Did Mike Pence “Follow the Constitution”?

On stage at the first Republican debate the other night the anti-Trumpers sided with Mike Pence with lines like,

“Mike followed the Constitution” and “Mike did his duty.” In my opinion, whether he did or not is nuanced, not black or white.

Why is it that the Democrats can bend (and BREAK) and interpret laws, regulations and the Constitution itself with impunity but Republicans can’t?

Why do you think Trump’s opponents for the 2024 nomination are coming down on the side of “Mike did the right thing?” when if you pressed them in a sidebar conversation, each would either willingly or be forced to admit that there is ambiguity in the process by which electoral college votes are processed. (Should you wish to read a thorough analysis of just how ambiguous and problematic this issue is, I refer you to the Hoover Institute’s excellent analysis on the subject entitled: “Who Counts?: The Twelfth Amendment, the Vice President, and the Electoral Count” available here.)

The bottom line of Hoover’s argument is: 1) Indeed, the Vice President has the authority to resolve disputes concerning electoral votes; 2) The Electoral Count Act of 1887 is unconstitutional but 3) the fact that the states certified the election results (hastily, improperly and unconstitutionally) and thus the electors themselves, the presentation of alternative slates of electors by numerous states was moot.

In short, the governors (e.g. Brian Kemp of Georgia) who allowed the results and electors to be certified out of fear, coercion, cowardice, or whatever…THEY are to blame for not exerting their authority to thwart the illegal election processes. THEY are to blame for allowing their fear of COVID to alter constitutional and legal processes for conducting the elections in their states.

Thus, Mike Pence may not, according to Hoover, have had the authority to do anything but count the votes as he received them.

BUT IF HE HAD HAD REAL COURAGE, IF HE HAD NOT COW-TOWED TO THE VOICES DEMANDING HE DO NOTHING ELSE BUT COUNT THE VOTES….HAD HE SAID, AT THE RISK OF BRINGING DOWN OVERWHELMING LEFTIST IRE ON HIMSELF, “WAIT A MINUTE! THERE ARE LEGITIMATE QUESTIONS REGARDING THE LEGITIMACY OF THIS ELECTION. LET’S PAUSE AND TAKE A FEW DAYS TO REVIEW WHAT HAS HAPPENED HERE”, the result might have been the same, i.e. the LEFT/DEMOCRATS would have still prevailed because the damage had already been done and there was no putting the toothpaste back into the tube. And due to our processes of adjudicating disputes small and large, the painstaking and foot-dragging processes that the Democrats count on would have meant we really would have a Constitutional crisis. But at least he wouldn’t like so many other political weaklings, have bent over backwards around and up his own posterior end to “just move on”.

And we have a constitutional crisis ANYWAY!!! If you don’t think we’re in crisis now, your head is buried in the sand or you’ve been asleep for the last 6 years!

The Democrats will not hesitate for an instant to lie, cheat, steal, deflect, demean, digress, dissemble, distract, bludgeon, shout-down, unitedly marshal their forces in the pursuit of power, money and advancing their warped and destructive ideologies.

So when Trump’s opponents buy into the anti-Trump rhetoric in order to be more likeable to the independents, they demonstrate why politics is such a dirty, disgusting enterprise. Exhibit A: Chris Christie is the archetype of the political swamp rat…he is our Al Sharpton, our Jesse Jackson, our Sheila Jackson Lee, our Stacy Abrams. Except that he’s willing to eat his own in order to gain power and money. They, on the other hand, clearly reflected the views of their lemming Leftist followers and had no need to contravene their leaders. But the act is the same. Shrill, disjointed, lacking basis in fact, but with great production (i.e. sound-bite) values!

So where does this leave us? I honestly can’t predict what will happen between now and November 2024 but I can almost certainly guarantee that A LOT WILL!

Keep those seat belts fastened.

Nothing Between Now and November 2024 Matters More Than Election Integrity

The shenanigans perpetrated by the Left for over 40 years has kept the Silent Majority silent. If you believe Biden received 81 Million LEGITIMATE votes, stop reading. You’re so hopelessly brainwashed, dumb or weak-minded you are part of the problem. If you know damn well that, by legal means or not, the 2020 and 2022 (and many long before these) elections were “rigged”, “stolen” or so many outcomes altered by the Left’s activities (i.e. “War Machine”), then read on.

Unless we restore integrity to our voting system we’ll never in the future have a representative democracy. It’s that simple.

“Clean up voter rolls”, we cry!

The reality is that the Democrats have baked fraud into every state’s voter rolls. Any attempt to remove dead voters, for example, is thwarted by decades of legal precedent firmly ensconced.

