Here’s How I Predict Things Will Go Down

Primary season has officially begun. Let me begin with the caveat: BARRING ANY CATACLYSMIC/BLACK SWAN EVENT, the 2024 Election will be the nastiest, bloodiest, most disgraceful, embarrassing and most controversial one yet.

It’s always “the most important election in our lifetime”. That’s like saying, “Today is the first day of the rest of your life,” or “If you get to that fork in the road, take it!”.

I still believe a Black Swan or worse, and “Unknown Unknown” event will take place between now and the election. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the term Black Swan, the Wikipedia description isn’t bad: “an event that comes as a surprise, has a major effect, and is often inappropriately rationalized after the fact with the benefit of hindsight. The term is based on an ancient saying that presumed black swans did not exist, until they were discovered in Australia in 1697, and it then became reinterpreted to mean an unforeseen and consequential event.

Given the chaos that we are now experiencing, I also wouldn’t rule out the “Unknown Unknown”. In 2002 Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld explained, “There are known knowns. There are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns. That is to say, we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, the ones we don’t know we don’t know.”

So, I think either a Black Swan or an Unknown Unknown event (I distinguish between the two only by degree of surprise and impact) will take place before the election.

But barring one of these:

  1. Trump will win the GOP nomination by March.
  2. Biden will win the Dem nomination by March.
  3. In August or latest September 2024 Biden will announce he will not stand for re-election thereby, per the Dem rules, the DNC will appoint a candidate, either Newsome, Michelle or someone who is being groomed right now and will come out of the woodwork.
  4. The nastiness and skullduggery of the DNC as they continue to try to take down Trump will reach unprecedented heights and civil war will ensue in checkout lines and across breakfast and dinner tables.
  5. If the GOP can get their forces aligned and their messaging right, and if they will do WHATEVER IT TAKES TO ENSURE THAT ONLY LEGITIMATE VOTES ARE COUNTED, i.e. DEMAND observation access to the key polling sites around the country where we got screwed in 2020…
  6. Trump will win the election decisively. The GOP will win the Senate and barely retain the House.
  7. The Left will go nuts. There will be civil unrest/demonstrations/riots/destruction that will make the Occupy Wall Street, Hands Up Don’t Shoot, George Floyd, CHAZ, CHOP and January 6th riots look like playground squabbles.
  8. Martial law will be declared.
  9. There will be numerous attempts on Trump’s life. All will be foiled. He will be sworn in January 2025 and will immediately begin to clean up the Swamp, with mixed results.
  10. The REAL insurrection of the Left will continue and the four most tumultuous years in U.S. history will begin (you don’t think the Left is going to stand down do you???!!!)

So much can and will happen between now and January 2025 that I know I’m going to have to modify this prediction, but as I see it right now, that’s what’s going to happen.

We’ll see. Keep your seatbelts fastened.

Could The Tide Be Turning?

It’s depressing to witness what’s happened to our country over the last ten to fifteen years. The leftist ideologues since the 60’s have infested and polluted every one of our institutions. There is no need to list all the evidence of leftist infiltration and rot here. Readers are well aware of it all (see my previous “Sitrep” post).

But there’s a whiff of fresh air amid all the leftist pollution. It’s just a whiff, but there is cause for optimism that the pendulum may have started to swing to the Right, that the long slide down the slippery slope has stopped, or at least slowed. I suggest readers read Ian MacConnell’s excellent March 2023 article in American Thinker for an inspiring and hopeful look at the landscape.

As he notes, the turning point, in retrospect, may have been Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter last October 2022.

Twitter’s penetration and influence cannot be denied. Truth or falsehood, it became the journal of record, and it was exclusively dominated by the Left. It was utilized very effectively to brainwash whole swaths of society.

Musk’s purchase began to peel the onion of leftist control, indoctrination, ideology. For the first time, the corruption we on the Right always knew about and spoke of was exposed to the masses, the already brainwashed, the dumbed down who inhabited and dominated the “Twitter-Verse.”

In the last few weeks leading up to the 2022 election the “Twitter Files” exposed how the federal government hid a ton of information from the public on everything from COVID to the Hunter laptop. They exposed how conservatives were censored and cancelled. The result was not the red wave we were all expecting, but, thank God, we at least got back the House!

