In Case You Thought It Was Politics As Usual

I’m seeing a hill, and it just may be the hill to die on. With the establishment of their Ministry of Truth/Department of Disinformation (a term invented in 1923 by none other than Stalin himself), the Democrats/Leftists are lining the far banks of the Rubicon. This is no longer a typical and predictable Democrat power grab. Losing on the 2nd Amendment, they’re now going after the granddaddy, the FIRST! They think they have created enough chaos and have sufficient momentum to permanently plant their poisonous cancer into society. And perhaps they have…

So hell bent are they on realizing their ‘fundamental transformation” that they have abandoned any pretense of civility, any acknowledgment even of what truly are human rights, or any braking capability on their leftist steamroller.

How tolerant are we supposed to be? Turning the other cheek is one thing, loving everyone is axiomatic, but shouldn’t we love the vast majority of NORMAL human beings too? Why must we bend over backwards to accommodate the aberrant, the unnatural, the fundamentally evil? Should we really tolerate the rhetoric and behavior of the tiny minority?

I know, I know. In a democratic society we should allow the wishes of the majority to be expressed through the ballot box. But we’ve seen that even the ballot box is under attack (.sic)!

In this day and age, REAL disinformation (read: “lies”) can be spread around the world in seconds, and the more shocking or heartstring-tugging the production values, the more a morally weakened, dumbed-down population allows itself to be influenced by it.

When Evil is not checked early, it gains momentum, it spreads everywhere. It robs the world of “good oxygen”, replacing it with enticing, shiny object gas that sounds and feels good, but ultimately destroys civilizations.

It’s not just sad, it causes me to turn positively religious and ask, “Dear God, why have You forsaken us?”

Of course, we know the answer to this. Free Will. But right about now those who would defend what is RIGHT must also exercise their free will to combat this scourge that threatens to destroy what is GOOD and GREAT!

We must acknowledge that our people’s attentions spans have been reduced to almost nothing. We must recognize that our people have lost their power of discernment, their ability to critically think, their courage to stand up to the screaming mob of derelict losers who would drag us down to their level of dysfunction and misery.

We must create and dispense our own sound bites, our own memes, our own heroes. We need to tug at the same heart strings, introduce our own brand of Good drugs into society…


Unfortunately, that slogan doesn’t easily fit on a baseball cap.