Here’s How I Predict Things Will Go Down

Primary season has officially begun. Let me begin with the caveat: BARRING ANY CATACLYSMIC/BLACK SWAN EVENT, the 2024 Election will be the nastiest, bloodiest, most disgraceful, embarrassing and most controversial one yet.

It’s always “the most important election in our lifetime”. That’s like saying, “Today is the first day of the rest of your life,” or “If you get to that fork in the road, take it!”.

I still believe a Black Swan or worse, and “Unknown Unknown” event will take place between now and the election. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the term Black Swan, the Wikipedia description isn’t bad: “an event that comes as a surprise, has a major effect, and is often inappropriately rationalized after the fact with the benefit of hindsight. The term is based on an ancient saying that presumed black swans did not exist, until they were discovered in Australia in 1697, and it then became reinterpreted to mean an unforeseen and consequential event.

Given the chaos that we are now experiencing, I also wouldn’t rule out the “Unknown Unknown”. In 2002 Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld explained, “There are known knowns. There are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns. That is to say, we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, the ones we don’t know we don’t know.”

So, I think either a Black Swan or an Unknown Unknown event (I distinguish between the two only by degree of surprise and impact) will take place before the election.

But barring one of these:

  1. Trump will win the GOP nomination by March.
  2. Biden will win the Dem nomination by March.
  3. In August or latest September 2024 Biden will announce he will not stand for re-election thereby, per the Dem rules, the DNC will appoint a candidate, either Newsome, Michelle or someone who is being groomed right now and will come out of the woodwork.
  4. The nastiness and skullduggery of the DNC as they continue to try to take down Trump will reach unprecedented heights and civil war will ensue in checkout lines and across breakfast and dinner tables.
  5. If the GOP can get their forces aligned and their messaging right, and if they will do WHATEVER IT TAKES TO ENSURE THAT ONLY LEGITIMATE VOTES ARE COUNTED, i.e. DEMAND observation access to the key polling sites around the country where we got screwed in 2020…
  6. Trump will win the election decisively. The GOP will win the Senate and barely retain the House.
  7. The Left will go nuts. There will be civil unrest/demonstrations/riots/destruction that will make the Occupy Wall Street, Hands Up Don’t Shoot, George Floyd, CHAZ, CHOP and January 6th riots look like playground squabbles.
  8. Martial law will be declared.
  9. There will be numerous attempts on Trump’s life. All will be foiled. He will be sworn in January 2025 and will immediately begin to clean up the Swamp, with mixed results.
  10. The REAL insurrection of the Left will continue and the four most tumultuous years in U.S. history will begin (you don’t think the Left is going to stand down do you???!!!)

So much can and will happen between now and January 2025 that I know I’m going to have to modify this prediction, but as I see it right now, that’s what’s going to happen.

We’ll see. Keep your seatbelts fastened.

They Are Going To Try To Crucify DeSantis

Back on September 22nd I gave my two cents on whether Trump or DeSantis ought to be the GOP nominee for 2024. Long story short, I recommended Trump be the standard bearer, and I still feel that way notwithstanding his faults. Here’s why…

Trump has been so vilified, so investigated, so assaulted, he has achieved “victim” status even in the minds of progressives who sense the Left has gone too far. It is a given that now he’s declared his candidacy, the opporesearchers and fake news will continue to work overtime to try to disqualify him from running. But they have little to nothing left to go on. The Merrick Garland special counsel/prosecutor is just so much political flak, and everyone knows it. Now that Trump has been restored to Twitter, he’ll be better able to counter the inevitable BS that will be thrown out there by the MSM and social-media-sphere. As a result, he’s got a certain degree of teflon layered on himself.

DeSantis, on the other hand, is fresh meat for the Left. If he declares, the next two years will consist of endless attempts to discredit him and bring him down. 99% of it will be horse#$%^, but the wear and tear, the debilitating effects of having to fend off the BS, the damage to the GOP as the circular firing squad does the Left’s work for them and gives the MSM tons of material with which to work, will make it difficult for ANY GOP candidate to win.

My preferred/suggested alternative is for DeSantis, who is young, to stay on as Governor of Florida, and let less popular candidates flay at Trump in the Primary. Sitting on the sidelines, supporting Trump’s POLICIES, and continuing to do a good job in Florida, more options open up for him:

If Trump implodes, even as late as Spring of 2024, DeSantis can always be called up from the bench in the 8th inning.

