While You Were Sleeping (Or Otherwise Engaged in Meaningful Things)

The chaos being sown by the Left is so pervasive that much of their evil activities escape our attention. After all, Traditionalists, i.e. normal people, are focused on their jobs, families, communities…you know, the stuff of real life. The Globalists, i.e. those with so much wealth and power that they have nothing better to do, look down upon us mere mortals and try to figure out how to rack up more points on their power/money scorecards in the never-ending competition among themselves. The rules of real life, after all, don’t apply to them.

So here’s one of those tidbits that few normal people pay attention to. How many of us are aware of the just completed “Cyber Polygon 2020” event? Huh? It was a simulation of a “digital pandemic” that took place on July 9th of this year. You can read all about it on the official website here. For a critical look at what was BEHIND this event, however, I refer you to the coverage of it here. And before you reject the latter because it was heralded by The Organic Prepper apocalypse-oriented website, I urge you to read it. Even if you discount what was written by 80%, you have to be concerned, no, alarmed, by what it reveals!

In short, a “Blue Team” of good guys fought a simulated battle against “Red Team” bad guys. 120 teams from 29 countries. (If that isn’t “global” I don’t know what IS!) The Blue Team sought to defend their systems from cyber attacks by the Red Team. Ostensibly, “The experts(*) addressed the latest trends and technological threats, shared their experience in creating cybersecurity ecosystems, talked about the transforming threat landscape…” However, they also “discussed the problem of fake news and how to discern misinformation on the Web” (italicized quotes are from the official website). As the Organic Prepper article points out, “Coincidentally, one of the end goals of Cyber Polygon was to determine how to do a more thorough job of silencing all criticism that goes against the mainstream narrative.”

(*) The “Experts” included Mikhail Mishustin, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, and Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum, the very definition of Globalists!

But here’s the tidbit that really spooks me. According to videos published by the World Economic Forum (the grandaddy of all globalist cabals…the real-life equivalent of SCEPTRE for you James Bond fans, with Klaus Schwab in the role of Ernst Stavro Blofeld), “The only way to stop the exponential propagation of a COVID-like cyber threat is to fully disconnect the millions of vulnerable devices from one another and from the internet.” In short, this would involve the use an internet “kill switch.”

Guess what. They already exist and have been used, in Egypt in 2011 and just this past week, in Cuba! And guess who has the most powerful internet kill switch of all? Yup, the power-addicted, megalomaniacal tech oligarchs and their World Economic Forum buddies.

Think of the implications of a flip of the “off” switch. If you think the silencing and canceling being undertaken by Big Tech is bad now, and the brainwashing they’re engaged in can’t be made more virile, what if the ONLY source of information was a Leftist/Globalist/Collectivist news agency broadcasting propaganda 24 hours a day? (Picture “Big Brother’ from Orwell’s 1984)

To top it off, and here’s the kicker, the official website concludes:

“It was not clear until the end of the exercise who would take the first place. Different teams were leading at different stages, which means that none of them could fully utilise the techniques at their disposal.

The exercise allowed the participants to identify their strengths and weaknesses. We hope that the received information will help them create plans for developing the necessary competencies and improve their results in the future.”

Say what??? So not just the Blue Team but the Red Team benefited from the exercise by helping them “create plans for developing the necessary competencies” to improve their results!

The whole simulation was couched in lofty, benevolent terms. The reality is that cyber bad-actors such as ransomware hoodlums had a front row opportunity to survey the landscape/battlefield and devise new strategies for pursuing their evil deeds.

Ok, you can go back to sleep now. Everything’s just fine out there…

Why They Win

Human beings are either fundamentally Individuals or Groupies – Lions or Lemmings. The Left are Lemmings. They are stupid, cerebrally lazy, easily manipulated and ruled. A relatively few, megalomaniacal, attractive and articulate celebrity Lemming ‘leaders’ – Hyenas, tug at their heart strings, flatter them, overwhelm their God-given reasoning abilities with utopian fantasies and promise them prosperity and equality, and they march in lockstep. The Hyenas are demagogues, masters of deceit, twisters and shapers of perception, and thus “reality” for the Lemmings. They lie, delude themselves and the Lemmings, cheat, steal… will stop at nothing to achieve power and amass wealth for themselves.They are the few, the elite, the enlightened, who oversee the Lemming masses.