And despite the rocky start, Kevin McCarthy started some of the payback so sorely and urgently needed. Among other things, he kicked the Swalwell and Schiff scum off committees. He started investigations into the leftist corruption, appointing the solid James Comer and Jim Jordan to lead the inquiries.

Now, the general public, even those who watch MSNBC and CNN, know about the corruption: of the FBI, the DOJ, the Bidens. They now know the January 6th narrative was nonsense, about all the lies and misinformation surrounding COVID, about the canceling and censorship of anyone who spoke against leftist ideology.

What’s happened to FOX News is a harbinger. Aside from Trump hurting the Rupert Murdoch’s feelings, their viewership growth had stalled. In a bid to gain viewers from the Left, it moved more to the middle in its reporting and its opinion shows, allowing leftist commentators more and more airtime. The Murdoch sons, upon inheriting the helm from their father, advanced the leftist slide at the network until the pressure to go full woke got to the point where it fired or lost various conservative hosts. The last straw was firing Tucker Carlson. Bad move.

Jumping on the leftist bandwagon, Anheuser Busch and Disney not to mention scores of other ESG/DEI compliant companies, also went full woke. The Bud Light and Disney results are evidence of the backlash to which I’m referring.

School board meetings where parents, particularly mama-bears, have drawn the line, the leftist media forced to cover the Biden corruption, more and more whistleblowers appearing before Congressional Committees publicly exposing the leftist rot in all our institutions…all of these represent the beginnings of what may be a turn in our country’s fortunes.

Now, if we can just clean up the elections and eliminate the censorship so we don’t have a repeat of 2020 and 2022 (we SHOULD have had a RED WAVE!!!) , take back the Presidency and the Senate and hold the House, so long as we can keep the RINO’s and Swamp Republicans on a leash, we may, just may, be able to start the long climb back up the slippery slope to restore America to its traditional roots and rightful place in the world.

Fingers crossed, hands clasped, arms folded in hope and prayer.

El Paso or Kyiv? It’s Not One Or The Other!

So in order to deflect the narrative away from all his failings here at home, Brandon makes a surprise visit to Kyiv. As an aside, Kyiv was, arguably the ancestral home of Russia, where the Varangians (Vikings) set up shop in the late 9th Century and became the capital of the “Kievan Rus” people’s progenitors, thus, Moscow can fairly claim some attachment to the City and to Ukraine as well.

But everything is political with the Democrats, and staged, and calculated to advance power or money. With national security questions surrounding the Chinese balloon, the Ohio train derailment, the continuing border crisis, the price of eggs, chicken farms going up in smoke, power outages, the latest COVID variant and of course wokeness in all its forms dominating the headlines and exposing this administration as the bumbling idiots they are, what better way to divert attention than with a war (remember “Wag the Dog”?) or better yet, a surprise trip to a war zone!

Bonus points to the Democrats for finding yet another way to divide our people. I’m watching/hearing conservative talking heads arguing vociferously for and against helping the Ukrainians. On the one hand, what business do we have spending godzillions of dollars defending a two-bit, corrupt country’s borders while we don’t even defend our own? On the other, how can we not defend them and the breadbasket they represent to our NATO allies and halt the advance of an adversary (enemy, really) seeking to expand its territory under the maniacal rule of a thug?

The reason we have the controversy at all is that the wokesters in power have so weakened our economy, our international standing and reputation, have so poisoned our internal discourse, have so fractured our society and understanding of foreign vs. domestic affairs, and have so “fundamentally transformed” us that neither we nor the rest of the world know where the hell we stand on anything!

While Trump boasting that this Russian invasion would not have occurred on his watch doesn’t burnish his image or reputation in my eyes, there is truth in the boast. It is not, however, because of Trump but because of the unmatched power and influence that America had when we were energy independent, had the border relatively under control, exhibited strength and adherence to traditional and conservative principles – all which we began to return to when Trump simply reversed the prior eight years’ “progressiveness”.

The choice doesn’t have to be between spending money at home or spending it abroad. While a tremendous amount of damage has been done by the dysfunctional adolescents in this Administration to both the United States and the balance of power in the world, all we would have to do is abandon the environmental gods and restore our energy independence, invest in our military, seal the border, and act like the sole remaining superpower we are instead of like a bunch of sniveling transgender, victim-celebrating losers who believe in the utopian fantasy that somehow “we can all get along”!

