Remember The Russia Hoax

Hoax is too gentle a term as it suggests something lighthearted. The Clinton Campaign, authorized no doubt with no more than a nod of the head for plausible deniability by Hillary Clinton herself, conceived and executed “the most ambitious dirty trick pulled in an American election and its aftermath.”[1] While America’s attention was focused on last week’s election, the indictment of Igor Danchenko became the third and most significant in the Trump-Russia collusion inquiry led by Special Prosecutor John Durham. As Charles Lipson summarizes in the above-referenced RealClear Politics article and as Kim Strassel of the Wall Street Journal wrote, the so-called “Steele Dossier” should be called the “Clinton Dossier”, since “Hillary commissioned it, paid for it, and had her aides feed it to the media, the State Department, and the FBI. It was a full-scale disinformation campaign — coherent, well-organized, and well-funded. It was rotten to the core.”[2]

The media, of course, is trying to sweep all of it under the rug as “old news”. Like my previous post, “Remember November 3, 2020” we must not let this happen.

We’ve all known about this archetypical political trickery and misinformation for years. As time softens the harsh reality and truth about the whole affair, we must tenaciously pursue the investigation for a couple of reasons: First, this was no normal-course-of-business set of campaign tactics using opposition research. It was, indeed, a full-fledged conspiracy to undermine and destroy Trump not just in advance of the 2016 election, but also afterwards, to hand-tie and cripple his administration. Second, unless and until there are consequences and incarceration for the perpetrators of this assault not just on Trump but on the American people, the Democrats will keep it up.

The strength of the conspiracy stems, in part, from garnering the Leftist troops to read off the same page of the hymnal. It may take seconds to expose the smoking guns, but years to amass so much evidence as to change the narrative, change the perception to reveal and cement the truth. The latter is obviously due to the crushing verbal diarrhea emanating from the Leftist dominated media, complicit in the lie. It’s not enough to expose the truth. It’s not enough to have a 5 minute segment on Fox News. The Truth must be crafted onto to a batman searchlight and projected on the clouds so brightly that it is impossible to ignore, and everyone sees it, once and for all, for what it is.

The genius of the Democrats is they have almost perfected the “Art of the Steal”. The lies, deceit, misinformation, denial, libel, deflection, misrepresentation, dissembling, bludgeoning, silencing, cancelling and physical, felonious activities are so well coordinated now that exactly contrary to what they are saying about the Right, it is they who act like terrorists, with all of their clandestine and covert techniques, cells, secret meetings and funding, etc.

Yeah, yeah, I know. “The Republicans do it too.” Having personally spent time in the political ooze in various capacities over the years, I can regrettably report first-hand that yes, the Republicans engage in all of these shenanigans as well. So, if you put a split screen on the television you could show examples on both sides of the political spectrum.

But, as with most facts and truth, IT’S A QUESTION OF DEGREE! The Democrats have abandoned even lip service to fairness and truth. They have shown over and over again to anyone with their eyes open that there is no length to which they will not go to achieve their megalomaniacal ends. Their use of malfeasance in seeking power and control dwarfs, as the sun dwarfs the moon, anything the Republicans have EVER been able to mount.

Thus, to perpetrate their lies takes only a fake dossier and the conspirators run with it. To counter the lies, it takes us on the Right years and years of painstaking effort, research, documentation, and exposure in the face of “nothing to see here”, shiny objects there, “old news”, and continuing cover-up, lies and disinformation (“that was debunked”) to overcome the BS emanating from the Left.

And still we may not be able to turn hearts and minds. One would think that adjudication in the judicial system of the evidence of the Left’s evil doing would suffice. But it doesn’t because the judiciary is also biased, corrupt and sometimes wittingly and sometimes unwittingly part of the conspiracy. PysOp, Coercion, Threats and Extreme Peer and Political Pressure has polluted our courts all the way up to the SCOTUS.

So, the only remaining avenue to correct the record is the collective chant of “Let’s Go Brandon” which translates, figuratively, to “Down with this Leftist BS” and “We’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take it anymore”.

