Woman – Undefined

Is anyone else as disgusted as I am about the in-your-face gender dysphoria sickness? I just read some excerpts from Matt Walsh’s piece entitled “What is a Woman?” and the Left is so over the top bat s crazy that their LGBTQXX “fundamental transformation” has now invaded the most basic attributes of humankind. The dysfunctional losers of our society are so starved for attention that they will resort to either promoting or aligning themselves with this nonsense. Victimhood, outsiders, diversity… all those memes that seek to herald and place deviancy on a pedestal while ignoring the 99% of society who just want to be normal…this is the worst kind of fast spreading cancer. To just assume that the general population don’t buy them doesn’t acknowledge the pernicious impact all of it is having. The constant diet of this crap corrodes, infests, wears on our culture. You see it all around you. Let’s call it what it is: disgusting, sick, depraved, destructive. We went by a restaurant we frequent the other day only to see it decked out in rainbow decorations, filled with hopeful singles and “look at me” same-sex couples, some form of noise trying to pass for music blaring from speakers. Needless to say, we left and found somewhere normal and nice for dinner. I’m so glad I’m not growing up in this world, but I fear daily for my kids and grandkids. Old fart that I am, I’m not able to serve as a GOP chairman or precinct captain, or observer at elections anymore, but I can write checks, and that I will continue to do so long as getting elected depends on $$$!


Just a short note to comment that the reason the Left is so effective at pushing their agenda is that despite their differences, they have a binding precept around which they always coalesce: POWER. Like all collectivists and lemmings, they mass together in one body to vote, cheat, steal, report, bludgeon, infect everything they touch. They put on a good show about being “for the people” and wanting nothing more than to do what’s right for America, but anyone with half a brain, paying attention, knows their evil intent is political domination so they can impose their utopian nonsense on us all.

We used to watch them at the podium self-righteously blather about how everything they do is intended to help the underdogs, the victims of white male racism and privilege, those who are so oppressed they can’t help themselves. Now they don’t even make a pretense of that. They just spit their disgusting Leftist bile out with impunity. They know the media will amplify their vitriol and demagoguery and suppress the truth or any view that departs from the orthodoxy.

These people on the Left are the worst kind of hypocrites, the worst kind of infection and pandemic that befalls mankind. Throughout history the losers and have-nots of the world, the indolent and feckless, the weak-minded and gullible, led by the arrogant and condescending, enticing and demagogic, have demanded to be taken care of, have screamed of their oppression, of inequality, of racism, despite constant opportunities to rise on hard work and merit.

And we on the Right continue to act like ladies and gentlemen, couching our rhetoric in diplomatic terms, in conciliatory tones, in compromising language. We always seek to take the high road because we’re told if we don’t “we’ll be just as bad as they are.”

We encourage and celebrate debate. We think differences of opinion among us are healthy. Both true, and both self-destructive. So long as we allow ourselves to be led by the ladies and gentlemen of the Right, we will see our country continue down the self-destructive path we are on.

The Left loves it. They are guerillas on one hand, and lemmings on the other. They burst out of the underbrush to hurl invectives and ad hominem attacks on the Right, and then when the times are ripe to push their ideology over the goal line, they coalesce and with one voice do the will of their pied piper leaders. So long as the money and ego-food keeps coming, they’re happy not to tug too hard on the strings manipulating them.

The Left is effective in exercising their power, as noted many times, because a complicit tech oligarchy and Leftist main stream media amplify their drivel.

The Right is attempting to counter the tech monopoly/oligarchy. BUT WE ARE FAILING BECAUSE WE’RE TOO FRAGMENTED. We have no unifying leader, no meme or quip or slogan that brings us all together like Newt did with the Contract With America in 1994 which swept the GOP into power for the first time in 40 years.

There are dozens if not hundreds of websites, organizations, movements and efforts dedicated to exposing the truth and the destructiveness of the Biden/Schumer/Pelosi administration. New “platforms” for free speech emerge almost weekly. There are a multitude of “voices” on alternative (i.e. non MSM) media that are heralding the mess we’re in and many offer solutions. The problem is, there are just too many! The conservative think tanks, the right-wing tabloids, the new social media platforms encouraging conservative thought and speech…they’re all great, but the messages that bind us are muddled, unclear, and lack the Hollywood production values the Left so effectively utilize.