If Trump gets elected, and DeSantis hasn’t opposed him in a primary, he can be drafted to serve in a senior Cabinet position or in some other prominent Administration capacity either right away or in 2026 when his term as Governor expires. There he can be groomed for 2028.

If Trump somehow loses, DeSantis will still have his crown and can serve as the de facto leader of the Right and the GOP, and when termed out as Governor in 2026, can then occupy himself with running for the Presidency in 2028.

In short, Trump is still the GOP’s best bet to win in 2024 so long as there is, in fact, no truth to malfeasance or illegality in his former administration and so long as he can win back soccer moms and at least SOME of the Gen Z’rs who are only now beginning to feel the effects of real life, i.e. consequences for being snowflakes and mega-entitled. If he and his team can introduce some tough love on them but in a way that makes celebrities and heroes out of those who face real-life and thrive (not an easy task, but possible with the right marketing), he could defeat even the most propped up, straight-from-central-casting Leftist candidate like Gavin Newsome.

It’s going to be a long two years.

Keep your seat belts fastened.

Trump Vs. DeSantis

The speculation, the anticipation, the prognostication, the betting is all well underway. What will the 2024 ticket look like? Here are my two cents.

In my opinion, Trump running and DeSantis staying as Governor of Florida then being “anointed” in 2028 is the best scenario. Here is my reasoning.

Trump has been so accosted, character-assassinated, put through the ringer and maligned, with the Dems throwing everything at him, with his Teflon holding fast, he can do a grand “I told you so” and pick up where he left off, except with a sharper saber applied to the Swamp. While he is nowhere near the leader/statesman who SHOULD be in the Oval Office, he is the proven street fighter who will not shrink from the fight, is beholden to no-one and will be able to do the most good for the country of any GOP candidate.

Were DeSantis to be the nominee, he would be crucified and doesn’t have the wealth and may not have sufficient armor to withstand the inevitable onslaught from the Left. The attacks will be even more relentless than they were against Trump, and the painful turning of hearts and minds away from the Leftist BS to get independents to support DeSantis will become difficult.

Trump would have no problem with his base, and RINO’s will swallow hard and pull the lever for him against a Biden (choke), Harris (barf) or straight from central casting Newsome. And just tolerate or hate Trump, the Right realizes if they stay home that’s tantamount to letting the country continue on its road to hell. Friends of mine who indeed, HATE Trump, understand this, and even if their choice is between two evils, there is no question in their minds that the greater evil is the Democrat Left.

With Trump in the White House and men like Abbott and DeSantis on his flanks, not to mention the stalwarts in the press/media and politicians who have stuck by him throughout the RINO transformation/distancing that has occurred since 2020, Trump would have an unparalleled opportunity to not just halt the demise of our nation, but start what will be the difficult, long term challenge of putting it back on its feet.

What do I think WILL happen? I don’t pay attention to ANY of the polls. I don’t care what the pundits say. I don’t have my finger on the pulse of every generation, just my own, but with enough idiocy manifested by the Democrats, in the absence of any cataclysmic event like the onset of WWIII, in which case all bets are off…I think America at its core knows BS when it sees it, and the Dems have not just overplayed their hand, but may have permanently shot their utopian fantasy/perpetual power dream in the private parts.

We can only hope and pray.

Spring, 2022 – Cliché Time

Well here we are. Time flies when you’re having fun! The hits just keep on comin’. Lots of clichés come to mind when describing the Situation. The lunatics are running the asylum is another one. It’s so bad even the Left are having to acknowledge what the sane world realized several years ago. Here’s a quick recap.

The 2016 election was corrupt, but it was the Hillary campaign that perpetrated the fraud and corruption – they just didn’t do it well enough to overcome her horrible candidacy and the degree to which Trump would appeal to Real people.

It wouldn’t take much to uncoil the spring that existed due to Obama’s harmful policies – even an inarticulate New York real estate baron/reality tv star could lead the nation out of the doldrums by simply reversing the stultifying effect of the Obama policies.

It would take more than common sense, courage, imperviousness to criticism, determination and leadership to drain the Swamp. It would take finesse, time and a keen understanding of the way Washington works to root out the dead wood, the corrupt, Leftist rot and RINO lethargy that so infected it. Trump didn’t have time to do it for all the obvious reasons. Better success next time?

