Leftist Vocabulary & Euphemisms

I’m so fed up with the Left redefining terms and creating euphemisms. “Progressives”?? Hardly! How about “Socialists” or “Leftists” which is what they really are! They so bastardized the term “Liberal” they had to come up with something else. (Ironically, it’s now Conservatives/Traditionalists who are Liberal!)

“Gay”? How about “Homosexual”?

“Undocumented Immigrant”? How about “Illegal Alien”?

“Immigration Reform”? Nonsense! It’s really “Amnesty”!

“Equity”? This is a particularly devious bastardization of “Equality”. It goes to the heart of socialism versus meritocracy, to the issue of equality of opportunity versus equality of outcome.

“Fair Share”? More like “Disproportionate Taxation of the Wealthy” and the underpinning of obscene redistribution.

“Cognitive Decline” (particularly as used in connection with Joe Biden). Really, it’s “Dementia”

“Abortion”, “Euthanasia” or “Assisted Suicide”. How about simply “Murder”, the immoral taking of a human life.

“Pro-Choice”…not really. It’s really “Pro-Abortion”.

“Investments” = “Government Spending”

“Fetus”? How about an “Unborn Child”

“Gender Reassignment”. Really, a sex change.

“Economically Disadvantaged Area”? How about, simply, “Ghetto”?

“Hate Speech”? Anything the Left disagrees with.

“Homophobia” – what the Left ascribes to anyone who disagrees with the LBGTXXX agenda.

“Rainforest” = “Jungle”

“Substance Abuse” = “Drug Addiction”

“Unpaid Sex Worker” = a “Wife” or “Girlfriend”

“Wetlands” – what the Left call “Swamps”

“World Community” – a euphemism for the “New World Order” of “Globalism”.

“Community” = “Government”

“Climate Change” (aka “Global Warming”) which really is a rallying cry for rabid environmentalism.

 “Thought Crime” – anything the Left doesn’t like.

The secularization of language by the Left in an attempt to banish all references to God is another thing that really angers me. There are dozens of examples, but one that particularly galls me is the change of B.C./A.D. which means “Before Christ” and Anno Domini (In the Year of Our Lord) to the godless “B.C.E. and C.E.” which mean “Before the Common Era” and “Common Era.”

I’m getting angrier and angrier just writing this! Truly, the Left seek to “fundamentally transform” our God blessed Nation into a communist/socialist/totalitarian/atheistic hellhole. They think secularization is the foundation for Utopia. Anyone with half a usable brain and a basic knowledge of history knows that every time Leftist policies have been enacted or practiced they have only succeeded in necrotizing society.

I say we reject accepting their alternative definitions, their euphemistic terms and revert back to the words and terms that accurately describe the cancer they’re trying to spread!

Their Real Strategy

Been away for a week hiking in the mountains. With a fresh head I’ve returned home and caught up on all the latest Leftist shenanigans. I am increasingly convinced their strategy of fomenting as much chaos as possible in connection with both the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court as well as the election is deliberate and calculated.

I believe what the Left really wants is to create so much doubt about the results that either: a) should Biden miraculously win on election night, they will immediately stop counting votes and declare him the winner or b) when he gets shellacked on election night, they will declare Biden victorious anyway, ensure that additional ballots miraculously materialize to make it so, and in the meantime start promoting a Biden 100 days plan, publicize his cabinet picks, etc. so as to make it seem a fait accompli.

The whole process now already stinks and the BS flag needs to be thrown well in advance of November 3rd. What the Supreme Court should REALLY do is rule that citizens must show up at a polling place on election day, or submit an AUTHENTICATED election ballot well in advance such that it arrives by election day. NO OTHER BALLOTS should be permitted, except, perhaps, for legitimate and authenticated ballots submitted by U.S. Military personnel or expatriates serving abroad.

Aside from the occasional moron wearing a mask on the trail (I even saw a dog with a mask…maybe it was a fashion statement?), the leaves were turning, the air was cool, clear and pure and there was no cell or internet service so I guess I missed some events in the continuing soap opera. But even though every election is billed as “the most consequential in our lifetime”, this upcoming one is certainly a notch above the last one, and THAT one took the prize!

In just a few weeks Americans will have the chance to either vote for what is Right, or what is Left. Left no longer means liberal – there’s nothing wrong with true liberals. Today’s Left, however, is so antithetical to everything that made America the greatest nation in the history of the world, no self-respecting, self-reliant, self-determinant, self-responsible citizen of our nation should even consider voting for Leftists in November. Say what you will about Trump and the Republican Party, at least they’re not completely insane like the woke, defund-the-police, anti-Christian/Religion, let-the-government-solve-all-my-problems, hyper-hypocritical, projecting Leftist idiots also on the ballot!

