A Skirmish, Not A Battle, Not The War
Our election system is still broken. Even though I like the outcomes in Virginia and many other locations last Tuesday, I have only slightly more confidence that the GOP wins were free and fair than that the outcome in New Jersey was honest. I continue to be astounded that ANY thinking American could vote for the likes of McAuliffe or Murphy. Thus, my suspicion is that Youngkin won by substantially more than he did, and Ciattarelli probably won in New Jersey, but shenanigans in both races continued as they had in 2020.
Until we figure out how to ensure one citizen, one vote in this country, “they who count the votes” will bias the results in their favor using all of the shady-at-best, outright-illegal and fraudulent-at-worst, techniques. Politicians in general, and Democrats in particular, have been gaming the rules and the system for so long in this country, I have very little confidence in ANY outcome.
Auditing the results doesn’t help. The ability to obscure things like chain-of-custody, endlessly litigate broken laws and regulations, data manipulation… all ensure elections do NOT have integrity. Mis directional audits (ones that confirm the manual count is the same as the machine count but completely ignore the question of whether each vote was LEGAL!) simply won’t solve the problem. The attention span of America is so short that once the declarations of results are nominally announced, accurate or not, free-of-fraud or not, we tend to move on.
Except with respect to the 2020 election, the shenanigans during which were so egregious that only history will accept, perhaps three generations from now, that it was the most blatant rigging and theft of any election in our nation’s history.
I’m not in favor of federalizing elections, but I AM in favor of the Supreme Court growing a pair and insisting that State laws be adhered to. I’m also in favor of overwhelming and saturating the airwaves from this point forth with exposés of Leftist propaganda (a.k.a. BS) that flow like diarrhea from the mouths of their acolytes, media mouthpieces and henchmen (henchpersons?).
I don’t believe the numbers from either Virginia or New Jersey any more than I believe that Brandon received 81 million legitimate votes in November 2020. I’m glad we posted lawyers at key precincts to minimize “the steal” this time around. But the steal mechanism, I have no doubt, was still in place, which is why the results were so close. And in New Jersey, I’m now surprised that at 1:30 AM on November 4th Murphy mysteriously received 40,000 votes that put him over the top. It stinks. It just stinks.
Would an audit prove that Ciattarelli won? Probably, but an audit merely produces EVIDENCE, and only if an unbiased court HEARS that evidence and the allegation of fraud is thus PROVEN, will anything change.
In 2020, there was TONS of evidence of fraud. People forget that sworn affidavits, sworn under penalty of perjury, ARE EVIDENCE! That evidence doesn’t constitute PROOF, however, until a court judges its veracity, it validity and comes to a determination.
Were Ciattarelli to challenge the New Jersey results, chances are there would be enough evidence to establish a case that the Democrats fraudulently manufactured the Murphy win. However, by the time the matter wound its way through the judicial system, Murphy’s second administration would be over!
That’s what the Democrats count on. They have established a critical mass of blind, sometimes stupid, uninformed vote-counting pawns, at best, to hopelessly corrupt judges unwilling to hear evidence at worst, such that any attempt to reform the election process and ensure vote integrity will be stymied.
So what happened this time? What happened, as it did in 2016, is that so lopsided was the vote against the Democrats and for the Republican candidates even the Dems’ best laid cheating plans didn’t work. In Virginia’s case, if the truth were revealed, my hunch is that Youngkin won by 1-2% points MORE than he did. In New Jersey’s case, if the truth were revealed, Ciattarelli would/will have won by a similar margin.
So, while Tuesday’s election was indeed a throwing of the BS flag on the Leftist/Democrat agenda, a repudiation of Uncle Brandon and all the idiocy that comes with him and his party, it wasn’t anywhere near as close as the hyper-ventilating media would have us believe.
We won a skirmish on Tuesday. It wasn’t even a battle. The battle for the truth behind November 2020 still rages, for example. And the War against authoritarianism, freedom, traditional values that made this country great and a shining beacon for the world, also continues.
Fight on Americans, fight on against the sycophants, panderers and brainwashed idiots of the Left who would “fundamentally transform” our country. Don’t let up. Let’s exploit their weakness: their infighting, their foolish policies and agenda, while we have the microphone and the tide on our side.
Our skirmish victory won’t last long.