The cataclysmic event that was the Trump win would so stir up the status quo that chaos would ensue even if the Left weren’t already well-entrenched in the culture, academia, judiciary, military and above-all, the media. With lots of money and an ardent determination to push the envelope toward “fundamentally transforming” the country and the hysterical Utopian fantasy … abilities honed over 40 plus years of Leftist indoctrination, propaganda and hear-string-pulling Hollywood production values coupled with a fat and happy, incredibly prosperous epoch resulting in an indolent, dumbed-down, incapable-of-critical-thinking population, we were destined to get what we’ve got!

We warned that the damage that could be wrought by a Biden win in 2020 would be incalculable. Irrespective of how you tally the numbers, the results of this administration’s policies (you can’t really blame Biden, he’s just a puppet along for the ride and, led by his nurse Jill, wallowing and luxuriating in all the trappings of the most powerful position in the world!) are plainly evident. So much so, that, OMG, the Leftists are noting that the glass of cabernet or sauv blanc at the restaurant has gone from $10 to $15 and beyond over the last 18 months!

We warned that the 2020 election, and especially the Senate race in Georgia, would be rigged and that mail-in balloting would be an invitation to fraud. Any person who believes Biden got 81 million LEGITIMATE votes needs to have his/her head examined (another cliché, sorry). On this we agreed with Trump, but unfortunately, the Trump team didn’t nip the fraud in the bud (sigh…another cliché, please forgive me) expecting that its win would be insurmountable (at 75 million it SHOULD have been!).


So, here we are, so far down the slippery slope (yes, I know, another cliché), that it will require a daunting, difficult and long term effort to right the ship ( insert wink smiley face here). It will not be enough to halt the idiocy in November. We must consciously, deliberately, transparently, forcefully if necessary, rid the Swamp of its cancerous metastasis and step-by-step work our way back up the hill to where we can once again proudly light a candle and be a beacon for liberty and freedom.

In this regard, I commend to your reading the following article co-authored by the editor of Zero-Hedge and Conrad Black which, predictably, says it better than I ever could:

Hang in there folks. The cavalry is kitting up.


Just a short note to comment that the reason the Left is so effective at pushing their agenda is that despite their differences, they have a binding precept around which they always coalesce: POWER. Like all collectivists and lemmings, they mass together in one body to vote, cheat, steal, report, bludgeon, infect everything they touch. They put on a good show about being “for the people” and wanting nothing more than to do what’s right for America, but anyone with half a brain, paying attention, knows their evil intent is political domination so they can impose their utopian nonsense on us all.

We used to watch them at the podium self-righteously blather about how everything they do is intended to help the underdogs, the victims of white male racism and privilege, those who are so oppressed they can’t help themselves. Now they don’t even make a pretense of that. They just spit their disgusting Leftist bile out with impunity. They know the media will amplify their vitriol and demagoguery and suppress the truth or any view that departs from the orthodoxy.

These people on the Left are the worst kind of hypocrites, the worst kind of infection and pandemic that befalls mankind. Throughout history the losers and have-nots of the world, the indolent and feckless, the weak-minded and gullible, led by the arrogant and condescending, enticing and demagogic, have demanded to be taken care of, have screamed of their oppression, of inequality, of racism, despite constant opportunities to rise on hard work and merit.

And we on the Right continue to act like ladies and gentlemen, couching our rhetoric in diplomatic terms, in conciliatory tones, in compromising language. We always seek to take the high road because we’re told if we don’t “we’ll be just as bad as they are.”

We encourage and celebrate debate. We think differences of opinion among us are healthy. Both true, and both self-destructive. So long as we allow ourselves to be led by the ladies and gentlemen of the Right, we will see our country continue down the self-destructive path we are on.

The Left loves it. They are guerillas on one hand, and lemmings on the other. They burst out of the underbrush to hurl invectives and ad hominem attacks on the Right, and then when the times are ripe to push their ideology over the goal line, they coalesce and with one voice do the will of their pied piper leaders. So long as the money and ego-food keeps coming, they’re happy not to tug too hard on the strings manipulating them.

The Left is effective in exercising their power, as noted many times, because a complicit tech oligarchy and Leftist main stream media amplify their drivel.

The Right is attempting to counter the tech monopoly/oligarchy. BUT WE ARE FAILING BECAUSE WE’RE TOO FRAGMENTED. We have no unifying leader, no meme or quip or slogan that brings us all together like Newt did with the Contract With America in 1994 which swept the GOP into power for the first time in 40 years.

