Authoritarianism vs. Freedom

I often repeat Rush Limbaugh’s argument that the battle raging in America is not between Conservatives and Liberals, not between Republicans and Democrats, but between Traditionalists and Secular Progressives. In my writings I’ve simplified this position as The Battle Between the Right and Left, or, frankly The Battle Between Good and Evil. Today, I’m adding to that label. The battle raging now is between Authoritarianism and Freedom.

 didn’t used to think it would come to this. After all, true liberalism is supposed to be about liberty. Democrat party Liberals, however, have shed any semblance of liberty in their approach to the future of our country. Rather, they are hell bent to generate and cement every shred of power they can before the American people revolt. Whether that revolt comes during the 2022 and 2024 elections or whether it happens violently, it is coming.

We are already repulsed by the condescension the Left manifests toward us. They are counting on their cheerleaders and lapdogs in the media and Hollywood, bankrolled by arrogant, hyper-rich oligarch-prophets, to brainwash a gullible, dumbed- down half of America into believing their absurd and empty promises. Knowing that eventually Americans will see through their bs, they’re trying to import hundreds of thousands of highly dependent illegal aliens and place them in Republican strongholds, trying to turn them into reliable Democrat voters.

Hypocrites come in many forms and varying degrees, but the so-called leadership of the Democrat Party truly win the hypocrisy contest. Do you really think Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Biden and Harris or any of the other hyporcitical leftist politicians would allow dependent, homeless people to camp out on THEIR doorsteps? They want us to think they’re Mother Teresa when in fact they’re Caligula, Stalin, Hitler, Pinochet, Pol Pot, Castro and Maduro rolled into one. Their skill at twisting and turning facts, at creatively misrepresenting truth, at spinning and outright lying to our faces is what’s making so many of us very very angry.

Our anger is justified. We’re seeing our country being destroyed by domestic enemies which, contrary to what the media would have you believe, are not right-wing skinhead white male chauvinist misogynists, but by Leftist demagogues spouting the most outrageous nonsense with the expectation that enough stupid people will believe and follow them to utopia.

Because we on the Right believe in the principles that the Left so often touts but habitually flaunt, principles such as individual liberty, free speech, tolerance and acceptance, we are far more restrained and deliberate in our opposition to what’s going on. When rolls have been reversed, the Left has done the most despicable things. When the Right are the opposition, we still try to be gentlemanly about how we protest.

They’re counting on that. By the time the 2022 election rolls around, the Democrats will have honed and burgeoned their election cheating mechanisms, will have manufactured (you heard it from me first) crisis after crisis to solidify the mail-in voting, illegal vote harvesting, buried-in-code and internet protocol vote counting scams so that, lo and behold, they will eke out victories in the mid-terms and keep their majorities.

People are mighty pissed off, and the more the Left attempts to shove their authoritarian rules, regulations and tyranny down our throats the more coiled the backlash spring becomes. There is a tipping point where the Left will learn the true meaning of insurrection.

I’ll leave it at that.