I recently came across the work of the Omega4America Project. Its approach to cleaning voter rolls and moving the election integrity work forward is refreshingly different and early evidence suggests it works. I STRONGLY urge my readers read the following article by Jay Valentine that describes how fractal analysis, if adopted in the swing states, would reveal the TRUE outcome of elections in the future.

February 27, 2023 The Solution to Ballot Fraud By Jay Valentine American Thinker

Some excerpts:

“The irresistible force is mail-in ballots, nonexistent signature verification, phantom voter rolls, a feckless Republican Party, Republican governors donating tax money to a George Soros–funded entity to clean voter rolls — election commissions changing ZIP codes so mail-in ballots stack up — courts refusing to remove dead people from voter rolls unless they miss two consecutive elections, and a Republican presidential candidate who thinks he can win with ballot-harvesting. What could go wrong in 2024?”

“In 2000, the national realization was that election fraud is industrial-scale, committed by election commissions or with their acquiescence.  It is a sovereign crime. The 2020 realization is that voter integrity teams cannot remove phantoms from voter rolls — even with death certificates.”

“If a voter integrity team challenges a dead guy, it is challenging a person.  There are decades of law, from our leftist pals, to thwart removing the dead from the voter roll.” “Leftists built an entire infrastructure around protecting the guy — not the address.  Knock on a couple of doors to see if Pedro lives there, and you get a visit from the Justice Department.”

“The key to cleaning voter rolls, to the leftists’ dismay, is not finding dead voters.  It is finding legitimate addresses — that cannot receive a ballot.” 

Again, I urge you to read the whole article.

PS How many of the illegal aliens who have entered the U.S. do you think will receive ballots and vote Democrat?

The 2020 Steal – Implications for 2022 and 2024

Many conservatives with whom I’ve spoken in recent months have said something to the effect of “Trump has to get off the 2020 Election thing and present a new vision for 2022 and beyond.” Sorry, but if he and we don’t keep the pressure on to expose and prepare to counteract the fraud that occurred in 2020, it will be repeated. While there are signs conservatives are prepared to stand up and fight (e.g. tail-gate parties at every ballot drop site), there is still way too much Alinsky-inspired shenanigans going on to ensure the 2022 election will be honest.

So, in that vein of keeping up the pressure, this article, penned by John F. Di Leo and published on August 15th on the always thought-provoking American Thinker, is one of those that had me nodding my head. Besides incitefully summarizing the fraudulent, lawless tactics used by the Left to manufacture 81 million votes for Biden, it addresses the impact that the otherwise laudable and critical feature of our elections, the Secret Ballot, has on the ability to AUDIT, ex-post-facto, the results.

On the one hand, we want our ballots to be secret. On the other, we want every ballot to be LEGITIMATE. As I pointed out back in November 2020, once a mail-in ballot is removed from its container (envelope), the latter usually bearing the auditable signature of a voter, and heads to the counting machine (themselves corruptible), it is impossible to determine whether the vote was legitimate. President Trump warned of precisely the potential for fraud in mail-out/mail-in ballots before the election. The Left executed their plan flawlessly, in all aspects!

WE MUST NOT LET THIS HAPPEN AGAIN! If legislators won’t get rid of ballot drop boxes, if they won’t clean up their voter rolls, if they will not stop Democrat harvesting practices…and if it takes ALL NIGHT LONG, and FOR AS LONG AS IT TAKES, we need to watch those drop boxes, as well as the COUNT, like eagles (eagles have even better sight than hawks)!!!

We are truly on the precipice. If we don’t decisively take back both the House and Senate in November, just a few short weeks away, we’re absolutely, fundamentally, possibly irretrievably, SCREWED!

Some excerpts from Di Leo’s article:

“In the “pandemic year” of 2020, Democrat bureaucrats across the country took advantage of public fears of Covid-19 to scare millions of people out of the traditional American election practice: in person, at a polling place, where each voter could at least potentially undergo an identity check as protection against vote fraud.

In 2020, numerous state, county, and city governments authorized such corruptible concepts as mass mail-in ballots, unguarded non-mail public drop boxes, and virtually unlimited ballot harvesting.

In Wisconsin, for example, the program known as “democracy in the parks” enabled Democrat activists to turn in tens of thousands of ballots that they claimed without evidence to have collected from hobos on park benches in the state capital of Madison. Nursing homes were told by the Wisconsin Election Commission that they could go ahead and cast votes on behalf of their patients, however conscious or unconscious they may be, without state officials supervising the voting to ensure that the actual voters’ wishes are the ones being recorded. Both practices are gross violations of Wisconsin state law, and likely resulted in tens of thousands of invalid votes being cast for Joe Biden in 2020… easily enough to change the statewide result in that narrow-margin election.