Hyenas constantly whine that the Lions “are trying to divide us”, “are selfish and mean”, are greedy, uncaring and unfeeling. They hate the Lions because they will not conform and obey. To garner power and control and keep the Lemmings brainwashed, Hyenas project onto the Lions everything of which they are guilty, which includes dividing people into identities and classes to more readily manipulate them, pitch them against one another, and then ride atop the fray as saviors, thus cementing their power. Conformity, obedience, collectivism, indoctrination…these are the principles that dominate the Lemming society.

It’s Karl Marx 101.

Lions think for themselves, have confidence in their own judgment and resist being ruled. They are providers, not takers, choose to congregate together bound by common values of truth, fairness, meritocracy, not because they have been coerced or manipulated to do so. They demand and assert freedom and the exercise of their free will. If they are led it’s because they selected their leaders, not because they were manipulated into turning over and subjecting their freedom.  

The reality is that the Lions are not trying to divide people, they simply know when they’re being fed bs and refuse to step into line. And because they’re individuals, they are NOT easily led. They must be persuaded to unite behind a common purpose. This takes time as the Lions’ critical thinking and BS monitors are always turned on. This makes them vulnerable. The Lemming Leaders incite the masses of unthinking followers to shout down the Lions with a collective, conformed voice. The Lions roar, but their roar is overwhelmed by the noise made by the Lemmings, so much so that some Lions even give up their freedom and join the Lemmings, turning on their own.

So Lemmings, led by demagogues, win because their masses surround and overwhelm individual Lions, or small prides of Lions.

Do we wish to be ruled by Hyenas, or rule ourselves?


With the Hyenas now virtually in control of all the levers of power, the Lions will have to decide how to use their superior strength, speed, cunning and real power to overthrow the Hyenas and restore freedom to the masses. No small task, as the Hyenas control the means of communication, can watch and listen to everything the Lions do, have infiltrators and spies everywhere, hold the purse strings and have the biggest megaphone that they’ve ever had.

Some of the Lions, though in the employ of the Hyenas, are already primed to exert the power and leadership they have over their prides and bond with other prides. Many will now have to be persuaded to join the fight against the Hyenas and Lemmings. It may take an apocalyptic ruining of freedom, democracy, our Republic to get the reluctant Lions to turn. New channels of communication, new leadership, new guerilla and insurgency techniques will be needed, but either the Lions unite and destroy the Hyenas, or the Hyenas will destroy both the Lions and the land.

Allow me some time to lick my wounds and paws, and then I will join other Lions in mounting and executing a campaign to rid the landscape of Hyenas, wake up Lemmings who can be awakened, and restore the traditional values, mores and institutions that have WORKED to bring peace and prosperity to mankind over thousands of years.

May God bless us in this effort.

I’m At a Loss for Words

Dear Readers and Patrons of Grumps Report,

I truly am at a loss for words. The emotions coursing through me at this moment are so powerful that I expect anything I write might not reflect what I think and feel even a couple of weeks from now. I’ve run out of adjectives and adverbs to describe the emotions: sadness, fear, disgust, hopefulness, resolve, patience and impatience, anger, compassion, hate and love, just to name a few.

Physically, I’m fine. I had a routine medical procedure last week that required me to visit my doctor. I thus had a COVID test and am negative. I don’t know whether I’ve got antibodies. I’ve stopped watching and reading the news on this topic because my economist/banker/businessman’s critical thinking training has me so put off by the so-called experts, even many whom I’ve trusted and relied on in the past, that I’ve shut them all out.

Spiritually and emotionally I’m sickened by what I see happening to our country. Having grown up in the 60’s witnessing all the rebellion and profligacy of that decade, I never saw anything like the soul-crushing necrosis I’m seeing today. I’m of course referring to the rioting, looting and what’s almost worse, the cowardice, demagoguery and genuflection on the part of Leftist politicians to what truly is domestic terrorism. In the 60’s it was easy to write off the chaos and attribute it to fringe lunacy. The great majority of Americans, while silent, appreciated what we had and were mostly bystanders to what was generally accepted to be foolishness or youthful exuberance. The vast majority of us still cherished and appreciated all that was good about America.

Today we’re seeing the fruits of the dark underbelly of the 60’s, amplified and expanded thanks to the internet and decades of indoctrination by the same losers who lacked self-control and self-discipline then. They now populate academia, law, and above all, government. Even the military and law enforcement haven’t been spared. There are neurotic, unproductive or barely productive adult children in virtually all our institutions.