In other word, WE CAN DO BOTH, but no under this Administration! A trip to Kyiv by THIS President isn’t going to convince Putin to withdraw, or the Chinese to stop spying on us, or halt their Taiwan invasion planning, or the North Koreans from further developing their missile and nuclear technology, or the mullahs in Tehran to stop trying to figure out how they can wipe Israel off the map, or the Venezuelans from plotting how they can assimilate their neighbors, etc. etc.!

The chaos wrought by Biden and his Obama-inspired henchmen makes it impossible to predict what the outcome of this latest shiny object effort will be. The MSM are going to extol Biden’s ‘courage’ in the face of extraordinary danger (like Hillary coming under Bosnian sniper fire or similar nonsense) and continue to regurgitate the Democrat talking points, further confusing, dividing and pushing us all down the slippery slope.

Please keep your seat belts fastened, think skeptically and critically on EVERYTHING you read, hear or watch. We live in a Post-Truth world. Don’t parrot the media’s talking points from either the Right OR the Left. Ask yourself whether it makes sense, how it affects you, and PREPARE for a continuation of this Bizarro World.

Others Will Say It Better Than I can…

but I just have to throw my two cents in regarding Biden’s speech last night. It couldn’t have been more sinister, dark, divisive, frankly FASCIST. It’s everything we expected it to be, full of threats, ominous warnings, vitriol, lies, half-truths, deflections, dishonesty, pandering, and so on. What I REALLY worry about is, “Who is listening and nodding as they watched him?” It is THESE stupid, mindless, lemmings/sheep who actually believe his drivel that concern me. Allowed to see the truth they’d be harmless. Poisoned as they are by the excrement emerging from the mouths of the Left, they become a REAL threat to America. Brainwashed and led by radical Democrat demagogues – pick whatever label you want for them: socialists, communists, eco-fascists, anti-Americans, metastatic cancerous leeches…they comprise a force of zombie-like zealot idiots who attack and destroy on command and at will every traditional value, institution, cherished principle that made America great to begin with.

The Democrats/Leftists are what they are and what they have always been. Now that we are in a cold war for the soul of America, the only thing that’s different is that they’re cornered and unhinged and exposed and thus far more dangerous than they’ve been in the past. Their acolytes and lemming followers drool and nod and repeat the slogans and dogma emanating from the sick minds of the puppet masters BEHIND Biden, Pelosi, Schumer and the whole panoply of fools following their lead.

So saturated are the airwaves and print media with the absolute garbage they spew, many otherwise smart, experienced, what I would call NORMAL people are being infected. I hear what should be conservatives, or at least traditionalists regurgitate Leftist talking points. I hear them questioning the morality, values and virtues that they grew up on, that they KNOW are right. I watch them meekly deny their beliefs so as not to offend their already terminal neighbors. I expect a cock to crow as they abandon what they know to be true.

I get it. The Left has so destroyed our sense of meritocracy, of fairness, of good and evil that from our bosses on down we’re silenced into compliance. Should we speak up, our livelihoods are put at risk. Should we actively throw the BS flag on the woke nonsense being megaphoned from human resource departments, in “team building” meetings, etc., we risk at a minimum ostracization, at worst, our jobs.

Speeches like the one Biden gave last night contribute to the corrosion, to the pollution, to the spread of the Leftist cancer.

This guy has to go, of course, but so do all the despicable, pandering, anti-American underlings who lead and also serve the gospel of destruction which forms the basis of the Democrat/Leftist agenda.

“We’re Fed Up”!

I came across this speech by Harriet Hageman, Wyoming Republican candidate to upset Liz Cheney and couldn’t find a transcript. It was so good that I transcribed the “we’re fed up” part of it myself from a Rumble video available here. It enumerates just about everything that stinks about the Biden presidency and the current state of affairs in our country.

