Polls = Nonsense

Please everyone, flip the switch, turn on your brains, put your shields on maximum. The next time you see or hear something like, “The Polls show…” immediately turn it off. Polls are unadulterated nonsense and if you’ve been a faithful reader of this blog you’re not hearing anything you don’t already know. However, it seems the use of polls to create headlines and “news” is reaching an unprecedented decibel level.

Here’s a recent example drawn from the Daily Wire, August 2, 2021.

I have the following questions and proffer some answers:

  • Should anyone care? The answer is “No.”
  • Do polls mean anything, even when they reflect what is obvious to everyone who has half a brain and is awake? “No.”
  • Have YOU ever been polled? Most likely, “No.”
  • Would you agree to participate in a poll if somehow you answered the phone and uncharacteristically gave a pollster enough time to introduce himself? Most likely, “No.”
  • So who is it that participates in these polls? Common sense says it’s people who don’t have anything better to do with their time, are so lonely or affected that having some disembodied voice pay attention to them for five minutes is therapeutic, people who have an agenda that they think will be advanced by participating, or some combination of the above.
  • Can polls possibly represent the productive Traditionalist majority of this country? “No.”

Anyone awake, intelligent, half-way educated, paying attention knows that the Biden/Harris administration is TRULY illegitimate, incompetent and megalomaniacal. The whole lot of them, the puppets and their puppet masters are not just useless for America, they’re systematically trying to “fundamentally transform” it into a centrally-controlled, collectivist faux-utopia where the few dictate the lives of the many. Where money and power are amassed for their pleasure, narcissistic gratification, conscious or unconscious evil intent.

My advice: whenever the word “poll” is mentioned, simply dismiss the rest of the discussion and go back to whatever of substance you were doing.