The Bolshevik Revolution

Only slightly under the radar of the news is the story of how the FBI confiscated the cell phone of Congressman Scott Perry the other day, right after the raid on Mar a Lago. Following is a transcript I prepared of Newt Gingrich being interviewed on Laura Ingraham’s show the other night discussing the insidiousness of this action:

Ingraham: “Mr. Speaker these tactics by those who casually throw around the word fascist reminds me of the days I lived in the Soviet Union as a student. You didn’t know what they were gonna take from you at any minute of the day. They’ll take anything: a book, a backpack, anything.”

Gingrich: “I think they’re actually more Bolsheviks then fascists but I think, first of all under our constitution and the whole idea of separation of powers, by what right does the, and I say this as former Speaker of the House so I’ve been through this… by what right does a member of the executive branch come to a legislative branch elected official, into his home, and take his phone? I mean that is an act frankly of destroying the American constitution and I increasingly agree with Mark Levin who says we’re right at the edge of a post-constitutional America. I cannot overstate for our viewers as a historian and as a Speaker of the House and as somebody who’s watched this for literally my entire lifetime, we’re on the precipice of a group of truly evil people who are prepared to destroy the constitution and the rule of law and who are proving it every day. We have to quit applying to them the kind of questions that would apply to normal people. These aren’t normal people. They are liars, they are bad people doing bad things and they’re going to do more bad things until they’re stopped. And the way to stop them is at the election this fall. The constitutional will still work if the American people will show up and throw out all the people who are trying to establish what is basically a dictatorship of the state against the American people.”

Well put Newt. I’d say this is a fairly gloves-off approach to the problem. He still doesn’t exude the anger that so many of us feel as we witness the destruction of our country right before our eyes, but for Newt, it’s pretty plain language.

The Democrat leadership are indeed liars, megalomaniacs, cheaters and despicably anti-American, and while they will claim that the fundamental transformation of the country is a good enough end that any means are justified, they really are abandoning everything our forefathers put down in our founding documents that are sacred to the nation. It’s enough to bring to despair those of us who cherish the traditions and conservative principles that made America the greatest country in the history of the world.

Like Newt says, we must get rid of these cancerous leftists through the ballot box in November. I continue to hope and pray that enough integrity can be restored to our election systems that truth and Right will prevail and overwhelm all attempts by the Democrats to cheat, steal and rig them.