“We’re fed up with federal government that doesn’t seem to work for us anymore.
We’re fed up with out of control spending.
We’re fed up with the radical Biden agenda.
We’re fed up with seeing young mothers and fathers who can’t find baby formula for their newborns.
We’re fed up with $6.00 gasoline, and $6.00 diesel
We’re fed up with a shortage of fertilizer for our farmers and the supply chain that has been broken by the incompetence of our federal agencies.
In short we’re fed up with inflation and all of the related monetary policies that have threatened to turn the greatest country on earth into a third world failure.
We’re fed up with the Green New Deal and the socialists who created it.
We’re fed up with the attacks on our fossil fuel and energy industries, the good paying jobs that they support, the incredible standard of living that they provide and the clean an abundant energy that they produce.
We’re fed up with an open border, with human trafficking, with fentanyl flooding our country, and illegal immigration.
We’re fed up with people, countries and organizations who believe that we are responsible for protecting the integrity of the border of every country on earth but not our own.
We’re fed up with Critical Race Theory, with boys competing in girls’ sports, with the radical abortion industry and those extremists who are willing to destroy the Supreme Court to prevent us from being able to protect life.
We’re fed up with the liberal media, Twitter, Facebook, Google, YouTube for blocking conservative speech because they know the democrats cannot debate the merits of the important issues we are facing including Covid 19, law and order, the 2020 election, and even the history of this country.
We’re fed up with people who refuse to recognize that socialism, wherever practiced, has resulted in the deaths of millions of people, abject misery and the destruction of everything good.
We’re fed up with our government and universities censoring conservative thought, cancelling debate and rewriting history.
We’re fed up with the corruption in the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, the CIA the NSA and the FISA court.
We’re fed up with mask mandates, vaccine mandates, the CDC, the NIH, the WHO and the misinformation campaign surrounding Covid 19.
And we’re fed up with Anthony Fauci.
We’re fed up with the politicians and elitists in D.C. who are getting rich while the middle class falls further behind every year.
We’re fed up with Joe Biden, with Nancy Pelosi, with Chuck Schumer.
We’re fed up with the democrats who want to destroy our country and take away our God-given rights as guaranteed to us by our constitution.
We’re fed up with the January 6th Commission and those people who think they can gaslight us. We’re fed up with those types of republicans who work harder to deflect the failures of the current administration than they work to protect us from it.And we’re fed up with Liz Cheney.”

Overturn, Unfounded, Baseless and Other Words Used to Counter the Truth

It continues to anger me that news outlets, including what are supposed to be conservative news outlets, use phrases like “Trump’s attempt to overturn the 2020 election,” or, “Trump’s baseless accusations of election fraud,” or, “The unfounded claims of election tampering”. STOP! He wasn’t trying to overturn anything! He was trying to prevent the wholesale bastardization of our election system, an obvious attempt to submit and count hundreds of thousands of fake ballots, a tsunami of propaganda streaming from the main stream media that sought to crush any dissent concerning the foregoing. THE EVIDENCE WAS NEVER HEARD! IT WAS NEVER PRESENTED IN A COURT THAT HAD ANY GUTS! When Roberts’ knees started shaking and he felt the pressure he buckled and by his unwillingness to hear the Texas suit on procedural grounds, notwithstanding the incredible importance of the matter, all lower courts followed suit with sighs of relief that they wouldn’t have to deal with the problem. And the Right, gentlemanly as always, buckled under as well, letting the crooks get away with it. My conviction, no matter what the supposed “results” showed, remains this: THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL JOSEPH BIDEN RECEIVED 81 million LEGITIMATE VOTES!!! In my opinion, the fraudulent ballots were submitted not just in the key counties that made an electoral difference, but ALL ACROSS THE NATION for him to get such a total. History will prove me right. Some Democrat whistleblower(s), embarrassed, ashamed and contrite for having perpetrated this crime on our country in the face of the disaster this presidency predictably has become, will step forth to reveal the truth. You heard it here first.

What Will The Next Crisis Be?

