Here’s How I Predict Things Will Go Down

Primary season has officially begun. Let me begin with the caveat: BARRING ANY CATACLYSMIC/BLACK SWAN EVENT, the 2024 Election will be the nastiest, bloodiest, most disgraceful, embarrassing and most controversial one yet.

It’s always “the most important election in our lifetime”. That’s like saying, “Today is the first day of the rest of your life,” or “If you get to that fork in the road, take it!”.

I still believe a Black Swan or worse, and “Unknown Unknown” event will take place between now and the election. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the term Black Swan, the Wikipedia description isn’t bad: “an event that comes as a surprise, has a major effect, and is often inappropriately rationalized after the fact with the benefit of hindsight. The term is based on an ancient saying that presumed black swans did not exist, until they were discovered in Australia in 1697, and it then became reinterpreted to mean an unforeseen and consequential event.

Given the chaos that we are now experiencing, I also wouldn’t rule out the “Unknown Unknown”. In 2002 Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld explained, “There are known knowns. There are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns. That is to say, we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, the ones we don’t know we don’t know.”

So, I think either a Black Swan or an Unknown Unknown event (I distinguish between the two only by degree of surprise and impact) will take place before the election.

But barring one of these:

  1. Trump will win the GOP nomination by March.
  2. Biden will win the Dem nomination by March.
  3. In August or latest September 2024 Biden will announce he will not stand for re-election thereby, per the Dem rules, the DNC will appoint a candidate, either Newsome, Michelle or someone who is being groomed right now and will come out of the woodwork.
  4. The nastiness and skullduggery of the DNC as they continue to try to take down Trump will reach unprecedented heights and civil war will ensue in checkout lines and across breakfast and dinner tables.
  5. If the GOP can get their forces aligned and their messaging right, and if they will do WHATEVER IT TAKES TO ENSURE THAT ONLY LEGITIMATE VOTES ARE COUNTED, i.e. DEMAND observation access to the key polling sites around the country where we got screwed in 2020…
  6. Trump will win the election decisively. The GOP will win the Senate and barely retain the House.
  7. The Left will go nuts. There will be civil unrest/demonstrations/riots/destruction that will make the Occupy Wall Street, Hands Up Don’t Shoot, George Floyd, CHAZ, CHOP and January 6th riots look like playground squabbles.
  8. Martial law will be declared.
  9. There will be numerous attempts on Trump’s life. All will be foiled. He will be sworn in January 2025 and will immediately begin to clean up the Swamp, with mixed results.
  10. The REAL insurrection of the Left will continue and the four most tumultuous years in U.S. history will begin (you don’t think the Left is going to stand down do you???!!!)

So much can and will happen between now and January 2025 that I know I’m going to have to modify this prediction, but as I see it right now, that’s what’s going to happen.

We’ll see. Keep your seatbelts fastened.

How Can Anyone With A Brain Vote Democrat?

I’ve been trying to answer this question for years. With what’s presently going on here in America but also around the world, the mess having been created and perpetuated by Leftist/Democrat ideology and policy, the question is acutely relevant.

I’ve written in the past about how a dumb-downed, feeble-minded, intellectually lazy and lemming-like half of the nation or the honestly naive (e.g. children) get their news, thus their perception of reality, from the propagandist-legacy media, “The View”, late-night ‘comedy’, social media, among themselves at cocktail parties, play-dates, and worst of all, from college lecterns and from behind teachers’ desks. Even children’s cartoons have a Left-slant to them. Have you ever noticed how adults/parents, particularly those with traditional views, are always portrayed in them as doofuses, bad guys, tyrants, unfair, authoritarians, clueless or inept?

I’ve argued that no amount of logic, no amount of REAL reality, no actual consequences phase Democrats. They continue to vote and act in concert. Leftist ideology is constantly, and I mean CONSTANTLY, shoved into our faces and into our ears. For those without either the will or the ability to use even an ounce of critical thinking; for those unwilling or unable to recognize cause and effect and the impact of Democrat policies on their daily lives; for those who’s perception of reality is formed by high-production-value Hollywood propaganda… it’s ingrained. It’s imprinted.

