Time For A National ID

I know, I know…the intrusiveness, the “Big Brother”, Orwellian, fascist aspects of national identification have affronted freedom-loving Americans since the concept was first conceived of. However, we now have in America millions…I repeat…millions of non-citizens/illegal aliens living and working and taking advantage of us, and the number is growing by the day. Because we are a rich nation, the burden is spread out among us all, although I hasten to add it is far greater on some than others. How do we deal with this ever-increasing problem? Regrettably, and perhaps tragically, call it a “forensic audit”, call it an “honest headcount”, call it what you will, we are rapidly approaching the point where every individual within our borders must be able to PROVE, without ambiguity, that they are here legally. And equally important, voters must be able to prove they are citizens!

The Left, of course, wants to simply make everyone a citizen so they maximize their voting block and thus their power. It cannot be overstated how nefarious the Left’s intentions are. They care little about either the illegal aliens or the people on whose shoulders their burden falls. They care first and foremost about their power. If you have any doubts about this, you’re either completely brainwashed and gaslighted, blind, dumb or simply asleep and probably should stop reading right here.

We already have a national identification system. It’s called a U.S. Passport. It also comes in the form of a U.S. Passport Card issued by the Department of State and is the only federal document that certifies the citizenship of the holder aside of course naturalization papers, certificates of citizenship, etc. which are not meant to be carried on one’s person and which should be sitting in safe-deposit boxes or carefully secured! Even the Real ID feature of driver’s licenses, while more or less* authenticating the legal status of the holder, doesn’t unequivocally authenticate the citizenship of the holder. A non-citizen, foreign national, legal resident, for example, can obtain a Real ID star on his or her driver’s license.

* I say more or less because the documents that must be presented to obtain a driver’s license in some states are easily obtained or forged and do not unequivocally include proof of citizenship! While Real ID may go a long way to demonstrating LEGAL STATUS, it doesn’t mean one is qualified by citizenship to VOTE! (If someone can prove me wrong on this, please do so. Only then will I concede that Real ID substitutes for a U.S. Passport as proof of citizenship!). Certainly, merely presenting a driver’s license DOES NOT!

What the Left are trying to brainwash the entire country into believing, and, unfortunately, many on the Right keep parroting, is that voters need to present ID to vote. WRONG! Voters need to present PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP to vote, and it’s abundantly clear that voter rolls, signature verification and the mail-in ballot process don’t even begin to qualify as certifying the validity of the vote by a CITIZEN.

Back to the “forensic audit” and related initiatives to restore integrity to our vote and reliance on our founding principles… As draconian and Orwellian as it will appear, we’ve gotten to the point where the Left has so putrefied the LEGAL immigration system that we MUST find out who is here and once and for all deal with the sovereignty of our nation! This calls for a comprehensive, multifaceted plan: 1) an HONEST census not just asking who’s living there but legal status as well (and don’t tell me we can’t do that…the current administration is fine to have people show up at your door to cajole or browbeat you to get the vaccine if you haven’t had it!!!) ; 2) It’s not just a matter, however, of figuring out who is here illegally…it’s also having a humane plan for dealing with those who are demonstrably illegal residents/aliens whether through deportation, temporary worker status, or any of many other possible outcomes and 3) federal law that gives authority to law enforcement to demand proof of legal status any time, any place with CONSEQUENCES for those who can’t provide it, 4) elimination of electronic verification, collection and counting of voting ballots, elimination of harvesting and all the other tricks of illegal voting, restoration of voting exclusively in person on election day by paper ballot, signed and authenticated, certifiable mechanisms for permitting mail-in-voting exceptions (such as military overseas).

Of course the WALL must be completed. Of course border patrols and protection must be drastically beefed up. Of course law enforcement will have to not just be “refunded” but increased many-fold and meticulously trained in preparation for such a program. Of course the Left will have to be muzzled (.sic) and bound to prevent their inevitable histrionics, pushback, open violent revolt (REAL insurrection).

It will be ugly, messy, fraught with problems and to have any hope of succeeding while preserving what’s left of our constitutional principles, it must be done by legislative means, meaning once the Democrats are removed from power. Next year the Right must take back the House and Senate, and by the Right I also mean replacing any unprincipled, wishy washy professional politician Republicans who are “in it” as a career, or for the power, prestige, or pecuniary benefits rather than true allegiance to their oaths to defend the Constitution against enemies foreign and domestic. From 2022 through 2024 the Leftist agenda must be brought to a screeching halt. If the Right is able to obtain super-majorities in Congress, the process of planning and instituting National ID can go forth immediately. If not, then the planning can at least be undertaken in earnest so that it can be implemented in 2024 (2025) when the Right will once again hold both houses and the presidency.

We are losing our country to the Leftist/Globalist cabal and mob and we really have two choices: either continue to surrender our national identity, heritage, traditions, everything we hold dear to them, allowing our freedoms to increasingly be eroded and tyranny to take over, or “gird up our loins” and establish a different kind of “RESET” – one which purges our country of the evil being unleashed upon it and restores the principles and values that made it the most free and greatest nation the world has ever known.

The Left will of course whine that the institution of a MANDATORY national ID is the essence of totalitarianism, and to some extent it touches on tyrrany. But the alternative, as we are already seeing, is far worse. Once a national ID is instituted and the illegal residents of our country dealt with (and again, I emphasize that the consequences of being here illegally will range across a whole continuum from amnesty to deportation), the basic principles of our republic can be re-invigorated, “re-set” if you will, such that we can restore that which served to do the most good for more people on this earth than any other system in history.