There are dozens if not hundreds of websites, organizations, movements and efforts dedicated to exposing the truth and the destructiveness of the Biden/Schumer/Pelosi administration. New “platforms” for free speech emerge almost weekly. There are a multitude of “voices” on alternative (i.e. non MSM) media that are heralding the mess we’re in and many offer solutions. The problem is, there are just too many! The conservative think tanks, the right-wing tabloids, the new social media platforms encouraging conservative thought and speech…they’re all great, but the messages that bind us are muddled, unclear, and lack the Hollywood production values the Left so effectively utilize.

Trump is a unifying force in one sense. What he showed America during his four years in office is just how masochistic and destructive the Obama/Leftist “fundamental transformation” movement really was. Inarticulate, self-aggrandizing, politically inept and boorish as he was, all he had to do was reverse the crap Obama laid on us to awaken the country and put us on the path to peace and prosperity. Frankly, anyone with traditional values, basic leadership and communications skills could have done that, but only bombastic Trump had the audacity and chutzpah to beat the Clinton/Leftist machine. And, “Make America Great Again” was the kind of slogan that rallied the Silent Majority to overcome the Leftist cheating/fraud in the 2016 election, much to the surprise and amazement of the American people, the world, and above all, the Clinton Left.

But like any reality tv series, Trump’s arc and the MAGA slogan is in decline. Yes, he still brings out tens of thousands at rallies and there are “just like the good ‘ole days” variations on the MAGA theme.

But only once we are able to rally behind a leader who has the principles of Trump, the stamina, durability and energy of Trump but the attractiveness, inspirational, universally persuasive… perhaps the best all-encompassing word is “righteous” attributes that Trump lacks will we be able to come together, vote and demand fairness, transparency and integrity in voting and politics, and beat back the Leftist cancer that is rapidly killing us.

I don’t see that leader among us. The firebrands and flamethrowers who make us stand up and cheer won’t play well. The erudite old hands will just bend over to be spanked and say “yes sir, may I have more?”. The “rising stars” aren’t going to last through the next disastrous three years.

I think the only one who could fit the bill is a renovated, more polished and inspiring Trump. He still has time to develop a different kind of attractiveness to the full spectrum of our population. He can learn to string two sentences together without repeating himself five times. He can convey what he needs to convey with quips and quotes and barbs and jabs and encouragements that are less caustic to half the population.

In short, if he can reflect between golf greens on becoming a statesmen and leave behind his New York real estate thug past, and this time around be even more bold at fighting the swamp and the media but in more clever, perhaps more measured ways, we just might have in him that leader around which to consolidate our righteous indignation, our effort, our resources, our voice. Then, perhaps, for our children and grandchildren and perhaps a few more generations beyond them, we may be able to destroy the forces of evil embodied by today’s Left.


A Psychological Operation or PSYOP is one which conveys information and indicators that are intended to influence audiences (enemies in military parlance) in one way or another. The information may be true, selectively true, deliberately false, surreptitiously false, deliberately vague or misleading, intended to incite behavior of one sort or another…you get the idea. We’ve all seen enough movies that involve PSYOPs in the plot to understand what it is. Applying the term to what the Left does may seem inflammatory, but perfectly describes what they’re doing.

I’ve referred previously to the term “production values” as the elements of a message that when skillfully put together evoke strong emotions: heart string pulls, angry reactions, deer-in-the-headlights behavior, etc. Those elements include everything from powerful rhetoric and diction to mood music, visual effects, other “special effects” coupled with the gazillion-watt amplification of social and main-street media, and the allure of money and power that unfortunately drives so much of human behavior.

Production values are a key component of PSYOP. And it works on both sides of the ideological aisle. Go ahead, click on I just did and this is what comes up, among other things:

Now, click on Beitbart and this is what you get:

I place both these sites in the category of what I call “PSYOPs for Money”. These are profit-seeking entities both using PSYOPS to stir their readers/audiences to frequent and patronize their sites so they can maximize advertising dollars.

But what about the PSYOPS that are NOT seeking profit but are intended to mislead even the most plugged in, most savvy investigators, not to mention the public at large. Remember that graphic we saw last November depicting data flowing around the world, supposedly proving that Hammer and Scorecard were used to steal the election?

This and the accompanying data was a fundamental element of Mike Lindell’s exposé “Absolute Proof”.

Turns out, the analysis was provided by a huckster with a checkered past named Dennis Montgomery. (For a full explanation of this whole affair, read the reporting by Gateway Pundit here and here.) Among other skullduggeries Montgomery swindled more than $100k out of Sheriff Joe Arpaio. We still haven’t found out who paid (if anyone) Montgomery to create this narrative, but some day maybe we will.