I’m reminded of a frightening scene from the Will Smith movie, “I am Legend”. It’s a post-apocalyptic thriller where zombie-humans come out at night to kill and eat anything living but during the day hide in dark places because they are repelled by sunlight. One day the protagonist’s dog goes missing. He follows him into a dark garage and comes upon a group of zombies clumped together, all facing inward, moving only slightly as they breathe heavily. (The picture above is a screen grab of this scene.)

THIS is what Democrats remind me of! They clump. They all look the same, repeat the same words, vote the same way, irrespective of what it does to them and those around them!

Another author, Greg Salsbury, writing in American Thinker had a complementary spin on the answer to the question.

He suggests in his article: Understanding the ‘Always Blue’ Mindest (American Thinker 11/19/23) that “simple association” is what drives Democrats in zombie-esq fashion to pull the blue lever at each election. By association he means the constant barrage of “Red is bad, Blue is good”, in-your-face messaging that really does brainwash a brain-addled thus receptive population. As he states, “The concept of “Always vote blue, no matter whohas been programmed into tens of millions of voters.”

A conclusion he reaches, with which I mostly agree, is “Republicans must understand that there are no magic facts or talking points, no silver bullet arguments, no game-changing photographic or videographic evidence that will suddenly open the eyes of most Democrats. Gravity still exists, and so does the “always blue” mindset. Republicans need to forget conversion and focus on the base and independents—exclusively.

However, in my opinion, concentrating on the base and independents (do the latter really exist? – a topic for another time) is not enough. Couple the corruption, cheating, rigging, ballot-stuffing and other Democrat tactics to steal elections with the impact of attractive and enticing “celebrities” touting Leftist drivel with the implication that Blue is Good, Red is Bad and we will get the kind of results we got in the elections a couple of weeks ago and are at risk of losing big next November!

THE ONLY WAY to counter this tsunami of cancerous and evil indoctrination is to encourage the few celebrities with brains and courage to create the reverse association: Red is good, Blue is bad. It’s happening in small drips and drabs already. If only we could get rid of Ronna McDaniel and all the rest of the tired and anachronistic GOP implants and replace them with fighter, competent, articulate, Celebrity-Leaders who could face the media and champion conservative principles, then MAYBE we’d have a chance to turn our country around. Kari Lake would be an obvious choice but there are many others who could fill the bill. How about Tom Selleck, or Dana Loesch, or Tom Brady or someone like them (I’m just throwing darts here…)

That SOMEONE is out there. He or she, like us, has had enough and has the courage and is sufficiently secure to speak out, speak loudly, instruct, influence and convince the brain-addled that the path to greater peace and prosperity is through Conservative/Traditional policies and actions…

Red is Good. Blue is Bad. Rinse, repeat.

Has The Threat To America Of A Repeat 9-11 Increased Since Hamas Assaulted Israel?

Simple answer…yes! They skyrocketed when Biden came into office and renewed the weak, pandering policy towards radical Islam that Obama initiated.

Having so recklessly diminished our security and squandered our sole-superpower role, every rogue nation itching to increase their position in the world has plotted and prepared to take advantage of our having turned in our Sheriff’s badge. Russia-Ukraine, China-Taiwan, NORKO missiles flying over Japan, the invasion of the West by the Third World, and now The Islamic Brotherhood/Hamas/Hezbollah/Iran’s move on Israel are all manifestations of Joe’s abrogation of our responsibility to maintain order.

Since 9-11 there have been 34 incidents of Islamic terrorism in the U.S. [1] 139 people were killed in these incidents, 506 people injured. If we were to add what happened on 9-11, of course, the numbers would be much higher: 3132 killed; 9039 injured. The number of incidents, perhaps even the deaths and injuries, on paper, may appear relatively small, but the horror of the Boston Marathon bombing, the mass shooting at an Orlando Nightclub in 2012, the 2015 San Bernardino attack…we all recall the images, overrides the numbers.

With all the illegal aliens Biden has allowed to swarm across our border do you have any doubt that “sleeper cells” of terrorists assembled in countless one-bedroom apartments in chaotic cities but also in bucolic suburban towns are real, not just bad guys in Netflix movies?

