In February 2008 Michelle Obama famously said, “For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country.” Setting aside for a moment the obvious anti-American undertone of that statement, I plagiarized/paraphrased it when her husband was re-elected in 2012 after continuing the Leftist destruction of everything we hold sacred and dear in America for four years by saying, “For the first time in my adult lifetime I’m ashamed of my country.” Today, I say “For the second time in my adult lifetime I’m ashamed of my country.” Many have echoed this sentiment in so many words, with accusations of treason and gross dereliction of duty being properly ascribed to the Puppet-in-Chief and his administration.
So, I address my blog post today to our friends in England, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and all our other allies opposed to the march of totalitarianism, communism, socialism and abject Leftist idiocy across the globe.
Dear Friends and Allies,
Please understand that America is still the light shining on the Hill. Part of the cost of freedom is permitting idiots to from time to time obtain power and influence in our constitutional republic. It’s a high price to pay, but it’s worth it for the freedoms we enjoy here and those we’re hoping to preserve for you our friends around the world.
Know that the majority of the people in this country, (and among that majority I include the fat and happy, asleep, indolent, inattentive, dumbed down Democrats and similar morons who know better and who aren’t so hopelessly brainwashed that they can yet set aside their insanity and mental lethargy when tyranny and Leftism come to their doorstep), will fight for their freedom and by extension, yours.
The anger that is building among those who cherish traditional ideals is rapidly approaching a tipping point. I don’t know how this disastrous encroachment on our freedoms and traditional way of life will be arrested. The cancer that is Leftist ideology is so metastasized now that it will take us some time to stamp in out, but I do know that the silent majority in this country are waking up and speaking out. It’s evident in school board meetings, where Critical Race Theory is being exposed and will be eradicated. It’s evident even in the Leftist Main Stream Media (MSM) who are being forced to tell the truth about the incompetency and destructiveness of Biden and his administration. If you follow the money, you see that the patrons of CNN/MSNBC/NYTIMES/WashingtonPost etc. are increasingly throwing the BS flag such that the only way the MSM can retain their viewers and thus their advertising revenues is to admit the truth, and the truth, we trust, will keep us free.
So we ask you to be patient with us for a while longer. Aussies….keep protesting the tyranny you’re facing. Frenchmen and Germans, don’t let the fascists get you down. And our brothers and sisters in the U.K., know that despite the threat to your language becoming secondary in this country, we will continue to drink Guinness, celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day, remember fighting side by side with you in so many conflicts, and honor the law and culture you landed on our shores so many years ago. (Just don’t ask to put extra o’s in words like color and honor.) And THANK YOU for saving Americans as you extricate your own countrymen from Kabul!
Paraphrasing some other famous words, those of the Terminator,
“We’ll be back.”
The Silent Majority of America