I am of the firm belief that both Mike Lindell and Joe Arpaio (and Sydney Powell, Michael Flynn, Tom McInerny and others) are among many ardent patriots who were and are trying to get to the bottom of what happened last November 6th. No sane, critical thinking, reasonably objective person believes that Basement/Addled Joe legitimately won 81 million votes.  But my point is that there is so much PSYOP produced information and misinformation out there that we still have not been able to prove without a doubt, or at least prove sufficiently such that it would stand up in court, all of the fraud and shenanigans we rationally believe stole the election for Biden.

And this is what the Left cleverly and evilly want – they can’t prove the election was legitimate so they’re aim is to delegitimize any honest inquiry concerning its illegitimacy by creating CHAOS. THAT, I submit, is exquisitely executed PSYOP.

Unfortunately, as a result of the Left’s success at creating chaos no justice will prevail concerning the 2020 elections for president and the two Georgia senate seats. Admonitions that “the Truth will prevail” represent wishful thinking. It may, but not likely in our lifetimes. Historians will someday, I pray, look back on this episode with conviction that the elections of 2020 were the most corrupt in U.S. history. But the chaos has been so effective that “truth” has gone the way of moral relativism. It doesn’t really exist at all in the minds of many!

So where does this leave us?

1.            The old maxim, “You can’t believe everything you read or see on television” still holds true.

2.            We must stop echoing what we “wish” to believe. Even if true, the general public, including persuadable independents and democrats with brains, don’t want to listen to chest-pounding and angry epitaphs from the Right. It just turns them off.

3.            The Left won’t listen to facts or reason, of course, but at this point that other old maxim, this one from Napolean is also wise: “Never interrupt the enemy when he is making a mistake.” I believe the Left has, characteristically, overplayed their hand and are starting to make complete fools of themselves. Let ’em do it.

4.            Finally, we MUST, on the other hand, selectively throw the BS flag on what the Left is spouting. Be careful not to expose just how pissed off you are about what they’re doing. Rather, let the Leftist you’re talking to think you’re either a Leftist yourself or independent and simply ask questions. Scratch your head and ask, for example, “What do you think the implications are of letting in all these illegals through the Southern Border?” Resist the temptation to rip your debate opponent’s head off, but firmly call out their nonsense. And when they devolve into calling you a racist (as they will inevitably do) just express concern and sympathy that your antagonist is suffering from the psychological disorder called Projection. It will both belittle him or her, although I hasten to point out that Leftists are impossible to shame because as collectivists their hive-minds deflect any sense of it, but pointing out their illness will make you feel better as you walk away. Alternatively, you can play the “I know you are but what am I?” children’s game. Either will probably enrage them and at that point, you can also feel good about having kept your own cool and having won the debate.

As an aside, I want to refer my readers to a couple of articles that I found helpful and instructive. The first, How to Fight the Left Effectively, discusses in so many words how PSYOPS have prepared the battlefield for the conflict we’re engaged in, and how not to get conned. The other, The Six Steps To Dealing With Liberal Friends And Family written back in 2008, ( a decidedly different time ) deals with how to walk softly when dealing with Leftist friends and family.

Finally, as I have been preaching since the Spring, don’t be lulled into thinking that the Truth Cavalry is coming or that people will be going to jail for the treason they’ve committed against the country, or that you and your buddies are going to “suit up” for a REAL insurrection. Rather, keep your powder dry, your heads in the game and on a swivel and continue to educate yourselves, using critical thinking to see through the PSYOPs. That, and GET INVOLVED locally. Don’t just stand there and gripe. DO SOMETHING to push the pendulum back the other way like those courageous parents are doing at school board meetings in Loudon County, or Tatiana Ibrahim in Carmel, NY (if you haven’t seen this, you MUST, it’s truly inspiring!)

The Real Existential Threat

HR1 is every bit as bad as we predicted it would be. Same goes for the other bills the Leftist mob is trying to ram down our throats. There are not enough pejorative adjectives and adverbs to describe the depth of the depravity, their willingness to do anything, say anything to garner power and lord over us.

What is so galling to so many Americans is that the Democrats/Leftists were allowed to not just fraudulently steal the 2020 election, but the two Senate seats in Georgia as well. The GOP were truly deer-in-the-headlights after November 3rd. Had we one even ONE of the seats we would have maintained the Senate majority and had a shot at stopping the onslaught in its tracks. So conniving, so dishonest, so evil is the Cabal’s machine that the honest voters in America never had a chance! Our election officials failed us. Our legislators failed us. Our governors failed us. Even our judiciary at the local, state and federal level, all the way up to the Supreme Court failed us. And the military, whom we hoped would step in, failed us as well. We have only ourselves to blame for this abrogation of adult responsibility!

