The Raid

Are you really surprised? Outraged, yes. Sickened, yes. Angry, yes. But surprised, no.

I can’t decide whether the Democrats are so stupid and desperate that they really believe what they are doing is right, or is it they are so evil that they think they can get away with it. As despicable as they are, I’ll go with the latter. They believe the ends justify the means. They can and will do anything because they have the overarching protection of an equally stupid and evil press. They will use implausible deniability to gaslight the public: Garland and Biden didn’t know anything about the raid, yeah, right…they probably didn’t so they could with straight faces say, “We didn’t know”, but their puppet masters and henchman sure as hell did!

What tells me that the Left’s takeover of our institutions is virtually complete is the stranglehold they have on the leadership, thus the rank and file of the FBI and other three letter agencies. I know a number of dedicated, patriotic Americans who work or worked at these agencies and I can only surmise that they are following orders at the risk of having their jobs and livelihoods taken away from them if they don’t.

When I took the vow to defend and protect the Constitution I took it not just seriously, but with a lump in my throat. I am certain many if not all of the agents who participated in the raid on Mar-a-Lago did the same. Either they were just obeying orders and were thinking about their paychecks and livelihoods, or they too have become so brainwashed as to believe all the drivel in the Democrat talking points.

If the latter, we truly are on the edge of a precipice.

People are ANGRY, I included. Writers, pundits and commentators on the Right are writing about civil war, REAL armed insurrection, armed conflict.

Of course, this is precisely what the Democrats intended. What they want is to have some pissed off Trump supporter carry a gun to Mar a Lago or FBI headquarters and start shooting. The Democrats’ response will be martial law, suspension of habeas corpus, cancellation of the November elections, and permanent control.

“Come on Grumps, you’re way overreacting!” some of you may be thinking.

Not anymore. They have a crossed a bridge too far with this stuff. They are counting on the geographic dispersion of the Right and its split  into neocons, America First Republicans and right-side independents to run roughshod over us. They are counting on the media to carpet bomb the airwaves with their propaganda and lies, and they’re counting on their globalist deep pockets to fund their tactics.

Attention spans, even among educated, thinking conservatives, are limited by the exigencies of each day. From time to time a pundit cites the list of the atrocities that have been committed by Democrats to attempt to “fundamentally transform” our nation. The list is long, and the actions and rhetoric are treasonous by any patriotic measure.

But they plow on with impunity. Either, as some say, ordinary Americans are fed up and will have wreack  vengeance in November, or they are already so weakened by the thousand cuts that they are consciously complying without thinking or skepticism anymore.

What can we do?

Sign up to be a poll watcher. Work to support America First/MAGA Republican town committee leaders where they exist and attend meetings and vote out go along/get along, weak-knee’d GOP leaders. Stand tall and don’t back down to the intimidation of the Democrat thugs who will try to bully you into compliance and submission regarding voting, controlling the agenda, etc. Take you gloves off and get your hands dirty! Speak up, speak out, protest PEACEFULLY, and make so much noise that the sycophant Leftists in the media HAVE to cover it. If you truly cannot devote the time and effort to physically get involved, WRITE CHECKS! As wasteful as political campaign spending is, today it takes ridiculous amounts of cash to print signs, fund televised appearances, send out direct mail, etc.


If every conservative were to send even $10 to one or more campaigns for qualified, conservative candidates (not even the price of a burger these days!) it would amount to hundreds of millions of dollars to counter the hundreds of millions supplied by Leftist tech oligarchs, globalist megalomaniacs, power brokers and uneducated, brainwashed snowflakes desperate for attention and the approval of their peers, to the coffers of America-last, power and money driven Leftist Democrats.