We must not forget what the Democrat National Committee, Hillary and her acolytes and minions perpetrated on America in 2015 and 2016 and thereafter. We must continue to shine the batman beacon exposing the corruption and evil for all to see.

Let’s Go Durham!

[1] Lipson, Charles, RealClear Politics, November 8, 2021 “John Durham Is Getting Close To The Jugular”

[2] ibid.

A Skirmish, Not A Battle, Not The War

Our election system is still broken. Even though I like the outcomes in Virginia and many other locations last Tuesday, I have only slightly more confidence that the GOP wins were free and fair than that the outcome in New Jersey was honest. I continue to be astounded that ANY thinking American could vote for the likes of McAuliffe or Murphy. Thus, my suspicion is that Youngkin won by substantially more than he did, and Ciattarelli probably won in New Jersey, but shenanigans in both races continued as they had in 2020.

Until we figure out how to ensure one citizen, one vote in this country, “they who count the votes” will bias the results in their favor using all of the shady-at-best, outright-illegal and fraudulent-at-worst, techniques. Politicians in general, and Democrats in particular, have been gaming the rules and the system for so long in this country, I have very little confidence in ANY outcome.

Auditing the results doesn’t help. The ability to obscure things like chain-of-custody, endlessly litigate broken laws and regulations, data manipulation… all ensure elections do NOT have integrity. Mis directional audits (ones that confirm the manual count is the same as the machine count but completely ignore the question of whether each vote was LEGAL!) simply won’t solve the problem. The attention span of America is so short that once the declarations of results are nominally announced, accurate or not, free-of-fraud or not, we tend to move on.

Except with respect to the 2020 election, the shenanigans during which were so egregious that only history will accept, perhaps three generations from now, that it was the most blatant rigging and theft of any election in our nation’s history.

I’m not in favor of federalizing elections, but I AM in favor of the Supreme Court growing a pair and insisting that State laws be adhered to. I’m also in favor of overwhelming and saturating the airwaves from this point forth with exposés of Leftist propaganda (a.k.a. BS) that flow like diarrhea from the mouths of their acolytes, media mouthpieces and henchmen (henchpersons?).

I don’t believe the numbers from either Virginia or New Jersey any more than I believe that Brandon received 81 million legitimate votes in November 2020. I’m glad we posted lawyers at key precincts to minimize “the steal” this time around. But the steal mechanism, I have no doubt, was still in place, which is why the results were so close. And in New Jersey, I’m now surprised that at 1:30 AM on November 4th Murphy mysteriously received 40,000 votes that put him over the top. It stinks. It just stinks.

Would an audit prove that Ciattarelli won? Probably, but an audit merely produces EVIDENCE, and only if an unbiased court HEARS that evidence and the allegation of fraud is thus PROVEN, will anything change.

In 2020, there was TONS of evidence of fraud. People forget that sworn affidavits, sworn under penalty of perjury, ARE EVIDENCE! That evidence doesn’t constitute PROOF, however, until a court judges its veracity, it validity and comes to a determination.

Were Ciattarelli to challenge the New Jersey results, chances are there would be enough evidence to establish a case that the Democrats fraudulently manufactured the Murphy win. However, by the time the matter wound its way through the judicial system, Murphy’s second administration would be over!

That’s what the Democrats count on. They have established a critical mass of blind, sometimes stupid, uninformed vote-counting pawns, at best, to hopelessly corrupt judges unwilling to hear evidence at worst, such that any attempt to reform the election process and ensure vote integrity will be stymied.

So what happened this time? What happened, as it did in 2016, is that so lopsided was the vote against the Democrats and for the Republican candidates even the Dems’ best laid cheating plans didn’t work. In Virginia’s case, if the truth were revealed, my hunch is that Youngkin won by 1-2% points MORE than he did. In New Jersey’s case, if the truth were revealed, Ciattarelli would/will have won by a similar margin.