I’ve already said too much. I will now go back to my bucket-list pursuit of reading all the Great Books. In them I find refuge, wisdom and truth that transcends all the nonsense bombarding me from all directions every minute of every day (were I to allow it).

Keep your seat belts fastened and your seat backs and tray tables in their full upright position. It’s going to be a bumpy ride for some time to come.

But this too shall pass.


I’ve written about this before, but it’s plain to see that two halves of our population can look at the exact same set of facts and firmly believe positions that are 180 degrees apart. But it is astounding that ANYONE in this country can look at the Democrats’ impeachment antics as credible, or the horrifying (to those of us with brains who are paying attention) stupidity coming out of the mouths of the Democrat candidates for President as believable, yet there are many, even if not 50% of the population, who do. THAT’s what’s scary about what we’re witnessing…that ostensibly ‘normal’ people could buy the nonsense the Left is peddling.

Don’t they get it? How is it that they can’t see how perniciously calculating, conniving, dishonest and hypocritical the Left is?

I have a theory. It goes back to the basic principle that our perception is based on our experience (see my post (https://grumpsreport.com/?s=Briggs). In my opinion, the experiences of half the country have consisted of Leftist indoctrination, read brainwashing.

The Left is brilliant at manipulation, false-impression-creation, misrepresentation, and above all, in knowing how to play on human emotions. They cannot appeal to peoples’ left brains so they go after the right hemisphere and heart strings. Play the right music in the background and a horror film becomes a comedy. Set the lights just right and the ugly can appear beautiful. Put just the right amount of quiver in your voice and twist the story line and you can make anyone a victim. Celebrating losers and victims is their stock-in-trade. Disagree with that and you’re a racist, bigot, heartless, entitled, privileged old white person the product of a discriminatory society bent on crushing the less fortunate.  

Hollywood is of course the crucible in which all the leftist soup is created. The world’s greatest experts in deception and heart-string manipulation, Hollywood has fed generation after generation since the Greatest Generation with emotional drivel which, while entertaining, is taken as reality. It is THIS emotional drivel that has been the diet of those, in my opinion, who believe what the Left is saying and doing.

It’s no wonder therefore that the EXPERIENCE of half the country…the half that have swallowed the drivel with little to no critical thinking, are empty vessels into which the current Leftist nonsense can be easily poured. It fills their souls with emotional satisfaction to hear concepts like “Medicare for All” and Welcoming (i.e. ‘Open’) Borders. And it’s what allows them to believe the lies about children in cages and every other lie put forth by the Left.

It’s not FAKE NEWS, it’s blatant indoctrination, messaging with an agenda, subjective twisting of facts, figures, data to push a narrative that anyone with a functional LEFT brain sees as destructive to mankind and the world. The “Media” is just a court jester, pandering to whomever will buy their verbal diarrhea for the highest amount.

Follow the money. Always. The self-righteous and hyper-hypocritical Left will do whatever maximizes the cash in their pockets, and the quickest way to undeservedly do so is to amass and exercise POWER.

To be fair, there are plenty on the RIGHT who subscribe to this strategy and who take advantage of it. But like so many other things, IT’S A QUESTION OF DEGREE. The Left is guilty of lying, cheating, and indiscriminately acting in ways that benefit themselves thousands of times more frequently than the Right.

Not until the weak-minded and gullible face REAL reality ( I can’t believe I’ve had to use such a term ) or have their heart strings pulled by Goodness, Grace, God or the Holy Spirit, or whatever universal positive Force you subscribe to, or, alternatively, have an experience or experiences that wake them up to the real world, will they make their way back to the realm of the grounded human race with traditional values and practices, and will our Country revert to its position as Light Shining on the Hill.

Educational Indoctrination

What is happening in our schools is beyond shocking. A whole generation has been brainwashed to believe things we and our parents would have written off as lunacy.

A firsthand account by a public school teacher in Gross Pointe, Michigan of what’s going on in the halls, academic lounges and in kids’ heads these days alarmingly summarizes what we should find frightening if we care about our children and grandchildren. The article, entitled “Worse Than Ever: Government Schools After 35 Years“, by Lawrence M. Ludlow (American Thinker, August 15, 2019) describes what he found upon returning to the classroom after a hiatus because the local high school was unable to replace a retiring Latin teacher.