The same can be said of many states. There are dozens of different kinds of vote fraud, from the patronage worker bus tours of Chicago and New Orleans, to the late-night polling place openings judicially mandated in St. Louis, to the hundreds of thousands of votes cast by non-citizens, from green card holders to illegal aliens in sanctuary cities. There are states where poll workers traditionally take advantage of lulls on Election Day to cast ballots in the names of registered no-shows. There are college towns where votes are cast from dorms and student housing in the names of students who graduated and moved away years before.

Every state has a broad mix of these and other methods. No two states are identical.

There have been a host of election process investigations since November, 2020, when Donald Trump, who won 74 million popular votes, was declared to have lost to Joe Biden’s alleged 81 million, in a total purported voting population of 158 million. This would be an increase of 22 million over the turnout in 2016, in a country in which the only significant population demographic that’s increasing is that of non-citizens. It is statistically dubious, leading to the logical conclusion that a lot of those votes, certainly millions if not tens of millions, were fabricated.

What have almost all the investigations found? Even the most cursory review of their findings shows numerous opportunities for fraud — the lack of ID checks, the opportunity for round-tabling, the lack of any chain of custody in most non-election day voting… dozens of methods putting tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands, of votes per state in question. Nonetheless, these reports always conclude that they cannot “prove” that fraud occurred. They can show that opportunities exist ad infinitum, but they cannot establish beyond the shadow of a doubt that corrupt actors actually took advantage of these millions of opportunities.


Because of the secret ballot.”

“In any traditional audit, from an ISO-9000 audit at the plant to an IRS tax audit at your small business, a spot check is used to see if the intended results match the real recorded results.

The secret ballot makes such an audit impossible. A definitive election audit would not check the total ballots cast against the total count; it would check the ballots as processed against the actual will of the voters. And this is impossible because we don’t know who cast which ballot. We cannot determine if John Smith and Mary Jones cast that ballot, or if a different one was substituted for theirs, because their ballot was not signed, and in fact could not be, by law.”

“Our system recognizes the risks of a publicly known ballot – the risk of discrimination, for example, by a corrupt local political machine – so the secret ballot is rightly sacrosanct.

But what this means is that few election integrity studies can ever conclusively state that they have “proven” that an election was stolen. All they can do is show the overwhelming risks in an intentionally compromised system, and trust that the reader can figure out what it means. We must prevent vote fraud in advance, precisely because we cannot usually catch and prosecuted it after the fact.

How does the press report it, though? Without fail, the mainstream media – and their clients in the political class, from elected officials to the deep state denizens who rule them – report that yet another study failed to prove vote fraud. They can report, again and again, that the claims of fraud are all “unproven,” smirking under their Covid-19 masks in the knowledge that they’re reporting the exact opposite of the study’s real findings.

Vote fraud in America has been well known for generations, but the Democrat party has successfully managed to trick the public into believing that it’s limited to known dens of iniquity like Chicago and New Orleans. They hid how widespread it was. Until 2020.

With the 2020 election, everything was exposed. The tools used against Donald Trump, from 2000 real mules to 20,000 fictional hobos, smacked of desperation. They succeeded, but at great cost: they replaced incumbent Donald Trump with a basement-dwelling dementia patient who couldn’t fill a New Hampshire diner let alone a stadium rally. The canary in the coal mine – the Trump presidency – was extinguished.”

Overturn, Unfounded, Baseless and Other Words Used to Counter the Truth

It continues to anger me that news outlets, including what are supposed to be conservative news outlets, use phrases like “Trump’s attempt to overturn the 2020 election,” or, “Trump’s baseless accusations of election fraud,” or, “The unfounded claims of election tampering”. STOP! He wasn’t trying to overturn anything! He was trying to prevent the wholesale bastardization of our election system, an obvious attempt to submit and count hundreds of thousands of fake ballots, a tsunami of propaganda streaming from the main stream media that sought to crush any dissent concerning the foregoing. THE EVIDENCE WAS NEVER HEARD! IT WAS NEVER PRESENTED IN A COURT THAT HAD ANY GUTS! When Roberts’ knees started shaking and he felt the pressure he buckled and by his unwillingness to hear the Texas suit on procedural grounds, notwithstanding the incredible importance of the matter, all lower courts followed suit with sighs of relief that they wouldn’t have to deal with the problem. And the Right, gentlemanly as always, buckled under as well, letting the crooks get away with it. My conviction, no matter what the supposed “results” showed, remains this: THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL JOSEPH BIDEN RECEIVED 81 million LEGITIMATE VOTES!!! In my opinion, the fraudulent ballots were submitted not just in the key counties that made an electoral difference, but ALL ACROSS THE NATION for him to get such a total. History will prove me right. Some Democrat whistleblower(s), embarrassed, ashamed and contrite for having perpetrated this crime on our country in the face of the disaster this presidency predictably has become, will step forth to reveal the truth. You heard it here first.