Trump is a unifying force in one sense. What he showed America during his four years in office is just how masochistic and destructive the Obama/Leftist “fundamental transformation” movement really was. Inarticulate, self-aggrandizing, politically inept and boorish as he was, all he had to do was reverse the crap Obama laid on us to awaken the country and put us on the path to peace and prosperity. Frankly, anyone with traditional values, basic leadership and communications skills could have done that, but only bombastic Trump had the audacity and chutzpah to beat the Clinton/Leftist machine. And, “Make America Great Again” was the kind of slogan that rallied the Silent Majority to overcome the Leftist cheating/fraud in the 2016 election, much to the surprise and amazement of the American people, the world, and above all, the Clinton Left.

But like any reality tv series, Trump’s arc and the MAGA slogan is in decline. Yes, he still brings out tens of thousands at rallies and there are “just like the good ‘ole days” variations on the MAGA theme.

But only once we are able to rally behind a leader who has the principles of Trump, the stamina, durability and energy of Trump but the attractiveness, inspirational, universally persuasive… perhaps the best all-encompassing word is “righteous” attributes that Trump lacks will we be able to come together, vote and demand fairness, transparency and integrity in voting and politics, and beat back the Leftist cancer that is rapidly killing us.

I don’t see that leader among us. The firebrands and flamethrowers who make us stand up and cheer won’t play well. The erudite old hands will just bend over to be spanked and say “yes sir, may I have more?”. The “rising stars” aren’t going to last through the next disastrous three years.

I think the only one who could fit the bill is a renovated, more polished and inspiring Trump. He still has time to develop a different kind of attractiveness to the full spectrum of our population. He can learn to string two sentences together without repeating himself five times. He can convey what he needs to convey with quips and quotes and barbs and jabs and encouragements that are less caustic to half the population.

In short, if he can reflect between golf greens on becoming a statesmen and leave behind his New York real estate thug past, and this time around be even more bold at fighting the swamp and the media but in more clever, perhaps more measured ways, we just might have in him that leader around which to consolidate our righteous indignation, our effort, our resources, our voice. Then, perhaps, for our children and grandchildren and perhaps a few more generations beyond them, we may be able to destroy the forces of evil embodied by today’s Left.

Tactics of the Left

John Hawkins is one of my favorite conservative authors. In an essay penned back in October 2017 he listed, presciently, how the Left was then destroying and would in the future destroy our culture. With full credit and attribution to Hawkins, who’s full essay is available on Town Hall, here’s a summary:

First, to quote his introduction (Note: I’ve replaced the term “Liberalism with “Leftism, “Liberals” with “Leftists”:

There was a time when we used to be a nation that pushed freedom, responsibility, decency, patriotism and hard work. Some of us still believe in those things, but because of Leftism, much more destructive values have seeped into our culture like toxic waste. There are many ways that Leftists have degraded our culture, but these are the worst of the worst.”

And here’s his list:

1.            The Politicization of Everything.

2.            Political Correctness.

3.            Victimhood.

4.            Leftist Feminism.

5.            Tribalism.

6.            “Non-Judgmentalism”.

Today, one has only to open one’s eyes and ears to see these weapons on display. I would add to his list:

7.            Atheism. While I believe that the only Being in the universe who can prove to you whether He exists or not is God, faith is a very individual thing. By way of contrast, Atheism is a collective imposition of an ideology that doesn’t just eschew faith, but condemns and seeks to eradicate it. It’s obvious that the Left, by seeking to destroy faith, is seeking to replace God with its own brand of religion.

8.            Saturation. The Left seeks to dominate the airwaves in every form and in every medium so as to crowd out, squash, eradicate any dissent.

9.            Falsehood. “Creative Misrepresentation” is the euphemism that Leftist intellectuals use to describe the outright lying and deception used to advance their poisonous ideology. This should be obvious to any paying-attention individual.

10.          Projection. Have you ever noticed that the Left screams at the top of their lungs accusations at the Right that represent precisely what the Left is doing? There is no end to the hypocrisy and deceit they will use to achieve their ends.