The Democrats wouldn’t be quadrupling down on their BS unless they had something else ( a crisis or multiple crises) planned for the November election. Whether it’s something external like a massive escalation of the Ukrainian/Russian war fomented by us with more and more cash infusions, or another bug scare, perhaps Ebola this time which is TRULY deadly, their goal will be to perpetuate the mail-out/mail-in fraud so they can surmount the tsunami of legitimate votes against them. The media continues to suppress the truth, Biden and his handlers continue to gaslight too many unthinking, dumbed-down leftist sheep, and the nature of politics is that neither the GOP firebrands nor a coalition of them with the RINO’s may be able to CHECK the fraud in advance. The only way we’re going to know that sufficient protections for a free and fair election are in place is with the stock market anticipating the crushing of the Left, which a major turn around in this bear market will portend. It’s premature for that as we still have to go through the summer of riots, fires, protests, mass shootings, suicides, mysterious deaths, etc. We just have to hang on until, say, Labor Day after which things should become much clearer. If the market doesn’t head straight up by the end of the summer, Katie-bar-the-door. In the meantime, I’m watching reruns of old series like “The Big Bang Theory” to compartmentalize. Sigh…

Head Shakes and Eye Rolls

Scanning the headlines this morning I continue to be sickened by the politicization of EVERYTHING! Biden’s idiotic, hypocritical, sniveling and prevaricative diatribe about gun control is just one example of the bile producing nonsense that passes for news. Anyone with an ounce of common sense knows that guns don’t kill people, people kill people. The facts be damned that in places where gun laws are the most strict, the most gun crime occurs. And the shrill, whining notion that guns are only for hunting is more drivel. No, the 2nd Amendment is there to prevent TYRANNY, exactly the demonic principle the Democrats are so desperately trying to foist on the American people! They are for Self-Defense and the protection of others when assaults occur. And they are occuring with increasing frequency. Armed guards with controlled access at schools (JUST LIKE AT GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS!!!!) is what’s needed. Metal detectors may also be needed, and systems that will remotely lock doors. Eternal vigilance is necessary, not “gun free zones” which are invitations!

Spring, 2022 – Cliché Time

Well here we are. Time flies when you’re having fun! The hits just keep on comin’. Lots of clichés come to mind when describing the Situation. The lunatics are running the asylum is another one. It’s so bad even the Left are having to acknowledge what the sane world realized several years ago. Here’s a quick recap.

The 2016 election was corrupt, but it was the Hillary campaign that perpetrated the fraud and corruption – they just didn’t do it well enough to overcome her horrible candidacy and the degree to which Trump would appeal to Real people.

It wouldn’t take much to uncoil the spring that existed due to Obama’s harmful policies – even an inarticulate New York real estate baron/reality tv star could lead the nation out of the doldrums by simply reversing the stultifying effect of the Obama policies.

It would take more than common sense, courage, imperviousness to criticism, determination and leadership to drain the Swamp. It would take finesse, time and a keen understanding of the way Washington works to root out the dead wood, the corrupt, Leftist rot and RINO lethargy that so infected it. Trump didn’t have time to do it for all the obvious reasons. Better success next time?

The cataclysmic event that was the Trump win would so stir up the status quo that chaos would ensue even if the Left weren’t already well-entrenched in the culture, academia, judiciary, military and above-all, the media. With lots of money and an ardent determination to push the envelope toward “fundamentally transforming” the country and the hysterical Utopian fantasy … abilities honed over 40 plus years of Leftist indoctrination, propaganda and hear-string-pulling Hollywood production values coupled with a fat and happy, incredibly prosperous epoch resulting in an indolent, dumbed-down, incapable-of-critical-thinking population, we were destined to get what we’ve got!

We warned that the damage that could be wrought by a Biden win in 2020 would be incalculable. Irrespective of how you tally the numbers, the results of this administration’s policies (you can’t really blame Biden, he’s just a puppet along for the ride and, led by his nurse Jill, wallowing and luxuriating in all the trappings of the most powerful position in the world!) are plainly evident. So much so, that, OMG, the Leftists are noting that the glass of cabernet or sauv blanc at the restaurant has gone from $10 to $15 and beyond over the last 18 months!

We warned that the 2020 election, and especially the Senate race in Georgia, would be rigged and that mail-in balloting would be an invitation to fraud. Any person who believes Biden got 81 million LEGITIMATE votes needs to have his/her head examined (another cliché, sorry). On this we agreed with Trump, but unfortunately, the Trump team didn’t nip the fraud in the bud (sigh…another cliché, please forgive me) expecting that its win would be insurmountable (at 75 million it SHOULD have been!).


So, here we are, so far down the slippery slope (yes, I know, another cliché), that it will require a daunting, difficult and long term effort to right the ship ( insert wink smiley face here). It will not be enough to halt the idiocy in November. We must consciously, deliberately, transparently, forcefully if necessary, rid the Swamp of its cancerous metastasis and step-by-step work our way back up the hill to where we can once again proudly light a candle and be a beacon for liberty and freedom.