Obviously the Fourth Estate and Big Tech’s control of social media had a lot to do with this takeover by the Left. As I consciously didn’t watch, listen or read any of the Leftist propaganda during the election cycle I was only in passing aware of how destructive the misinformation and resultant brainwashing was. While the notion that Biden got 80 million + legitimate votes is unadulterated nonsense, that he would get even 50% of that number speaks to how good a job the Cabal did at not just obscuring perception but altering it completely for millions upon millions of gullible, non-thinking voters. And as we all know, perception IS reality. Thus, even committed, traditionalist voters were swayed to vote either for the Democrat ticket, or against Trump. And now look what we’ve got!

We frequently hear the phrase from the oath of office, “…support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.” Who domestic enemies are is defined in Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. Essentially, it is those who “have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same (the United States) or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.”

With that background, have the Democrats given aid to enemies of the United States? Are not members of the Obama administration and now the Biden administration doing exactly that by joining or now rejoining the so-called “Iran Nuclear Deal?” Or the Paris Climate Accord? Doesn’t the imposition of draconian lockdowns that damage our industry and commerce weaken us and therefore put us at a disadvantage against our economic and military adversaries? Doesn’t turning our armed forces and intelligence agencies into social engineering experiments similarly weaken us against our enemies? Does the incurring of debt obligations so great that they make us incredibly vulnerable to debt holders who could simply refuse to buy our debt, thus sending interest rates skyrocketing with devastating effect on our economy not qualify as aiding our enemies? Doesn’t creating mass chaos at our Southern Border with all its consequences also aid them?

The conclusion is obvious. It is precisely the Democrat Party and its megalomaniacal leaders who are domestic enemies. They of course continuously and egregiously guilty of projection and claim the opposite – that Republicans, Conservatives, even non-partisans who don’t fall in line behind their woke, socialist, some would say communist, agenda are the domestic enemies. Saul Alinsky is jumping up and down for joy in his grave!

But it is the Democrats altogether, not just the lunatic fringe of the “Squad” and other wackos who are destroying our country right before our eyes. It’s been happening for years…death by a thousand cuts, but in 2020 the leftist Cabal finally achieved what they weren’t able to achieve since Obama’s first term…total control over our politics. Then there was still some lip service paid to written and unwritten rules of political and ethical conduct. Now the Democrats don’t even bother trying to maintain some semblance of patriotism or normalcy. They are completely, radically, unhinged!

With the help of the wokies in the media, who are also domestic enemies, we’ve entered Bizarro-World where lies are truth and truths are lies, good is evil and evil is good, where up is down and down is up…a state fomented by the Democrats all consciously and deliberately intended to ride roughshod over their political opposition, the welfare of our country and its people be damned!

Bottom line is, these Leftist politicians and media types are by their completely visible and transparent actions domestic enemies and by extension represent an existential threat to our republic. Is it any wonder that there is talk of secession and armed rebellion? Until these enemies begin to face consequences for what they’re doing they will continue pushing their idiocy.

The understatement of the moment is, “It’s getting rather sporty out there.” Someone the other day said, “If I hear one more person say, ‘hang in there’, I think I’ll deck him!” We’re way past that. The cavalry (.sic) isn’t coming and we’re going to have to think and act every day like our families’ futures hang in the balance.

They do.

I’ve started using my coffee cup with the slogan “No More Mister Nice Guy” on it. I’m writing checks to every cause supporting freedom and our constitution that I come across. I’m not lowering my voice in restaurants when I speak of the damage the Democrats are doing. I don’t keep my mouth shut anymore when I hear drivel or nonsense come out of the mouth of a wokie. If someone condescendingly tells me to put on my mask I reply, “You’re wearing yours, so you’re protected. I’m protected by common sense and REAL Science! I try to remain civil, but “I’m mad as hell and I’m not gonna take it anymore.”

What We Can Do About This

We ask ourselves, “What can we do to rebel against this Leftist surge without resorting to armed conflict?” There ARE things we can do. We often think, however, that one bit of effort on our part won’t make any difference. Perhaps not, but the one bit of effort on the part of MILLIONS can and will!