So, while Tuesday’s election was indeed a throwing of the BS flag on the Leftist/Democrat agenda, a repudiation of Uncle Brandon and all the idiocy that comes with him and his party, it wasn’t anywhere near as close as the hyper-ventilating media would have us believe.

We won a skirmish on Tuesday. It wasn’t even a battle. The battle for the truth behind November 2020 still rages, for example. And the War against authoritarianism, freedom, traditional values that made this country great and a shining beacon for the world, also continues.

Fight on Americans, fight on against the sycophants, panderers and brainwashed idiots of the Left who would “fundamentally transform” our country. Don’t let up. Let’s exploit their weakness: their infighting, their foolish policies and agenda, while we have the microphone and the tide on our side.

Our skirmish victory won’t last long.

Another Analysis of the 2020 Election

An interesting analysis of the dollars spent by Mark Zuckerberg and no doubt other wealthy leftists to fund a targeted, private takeover of government election operations was published today in the Federalist. In his article, “The 2020 Election Wasn’t Stolen, It Was Bought By Mark Zuckerberg“, William Doyle makes the compelling case that the “unprecedented merger of public election offices with private resources and personnel is an acute threat to our republic, and should be the focus of electoral reform efforts moving forward.”

How much are we talking about? How about $420 million passed into local government elections offices, all of it Zuckerberg’s and all “with strings attached”. The article spells out how that money “had nothing to do with traditional campaign finance, lobbying or other expenses” and everything “to do with financing the infiltration of elections offices at the city and county level by left-wing activists, and using those offices as a platform to implement preferred administrative practices, voting methods, and data-sharing agreements, as well as to launch intensive outreach campaigns in areas heavy with Democratic voters.”

I believe Doyle. His arguments and evidence are not only plausible, but perfectly explain how Joe Biden received 81 million votes. We will never know how many were illegitimately cast, but the meme that Biden got that many legitimate votes requires, to quote a vomit-inducing leftist, “the willful suspension of disbelief.”

I urge my readers to read Doyle’s complete article. It’s persusive, alarming and if we don’t assimilate the reality he paints into our election reform efforts, the 2022 and 2024 elections will without doubt be equally corrupt.

And as regards 2022 and subsequently, 2024. I predict the war that will be fought between the Left and the Right over election integrity will make 2020 look like a cocktail party by comparison. The Left is already doing everything they can to stall examinations into what happened in 2020, using every Alinsky, muckracking and corrupt tactic they can possible muster. As usual, the gentlemenly GOP is trying to “work within the system” to route out corruption.

If the GOP doesn’t put on its big boy pants and start fighting harder, louder, smarter and more effectively to purge election systems of the fraud and abuse that the Democrats are all to willing to promote and accept either directly or indirectly, the Left will have succeeded in guaranteeing themselves permanent power and further hastening the demise of the greatest nation in history.

Inarticulate and shrill as some of the voices on the Right might sound, they barely begin to compete with the verbal diarrhea emanating from the Left. Who will stand up to the Democrats and be sufficiently attractive, articulate, convincing and persuasive as to halt this demonic takeover of our socity that is currently underway? I don’t think it’s Trump. He still scolds and whines like a petulant teenager who can’t string two sentences together without repeating himself five times. His policies are sound. His antipathy towards the media, the Swamp and the Left in general is right on, but he can’t inspire a huge swath of the middle that represents America. To them he’s still a New York real estate thug. He may have been the only one who could have beaten Hillary, but something better than an “I told you so” candidacy is going to be needed to win in 2024.

So who? It’s not one of the firebrands: Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, etc. It’s not Cruz, not Rubio, not a governor like Kristi Noem, nor Greg Abbot, nor Ron DeSantis. None have the broad appeal necessary to bring enough people into the tent. No, it’s going to have to be someone new, someone we haven’t thought of yet, someone who comes out of the woodwork like Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton did. It’s too early to say, to know or to tell. It has to be a surprise, someone who even Trump will endorse and gladly (if not graciously) step aside for. I know everything thinks Trump is a narcissist and would never give up the GOP nomination but I choose to believe he cares enough about the country that he’d do so if the right candidate, whom he could boast to have endorsed, emerges.