In this regard, I commend to your reading the following article co-authored by the editor of Zero-Hedge and Conrad Black which, predictably, says it better than I ever could:

Hang in there folks. The cavalry is kitting up.

Another Analysis of the 2020 Election

An interesting analysis of the dollars spent by Mark Zuckerberg and no doubt other wealthy leftists to fund a targeted, private takeover of government election operations was published today in the Federalist. In his article, “The 2020 Election Wasn’t Stolen, It Was Bought By Mark Zuckerberg“, William Doyle makes the compelling case that the “unprecedented merger of public election offices with private resources and personnel is an acute threat to our republic, and should be the focus of electoral reform efforts moving forward.”

How much are we talking about? How about $420 million passed into local government elections offices, all of it Zuckerberg’s and all “with strings attached”. The article spells out how that money “had nothing to do with traditional campaign finance, lobbying or other expenses” and everything “to do with financing the infiltration of elections offices at the city and county level by left-wing activists, and using those offices as a platform to implement preferred administrative practices, voting methods, and data-sharing agreements, as well as to launch intensive outreach campaigns in areas heavy with Democratic voters.”

I believe Doyle. His arguments and evidence are not only plausible, but perfectly explain how Joe Biden received 81 million votes. We will never know how many were illegitimately cast, but the meme that Biden got that many legitimate votes requires, to quote a vomit-inducing leftist, “the willful suspension of disbelief.”

I urge my readers to read Doyle’s complete article. It’s persusive, alarming and if we don’t assimilate the reality he paints into our election reform efforts, the 2022 and 2024 elections will without doubt be equally corrupt.

And as regards 2022 and subsequently, 2024. I predict the war that will be fought between the Left and the Right over election integrity will make 2020 look like a cocktail party by comparison. The Left is already doing everything they can to stall examinations into what happened in 2020, using every Alinsky, muckracking and corrupt tactic they can possible muster. As usual, the gentlemenly GOP is trying to “work within the system” to route out corruption.

If the GOP doesn’t put on its big boy pants and start fighting harder, louder, smarter and more effectively to purge election systems of the fraud and abuse that the Democrats are all to willing to promote and accept either directly or indirectly, the Left will have succeeded in guaranteeing themselves permanent power and further hastening the demise of the greatest nation in history.

Inarticulate and shrill as some of the voices on the Right might sound, they barely begin to compete with the verbal diarrhea emanating from the Left. Who will stand up to the Democrats and be sufficiently attractive, articulate, convincing and persuasive as to halt this demonic takeover of our socity that is currently underway? I don’t think it’s Trump. He still scolds and whines like a petulant teenager who can’t string two sentences together without repeating himself five times. His policies are sound. His antipathy towards the media, the Swamp and the Left in general is right on, but he can’t inspire a huge swath of the middle that represents America. To them he’s still a New York real estate thug. He may have been the only one who could have beaten Hillary, but something better than an “I told you so” candidacy is going to be needed to win in 2024.

So who? It’s not one of the firebrands: Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, etc. It’s not Cruz, not Rubio, not a governor like Kristi Noem, nor Greg Abbot, nor Ron DeSantis. None have the broad appeal necessary to bring enough people into the tent. No, it’s going to have to be someone new, someone we haven’t thought of yet, someone who comes out of the woodwork like Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton did. It’s too early to say, to know or to tell. It has to be a surprise, someone who even Trump will endorse and gladly (if not graciously) step aside for. I know everything thinks Trump is a narcissist and would never give up the GOP nomination but I choose to believe he cares enough about the country that he’d do so if the right candidate, whom he could boast to have endorsed, emerges.

But none of it may matter. Neither Trump nor a better candidate will win in 2024 if the GOP doesn’t shellack the Democrats in 2022. And the GOP will not win in 2022 or 2024 regardless of candidates if the corruption and fraud is not routed out of the system before then.

Before I conclude. There is one thing that could peacefully (more or less) shake up the status quo. If either or both Kyrsten Sinema or Joe Manchin were to switch parties, giving control of the Senate to the GOP, THAT would stir the pot!

You heard it from me first.