Remember The Russia Hoax

Hoax is too gentle a term as it suggests something lighthearted. The Clinton Campaign, authorized no doubt with no more than a nod of the head for plausible deniability by Hillary Clinton herself, conceived and executed “the most ambitious dirty trick pulled in an American election and its aftermath.”[1] While America’s attention was focused on last week’s election, the indictment of Igor Danchenko became the third and most significant in the Trump-Russia collusion inquiry led by Special Prosecutor John Durham. As Charles Lipson summarizes in the above-referenced RealClear Politics article and as Kim Strassel of the Wall Street Journal wrote, the so-called “Steele Dossier” should be called the “Clinton Dossier”, since “Hillary commissioned it, paid for it, and had her aides feed it to the media, the State Department, and the FBI. It was a full-scale disinformation campaign — coherent, well-organized, and well-funded. It was rotten to the core.”[2]

The media, of course, is trying to sweep all of it under the rug as “old news”. Like my previous post, “Remember November 3, 2020” we must not let this happen.

We’ve all known about this archetypical political trickery and misinformation for years. As time softens the harsh reality and truth about the whole affair, we must tenaciously pursue the investigation for a couple of reasons: First, this was no normal-course-of-business set of campaign tactics using opposition research. It was, indeed, a full-fledged conspiracy to undermine and destroy Trump not just in advance of the 2016 election, but also afterwards, to hand-tie and cripple his administration. Second, unless and until there are consequences and incarceration for the perpetrators of this assault not just on Trump but on the American people, the Democrats will keep it up.

The strength of the conspiracy stems, in part, from garnering the Leftist troops to read off the same page of the hymnal. It may take seconds to expose the smoking guns, but years to amass so much evidence as to change the narrative, change the perception to reveal and cement the truth. The latter is obviously due to the crushing verbal diarrhea emanating from the Leftist dominated media, complicit in the lie. It’s not enough to expose the truth. It’s not enough to have a 5 minute segment on Fox News. The Truth must be crafted onto to a batman searchlight and projected on the clouds so brightly that it is impossible to ignore, and everyone sees it, once and for all, for what it is.

The genius of the Democrats is they have almost perfected the “Art of the Steal”. The lies, deceit, misinformation, denial, libel, deflection, misrepresentation, dissembling, bludgeoning, silencing, cancelling and physical, felonious activities are so well coordinated now that exactly contrary to what they are saying about the Right, it is they who act like terrorists, with all of their clandestine and covert techniques, cells, secret meetings and funding, etc.

Yeah, yeah, I know. “The Republicans do it too.” Having personally spent time in the political ooze in various capacities over the years, I can regrettably report first-hand that yes, the Republicans engage in all of these shenanigans as well. So, if you put a split screen on the television you could show examples on both sides of the political spectrum.

But, as with most facts and truth, IT’S A QUESTION OF DEGREE! The Democrats have abandoned even lip service to fairness and truth. They have shown over and over again to anyone with their eyes open that there is no length to which they will not go to achieve their megalomaniacal ends. Their use of malfeasance in seeking power and control dwarfs, as the sun dwarfs the moon, anything the Republicans have EVER been able to mount.

Thus, to perpetrate their lies takes only a fake dossier and the conspirators run with it. To counter the lies, it takes us on the Right years and years of painstaking effort, research, documentation, and exposure in the face of “nothing to see here”, shiny objects there, “old news”, and continuing cover-up, lies and disinformation (“that was debunked”) to overcome the BS emanating from the Left.

And still we may not be able to turn hearts and minds. One would think that adjudication in the judicial system of the evidence of the Left’s evil doing would suffice. But it doesn’t because the judiciary is also biased, corrupt and sometimes wittingly and sometimes unwittingly part of the conspiracy. PysOp, Coercion, Threats and Extreme Peer and Political Pressure has polluted our courts all the way up to the SCOTUS.

So, the only remaining avenue to correct the record is the collective chant of “Let’s Go Brandon” which translates, figuratively, to “Down with this Leftist BS” and “We’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take it anymore”.

We must not forget what the Democrat National Committee, Hillary and her acolytes and minions perpetrated on America in 2015 and 2016 and thereafter. We must continue to shine the batman beacon exposing the corruption and evil for all to see.

Let’s Go Durham!

[1] Lipson, Charles, RealClear Politics, November 8, 2021 “John Durham Is Getting Close To The Jugular”

[2] ibid.