11.          Hijacking the Vocabulary. “Choice”, “Social Justice”, “Democratic Socialism”, “Extremism”, “Investment (a.k.a. ‘taxation and spending’), “Science”, “Fair Share”, “The Wealthy”, “Balance”, “Liberal”, “Progressive”, “Racist”, “Undocumented Immigrant”, “Domestic Terrorist”, “Universal Background Checks”, “Assault Rifle”, “Diversity”, “Inclusion”, “Affirmative Action”, “Globalism”, “Climate Change”, “Resistance”, “Human Rights”, “Tolerance”, etc. All of these terms and countless others have been utilized, twisted, turned into Orwell’s Doublespeak, used as euphemisms or been completely destroyed and replaced by the Left.

12.          Revising History. The 1619 Project, the tearing down of historical figure statues, Howard Zinn, the vilification and attempted discrediting of historical leaders like the Founding Fathers…need I say more?

I expect if I thought about it long enough I could expand this list considerably. No matter. My readers know exactly what I’m talking about anyway, and could similarly add to it. The key is to fight, advance and not retreat in the face of these Leftist tactics.

We must pick our battles, yes, but not shun the fight.


I can think of no better word to describe the feeling I had last night watching the Democrat debate. The spectacle gave whole new meaning to the expression “circular firing squad”. What’s more, it highlighted, again, the absurdity of the Democrats’ positions on just about everything.

Trying to focus on the issues at hand was darn near impossible. It was a food fight extraordinaire…a stage where each tried to out-perform the other. Bloomberg hid behind his lectern (.sic), and acted small, arrogant, smug, and clueless and as he tried hard to stoically look ahead while taking deserved incoming fire. Warren was her usual shrill, unhinged self, screeching #metoo platitudes and demonstrating once again how poorly an academic understands the real world. Sanders with his hand and arm gesticulations continues to look like he might fly away, and while he’s authentic alright, he’s authentically idiotic. Poor Joe Biden with his face lift and newly whitened teeth tried his best to look energetic but appeared the geriatric politician completely disconnected from today’s world, still stumbling and unable to find the right words to insert in his sentences and pitching the “good old days” when his boss was President – coattails on which Obama has made him unwelcome. Pete Boot Edge Edge represented himself, and his whole generation of snowflake millennial spoiled brats superbly, demonstrating his glibness and immaturity at the same time. Finally, Amy Klobuchar, a U.S. Senator believe it or not, looked completely outclassed, childishly defensive: “Are you trying to say that I’m dumb? Or are you mocking me here, Pete?”

What a bunch of clowns!

But I flipped to the Phoenix rally that Trump was holding court over and saw, regrettably, another jester’s performance. Trump really doesn’t act like we should expect a President to act. He still acts like he’s running The Apprentice. It’s embarrassing.

But here’s the kicker…Obama, with his nose in the air and his imperious attitude, his eloquence and presence, was highly ‘presidential’, and spent eight years fundamentally trying to transform America into some two-bit foreign midget while Trump, with his bumbling act, is fundamentally trying to save America from that fate. He may be the most inarticulate President we’ve ever had, and contra-presidential in many ways, but his intentions, his actions and his results have been spot on. I wish I could read what historians will write about him 50 years from now.

If I were a Democrat candidate, and I really wanted to defeat Trump in November, I’d embrace his nationalism, embrace his policies, applaud and thank him for his efforts and suggest that with minor tweaks, the path we’re on could be straightened and smoothed to accommodate the other half of the country who want a more liberal or “progressive” (although I’d avoid that term altogether because it’s a joke) approach. I’d adopt a presidential diction, speech and demeanor and present a serious, no-nonsense persona to contrast myself with Trump’s antics.

I’d still lose, of course, because more than 50% of the population, irrespective of Trump, are happy with the Country’s direction and are optimistic about where we’re going. But at least I’d have a chance to help down ballot Democrats with their runs, and I might even have a respectable run myself.

But the Democrats can’t help themselves. They’re so caught up in hysterics, theatrics, hypocrisy, misandry (.sic), megalomania, and victim-celebrating they’ve completely forgotten about the true majority: the millions of Americans with their heads down working hard caring for themselves and their families, supporting their friends and communities, productively contributing to the growth and welfare of our entire Nation. The Democrats have bought into the notion that the disadvantaged, the downtrodden, the tiny minority of true victims should be helped no matter what the cost to the rest of society or the nation.

