Another Analysis of the 2020 Election

An interesting analysis of the dollars spent by Mark Zuckerberg and no doubt other wealthy leftists to fund a targeted, private takeover of government election operations was published today in the Federalist. In his article, “The 2020 Election Wasn’t Stolen, It Was Bought By Mark Zuckerberg“, William Doyle makes the compelling case that the “unprecedented merger of public election offices with private resources and personnel is an acute threat to our republic, and should be the focus of electoral reform efforts moving forward.”

How much are we talking about? How about $420 million passed into local government elections offices, all of it Zuckerberg’s and all “with strings attached”. The article spells out how that money “had nothing to do with traditional campaign finance, lobbying or other expenses” and everything “to do with financing the infiltration of elections offices at the city and county level by left-wing activists, and using those offices as a platform to implement preferred administrative practices, voting methods, and data-sharing agreements, as well as to launch intensive outreach campaigns in areas heavy with Democratic voters.”

I believe Doyle. His arguments and evidence are not only plausible, but perfectly explain how Joe Biden received 81 million votes. We will never know how many were illegitimately cast, but the meme that Biden got that many legitimate votes requires, to quote a vomit-inducing leftist, “the willful suspension of disbelief.”

I urge my readers to read Doyle’s complete article. It’s persusive, alarming and if we don’t assimilate the reality he paints into our election reform efforts, the 2022 and 2024 elections will without doubt be equally corrupt.

And as regards 2022 and subsequently, 2024. I predict the war that will be fought between the Left and the Right over election integrity will make 2020 look like a cocktail party by comparison. The Left is already doing everything they can to stall examinations into what happened in 2020, using every Alinsky, muckracking and corrupt tactic they can possible muster. As usual, the gentlemenly GOP is trying to “work within the system” to route out corruption.

If the GOP doesn’t put on its big boy pants and start fighting harder, louder, smarter and more effectively to purge election systems of the fraud and abuse that the Democrats are all to willing to promote and accept either directly or indirectly, the Left will have succeeded in guaranteeing themselves permanent power and further hastening the demise of the greatest nation in history.

Inarticulate and shrill as some of the voices on the Right might sound, they barely begin to compete with the verbal diarrhea emanating from the Left. Who will stand up to the Democrats and be sufficiently attractive, articulate, convincing and persuasive as to halt this demonic takeover of our socity that is currently underway? I don’t think it’s Trump. He still scolds and whines like a petulant teenager who can’t string two sentences together without repeating himself five times. His policies are sound. His antipathy towards the media, the Swamp and the Left in general is right on, but he can’t inspire a huge swath of the middle that represents America. To them he’s still a New York real estate thug. He may have been the only one who could have beaten Hillary, but something better than an “I told you so” candidacy is going to be needed to win in 2024.

So who? It’s not one of the firebrands: Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, etc. It’s not Cruz, not Rubio, not a governor like Kristi Noem, nor Greg Abbot, nor Ron DeSantis. None have the broad appeal necessary to bring enough people into the tent. No, it’s going to have to be someone new, someone we haven’t thought of yet, someone who comes out of the woodwork like Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton did. It’s too early to say, to know or to tell. It has to be a surprise, someone who even Trump will endorse and gladly (if not graciously) step aside for. I know everything thinks Trump is a narcissist and would never give up the GOP nomination but I choose to believe he cares enough about the country that he’d do so if the right candidate, whom he could boast to have endorsed, emerges.

But none of it may matter. Neither Trump nor a better candidate will win in 2024 if the GOP doesn’t shellack the Democrats in 2022. And the GOP will not win in 2022 or 2024 regardless of candidates if the corruption and fraud is not routed out of the system before then.

Before I conclude. There is one thing that could peacefully (more or less) shake up the status quo. If either or both Kyrsten Sinema or Joe Manchin were to switch parties, giving control of the Senate to the GOP, THAT would stir the pot!

You heard it from me first.