They Are Going To Try To Crucify DeSantis

Back on September 22nd I gave my two cents on whether Trump or DeSantis ought to be the GOP nominee for 2024. Long story short, I recommended Trump be the standard bearer, and I still feel that way notwithstanding his faults. Here’s why…

Trump has been so vilified, so investigated, so assaulted, he has achieved “victim” status even in the minds of progressives who sense the Left has gone too far. It is a given that now he’s declared his candidacy, the opporesearchers and fake news will continue to work overtime to try to disqualify him from running. But they have little to nothing left to go on. The Merrick Garland special counsel/prosecutor is just so much political flak, and everyone knows it. Now that Trump has been restored to Twitter, he’ll be better able to counter the inevitable BS that will be thrown out there by the MSM and social-media-sphere. As a result, he’s got a certain degree of teflon layered on himself.

DeSantis, on the other hand, is fresh meat for the Left. If he declares, the next two years will consist of endless attempts to discredit him and bring him down. 99% of it will be horse#$%^, but the wear and tear, the debilitating effects of having to fend off the BS, the damage to the GOP as the circular firing squad does the Left’s work for them and gives the MSM tons of material with which to work, will make it difficult for ANY GOP candidate to win.

My preferred/suggested alternative is for DeSantis, who is young, to stay on as Governor of Florida, and let less popular candidates flay at Trump in the Primary. Sitting on the sidelines, supporting Trump’s POLICIES, and continuing to do a good job in Florida, more options open up for him:

If Trump implodes, even as late as Spring of 2024, DeSantis can always be called up from the bench in the 8th inning.

If Trump gets elected, and DeSantis hasn’t opposed him in a primary, he can be drafted to serve in a senior Cabinet position or in some other prominent Administration capacity either right away or in 2026 when his term as Governor expires. There he can be groomed for 2028.

If Trump somehow loses, DeSantis will still have his crown and can serve as the de facto leader of the Right and the GOP, and when termed out as Governor in 2026, can then occupy himself with running for the Presidency in 2028.

In short, Trump is still the GOP’s best bet to win in 2024 so long as there is, in fact, no truth to malfeasance or illegality in his former administration and so long as he can win back soccer moms and at least SOME of the Gen Z’rs who are only now beginning to feel the effects of real life, i.e. consequences for being snowflakes and mega-entitled. If he and his team can introduce some tough love on them but in a way that makes celebrities and heroes out of those who face real-life and thrive (not an easy task, but possible with the right marketing), he could defeat even the most propped up, straight-from-central-casting Leftist candidate like Gavin Newsome.

It’s going to be a long two years.

Keep your seat belts fastened.