Now we’re on the precipice of World War Three. Have any doubts about that? What are the chances of the following playing out over the next few weeks and months?

  1. Israel commits the majority of their resources in Gaza.
  2. Iran gives the signal for Hezbollah to launch a full scale attack from the North.
  3. The U.S., facing diminishing weapons stocks increasingly redirects resources to Israel from Ukraine allowing Russia to prevail and directly threaten NATO.
  4. Iran successfully galvanizes the Arab world, uniting Sunni’s and Shia in Jihad against Israel.
  5. The U.S. is forced to support Israel with air resources.
  6. China, holding backa at the moment, moves on Taiwan.
  7. The U.S. is forced to put tanks, artillery, Patriot missile batteries and even ground troops into Israel.
  8. Israel takes out the Iranian energy infrastructure.
  9. Iran together with other Arab states declares overt war on Israel.
  10. Israel nukes Iran’s uranium enrichment sites.

There are myriad scenarios with these elements being war-gamed in the basement of the Pentagon and elsewhere around the Western intelligence planning centers and they all sound like they were made for MSM prime time, “if it bleeds it leads”, “follow the money” programming. In short, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE, and with missiles and bombs flying, tunnel-rats gearing up and moving out, war ships mustering…we’re sitting on a powder keg.

At what point do the mullahs of the Islamic Brotherhood give the signal for those terror cells to simultaneously come out of the woodwork and attack our highly vulnerable soft targets: churches, malls, theaters, stadiums, schools, etc.?

Are you aware that there are nine power substations in American that, if destroyed simultaneously, would knock down the ENTIRE U.S. power grid for from anywhere between three months and a year? And do you know how vulnerable these substations are to conventional small arms attack from 2-3 man squads of terrorists, or to cyber attacks such as the one that brought down the Colonial Pipeline in July 2021? Do you know how relatively easy it is/would be to blow up vans full of explosives in the tunnels or on the bridges leading to Manhattan thus bringing New York to a screeching, panic’ d halt? Many of us have felt the disruption and pain of natural disasters like Sandy, Katrina, Isaias, Maui, etc. but even more of us felt the effects of COVID and of course, 9-11. But have you ever seriously considered the implications of a 3 month + national grid down situation?

With things as precarious as they are in the world right now, with so many of us going about our daily lives as if nothing was going on, with our guard so down… if you were a terrorist wouldn’t you figure this would be a good time to assault America?

I implore my readers to contemplate the situation and PREPARE as best you can for those awful consequences that would attend YOU if what’s going on in the Middle East and elsewhere escalates into full blown kinetic, cyber and psychological war.

Get help and advice from whomever and wherever you trust (I would NOT trust government resources – the cavalry didn’t come over the hill in the knick of time for any of the disasters I mentioned earlier), but remember:

It’s too late to plan and prepare once it starts happening, whatever “it” is!

Head on a swivel, watch your six, STAY VIGILANT!   

[1] See

Saying Inflation Is Abating Is True, But It’s Gaslighting

I read a Reuters headline this morning: “Fed’s Goolsbee says fall in US inflation is not just a blip” and the sip of coffee I had just taken got stuck at the top of my throat. My degree in economics was largely useless, but one thing I do remember was the class on this subject because it dealt with why the price of gas I put in my 1970 Pontiac Le Mans was rising from 28 cents (!) a gallon to $.32 to $.35. (Yeah, I’m that old.)

Let’s start with the words, “fall in US inflation”. Sounds like a good thing, right? It is, except that the gaslighting is inherent in trying to create the impression that PRICES of goods and services are falling. Ain’t so. THEY ARE STILL RISING.

Inflation means RISING PRICES. It doesn’t mean HIGHER PRICES. If we are experiencing inflation, it means simply that prices are rising. To say that there is a “fall” in inflation therefore doesn’t mean that prices are coming down but that they’re NOT RISING AS FAST.

It’s a lot like the nonsense that spews forth from politicians’ mouths when they talk about REDUCING SPENDING. They’re lying. They’re not reducing spending at all…they’re reducing the RATE at which spending is increasing. How the hell else do you think we went from discussing budgets and spending levels in the BILLIONS to budgets and spending levels in the TRILLIONS!