Spring, 2022 – Cliché Time

Well here we are. Time flies when you’re having fun! The hits just keep on comin’. Lots of clichés come to mind when describing the Situation. The lunatics are running the asylum is another one. It’s so bad even the Left are having to acknowledge what the sane world realized several years ago. Here’s a quick recap.

The 2016 election was corrupt, but it was the Hillary campaign that perpetrated the fraud and corruption – they just didn’t do it well enough to overcome her horrible candidacy and the degree to which Trump would appeal to Real people.

It wouldn’t take much to uncoil the spring that existed due to Obama’s harmful policies – even an inarticulate New York real estate baron/reality tv star could lead the nation out of the doldrums by simply reversing the stultifying effect of the Obama policies.

It would take more than common sense, courage, imperviousness to criticism, determination and leadership to drain the Swamp. It would take finesse, time and a keen understanding of the way Washington works to root out the dead wood, the corrupt, Leftist rot and RINO lethargy that so infected it. Trump didn’t have time to do it for all the obvious reasons. Better success next time?

The cataclysmic event that was the Trump win would so stir up the status quo that chaos would ensue even if the Left weren’t already well-entrenched in the culture, academia, judiciary, military and above-all, the media. With lots of money and an ardent determination to push the envelope toward “fundamentally transforming” the country and the hysterical Utopian fantasy … abilities honed over 40 plus years of Leftist indoctrination, propaganda and hear-string-pulling Hollywood production values coupled with a fat and happy, incredibly prosperous epoch resulting in an indolent, dumbed-down, incapable-of-critical-thinking population, we were destined to get what we’ve got!

We warned that the damage that could be wrought by a Biden win in 2020 would be incalculable. Irrespective of how you tally the numbers, the results of this administration’s policies (you can’t really blame Biden, he’s just a puppet along for the ride and, led by his nurse Jill, wallowing and luxuriating in all the trappings of the most powerful position in the world!) are plainly evident. So much so, that, OMG, the Leftists are noting that the glass of cabernet or sauv blanc at the restaurant has gone from $10 to $15 and beyond over the last 18 months!

We warned that the 2020 election, and especially the Senate race in Georgia, would be rigged and that mail-in balloting would be an invitation to fraud. Any person who believes Biden got 81 million LEGITIMATE votes needs to have his/her head examined (another cliché, sorry). On this we agreed with Trump, but unfortunately, the Trump team didn’t nip the fraud in the bud (sigh…another cliché, please forgive me) expecting that its win would be insurmountable (at 75 million it SHOULD have been!).


So, here we are, so far down the slippery slope (yes, I know, another cliché), that it will require a daunting, difficult and long term effort to right the ship ( insert wink smiley face here). It will not be enough to halt the idiocy in November. We must consciously, deliberately, transparently, forcefully if necessary, rid the Swamp of its cancerous metastasis and step-by-step work our way back up the hill to where we can once again proudly light a candle and be a beacon for liberty and freedom.

In this regard, I commend to your reading the following article co-authored by the editor of Zero-Hedge and Conrad Black which, predictably, says it better than I ever could:


Hang in there folks. The cavalry is kitting up.

Remember The Russia Hoax

Hoax is too gentle a term as it suggests something lighthearted. The Clinton Campaign, authorized no doubt with no more than a nod of the head for plausible deniability by Hillary Clinton herself, conceived and executed “the most ambitious dirty trick pulled in an American election and its aftermath.”[1] While America’s attention was focused on last week’s election, the indictment of Igor Danchenko became the third and most significant in the Trump-Russia collusion inquiry led by Special Prosecutor John Durham. As Charles Lipson summarizes in the above-referenced RealClear Politics article and as Kim Strassel of the Wall Street Journal wrote, the so-called “Steele Dossier” should be called the “Clinton Dossier”, since “Hillary commissioned it, paid for it, and had her aides feed it to the media, the State Department, and the FBI. It was a full-scale disinformation campaign — coherent, well-organized, and well-funded. It was rotten to the core.”[2]

The media, of course, is trying to sweep all of it under the rug as “old news”. Like my previous post, “Remember November 3, 2020” we must not let this happen.