But none of it may matter. Neither Trump nor a better candidate will win in 2024 if the GOP doesn’t shellack the Democrats in 2022. And the GOP will not win in 2022 or 2024 regardless of candidates if the corruption and fraud is not routed out of the system before then.

Before I conclude. There is one thing that could peacefully (more or less) shake up the status quo. If either or both Kyrsten Sinema or Joe Manchin were to switch parties, giving control of the Senate to the GOP, THAT would stir the pot!

You heard it from me first.

Some Random Thoughts for the Day – October 15, 2020

There is so much to analyze, so much to comment on, so much to write about, I think today I’ll just list bullet points. Please click below to read them…

  • The chaos being sewn by both parties, but particularly and obviously that by the Left, is deliberate. It makes it difficult for many to sort fact from fiction, to sort honesty from dishonesty. Only clear-headed Americans with open minds and critical thinking skills will be able to discern truth from lies.
  • The Left, and I’ve said this before, will stop at NOTHING to defeat Donald Trump and the Republicans this election cycle. Couched in a wide range of statesman-like rhetoric (e.g. Dick Durbin) to outright obnoxious, poisonous and odious verbal diarrhea (e.g. Kamala Harris) the Left is throwing anything and everything at the wall in hopes something will stick.
  • If you look up “unhinged” in the dictionary, Nancy Pelosi’s picture should be next to the definition. Her performance with Wolf Blitzer on CNN simply says it all. You can’t make this stuff up.
  • As evidence of how on the one hand our country is innovative as hell, and on the other how crazy it’s becoming, I offer the fact that Hormel is now offering face masks with the scent of bacon. ‘Nuff said.
  • New bumper sticker: “My expert/scientist is bigger than your expert/scientist”.
  • Seen on a trail in the middle of nowhere in the High Peaks Wilderness of the Adirondacks a couple of weeks ago: a family, all wearing masks, including the family dog!
  • I predict the barons of Wall Street, in a final attempt to knock Trump down, will tank the market just before the election.
  • There is corruption on both sides of the political swamp, but the Clintons, Bidens, and their ilk truly are the varsity, All-American champions. Tell me how a so-called public servant his entire life, Joe Biden, is fabulously wealthy (and don’t say because Jill Biden is a physician… she didn’t make THAT much over the years). Don’t even try to justify the Biden family’s “business interests” that were implicitly, if not explicitly tied to his government positions as less than major conflicts of interest, whether ‘legal’ or not! As for the Clintons…the $100,000 commodities trading scandal was nothing compared to what they extracted and continue to extract from the Clinton Foundation into which influence buyers poured tens of millions of dollars! Again, legal or not, it stinks to high heaven!
  • Amy Comey Barrett is a superstar, and it’s not because of her technically perfect performance before the Senate Judiciary Committee. It’s because she acts, behaves and speaks like a NORMAL PERSON with solid traditional values – a role model if ever there was one.
  • Anybody with half a brain knows how corrupt and biased the so-called mainstream media is. The Twitter and Facebook censorship of the NY Post article on Hunter Biden that was published yesterday underscores just how corrupt and biased Silicon Valley is as well.
  • How any self-respecting citizen of our country could believe the Left’s lies, distortions, deflections, dissembling, denigrating, deceit, whining and histrionics is truly a sad commentary on our society.
  • The Republican outcry against the already evident problems with this election’s ballots may be enough to scare or at least influence ballot counters, poll watchers and voters to be vigilant. Contrary to what’s being trumpeted, I think there’s a good chance we WILL know the outcome of the election the night of November 3rd. The lawsuits and s#$%-show that will inevitably continue (they’ve already started) post November 3rd will not change a clear outcome.
  • Yogi Berra where are you when we need you. Your sayings, “It’s like “déjà vu all over again” and “It ain’t over till it’s over” have never been more apt.
  • Conservatives and Republicans don’t participate in polls and don’t put lawn signs up in Blue and Purple States.
  • “My Doctor is Bigger than Your Doctor” too!
  • School age kids are suffering. The Left doesn’t give a damn…they just want to use their new teaching platform to indoctrinate them through the medium they’re most used to. Teaching has now become a “social media” activity…
  • If you don’t want to be shot by a citizen defending himself or herself or by a law enforcement officer, it’s simple… don’t: a) hang out with the wrong people at the wrong times in the wrong places, b) strictly obey law enforcement’s commands, c) don’t threaten in an attempt to be macho, d) don’t be insolent, condescending…show respect for law enforcement, e) don’t do things that are, simply, ILLEGAL, e.g. riot, loot, destroy property, trespass, physically assault others, carry an unlicensed firearm or other deadly force object and misuse it, etc. etc.!
  • Life begins at conception, period. If you don’t want to have a baby, practice contraception, not infanticide.
  • Labels like socialism, marxism, white supremacy, ‘Karen’, oppressed, victim, racism, white privilege, etc. etc. are empty when not properly and adequately defined and explained. They’re just labels intended to incite positive or negative ‘feelings’ and simply should be ignored!
  • The lines will be long on election day. Try not to be too impatient and plan on going early and staying as long as you have to to make your vote count!