What’s more…inflation (i.e. PRICES started rising) kicked in with a vengeance after Biden came into office. The general (rate of) inflation over the four years Trump was in office was 1-2% per year. Prices were still rising, but at a slow pace. Wages rose (you got about a 2-3% raise each of those years right?) and so you were gaining in that your income was rising faster than the cost of things and thus your standard of living was improving!

Biden comes in, whacks energy production, starts throwing money out of helicopters both to our own population as well as the mullahs, and pretty quickly gas doubles (and in some cases triples), a half-gallon of milk hits $6, a dozen eggs as much as $5 and needless to say, our standard of living starts to retract very quickly.

Meanwhile, expenses for employers go up as well leaving less to pay employees, so while INFLATION is raging close to double digits, take home pay remains stagnant. Thanks Joe.

All of this is academic of course. We all feel the effects of rising prices (aka INFLATION) whether we’re well off or just making ends meet.

So when Biden’s minions spew garbage like, paraphrasing the Reuters article, “inflation (what they want you to believe to be PRICES) is coming down”: first, it’s NOT prices that are coming down, they’re just rising at a slower rate, and second, THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PRICES HAVING RISEN TO THESE RIDICULOUS LEVELS TO START WITH!

Don’t allow ourselves to be gaslighted. Don’t believe what this administration says for a second. Believe your eyes and the fewer greenbacks in your pockets!

Did Mike Pence “Follow the Constitution”?

On stage at the first Republican debate the other night the anti-Trumpers sided with Mike Pence with lines like,

“Mike followed the Constitution” and “Mike did his duty.” In my opinion, whether he did or not is nuanced, not black or white.

Why is it that the Democrats can bend (and BREAK) and interpret laws, regulations and the Constitution itself with impunity but Republicans can’t?

Why do you think Trump’s opponents for the 2024 nomination are coming down on the side of “Mike did the right thing?” when if you pressed them in a sidebar conversation, each would either willingly or be forced to admit that there is ambiguity in the process by which electoral college votes are processed. (Should you wish to read a thorough analysis of just how ambiguous and problematic this issue is, I refer you to the Hoover Institute’s excellent analysis on the subject entitled: “Who Counts?: The Twelfth Amendment, the Vice President, and the Electoral Count” available here.)

The bottom line of Hoover’s argument is: 1) Indeed, the Vice President has the authority to resolve disputes concerning electoral votes; 2) The Electoral Count Act of 1887 is unconstitutional but 3) the fact that the states certified the election results (hastily, improperly and unconstitutionally) and thus the electors themselves, the presentation of alternative slates of electors by numerous states was moot.

In short, the governors (e.g. Brian Kemp of Georgia) who allowed the results and electors to be certified out of fear, coercion, cowardice, or whatever…THEY are to blame for not exerting their authority to thwart the illegal election processes. THEY are to blame for allowing their fear of COVID to alter constitutional and legal processes for conducting the elections in their states.

Thus, Mike Pence may not, according to Hoover, have had the authority to do anything but count the votes as he received them.

BUT IF HE HAD HAD REAL COURAGE, IF HE HAD NOT COW-TOWED TO THE VOICES DEMANDING HE DO NOTHING ELSE BUT COUNT THE VOTES….HAD HE SAID, AT THE RISK OF BRINGING DOWN OVERWHELMING LEFTIST IRE ON HIMSELF, “WAIT A MINUTE! THERE ARE LEGITIMATE QUESTIONS REGARDING THE LEGITIMACY OF THIS ELECTION. LET’S PAUSE AND TAKE A FEW DAYS TO REVIEW WHAT HAS HAPPENED HERE”, the result might have been the same, i.e. the LEFT/DEMOCRATS would have still prevailed because the damage had already been done and there was no putting the toothpaste back into the tube. And due to our processes of adjudicating disputes small and large, the painstaking and foot-dragging processes that the Democrats count on would have meant we really would have a Constitutional crisis. But at least he wouldn’t like so many other political weaklings, have bent over backwards around and up his own posterior end to “just move on”.