The fight begins with the courage to speak out. Someone suggested that at every opportunity, we state boldly, “Democrats are demonstrably, certifiably and manifestly RACIST!” That’s the truth and we need to state that individually and collectively. If millions get on board with the simple phrase: “Democrats are Racists”, all their banal vituperations, stamping of feet an histrionics will demonstrate what we traditionalists already know and further expose them to the somnolent lemmings who follow their hyena leaders.

Second, someone once said, “When your enemy is in the midst of doing something stupid, don’t stand in their way.” The 25th Amendment/Impeachment shenanigans is complete and utter idiocy. The accusation that Trump incited the riot at the Capitol is beyond ridiculous. The talk about censoring Republican congressmen who have voiced support for Section 530 repeal should be ejected from government is childish bullying. The demand that companies refrain from hiring Trump staffers is so over the top that only the most vindictive bottom-feeders would pay 2 cents worth of attention to it. So, let them keep it up and don’t stand in their way. The Democrats look more and more stupid and petulant by the day…no, by the HOUR!

Third, stop supporting Amazon, Facebook, Google, etc. I know it’s tough to shun Amazon. They have done to online shopping what FedEx did to snail mail. The conveniences afforded by Amazon and its ubiquity makes it particularly difficult. But there ARE alternatives. Search online for suppliers by simply looking up what you need. There’s almost always a small company or store who supplies what you’re looking for although you may have to go through several screens of search results to find them. Just today I was able to acquire a vitamin supplement that I “subscribed” on Amazon from a small online supplier. Cost differential…1% more. Time-to-delivery differerential….we’ll see, but I suspect no more than one day more than if I had ordered from Amazon.

And as for the search engines and web browsers, messenger apps, social connectivity and email providers you so commonly use: Google, Chrome, iMessage, FaceTime, Outlook…I strongly urge everyone to move to alternatives. For a search engine, use DuckDuckGo. For a web browser, use DuckDuckGo’s own web browser or Opera. Do NOT use Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge, Internet Explorer…these are all owned and operated by Leftists. For messenger app, I’m exploring either Telegram or Signal. I think I’m going to end up with Telegram because I like the anti-tech and anti-government/anti-tyranny attitude of its founders. It also streams content like Twitter does, so it serves a dual purpose. For social connectivity I have liked Parler but until it’s back online after its banishment from Amazon and Apple, all my favorite bloggers/commentators have moved to Telegram or Gab. I like Telegram better because the Gab guys seem “off” somehow, castigating Telegram as they have. As for email, I’m trying to figure out how to move from Outlook, which is part of my Office 365 Suite, to something like Proton mail. And, I’m looking at both LibreOffice and OpenOffice as alternatives to Office 365 anyway.

It’s not going to be comfortable or easy. As foreseen and cunningly planned by our new tech masters, the price of “free” is bondage. We have now so inculcated their products, channels, pipelines, apps, networks, etc. into our lives that it’s going to be difficult to extricate ourselves from their clutches.

But we must!

Again you think, “What difference is it going to make if I, one person, do this?” The answer, once again, is, “Virtually no difference.” But if MILLIONS do this, it’s going to hit these companies right where it hurts…in their wallets. Our journey/climb back up the slippery slope begins with one courageous soul taking the first step up the hill.

And as for government. It’s corrupt. It’s elitist. The judicial system is poisoned, biased and rigged against truth and justice. At every turn, we’re fighting not just Big Tech but City Hall, and City Hall has become predominantly and increasingly populated with Leftist thugs, Leftist morons, megalomaniacs, woke dysfunctional adolescents, limousine liberals to whom the rules don’t apply, or RINO’s who are far more concerned about their own skins than the people whom they’re supposed to serve. We must, nevertheless, attend the grass roots town meetings listening carefully until our temperatures rise sufficiently that we stand up and throw down the BS flag. I’ve seen time and time again that when a courageous patriot stands up and calls out Leftist idiocy and idiots in the public square, a lot of people agree and then also had the courage to stand up and push back on the drivel spewing forth from the Democrats’ and statists’ mouths!

A caution. We need to watch our backs. The Leftists have brainwashed so many otherwise sensible people into thinking the wildest and most ignorant things about our country, about the Trump presidency, about conservatives and constitutionalists and nationalists, that your own employer may very well persecute you in one way or another if you give any indication that you’re not “woke”. There are times to speak up and speak out and times to guardedly remain silent. Mixing religion or politics with work is foolhardy. If you’re constantly being fed Leftist propaganda by your employer, however, it’s time to start looking for another job.

