Keep Your Seatbelts Fastened

While the November 2022 election is still a few months off and the outcome, at least in my mind, still uncertain due to the inimitable cheating success of the Democrats, the period between now and then will no doubt feature innumerable S shows. Looking at the chess board and assuming as is the conventional wisdom that the Democrats will lose their majorities in the House and Senate, if they are to exploit (abuse) their power during the time they have remaining, a lot is going to happen this summer.

If the Democrats want to (or a forced to) rid themselves of Biden, and assuming they are willing to allow Harris to become President (God forbid!), and wish to install their chosen Vice President soon after Harris is sworn in, it all has to happen before the new Congress is sworn in next January. The reason is that Harris (i.e. the Democrat cabal and puppet masters) will need to nominate a VP who must be confirmed by simple majority of both Houses which majority, presumably, will disappear come November.

On the other hand, it is not necessary for Harris to nominate a VP. She could fill out Biden’s term without one just as Lyndon Johnson did when he became president after Kennedy was assassinated.

And that might suit the puppet masters just fine – one less puppet to control!

A lot of people think Nancy Pelosi automatically becomes VP if Harris becomes President. Not so. What is of concern, however, is that Harris/the Puppet Masters will nominate and confirm before November some other puppet/idiot/woke/Leftist for VP.

It is imperative therefore that the prophecy of a retaking of the House and Senate come true. Irrespective of what happens with Biden/Harris, the damage they’re doing to the country can at least be arrested. If the majorities are sufficiently large, perhaps even become veto proof. (Wouldn’t THAT be glorious?) Then the mayhem could not only be arrested but REVERSED!

In any scenario, with Ukraine, COVID XX, inflation, Hunter, January 6th, 2020 election fraud, the Border, the trans onslaught, summer riots, Durham (possibly), China, supply chain disruptions, power outages, media propaganda, tech censorship/reality manipulation, absurd/false polls, etc…


As an aside, Obama’s appearance at the White House the other day has added credence to the theory that he’s been one of the puppet masters all along, if not THE puppet master. Could he be thinking about making a comeback or installing his wife as president? Could he be working hard to advance his “fundamental transformation” agenda by any means necessary?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Oh, and keep those tray tables and seat backs in their full, upright position as well!