And we have a constitutional crisis ANYWAY!!! If you don’t think we’re in crisis now, your head is buried in the sand or you’ve been asleep for the last 6 years!

The Democrats will not hesitate for an instant to lie, cheat, steal, deflect, demean, digress, dissemble, distract, bludgeon, shout-down, unitedly marshal their forces in the pursuit of power, money and advancing their warped and destructive ideologies.

So when Trump’s opponents buy into the anti-Trump rhetoric in order to be more likeable to the independents, they demonstrate why politics is such a dirty, disgusting enterprise. Exhibit A: Chris Christie is the archetype of the political swamp rat…he is our Al Sharpton, our Jesse Jackson, our Sheila Jackson Lee, our Stacy Abrams. Except that he’s willing to eat his own in order to gain power and money. They, on the other hand, clearly reflected the views of their lemming Leftist followers and had no need to contravene their leaders. But the act is the same. Shrill, disjointed, lacking basis in fact, but with great production (i.e. sound-bite) values!

So where does this leave us? I honestly can’t predict what will happen between now and November 2024 but I can almost certainly guarantee that A LOT WILL!

Keep those seat belts fastened.

A Stark Warning That Nails It!

I’ve been trying to come up with words to express my cognitive and emotional revulsion at what is transpiring in our country right before our eyes. Lots of cute phrases and labels, like “banana republic” are being thrown about, but they are just headline/attention grabbers.

Now Newt Gingrich has really nailed it for me and I urge all my readers to look at the following article on Gateway Pundit: which summarizes his comments on Hannity. I’ve placed the transcribed quote in the quotes section of this site to the left, but the warning is indeed stark and accurately reflects, in my opinion, the harsh reality of how bad things are.

Could The Tide Be Turning?

It’s depressing to witness what’s happened to our country over the last ten to fifteen years. The leftist ideologues since the 60’s have infested and polluted every one of our institutions. There is no need to list all the evidence of leftist infiltration and rot here. Readers are well aware of it all (see my previous “Sitrep” post).

But there’s a whiff of fresh air amid all the leftist pollution. It’s just a whiff, but there is cause for optimism that the pendulum may have started to swing to the Right, that the long slide down the slippery slope has stopped, or at least slowed. I suggest readers read Ian MacConnell’s excellent March 2023 article in American Thinker for an inspiring and hopeful look at the landscape.

As he notes, the turning point, in retrospect, may have been Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter last October 2022.

Twitter’s penetration and influence cannot be denied. Truth or falsehood, it became the journal of record, and it was exclusively dominated by the Left. It was utilized very effectively to brainwash whole swaths of society.

Musk’s purchase began to peel the onion of leftist control, indoctrination, ideology. For the first time, the corruption we on the Right always knew about and spoke of was exposed to the masses, the already brainwashed, the dumbed down who inhabited and dominated the “Twitter-Verse.”

In the last few weeks leading up to the 2022 election the “Twitter Files” exposed how the federal government hid a ton of information from the public on everything from COVID to the Hunter laptop. They exposed how conservatives were censored and cancelled. The result was not the red wave we were all expecting, but, thank God, we at least got back the House!

And despite the rocky start, Kevin McCarthy started some of the payback so sorely and urgently needed. Among other things, he kicked the Swalwell and Schiff scum off committees. He started investigations into the leftist corruption, appointing the solid James Comer and Jim Jordan to lead the inquiries.

Now, the general public, even those who watch MSNBC and CNN, know about the corruption: of the FBI, the DOJ, the Bidens. They now know the January 6th narrative was nonsense, about all the lies and misinformation surrounding COVID, about the canceling and censorship of anyone who spoke against leftist ideology.

What’s happened to FOX News is a harbinger. Aside from Trump hurting the Rupert Murdoch’s feelings, their viewership growth had stalled. In a bid to gain viewers from the Left, it moved more to the middle in its reporting and its opinion shows, allowing leftist commentators more and more airtime. The Murdoch sons, upon inheriting the helm from their father, advanced the leftist slide at the network until the pressure to go full woke got to the point where it fired or lost various conservative hosts. The last straw was firing Tucker Carlson. Bad move.

