While You Were Sleeping (Or Otherwise Engaged in Meaningful Things)

The chaos being sown by the Left is so pervasive that much of their evil activities escape our attention. After all, Traditionalists, i.e. normal people, are focused on their jobs, families, communities…you know, the stuff of real life. The Globalists, i.e. those with so much wealth and power that they have nothing better to do, look down upon us mere mortals and try to figure out how to rack up more points on their power/money scorecards in the never-ending competition among themselves. The rules of real life, after all, don’t apply to them.

So here’s one of those tidbits that few normal people pay attention to. How many of us are aware of the just completed “Cyber Polygon 2020” event? Huh? It was a simulation of a “digital pandemic” that took place on July 9th of this year. You can read all about it on the official website here. For a critical look at what was BEHIND this event, however, I refer you to the coverage of it here. And before you reject the latter because it was heralded by The Organic Prepper apocalypse-oriented website, I urge you to read it. Even if you discount what was written by 80%, you have to be concerned, no, alarmed, by what it reveals!

In short, a “Blue Team” of good guys fought a simulated battle against “Red Team” bad guys. 120 teams from 29 countries. (If that isn’t “global” I don’t know what IS!) The Blue Team sought to defend their systems from cyber attacks by the Red Team. Ostensibly, “The experts(*) addressed the latest trends and technological threats, shared their experience in creating cybersecurity ecosystems, talked about the transforming threat landscape…” However, they also “discussed the problem of fake news and how to discern misinformation on the Web” (italicized quotes are from the official website). As the Organic Prepper article points out, “Coincidentally, one of the end goals of Cyber Polygon was to determine how to do a more thorough job of silencing all criticism that goes against the mainstream narrative.”

(*) The “Experts” included Mikhail Mishustin, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, and Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum, the very definition of Globalists!

But here’s the tidbit that really spooks me. According to videos published by the World Economic Forum (the grandaddy of all globalist cabals…the real-life equivalent of SCEPTRE for you James Bond fans, with Klaus Schwab in the role of Ernst Stavro Blofeld), “The only way to stop the exponential propagation of a COVID-like cyber threat is to fully disconnect the millions of vulnerable devices from one another and from the internet.” In short, this would involve the use an internet “kill switch.”

Guess what. They already exist and have been used, in Egypt in 2011 and just this past week, in Cuba! And guess who has the most powerful internet kill switch of all? Yup, the power-addicted, megalomaniacal tech oligarchs and their World Economic Forum buddies.

Think of the implications of a flip of the “off” switch. If you think the silencing and canceling being undertaken by Big Tech is bad now, and the brainwashing they’re engaged in can’t be made more virile, what if the ONLY source of information was a Leftist/Globalist/Collectivist news agency broadcasting propaganda 24 hours a day? (Picture “Big Brother’ from Orwell’s 1984)

To top it off, and here’s the kicker, the official website concludes:

“It was not clear until the end of the exercise who would take the first place. Different teams were leading at different stages, which means that none of them could fully utilise the techniques at their disposal.

The exercise allowed the participants to identify their strengths and weaknesses. We hope that the received information will help them create plans for developing the necessary competencies and improve their results in the future.”

Say what??? So not just the Blue Team but the Red Team benefited from the exercise by helping them “create plans for developing the necessary competencies” to improve their results!

The whole simulation was couched in lofty, benevolent terms. The reality is that cyber bad-actors such as ransomware hoodlums had a front row opportunity to survey the landscape/battlefield and devise new strategies for pursuing their evil deeds.

Ok, you can go back to sleep now. Everything’s just fine out there…