We’ve all known about this archetypical political trickery and misinformation for years. As time softens the harsh reality and truth about the whole affair, we must tenaciously pursue the investigation for a couple of reasons: First, this was no normal-course-of-business set of campaign tactics using opposition research. It was, indeed, a full-fledged conspiracy to undermine and destroy Trump not just in advance of the 2016 election, but also afterwards, to hand-tie and cripple his administration. Second, unless and until there are consequences and incarceration for the perpetrators of this assault not just on Trump but on the American people, the Democrats will keep it up.

The strength of the conspiracy stems, in part, from garnering the Leftist troops to read off the same page of the hymnal. It may take seconds to expose the smoking guns, but years to amass so much evidence as to change the narrative, change the perception to reveal and cement the truth. The latter is obviously due to the crushing verbal diarrhea emanating from the Leftist dominated media, complicit in the lie. It’s not enough to expose the truth. It’s not enough to have a 5 minute segment on Fox News. The Truth must be crafted onto to a batman searchlight and projected on the clouds so brightly that it is impossible to ignore, and everyone sees it, once and for all, for what it is.

The genius of the Democrats is they have almost perfected the “Art of the Steal”. The lies, deceit, misinformation, denial, libel, deflection, misrepresentation, dissembling, bludgeoning, silencing, cancelling and physical, felonious activities are so well coordinated now that exactly contrary to what they are saying about the Right, it is they who act like terrorists, with all of their clandestine and covert techniques, cells, secret meetings and funding, etc.

Yeah, yeah, I know. “The Republicans do it too.” Having personally spent time in the political ooze in various capacities over the years, I can regrettably report first-hand that yes, the Republicans engage in all of these shenanigans as well. So, if you put a split screen on the television you could show examples on both sides of the political spectrum.

But, as with most facts and truth, IT’S A QUESTION OF DEGREE! The Democrats have abandoned even lip service to fairness and truth. They have shown over and over again to anyone with their eyes open that there is no length to which they will not go to achieve their megalomaniacal ends. Their use of malfeasance in seeking power and control dwarfs, as the sun dwarfs the moon, anything the Republicans have EVER been able to mount.

Thus, to perpetrate their lies takes only a fake dossier and the conspirators run with it. To counter the lies, it takes us on the Right years and years of painstaking effort, research, documentation, and exposure in the face of “nothing to see here”, shiny objects there, “old news”, and continuing cover-up, lies and disinformation (“that was debunked”) to overcome the BS emanating from the Left.

And still we may not be able to turn hearts and minds. One would think that adjudication in the judicial system of the evidence of the Left’s evil doing would suffice. But it doesn’t because the judiciary is also biased, corrupt and sometimes wittingly and sometimes unwittingly part of the conspiracy. PysOp, Coercion, Threats and Extreme Peer and Political Pressure has polluted our courts all the way up to the SCOTUS.

So, the only remaining avenue to correct the record is the collective chant of “Let’s Go Brandon” which translates, figuratively, to “Down with this Leftist BS” and “We’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take it anymore”.

We must not forget what the Democrat National Committee, Hillary and her acolytes and minions perpetrated on America in 2015 and 2016 and thereafter. We must continue to shine the batman beacon exposing the corruption and evil for all to see.

Let’s Go Durham!

[1] Lipson, Charles, RealClear Politics, November 8, 2021 “John Durham Is Getting Close To The Jugular”

[2] ibid.

Remember November 3, 2020 – Comments on Mollie Hemingway’s New Book, “Rigged”

I’ve just completed reading Mollie Hemingway’s book, “Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections” which I have now placed at the top of my list of exposés documenting the fraud, deceit and slimy shenanigans in the pursuit of power and control perpetrated by the Democrats not just in 2020, but over the last forty or fifty years, and that now threatens a virtual Leftist takeover of our society. It is a tale of frogs sitting in lukewarm water with a flame underneath. It is the story of a death by a thousand cuts. It is an account of how manipulating perception can change reality such that we now face consequences most would never have thought possible even a few years ago.

One of human nature’s truisms is that time changes things. I don’t mean that things change over time. I mean time itself changes things. Perception is reality, and the impact of time on our memories changes our perceptions, thus reality. I know that’s a bit heavy, but time allows the Left to lie repeatedly such that the lie becomes ingrained in the collective psyche, and as time passes, the lie becomes history, with the truth being swept under the rug.