And there WILL be other jobs. They wanted WOKE? They got AWAKE! Politically neutral and meritocratic, traditionally led and managed companies and organizations will not just spring up, but grow rampantly over the next few weeks and months. Keep you eyes open, your ear to the ground, and opportunity will arise from this debacle and current state of Idiocracy.

Hang in there people. Keep your seat belts fastened, your tray tables and seat backs in their full, upright position.


So, the Electoral College submitted their votes, and even Newsmax reluctantly dubbed Biden “President Elect”, but seven states also registered competing votes!

I will never accept that the American People selected a bumbling, demented, hyper-corrupt puppet spewing nothing but carefully crafted verbal diarrhea as its leader. President Trump must use every legal power he has to arrest this national travesty of an election and ensure Biden, and more accurately, Harris, never take office. I for one will support him because our constitutional republic teeters in the balance.

Where do we go from here?

The tsunami of, frankly, unadulterated nonsense that it’s all over, Biden won and we need to “move on” seems overwhelming. What’s been interesting to see is who continues to fight for the truth and the proper result to this election, and who has capitulated to the Leftist mob. So many Republicans have given up… they represent the professional political class worried only about their own skins. “Live to fight another day” is their cry!

To that I throw the BS flag! They’re cowards, weaklings and deserve to be thrown off the field of battle for their treason. How ANY self-respecting, elected GOP legislator or executive could let this travesty of an election stand disgusts me.

But I digress. As I have stated numerous times, I will not concede unless Trump does. I earlier said I’d concede if the Supreme Court rules Biden won, but they haven’t. They’ve used procedural arguments to absolve themselves of responsibility for this fiasco. From what little I know of jurisprudence, the door is still very much open to the right case brought before them, but so far it appears the only way this debacle will be rectified is with some pretty dramatic action on Trump’s part: the invocation of his 2018 Executive Order, the rejection of the Electoral College vote count on January 5th, or the ignoring of the fallacious Democrat electoral votes when they are read by Vice President Pence.

This situation is so dire, and the Democrats’ deceit, fraud and felonies so egregious, I hope the boom gets lowered on these despicable, megalomaniacal oxygen wasters!

And that just might happen!

I have not given up and will fight, with words and as much influence as I can wield, till it’s over.

And it ain’t over!

Stalwart, Steadfast

It’s December 7th, the anniversary of Pearl Harbor, and as each day goes by the evidence of election fraud keeps growing and the flak meant to obscure the truth gets thicker. Turn on the vast majority of ‘news’ programs and it’s all about what ‘President-Elect” Biden will do in his first term. “It’s a done deal, stick a fork in it, Trump and the 70+ million who voted for him are just whining, sore losers.” “The people have spoken, Biden will be inaugurated in January.”

To all that I throw the BS flag down on the field and remain steadfast in the following:

a) the election was flawed from the start;

b) There was a deliberate exploitation by the Democrats of the security loopholes to manufacture fraudulent vote totals for Biden,

c) This is still 2020. That means expect the unexpected, and

d) I will not concede this election until Trump does and/or the Supreme Court rules that it’s over.

As Alinsky preached and Cloward and Piven extrapolated, the way to “fundamentally transform” America is to “overwhelm the system”…create so much chaos that the people give up fighting and look to the government to “save” them. Sound kinda like what we see today?

Except these three radicals fundamentally underestimated the Good in the majority of Americans who believe in freedom, self-determination, fairness, truth and other traditional principles that are the underpinning of this great land! Americans who cherish these things will hold the line and defend them against the writhing Evil that is, desperately trying to consume the Good.

The cheating, fraud and manipulation of the vote was so widespread across the country, and particularly in the corrupt strongholds in various key cities, that it threatens to overwhelm the legal, political and societal outcry that is pushing back.Our system of justice has been so weaponized and become so complex and ambiguous that the Democrats seem to be able to swat the challenges aside like flies.

Which of the state legislatures has enough courage to stand and assert power over the appointment of or withholding of electors? Which judges have the moral courage and conviction to call time out on this cataclysmic and monumental travesty of an election? Do 5 or 6 justices of SCOTUS have the wisdom and strength to halt the insanity and right this ship before it goes under? Will we look back at this moment as the moment the forces of Evil overran the Good, or the moment when the Evil onslaught was halted in its tracks and Good prevailed? THIS TRULY IS A TIPPING POINT for our country and western civilization.

The war ebbs and flows, but Truth, Right and Good will ultimately prevail over the Cabal that is so against them.

May the clarion call for truth and freedom remain loud, clear and unwavering and may God bless our nation, our leaders and our institutions to do what is Right!