Now ask me how I REALLY feel about the new Democrat party.

Traditionalists vs. Progressives

by Treadstone (Contributor)

The battle for the soul of our country is not between Republicans and Democrats, not between Conservatives and Liberals, but between Traditionalists and so-called Progressives; in broad terms, the “Right” and the “Left”.

First of all, Progressives aren’t progressive. Just listen to any of the Democrat presidential candidates for 2020, all of whom wrap themselves in the “Progressive” label, and you’ll hear a mish-mash of old, tired, recycled Marxist/Socialist drivel dressed in inflammatory and headline-grabbing, 7 second soundbites and catchy phrases. It’s lipstick on a pig. It’s regressive, not progressive.

Look up “Traditionalists” and you’ll see a variety of definitions and descriptions. Some equate Traditionalists with religious conservatives, some with people born before 1945, some call Traditionalists the “silent generation”.

We characterize Traditionalists as those who espouse many or most of the Core Values listed in our About Page. In shorthand, we us the term “The Right” even though that term itself has many connotations. We use The Left as the opposing side in the culture war.

We Traditionals on The Right look around us and are appalled, perhaps even frightened by what we see happening before our eyes. We know we live in the greatest country in the world, but we see the light-shining-on-the-hill dimming, perhaps not precipitously, but as in a death by a thousand cuts, slowly but surely.

At its core, our society is still more traditional than not, but the megaphones the Internet and social media have put in the hands of Progressives: “victims”, takers, losers, indolent, faithless and statists gives them undue influence and exposure.

We recently came across a really good essay by John Hawkins on Town Hall that nails what’s happening to our culture.  We suggest reading the whole article, but here are the bullet points:

  • We treat success as an accident or a cheat while defending people who make bad decisions, who won’t educate themselves or who won’t work.
  • We’ve allowed pornography to become so accessible that it’s practically universally viewed, even among teenagers.
  • We love victims so much that people actually fake hate crimes to claim victim status.
  • We celebrate losers and deviants by giving them their own reality shows. Meanwhile, Hollywood regularly portrays businessmen, Christians and soldiers as the worst people on earth.
  • More children have died because of Roe v. Wade than were killed during the Holocaust.
  • Marriage is falling apart and we’re encouraging that by pushing gay marriage.
  • Our universities reward Communists, terrorists and blatant anti-American sentiment with professorships. Those are the last people who should be teaching impressionable young Americans.
  • There’s a whole grievance industry full of people who make a living claiming to be “offended” by things.
  • Religion and morality are denigrated while nihilism and immorality are considered cool.
  • Legalism has superseded morality and what’s “right” and “wrong” has become secondary to what’s “legal” and “illegal.”
  • We’re the greatest, most powerful, most prosperous and most virtuous nation that has ever existed and despite all of that, we obsess over our nations faults instead of our achievements.
  • Americans across the spectrum are being encouraged to separate themselves off from the larger culture and nurse grievances that barely would have been given a thought a few decades ago.
  • In practice, our society focuses almost exclusively on the short term without thinking about the long-term consequences of our actions.
  • We have a higher moral standard for the NFL than we do for our own leaders in Washington.
  • We have a political party dedicated to the idea taking things from people who’ve worked for it and giving it to people who haven’t.
  • We make little effort to assimilate immigrants into our society and instead, encourage them to embrace the culture they fled for the United States.
  • We’ve stopped acting as if we have to pay back the money we borrow.
  • We treat the rule of law as optional, depending on who’s impacted by it.
  • We believe our children can grow up in a moral sewer and still turn out to be fine, upstanding citizens regardless.

Hawkins’ conclusion is both devastating as well as prescriptive:

We’ve become so divided, so antagonistic, so morally separated that for the first time in over a century there are people asking hard questions about how much we really have in common with other Americans. If you’re comparing let’s say a conservative from South Carolina to a liberal from California, the honest answer is “not much that matters.” Perhaps not even enough to hold a country together over the long haul if one group or the other ever became politically dominant.

There’s only one way to change that and it’s to address the real sickness at the heart of American culture. That sickness is our newfound reluctance to address the moral health of our society. Over the long haul, we can’t thrive and we may not even be able to survive as a divided, degenerate society full of people who reward failure, resent success and live for the moment. Morality matters and if we forget that, our nation is doomed to descend into decadence, decay and perhaps one day, even dissolution.”

Quite simply, we agree. In other articles we attempt to answer the question, “So how do we revive basic morality in our country?” Stay tuned.