Jumping on the leftist bandwagon, Anheuser Busch and Disney not to mention scores of other ESG/DEI compliant companies, also went full woke. The Bud Light and Disney results are evidence of the backlash to which I’m referring.

School board meetings where parents, particularly mama-bears, have drawn the line, the leftist media forced to cover the Biden corruption, more and more whistleblowers appearing before Congressional Committees publicly exposing the leftist rot in all our institutions…all of these represent the beginnings of what may be a turn in our country’s fortunes.

Now, if we can just clean up the elections and eliminate the censorship so we don’t have a repeat of 2020 and 2022 (we SHOULD have had a RED WAVE!!!) , take back the Presidency and the Senate and hold the House, so long as we can keep the RINO’s and Swamp Republicans on a leash, we may, just may, be able to start the long climb back up the slippery slope to restore America to its traditional roots and rightful place in the world.

Fingers crossed, hands clasped, arms folded in hope and prayer.

An Updated SITREP

SITREP means “Situation Report” and here’s an update of just how bad things are under this administration. It’s in the form of a simple list of things we’ve all heard about. There’s just so much, however, that it’s a fog of acidic filth and it’s difficult to keep tabs on everything. That’s of course exactly how the Left wants it…create so much chaos that as more and more people give up fighting, government will step in to take everyone under wing and “save us.”

See if any of these things have fallen off your radar:

Fundamental Transformation
The Laptop
Energy Dependence
Tech spying and intrusion
Military Wokeness
Police Resignations
California’s demise
Chicago’s demise
The 1619 Project
Critical Race Theory
The Open Border
Stolen/Rigged Elections – You honestly believe Biden got 81 million LEGITIMATE VOTES???
Judicial Activism – Soros’ prosecutors and judges unhinged
Persecution of Christians and Jews
Radical Envirofascism
Tech Censorship
Social Media Addiction
Government Unions
The World is Laughing at Us
FBI abuse of power – 51 Signers, they won’t tell us who brought the cocaine into the White House???
Biden’s Dementia and physical incapacity
Kamala Harris – Border and now AI Czar! “AI is two letters that mean artificial intelligence…” So profound!
The Squad
Joy Behar, Adam Schiff, Anthony Fauci, Stacy Abrams, Louis Farrakhan, Greta Thunberg, Al Sharpton, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and so many other grifters, incompetents, liars and anti-American idiots I can’t even list them all!
CBDC (that’s Central Bank Digital Currency)
The war on the suburbs
Biden’s forgiveness of student debt despite the Supreme Court Ruling
Transgenderism/Child Mutilation
Assault on Conservatives (Rand Paul, Justice Thomas, etc.)

Need I go on?

God help us!

Rumblings of Revolution

Yesterday I attended a training meeting organized by an emergency response team to which I belong. The topic was those actions we might undertake outside of our official capacity when happening upon an emergency, before first responders arrive. The instructor included in his preamble something along the lines of the following: “Today Trump was indicted so we should all be particularly mindful of the potential for insurrection and violence anywhere we go.”

What unadulterated BS! This guy has clearly been watching too much Fake News. The leftist talking heads WANT there to be violence. They WANT to show images of “white supremacist nationalist racist homophobic transphobic ultra MAGA Trump followers” engaging in violence to support their false narrative. They ignore the Biden corruption and breathlessly show video of snipers on roofs and any possible example of raised voices in order to be able to point, “There, see, they’re violent extremists”. So of course the instructor, a Leftist, virtue-signaler who get his news from MSNBC just HAD to parrot the idiot talking heads hyperventilating in hopes of “if it bleeds it leads” headlines.

It is, of course, the Left that riots, burns buildings and cars, kills people and engages in violent insurrection, not Trump supports or the Right! But let’s not let facts cloud the story!

What really happened was that thousands of people absolutely appalled by the judicial travesty that unfolded yesterday came out and PEACEFULLY protested the abuse. The Cuban refugee community prayed for Trump in a popular local restaurant he visited, and hundreds turned up for a fundraiser at Trump’s club in Bedminster, NJ last night to support him. No violence, no armed rebellion, no looting or burning or lascivious acts.