We have spoken among ourselves of all the outrageous things that have transpired just in the last year, as well as over the last ten or fifteen years, and continue to be appalled at what is happening now, right before our eyes. Yet time has a way of softening outrage, causing our minds to forget what angered us as it happened, and forcing us to pay attention to the present, leaving the past behind. Time erases both truths and falsehoods. Perceptions rather than reality are what remain.

Such is the case with what happened last November 3rd. As time passes there is acceptance of the lie that Biden fairly won the election. It is reinforced when even conservative news outlets slip phrases like “Trump’s unfounded accusations of fraud,” or “The debunked elections steal” into their retrospectives of what got us to this awful place where Leftist dogma is rapidly destroying our country. The truth almost always comes out, but often many years after the fact. Amity Shlaes’ history “The Forgotten Man”, for example, revealed the real truth about what the New Deal did to our society; the truth about the burden born by the forgotten who, head down, kept this country afloat while government increasingly and permanently began to take over our lives.

I am sickened by how quickly we have moved on: “nothing to see here”, “old news”, “that was debunked, discredited, etc.” Yet one of the most consequential periods and some of the most impactful events in history have occurred in our recent lifetimes, culminating in what occurred with the 2020 election. We are now facing the consequences of years and years of razor cuts, of an imperceptibly slow turning up of the flame beneath us.

Fortunately, there are those of us who, despite criticism, ostracization, ridicule and condescension, believe letting the truth wait twenty or more years to emerge is wrong. I continue to study the analyses of how the Left rigged, or stole – take your pick, the November 3, 2020 election and rail against the wrong that the Left so desperately want us to believe didn’t happen – that they want time to erase. And I will continue to speak out about this pivotal moment in our nation’s history and its caustic effects on our people.

In my opinion, this forgetting of even recent history is one of the greatest problems a society, a nation, civilization itself can face. I often speak of slides down the slippery slope, and I’ve often talked about how every great civilization, at its height, tipped over the top and rapidly declined due to what I flippantly refer to as getting “fat and happy.” When survival is displaced by comfort, meaningful things in life get replaced by less serious things that we use to occupy the free time those comforts afford us. What’s important gets lost in what feels good. A large part of life that had been previously devoted to survival is displaced by the constant search for other forms of gratification and self-actualization. Think Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. At the bottom of the pyramid are physiological needs, then safety, then belongingness, then esteem then self-actualization. Today way too many of us are focused on the higher levels while ignoring the more basic ones at the bottom, the provision of which we have left to the government.

History proves that leisure breeds indolence, narcissism, destructive ends-justify-the-means competitiveness, resentment against the “establishment”, pleasure at all costs habits, and ultimately, revisionist history, delusional utopian fantasies and an evil thirst for power and influence on the part of some who are wired to dominate and control. Think Egypt, Athens, Rome, Western Europe and now the United States. Meanwhile, third world nations are dozens of years behind us. Russia already faced their turning point with the collapse of the Soviet system. China is still rising but I predict will ultimately face a civil war as its middle class rebels against totalitarianism, just as other societies revolted against monarchies and dictatorships. Their rise continues while our civilization declines.

Reading Hemingway’s book, I’m grateful for her sober, well-documented and definitive, in my judgement, account of how it is that the ‘nice guy’, hyper-corrupt, professional politician Biden is now sitting at the Resolute Desk surrounded by Rasputins and marionette masters. The Left will no doubt have a glib or carefully crafted response for every assertion in the book, but they have already won and don’t really care whether the truth exposed in it influences anyone. Elections have consequences, and as the book documents and spells out to anyone with an objective mind and a modicum of critical thinking skills, the theft of the 2020 elections (I use the plural noun because the same cheating in Fulton Country Georgia put the Senate in the Democrats’ hands) consequently gave the Left the power, albeit barely, to forcibly enact their destructive and megalomaniacal agenda and ideology.

The Leftist abuse continues. Mark my words, another crisis will unfold before the ’22 election and the Democrats will exploit it to the fullest. Last Tuesday may have put a chink in their armor, but the cancer of which they’re composed is so metastatic at this point there are only two ways to rid ourselves of it: playing whack-a-mole in every corner where we find it or administering radiation and chemotherapy, which risks killing the patient. We should all prefer the former approach, starting with school boards. The latter may make a good movie plot, but it really could lead to a bloody revolution, not something anyone should desire.

Time has changed things. But we should never forget what happened on November 3, 2020.

So, Was the Election Stolen?