The first clue was the difference between the certification process in 1982, when he previously taught, and 2018. In his own words: “The 1982 certificate only listed the courses I could teach.  In contrast, the 2018 version had a 300-word “Code of Ethics” that amounted to a profession of faith in collectivism, egalitarianism, state schools, and diversity (typically limited to superficial things like skin color and gender, not ideas).”

His next exposure was to the students themselves, who were woefully deficient in English grammar much less ready to study Latin. In what was supposed to be a superior school system, many students didn’t bring books to class, complained incessantly about homework, expected to receive high grades regardless of proficiency and performance and the Principal was instituting a process whereby students would not be compelled to take any more than one test in a day! And this kind of education was supposed to be college preparatory!

The warping and rewriting of history, the Leftist brainwashing on the topics of socialism versus capitalism, communism versus democracy, globalism versus nationalism, nepotism versus meritocracy, redistributionism versus self-reliance, moral relativism, collectivism versus individualism, the blatant promotion of gender dysphoria, group identity, victimology and outrage culture…THIS is what’s being taught to our children and grandchildren in elementary and secondary schools and on college campuses today. (I will leave for another time the attack on boys and boyhood, men and manhood.) Oh yes, occasionally the three R’s are thrown in, but increasingly, this kind of harmful, Leftist nonsense permeates every subject.

It’s no wonder that home-schooling is taking off. It’s no wonder the competition for private school slots is cutthroat. And despite ever increasing spending per capita, it’s no wonder “Johnny [still] Can’t Read.”

Where does the fault lie, and who’s responsibility is it to fix this problem?

As regards fault – I chalk this up to the natural impact of what I call the “fat and happy syndrome.” Briefly, I submit that the Boomers, recipients of the peace and prosperity won by the Greatest Generation and not having to struggle through a Great Depression, allowed boredom, indolence, envy, drugs, moral depravity and many other societal ills to infect a “fat and happy” population.  “Free Thinking”, “Free Love”, anti-establishment rhetoric and the abandonment of God or thousands of years of right and wrong moral yardsticks resulted in a new educational approach. The result, “New Math” (remember?) and now, the Common Core panacea. In short, the hippies took over academia.

Regrettably, George Bernard Shaw was right. “Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach.” With exceptions, for example shop and trade-school teachers who pass on truly useful skills and learning, academicians are so caught up in complying with the orthodoxy established by teacher union leadership, publishing or perishing the “proper” material in the case of college professors, or crushed by the collective mob if they try to deviate from the dogma, that there is little chance of a return to the basics.

As for the solution. Somehow, and by smarter people than I, we must eliminate the ability of teacher unions to impose their Leftist canon on our system. Whether we do this by abolishing teacher unions altogether (and ALL government employee unions by the way) or through some other means, we must break up the monopoly and MAKE OUR EDUCATION SYSTEM GREAT AGAIN.

I also suggest that those parents who can place their children in private schools do so. If unable to do so, I urge them to strongly consider home-schooling. Something like 2 million school-age kids are being home-taught today, with extraordinary results as compared to public schooling, and that figure is growing exponentially.

Finally, I urge parents to demand that their children reduce their obsession with social media and technology and create opportunities for them to interact in healthy ways with one another. Supervised play dates for the youngsters, organized sports (left me emphasize here the importance of competitive TEAM sports), participation in interpersonally engaging, non-technical social activities like music and theater, science and outdoors clubs for adolescents.

It’s been argued that our ability to influence our children ends about the age of 8. While that’s debatable, those of us who have raised children know that somewhere around the onset of adolescence we become the enemy and what we say is far less important than the current “meme”.

Yet judging by what I see in college and twenty-something, even thirty-something age kids today, when reality bites and they’re forced to become increasingly self-reliant…they become receptive to guidance and influence once again. All of sudden they discover that their parents have grown up. (As an aside, there is nothing more heartwarming than hearing our own words coming out of the mouths of our older children as they instruct their younger siblings, or their children!)

I urge us to find ways of resisting the temptation to become our children’s friends as they morph into grown-ups and, hopefully, adults, but rather continue to set an example for them, teach them correct principles, and help them understand what was right and what was wrong about the subject matter they were just exposed to over the previous 12-16 or more years.

