Is anyone else as disgusted as I am about the in-your-face gender dysphoria sickness? I just read some excerpts from Matt Walsh’s piece entitled “What is a Woman?” and the Left is so over the top bat s crazy that their LGBTQXX “fundamental transformation” has now invaded the most basic attributes of humankind. The dysfunctional losers of our society are so starved for attention that they will resort to either promoting or aligning themselves with this nonsense. Victimhood, outsiders, diversity… all those memes that seek to herald and place deviancy on a pedestal while ignoring the 99% of society who just want to be normal…this is the worst kind of fast spreading cancer. To just assume that the general population don’t buy them doesn’t acknowledge the pernicious impact all of it is having. The constant diet of this crap corrodes, infests, wears on our culture. You see it all around you. Let’s call it what it is: disgusting, sick, depraved, destructive. We went by a restaurant we frequent the other day only to see it decked out in rainbow decorations, filled with hopeful singles and “look at me” same-sex couples, some form of noise trying to pass for music blaring from speakers. Needless to say, we left and found somewhere normal and nice for dinner. I’m so glad I’m not growing up in this world, but I fear daily for my kids and grandkids. Old fart that I am, I’m not able to serve as a GOP chairman or precinct captain, or observer at elections anymore, but I can write checks, and that I will continue to do so long as getting elected depends on $$$!