Overturn, Unfounded, Baseless and Other Words Used to Counter the Truth

It continues to anger me that news outlets, including what are supposed to be conservative news outlets, use phrases like “Trump’s attempt to overturn the 2020 election,” or, “Trump’s baseless accusations of election fraud,” or, “The unfounded claims of election tampering”. STOP! He wasn’t trying to overturn anything! He was trying to prevent the wholesale bastardization of our election system, an obvious attempt to submit and count hundreds of thousands of fake ballots, a tsunami of propaganda streaming from the main stream media that sought to crush any dissent concerning the foregoing. THE EVIDENCE WAS NEVER HEARD! IT WAS NEVER PRESENTED IN A COURT THAT HAD ANY GUTS! When Roberts’ knees started shaking and he felt the pressure he buckled and by his unwillingness to hear the Texas suit on procedural grounds, notwithstanding the incredible importance of the matter, all lower courts followed suit with sighs of relief that they wouldn’t have to deal with the problem. And the Right, gentlemanly as always, buckled under as well, letting the crooks get away with it. My conviction, no matter what the supposed “results” showed, remains this: THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL JOSEPH BIDEN RECEIVED 81 million LEGITIMATE VOTES!!! In my opinion, the fraudulent ballots were submitted not just in the key counties that made an electoral difference, but ALL ACROSS THE NATION for him to get such a total. History will prove me right. Some Democrat whistleblower(s), embarrassed, ashamed and contrite for having perpetrated this crime on our country in the face of the disaster this presidency predictably has become, will step forth to reveal the truth. You heard it here first.