If they haven’t learned them already, teach them about skepticism and critical thinking. Teach them the manners, decorum and civility that they didn’t receive during their ‘formal’ education. Teach them self-reliance and how to rise on the basis of merit, not political maneuvering or nepotism. Teach them about determination and perseverance. Teach them thrift and self-discipline, and teach them by example whenever possible, the difference between Right and Wrong, and Right and Left.

I submit that the blatant Leftist indoctrination of our children and grandchildren in today’s schools and colleges (whether public or private) is the REAL DOMESTIC TERROR threat in our country. May we who believe in Traditional Values be strong enough and wise enough to arm and teach our loved ones how to fight this scourge.

Delusional Malice

The Left’s all out assault on traditional American values is approaching a crescendo. As they see their beloved utopian dream continue to implode they no longer profess to “go high”. Rather, they seem to revel in taking the “low road” at every turn.

Credit to David Limbaugh who penned a wonderful piece on what the true meaning of Make America Great Again means and from whom I learned the phrase “Delusional Malice”. For that describes perfectly what the Left is up to.

Delusional describes the Left’s hopes and dreams:

  • That everyone will live happily ever after with government provided healthcare for all;
  • That confiscating everyone’s guns will eliminate gun violence;
  • That taxing “the rich” (which really means everyone who has a job) will pay for all of government’s social programs, including the provision of universal healthcare;
  • That eliminating plastic shopping bags and straws, large fountain sodas, incandescent lightbulbs, gasoline powered vehicles, etc. will “save the planet”;
  • That we can all live happily in a perfectly integrated, multi-ethnic, multi-racial, multi-lingual and multi-religious society where we will harmoniously “all get along”;
  • That the distinction between genders will be eliminated so there will be equal opportunity, equal pay, equal time on sports fields, irrespective of merit, experience, or accomplishment;
  • That abortion may be used as contraception in lieu of continence;
  • That God and religion are eliminated from our schools, discourse, laws and society generally;
  • That we will no more have borders or have to worry about national sovereignty once we become one global family;
  • And so on and so forth…

Malice describes the insidious nature of how the Left is advancing its agenda:

  • By calling everyone who disagrees with them a racist, fascist, homophobe, xenophobe, etc.;
  • By indoctrinating and exploiting children to advance their aims;
  • By hijacking the vocabulary and promoting the use of definitions and memes that reflect their views;
  • By outright lying both by omission and commission;
  • By enlisting Hollywood and its supreme ability to make fiction and fantasy seem real to generate heart-string tugs and subtly brain-wash receptive audiences;
  • By dumbing down deviance, i.e. trivializing evil and wrong (e.g. “it’s just sex”);
  • By projecting, in the psychological sense, their aberrance and uncivilized notions onto traditionalists, conservatives and true patriots;
  • By open physical harassment and “in-your-face” confrontation of anyone who opposes them;
  • By refusing to condemn violence and unconscionable behavior in the name of “restraint” and “tolerance”;
  • By exuding hypocrisy to the point of pathology;
  • By seeking to suppress the speech, appearances, writings, even the posts and tweets of anyone who calls out their bilge for what it is;
  • By claiming “science” backs their views when in fact the exact opposite is true;
  • By saturating the air with so much drivel and vituperation that all vestiges of traditional mores and values are obscured.

As I’ve noted before, it’s difficult for Traditionalists to fight this cancer. We care about the High Road, and have been taught that we mustn’t “descend to their level”. We want to be left alone to live in peace as we know we can and should.

But Delusional Malice is becoming more and more manifest as each day goes by, as the Left continues to try to overwhelm the system and create an almost apocalyptic chaos from which only they can save us.

It is not enough to set an example and rise above all the mayhem. We must step up our counteroffensive, calling out lies and Leftist propaganda whenever and wherever we see it. We must push back against the onslaught, against the REAL fascism and bigotry, by opposing in every lawful way each and every initiative of the Left that would seek to drag us further down the slippery slope.

I don’t have any evidence or statistics to support this, but I’ll bet the majority of the attendees at the July 4th celebration on the National Mall two days ago were Traditionalists. It’s inspiring to see so many patriotic people come out and show their support for our flag, our country, and by extension, traditional American values. The Silent Majority spoke up. May we continue to do so and pull ourselves back up that slippery slope!