Every day our country descends further and further into the abyss of tyranny and oppression. Tucker Carlson, in the third installment of his Twitter monologues (see it here) puts it succinctly and in far more eloquent terms than I could ever articulate. His topic was the hypocrisy of the Uniparty, i.e. the Swamp, i.e. institutional Washington, but the underlying message was further explanation of why our country is going to hell.

As I have noted repeatedly over the last few years, short of Divine Intervention, only a Black Swan, Unknown-unknown, cataclysmic or catastrophic event will eliminate the evil that has permeated every corner of our institutions and our society. We have gone way past the point of no return. We are now careening down the slippery slope to a second-rate world power, no longer to be a land of peace and prosperity, a beacon on a hill.

An article by Glenn Elmers of the Claremont Institute goes so far as to suggest that a Revolution MAY be possible, may even be inevitable given how out of control the government aka the Biden administration has gotten. His article, which cites the Declaration of Independence and the factors that compelled the original Revolution can be read here. So, yeah, at some point the Left may push so hard against sanity and the American traditions that millions upon millions of pissed off people, having lost their freedoms, having lost their livelihoods, having lost their property and their way of life, WILL revolt.

I also commend to your reading the article by Kevin Slack, author of a brand new book entitled, “The War on the American Republic:How Liberalism Became Despotism”. The article, found here, is entitled, “The Constitution, Citizenship, and the New Right” and pretty well summarizes his thesis. He argues that it is the fact that the people ARE armed that forms a bulwark against tyranny, a deterrent to ultimate subjugation of the people into servitude.

The Left keeps baiting us. They want to foment armed conflict in order to be able to declare martial law and/or exert control by force. But as Slack notes…

“The only force that can oppose this servitude is an armed citizenry with a stake in society, angry about its managed decline, and insistent upon its rights. Thus the kleptocrats’ fear is an armed citizenry above all, and they seek to register, then confiscate, AR-15s to render the people defenseless against state coercion. Such tyranny could trigger open conflict—Americans own some 500 million firearms. And while the Left celebrates revolution, its marchers have never seen the systematic ordering force of conservatism when prodded to destruction. The Left can claim control of the bureaucracy and military command, but of actual fighting forces it holds few—it has alienated local police and the 3.3 million veterans who have returned from recent imperial wars. The Right, after such a long train of abuses, must confront whether it would be willing to leap into the revolutionary abyss. This willingness and preparedness for war may be the way to prevent open conflict, to force a common recognition of some table of values, of inalienable rights not subject to negotiation.”


President McCarthy

Set aside all the hoopla about the Debt Ceiling vote, the campaigns (or non-campaigns), the LBGTQ+ crap, the Border, the FBI, etc. etc. Aside from a major man-made or natural catastrophe, the best way to right this ship may be to use the power of the House to impeach Biden and Harris and woo the RINO’s and more than 50% of Democrats who know damn well they’re incompetent to push their congressmen and senators to remove them from office. It will take tremendous courage, intense and fast action, but even if it happens one day before the election next year, Kevin McCarthy is next in line to succeed to the Presidency. And we could do worse.

Americans with a shred of gray matter left after the necrosis fostered by so much Leftist drivel know we’re in trouble. Despite ongoing focus on the latest Vanderpump Rules episode even the over-programmed and over-stressed soccer moms could be made to understand that these idiots just have to go. A noisy, disruptive, shocking exposé of what many but not enough of us know to be the truth of the Biden corruption and the Administration’s dereliction of duty, one which the Fake News simply would not be able to cover over, given that this time they’ve really gone too far with this Leftist crap, might create the tectonic plate shift required to shock the country back to reality and basics.

You have to get both of them at the same time. The last thing we need is for Harris to ascend to the Presidency. That would be worse than just leaving doddering Joe in office. BOTH have to go, simultaneously, and then, only then, would the Speaker of the House be able to take over the Oval Office.

The result wouldn’t be ideal, but it would be one hellavu lot better than what we have now. As each day goes by with yet another Biden or Leftist atrocity bubbling to the surface, our country descends further and further down the slippery slope.

Impeach them!