Nothing Between Now and November 2024 Matters More Than Election Integrity

The shenanigans perpetrated by the Left for over 40 years has kept the Silent Majority silent. If you believe Biden received 81 Million LEGITIMATE votes, stop reading. You’re so hopelessly brainwashed, dumb or weak-minded you are part of the problem. If you know damn well that, by legal means or not, the 2020 and 2022 (and many long before these) elections were “rigged”, “stolen” or so many outcomes altered by the Left’s activities (i.e. “War Machine”), then read on.

Unless we restore integrity to our voting system we’ll never in the future have a representative democracy. It’s that simple.

“Clean up voter rolls”, we cry!

The reality is that the Democrats have baked fraud into every state’s voter rolls. Any attempt to remove dead voters, for example, is thwarted by decades of legal precedent firmly ensconced.

I recently came across the work of the Omega4America Project. Its approach to cleaning voter rolls and moving the election integrity work forward is refreshingly different and early evidence suggests it works. I STRONGLY urge my readers read the following article by Jay Valentine that describes how fractal analysis, if adopted in the swing states, would reveal the TRUE outcome of elections in the future.

February 27, 2023 The Solution to Ballot Fraud By Jay Valentine American Thinker

Some excerpts:

“The irresistible force is mail-in ballots, nonexistent signature verification, phantom voter rolls, a feckless Republican Party, Republican governors donating tax money to a George Soros–funded entity to clean voter rolls — election commissions changing ZIP codes so mail-in ballots stack up — courts refusing to remove dead people from voter rolls unless they miss two consecutive elections, and a Republican presidential candidate who thinks he can win with ballot-harvesting. What could go wrong in 2024?”

“In 2000, the national realization was that election fraud is industrial-scale, committed by election commissions or with their acquiescence.  It is a sovereign crime. The 2020 realization is that voter integrity teams cannot remove phantoms from voter rolls — even with death certificates.”

“If a voter integrity team challenges a dead guy, it is challenging a person.  There are decades of law, from our leftist pals, to thwart removing the dead from the voter roll.” “Leftists built an entire infrastructure around protecting the guy — not the address.  Knock on a couple of doors to see if Pedro lives there, and you get a visit from the Justice Department.”

“The key to cleaning voter rolls, to the leftists’ dismay, is not finding dead voters.  It is finding legitimate addresses — that cannot receive a ballot.” 

Again, I urge you to read the whole article.

PS How many of the illegal aliens who have entered the U.S. do you think will receive ballots and vote Democrat?