As we pass the 100 day milestone of the Puppet Presidency, and our worst fears of the damage the Left would do materialize into an almost daily atrocity, I am saddened to hear and see a level of acceptance on the part of some on the Right that what happened in the November 2020 presidential and January 2021 Georgia Senate runoff elections was NOT due to fraud and cheating. I’m distressed that solidly conservative individuals whom I respect and admire attribute the losses to a multiplicity of factors, among them Donald Trump’s rhetoric and personality, and dismiss election fraud as a determining factor. I find it very unsettling that any suggestion today that fraud caused the outcome is poo-poohed by some smart conservatives as the product of mindless, knuckle-dragger conspiracy nonsense. Even Right-leaning journals and media outlets have adopted this attitude either implicitly or explicitly.

Over the last several months I have read and studied countless articles and watched countless videos on the subject examining both Left and Right arguments. There is no point in trying to rehash the case for fraud here. Others far more articulate and smarter than I have already done so. I want to appeal, however, to my conservative/traditional friends who are willing to let bygones be bygones to revisit their views.

I want to share just one example of what the Left offers as an answer to the question of whether the presidential election was stolen or not. It is a quote from Herman Wallace, former Electrician, Foreman, Gen Foremen, & Superintendent at International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Union:

“Nope, they (the Democrats) took the Presidency the old fashioned way.

They ran a much better candidate.

They worked much harder.

They spoke to the issues that matter to the people.

The Democratic candidate got 7 million more votes.

The Democratic candidate won the Electoral College with 306 votes (A landslide according to Donald Trump).

On the other side of the ledger:

Trump was a remarkably flawed candidate and got worse as the campaign went on.

Besides his frothing-at-the-mouth campaign rallies and throwing red meat to his base; Trump was a lazy candidate.

Trump’s “issues” were the same old lies from his first 3 years.

Trump lost the popular vote by twice as much as before.

The 5th bullet point speaks for itself.

There was something STOLEN in this election, it was the trust, of a segment of the people, in the basic function of their government. Trump not only stole it, he decimated it without cause or remorse.”

Leaves me breathless and fuming…I can’t even begin to respond to such rabid BS.

Yet, there are Republicans, conservatives and Traditionalists who echo many if not all of the same delusions!

Again, this post is an appeal to those who are willing to let the water keep flowing under the bridge and over the dam to ask you to revisit your conclusions about the legitimacy of the elections. I urge you to find sources that YOU believe to be credible. For my part, I rely on thinkers/writers/institutions whose comments on the election are available from the following links like Jonathan Turley, Alan Dershowitz, The Heritage Foundation (see section on Election Integrity).

However, the most sober, thoughtful and objective discussion of voter fraud in the presidential election and by extension the Georgia runoff elections I’ve discovered amidst all my research was that provided by Professor John Eastman, scholar of Constitutional law and Senior Fellow at the Claremont Institute in an interview at the Steamboat Institute on April 10, 2021. The full interview can be found here. It is 53 minutes long, and while my attention span is very limited, I watched all of it with rapt attention. He addresses ALL the things that we’ve heard about from the shrill Left and the angry Right: vote spikes, unilateral changes to the election laws by other than the state legislatures, the rejection by the courts of the many challenges on procedural grounds, the Supreme Court’s unwillingness to intervene, Dominion voting machine issues, etc.

If you my readers after viewing the above-mentioned video have any doubt that the “election was stolen” I have a bridge I’d like to sell you, or some Game Stop stock.

Finally, for those of you who still question whether there is evidence…no, let me rephrase that…SUFFICIENT evidence to challenge the legitimacy of the elections, I call your attention to this reference. One might not be happy with all the citations, nor the impact of bias on the sources, but taken as a whole, in my opinion it DOES provide more than ample documented, empirical evidence of fraud and a stolen election.

Now we have to hope and pray that more honest people will take hold of the levers of power and make the changes necessary before the 2022 election.  If we can take back the House and Senate in November 2022, we just may be able to halt this lurch to the extreme Left and maybe even get rid of some of the cancerous rot perpetrated by this illegitimate and toxic administration.

And for my part, I STILL want to see the forensic audit results of the November 3, 2020 and January 5, 2021 elections! Only then will we have the ammunition required to correct the historical record and judge what happened in 2020 fairly.

To the Contrary

Before, during and shortly after the 2020 Election I continued to believe and/or trust that truth would prevail, that fraud would be exposed, that a fair analysis and exposition of what happened would materialize and that the evil Leviathan I call the Left would be halted and defeated. I sincerely thought that this last election would represent the high tide of the Leftist Cabal…that finally, the truly insidious dark forces would be exposed and sent back to Hell where they belong. I now no longer feel so optimistic. To the contrary, I now see the inmates are now running the insane asylum.