When I was a kid we used to use the expression “My heart bleeds purple peanut butter for you” when feigning sympathy for a buddy who skinned his knee. I’m not so callous anymore, but I cannot support, for example, crushing the agriculture industry in California by restricting water flows thus jeopardizing farmers and crops and livestock production because some whiny biologists are distraught that a tiny fish might go extinct (I’m referring, of course, to the famous “snail darter” here.)

What about the vast MAJORITY? How about we celebrate the WINNERS? How about we celebrate EXCEPTIONALISM? How about we celebrate INDIVIDUAL ACHIEVEMENT? How about we reserve the use of NANNIES for our toddlers instead of treating everyone as if we needed the government to serve as one.

Trump may be crass, undignified, inarticulate and may appear at times to be off his rocker, but he’s crazy like a fox in that, like Reagan (“just a dumb actor from California” according to the Democrats), he loves this country, he believes a rising tide lifts all boats, that growth (i.e. GROWING the pie instead of trying to slice the pieces thinner and thinner) solves the problems of the vast majority of our people and indeed, for the whole world.

The Democrats whine we’re destroying the planet. While that is simply nonsense (see George Carlin’s famous routine about “Saving the Planet“), my response to the unlikely possibility that mankind will use up ALL of the Earth’s natural resources or somehow so upset Nature that we will all die of carbon dioxide or monoxide poisoning, or that our orbit will decay such that we fall into the Sun, is to go out and find ourselves another planet to live on (which is exactly what we’re doing)!!!

Growth. Prosperity. Equal opportunity, not equal outcomes. To each according to his MERIT, CONTRIBUTION and RESULTS, not his “needs” is the answer. So long as the Democrats continue to whine and stamp their feet, I’ll keep smiling as they seek to destroy one another.


The Forgotten Majority

The Left assiduously and furiously manufactures, celebrates and loudly publicizes victimhood. This gives them a pretense to extort money they can use as currency to gather power, influence and advance their agenda. Meanwhile, the majority of Americans keep their heads down and continue to do their jobs and their best for their families, their friends, their community, their country, and themselves.  

In her exhaustively and incisively researched seminal work, “The Forgotten Man” (Harper Collins, New York, 2007) Amity Shlaes argues conclusively that the Great Depression was man-made and completely avoidable. She borrowed the term “Forgotten Man” from  William Graham Sumner’s use of the term in his 1883 speech of the same name. The Left has always equated the Forgotten Man with those who stood in the bread lines during the Depression. However, Sumner and Shlaes used the term to denote the regular guy who had to pay for all the promises that politicians, both before, during and after Roosevelt made to garner power and control.

I submit that today, the Silent Majority is the Forgotten Man, comprised of similar salt-of-the-earth people who have had to pay for all the promises made by Roosevelt’s intellectual progeny, including today’s Leftists.

It used to be just the snail darter. Remember them? It’s tiny a fish that bleeding-heart enviro-fascists manufactured victimhood for in 1973 to halt completion of a dam in California. The controversy went all the way to the Supreme Court. Long story short, the dam was built, the snail darters relocated all at a cost no doubt of hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not millions to taxpayers. It, however, lined the pockets of the Defenders of the Snail Darters Brigade (I made that up but I can’t help but wonder if money could have been made on a tee-shirt run with that emblazoned on it!) and Leftists were left (.sic) to feel good about how they’d saved a species. As a side note, the environmental shamans themselves assert that 150 species A DAY (!) become extinct. But the snail darter became the cause célèbre du jour and the money, when followed, led right into the wallets of the enviro-fascists, their cohorts and allies.

Today, pick whatever Leftist drivel you wish, on whatever topic you wish: border protection, religion, free speech, 2nd amendment, abortion, gender confusion, climate change, taxation, law and order, national defense, public education, etc. etc. The economic price, the damage to our society and culture, the frightening impact on our children and grandchildren of what the Left has concocted and viciously squeal…the burden will be carried by the hardworking Forgotten Majority who always pay the price, just as they did during the Depression.

When the Left professes to worry about some minority victim being offended, or potentially offended (think Colin Kaepernick and Betsy Ross Nike sneakers) and seek to punish the offenders; when they rewrite history and seek to “fundamentally transform” our nation according to their warped ideology (think the painting over of the George Washington school mural in San Francisco), let’s not forget the majority, The FORGOTTEN Majority.