We Get It – You CAN’T Speak Up!

Your livelihoods demand your silence. Speak out and you don’t just face ostracization but the potential loss of your employment. You see what’s going on in the country, but your employer, be it a public or private one, will overtly fire you or surreptitiously label and mark you if you don’t tow the leftist party line. The cancer has spread so far that iconic American companies have gone woke.

Why have they done that? Marketing. Some years back it was environmentalism. Companies had to demonstrate how ‘green’ they could be. That was yesterday’s woke. Today it’s jumping on the defund the police or LGBTQ+ bandwagon. Speak up and tell your employer how you REALLY feel about these topics and you do so at your own peril.

What’s so insidious about all this silencing is that the Damocles sword hanging over your head allows the evil to spread – silence equals tacit approval. But aside from an extremely small number of individuals who are so repulsed by the leftist agenda they’d rather suffer the consequences of quitting their jobs instead of putting up with the constant diet of idiocy, the majority of us keep quiet, bite our tongues and draw our paychecks.

The frustration I hear of teachers who are forced to deliver a curriculum they know is toxic for the children they teach, that of police officers I know who are forced to work with both hands tied behind their backs, the productive rank and file who are being told they can’t come to work unless they get the vaccine…all have muzzles on their faces, unable to say what they really think.

One of the things the Left is so good at is setting up a demagogue who can fill the heads of a critical mass of gullible, brain-addled sheep to believe their lies and drivel. These become acolytes and because they gravitate towards others who nod and go along to join the crowd and feed their other-directed egos by joining the team, they clump together and speak the dogma and talking points to create memes. These are then amplified by the media and whoosh, the Leftist drivel becomes gospel. It’s because of their collectivist hivemind that the weak losers of the Left become lemmings and don’t even know they’re headed to the sea and certain destruction. They just play follow the leader.

But it’s effective, because the demagogues thus have numbers on their side. In elections, that’s what matters. Millions of unthinking, weak-minded sheep follow the shepherds and in the aggregate, the Left prevails. That demagogue Jonathan Gruber, so-called architect of Obamacare, famously revealed the truth when he said “This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes. Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage…And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really really critical for the thing to pass.”  

The last thing the Democrats want is for people to question their diktats. Through lies, deceit and manipulation, not to mention high production values, clever slogans and memes, the Left pushes and pushes, screams louder and louder, uses its tech power to silence/cancel opposition, essentially saturates and carpet bombs the airwaves, billboards, cocktail party speech to petulantly, obstinately get their way.

So the Left, a.k.a. Democrats, prevail.

On the Right, because of individualism, self-reliance, critical thought, justified skepticism, we deliberate before acting, we consider others and the nation as a whole, we don’t clump and recite the canon. Thus it’s a lot harder to organize and control the masses. This hurts during an election.

But wait. Look at what’s happening in school board meetings around the country. Pushed over the edge, parents who would ordinarily never speak up have coalesced and with one voice thrown the bullshit flag onto the field. The Southwest pilots, in another display of solidarity, were able to send a strong message to the airline’s management by walking out en masse. Street cops and firemen in New York are together defying the vaccine mandate.

In other words, if the Right sets its mind to it, or gets pushed too far, the Left will get a taste of their own medicine.

This coming Tuesday’s election for governor in Virginia will be a real harbinger. First, it will be a test as to whether sufficient pressure has been generated by the outcry from November 2020 to ensure the vote is honest and fair. Second, if Youngkin, the GOP candidate, prevails, decisively, it will be another example of the repudiation of Leftist authoritarianism and nonsense, and perhaps represent a push of the pendulum to the Right. Third, it will demonstrate how the Right can succeed in vanquishing the Leftist behemoth.

We can only hope.