For the last several weeks I have been studying all of the reports, essays, commentary, reviews, etc. regarding and surrounding the events beginning with the late winter/early Spring emergence of the Wuhan Virus, the convenient crisis it created, the election and all that has transpired since. It’s clear the Left used every arrow in their quiver to win their battle for control. And you know what? They won this battle!

There are no two ways about it. Disgusting and repulsive as their tactics were, they successfully prosecuted their cause and took over the reins of power in our country.

It has been said that World War III has begun. It has also been said that a secession of Red States or armed/violent rebellion against the Swamp are the only two paths forward barring complete submission to the godless communists (because that’s really what they are).

The cauldron is boiling. I know of NO thinking, patriotic, god-fearing, truth-reveling American who isn’t incensed right now. Unfortunately, no leader has yet emerged to coalesce them into a force able and willing to purge the demons. He or she is out there, and many names are being floated, but he or she has yet to step forward.

I, like many others, have wondered why the military didn’t and hasn’t stepped up to defend the republic. Studying this question and speaking to high-level contacts that I have in Washington, it has become clear that just like the country as a whole, there is a Swamp in the military and, I might add, the law enforcement and Intelligence Communities as well. While the vast majority of the military, law enforcement and intelligence community (MLIC) personnel are supportive of traditional American values, their LEADERSHIP consist almost universally of political swamp creatures interested at least as much if not more in their own advancement and careers as in the interests of our democracy and constitutional republic. The command hierarchy being what it is, the patriotic values and sentiments of the rank and file is suppressed, perhaps even more so than the Main Stream Media and the Democrat Party are able to censor, cancel and suppress that of the majority of the general population (and I still believe we are the majority!).

So the military wasn’t going to intervene on January 6th, or on January 20th, and while there is a lot of mumbling going on, so long as the top (swamp) brass is in command, the MLIC personnel will kowtow to their bosses. As an aside, this notion of “fighting for the man next to you” is just a fallback/excuse for not fighting for “truth, justice and the American Way.” THAT’s what they SHOULD be fighting for! In the absence of principles of freedom and right, however, which are nowadays largely absent from MLIC doctrine, it’s understandable the only thing our fighters have to fight for are the men on either side of them.

Like peeling an onion, as I read deeper into the answers to the question “How could this happen?”, I was reminded of all the history and forces behind this Leftist onslaught. As old as I am, and having spent my formative years overseas and seeing in my travels totalitarianism up front and personal, I have been reminded of the underpinnings. In short, the defeat of communism symbolized by the tearing down of the Berlin Wall, Glasnost, Perestroika, Tiananmen Square, etc. notwithstanding, the Left wasn’t defeated, just defanged momentarily.

I say momentarily because since the 80’s and Reagan’s “Star Wars” initiative bankrupted the Soviet Union, bringing it to its knees, the Alinsky-ites have sought to use more insidious means to infiltrate, poison and take over our institutions resulting in what we have today…a complete infestation of Leftist metastatic cancer in our society. It is embodied in the words and actions of the Leftists, from the globalists typified by George Soros, to the stupid, woke lemmings embodied in so many Gen Z snowflakes. With arrogant hyenas like Obama (behind the scenes), EVERY Democrat, from Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer and the rest of them pulling the strings of all these manipulated, leftist idiots, and thunderously spewing forth their propaganda using the tech megaphone and dominance of the media, the Right will have to adopt an opposing guerilla mentality, strategy and tactics to combat the now entrenched enemy.

When I started this blog going on two years ago, I planned to celebrate the virtues of traditional values, the benefits of a free and open society, etc. I intended to remain apolitical.

Anyone who has followed my essays will plainly see, however, that succumbing to the fact that now EVERYTHING in life and society is political, I’ve morphed into a dedicated resistance fighter who with my remaining years and breaths will do everything and anything I can to reverse the slide down the slippery slope we’re on and prevent the downfall of the greatest civilization, nation and republic the world has ever known. I will speak out boldly from this point forth, until and even after I too am “cancelled” by the hyenas, against the spread of the cancer. I will do what I can to kill, yes, kill the cancer that is Leftist, totalitarian and tyrannical ideology and resist…RESIST (!) the attempts to take away more of my freedom and that of my family and friends.

As much as the Left subscribes to moral relativism, in my book, some things are simply morally RIGHT and some things are morally WRONG!

I choose the Right.