Leftist Vocabulary & Euphemisms

I’m so fed up with the Left redefining terms and creating euphemisms. “Progressives”?? Hardly! How about “Socialists” or “Leftists” which is what they really are! They so bastardized the term “Liberal” they had to come up with something else. (Ironically, it’s now Conservatives/Traditionalists who are Liberal!)

“Gay”? How about “Homosexual”?

“Undocumented Immigrant”? How about “Illegal Alien”?

“Immigration Reform”? Nonsense! It’s really “Amnesty”!

“Equity”? This is a particularly devious bastardization of “Equality”. It goes to the heart of socialism versus meritocracy, to the issue of equality of opportunity versus equality of outcome.

“Fair Share”? More like “Disproportionate Taxation of the Wealthy” and the underpinning of obscene redistribution.

“Cognitive Decline” (particularly as used in connection with Joe Biden). Really, it’s “Dementia”

“Abortion”, “Euthanasia” or “Assisted Suicide”. How about simply “Murder”, the immoral taking of a human life.

“Pro-Choice”…not really. It’s really “Pro-Abortion”.

“Investments” = “Government Spending”

“Fetus”? How about an “Unborn Child”

“Gender Reassignment”. Really, a sex change.

“Economically Disadvantaged Area”? How about, simply, “Ghetto”?

“Hate Speech”? Anything the Left disagrees with.

“Homophobia” – what the Left ascribes to anyone who disagrees with the LBGTXXX agenda.

“Rainforest” = “Jungle”

“Substance Abuse” = “Drug Addiction”

“Unpaid Sex Worker” = a “Wife” or “Girlfriend”

“Wetlands” – what the Left call “Swamps”

“World Community” – a euphemism for the “New World Order” of “Globalism”.

“Community” = “Government”

“Climate Change” (aka “Global Warming”) which really is a rallying cry for rabid environmentalism.

 “Thought Crime” – anything the Left doesn’t like.

The secularization of language by the Left in an attempt to banish all references to God is another thing that really angers me. There are dozens of examples, but one that particularly galls me is the change of B.C./A.D. which means “Before Christ” and Anno Domini (In the Year of Our Lord) to the godless “B.C.E. and C.E.” which mean “Before the Common Era” and “Common Era.”

I’m getting angrier and angrier just writing this! Truly, the Left seek to “fundamentally transform” our God blessed Nation into a communist/socialist/totalitarian/atheistic hellhole. They think secularization is the foundation for Utopia. Anyone with half a usable brain and a basic knowledge of history knows that every time Leftist policies have been enacted or practiced they have only succeeded in necrotizing society.

I say we reject accepting their alternative definitions, their euphemistic terms and revert back to the words and terms that accurately describe the cancer they’re trying to spread!