scientific/technical expertise
  • Awareness of American and world history.
  • Knowledge of military strategy, hardware and weaponry

To be fair, not all great presidents check every single box. But every passable president checks at least a few of them. Harris comes up totally empty.

Exactly when the Democrats will decide to discard Biden like three-day-old bread remains to be seen. Perhaps it will be after the Democrats have passed all the extreme legislation and executive orders they feel they can get away with. That would make some sense: get as many radical policies in place as possible, have them fall on Biden, then get rid of Biden in order to distance and inoculate Harris from Republican attack for those policies in 2024.”