Head Shakes and Eye Rolls

Scanning the headlines this morning I continue to be sickened by the politicization of EVERYTHING! Biden’s idiotic, hypocritical, sniveling and prevaricative diatribe about gun control is just one example of the bile producing nonsense that passes for news. Anyone with an ounce of common sense knows that guns don’t kill people, people kill people. The facts be damned that in places where gun laws are the most strict, the most gun crime occurs. And the shrill, whining notion that guns are only for hunting is more drivel. No, the 2nd Amendment is there to prevent TYRANNY, exactly the demonic principle the Democrats are so desperately trying to foist on the American people! They are for Self-Defense and the protection of others when assaults occur. And they are occuring with increasing frequency. Armed guards with controlled access at schools (JUST LIKE AT GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS!!!!) is what’s needed. Metal detectors may also be needed, and systems that will remotely lock doors. Eternal vigilance is necessary, not “gun free zones” which are invitations!