Their Real Strategy

Been away for a week hiking in the mountains. With a fresh head I’ve returned home and caught up on all the latest Leftist shenanigans. I am increasingly convinced their strategy of fomenting as much chaos as possible in connection with both the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court as well as the election is deliberate and calculated.

I believe what the Left really wants is to create so much doubt about the results that either: a) should Biden miraculously win on election night, they will immediately stop counting votes and declare him the winner or b) when he gets shellacked on election night, they will declare Biden victorious anyway, ensure that additional ballots miraculously materialize to make it so, and in the meantime start promoting a Biden 100 days plan, publicize his cabinet picks, etc. so as to make it seem a fait accompli.

The whole process now already stinks and the BS flag needs to be thrown well in advance of November 3rd. What the Supreme Court should REALLY do is rule that citizens must show up at a polling place on election day, or submit an AUTHENTICATED election ballot well in advance such that it arrives by election day. NO OTHER BALLOTS should be permitted, except, perhaps, for legitimate and authenticated ballots submitted by U.S. Military personnel or expatriates serving abroad.

Aside from the occasional moron wearing a mask on the trail (I even saw a dog with a mask…maybe it was a fashion statement?), the leaves were turning, the air was cool, clear and pure and there was no cell or internet service so I guess I missed some events in the continuing soap opera. But even though every election is billed as “the most consequential in our lifetime”, this upcoming one is certainly a notch above the last one, and THAT one took the prize!

In just a few weeks Americans will have the chance to either vote for what is Right, or what is Left. Left no longer means liberal – there’s nothing wrong with true liberals. Today’s Left, however, is so antithetical to everything that made America the greatest nation in the history of the world, no self-respecting, self-reliant, self-determinant, self-responsible citizen of our nation should even consider voting for Leftists in November. Say what you will about Trump and the Republican Party, at least they’re not completely insane like the woke, defund-the-police, anti-Christian/Religion, let-the-government-solve-all-my-problems, hyper-hypocritical, projecting Leftist idiots also on the ballot!

Now ask me how I REALLY feel about the new Democrat party.

Traditionalists vs. Progressives

by Treadstone (Contributor)

The battle for the soul of our country is not between Republicans and Democrats, not between Conservatives and Liberals, but between Traditionalists and so-called Progressives; in broad terms, the “Right” and the “Left”.

First of all, Progressives aren’t progressive. Just listen to any of the Democrat presidential candidates for 2020, all of whom wrap themselves in the “Progressive” label, and you’ll hear a mish-mash of old, tired, recycled Marxist/Socialist drivel dressed in inflammatory and headline-grabbing, 7 second soundbites and catchy phrases. It’s lipstick on a pig. It’s regressive, not progressive.

Look up “Traditionalists” and you’ll see a variety of definitions and descriptions. Some equate Traditionalists with religious conservatives, some with people born before 1945, some call Traditionalists the “silent generation”.

We characterize Traditionalists as those who espouse many or most of the Core Values listed in our About Page. In shorthand, we us the term “The Right” even though that term itself has many connotations. We use The Left as the opposing side in the culture war.

We Traditionals on The Right look around us and are appalled, perhaps even frightened by what we see happening before our eyes. We know we live in the greatest country in the world, but we see the light-shining-on-the-hill dimming, perhaps not precipitously, but as in a death by a thousand cuts, slowly but surely.

At its core, our society is still more traditional than not, but the megaphones the Internet and social media have put in the hands of Progressives: “victims”, takers, losers, indolent, faithless and statists gives them undue influence and exposure.

We recently came across a really good essay by John Hawkins on Town Hall that nails what’s happening to our culture.  We suggest reading the whole article, but here are the bullet points:

  • We treat success as an accident or a cheat while defending people who make bad decisions, who won’t educate themselves or who won’t work.
  • We’ve allowed pornography to become so accessible that it’s practically universally viewed, even among teenagers.
  • We love victims so much that people actually fake hate crimes to claim victim status.
  • We celebrate losers and deviants by giving them their own reality shows. Meanwhile, Hollywood regularly portrays businessmen, Christians and soldiers as the worst people on earth.
  • More children have died because of Roe v. Wade than were killed during the Holocaust.
  • Marriage is falling apart and we’re encouraging that by pushing gay marriage.
  • Our universities reward Communists, terrorists and blatant anti-American sentiment with professorships. Those are the last people who should be teaching impressionable young Americans.
  • There’s a whole grievance industry full of people who make a living claiming to be “offended” by things.
  • Religion and morality are denigrated while nihilism and immorality are considered cool.
  • Legalism has superseded morality and what’s “right” and “wrong” has become secondary to what’s “legal” and “illegal.”
  • We’re the greatest, most powerful, most prosperous and most virtuous nation that has ever existed and despite all of that, we obsess over our nations faults instead of our achievements.
  • Americans across the spectrum are being encouraged to separate themselves off from the larger culture and nurse grievances that barely would have been given a thought a few decades ago.
  • In practice, our society focuses almost exclusively on the short term without thinking about the long-term consequences of our actions.
  • We have a higher moral standard for the NFL than we do for our own leaders in Washington.
  • We have a political party dedicated to the idea taking things from people who’ve worked for it and giving it to people who haven’t.
  • We make little effort to assimilate immigrants into our society and instead, encourage them to embrace the culture they fled for the United States.
  • We’ve stopped acting as if we have to pay back the money we borrow.
  • We treat the rule of law as optional, depending on who’s impacted by it.
  • We believe our children can grow up in a moral sewer and still turn out to be fine, upstanding citizens regardless.

Hawkins’ conclusion is both devastating as well as prescriptive:

We’ve become so divided, so antagonistic, so morally separated that for the first time in over a century there are people asking hard questions about how much we really have in common with other Americans. If you’re comparing let’s say a conservative from South Carolina to a liberal from California, the honest answer is “not much that matters.” Perhaps not even enough to hold a country together over the long haul if one group or the other ever became politically dominant.

There’s only one way to change that and it’s to address the real sickness at the heart of American culture. That sickness is our newfound reluctance to address the moral health of our society. Over the long haul, we can’t thrive and we may not even be able to survive as a divided, degenerate society full of people who reward failure, resent success and live for the moment. Morality matters and if we forget that, our nation is doomed to descend into decadence, decay and perhaps one day, even dissolution.”

Quite simply, we agree. In other articles we attempt to answer the question, “So how do we revive basic morality in our country?” Stay tuned.