Could The Tide Be Turning?

It’s depressing to witness what’s happened to our country over the last ten to fifteen years. The leftist ideologues since the 60’s have infested and polluted every one of our institutions. There is no need to list all the evidence of leftist infiltration and rot here. Readers are well aware of it all (see my previous “Sitrep” post).

But there’s a whiff of fresh air amid all the leftist pollution. It’s just a whiff, but there is cause for optimism that the pendulum may have started to swing to the Right, that the long slide down the slippery slope has stopped, or at least slowed. I suggest readers read Ian MacConnell’s excellent March 2023 article in American Thinker for an inspiring and hopeful look at the landscape.

As he notes, the turning point, in retrospect, may have been Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter last October 2022.

Twitter’s penetration and influence cannot be denied. Truth or falsehood, it became the journal of record, and it was exclusively dominated by the Left. It was utilized very effectively to brainwash whole swaths of society.

Musk’s purchase began to peel the onion of leftist control, indoctrination, ideology. For the first time, the corruption we on the Right always knew about and spoke of was exposed to the masses, the already brainwashed, the dumbed down who inhabited and dominated the “Twitter-Verse.”

In the last few weeks leading up to the 2022 election the “Twitter Files” exposed how the federal government hid a ton of information from the public on everything from COVID to the Hunter laptop. They exposed how conservatives were censored and cancelled. The result was not the red wave we were all expecting, but, thank God, we at least got back the House!

And despite the rocky start, Kevin McCarthy started some of the payback so sorely and urgently needed. Among other things, he kicked the Swalwell and Schiff scum off committees. He started investigations into the leftist corruption, appointing the solid James Comer and Jim Jordan to lead the inquiries.

Now, the general public, even those who watch MSNBC and CNN, know about the corruption: of the FBI, the DOJ, the Bidens. They now know the January 6th narrative was nonsense, about all the lies and misinformation surrounding COVID, about the canceling and censorship of anyone who spoke against leftist ideology.

What’s happened to FOX News is a harbinger. Aside from Trump hurting the Rupert Murdoch’s feelings, their viewership growth had stalled. In a bid to gain viewers from the Left, it moved more to the middle in its reporting and its opinion shows, allowing leftist commentators more and more airtime. The Murdoch sons, upon inheriting the helm from their father, advanced the leftist slide at the network until the pressure to go full woke got to the point where it fired or lost various conservative hosts. The last straw was firing Tucker Carlson. Bad move.

Jumping on the leftist bandwagon, Anheuser Busch and Disney not to mention scores of other ESG/DEI compliant companies, also went full woke. The Bud Light and Disney results are evidence of the backlash to which I’m referring.

School board meetings where parents, particularly mama-bears, have drawn the line, the leftist media forced to cover the Biden corruption, more and more whistleblowers appearing before Congressional Committees publicly exposing the leftist rot in all our institutions…all of these represent the beginnings of what may be a turn in our country’s fortunes.

Now, if we can just clean up the elections and eliminate the censorship so we don’t have a repeat of 2020 and 2022 (we SHOULD have had a RED WAVE!!!) , take back the Presidency and the Senate and hold the House, so long as we can keep the RINO’s and Swamp Republicans on a leash, we may, just may, be able to start the long climb back up the slippery slope to restore America to its traditional roots and rightful place in the world.

Fingers crossed, hands clasped, arms folded in hope and prayer.

“I Was Wrong”: Words You’ll Never Hear From The Left

As fond as Joe Biden is of quoting his father, I thought I’d write about an aphorism MY father taught me. It is: “The hallmark of a powerful man is the ability to admit when he is wrong.” In my opinion, one of the biggest problems the Democrats have is their unwillingness to do just that. That they’re wrong on most everything is undeniable except by die-hard leftist delusionists, pedants and sycophants. The last thing I want to do is give them a formula for righting (.sic) their sinking ship, but how jarring and rejuvenating would it be for the Democratic leadership to come up to the microphone and say the words, “America, we were wrong. We were wrong about the economy, about the border, about COVID, masks, lockdowns, about therapeutics and mandates, about defunding the police, about energy independence, about wokeness in the military, about selective prosecution, about lying for political gain, about the means and methods we used to manufacture and count illegitimate votes during the 2020 elections, about unconscionable gerrymandering, about packing the Supreme Court, about ending the filibuster, about Russian collusion, about the Afghanistan withdrawal, about the sham impeachments, about apologizing for and defending anti-American, antisemitic, anti-Christian bigots, about transgenderism, about deviant behavior (e.g. pedophilia), about critical race theory and the 1619 Project, about kowtowing to the unions, about conflict of interest investing with impunity, about suppression of dissenting views and canceling voices that disagree with us or don’t preach the leftist orthodoxy, about supporting fake news, fake polls and ignoring the will of the Silent Majority, about an ambiguous, flaccid and indefensible foreign policy, about China, about Iran, about North Korea, about Venezuela, about CUBA, about Russia…”

They will of course never admit any of this nor claim to be wrong on anything.

Much as I detest the content of the nonsense that spews forth from the mouth of the White House spokesperson Jen Psaki every day, I have to give her credit for her mastery at the podium. She has that skillful facility to deny, decry, defend, deflect, divert, dissemble, detract, and dismiss. “It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is”. Contrast her with two other equally talented spin doctor/press secretaries: Kayleigh McEnany and Dana Perino. The difference between Psaki and the other two is that the former can ONLY use the list of ‘d words’ above while McEnany and Perino had truth, facts and fundamental honesty on their side. They too spun the messaging so as to cast as positive a light on both successes and shed the spotlight on the failures of their administrations. But the successes so far outweighed the failures the preponderance of messaging was straight up truth. By contrast, Psaki has to cover, “circle back”, postpone, attempt to belittle valid questions, launch ad hominem attacks or just outright lie to cover the failures of the Biden administration. And of course, she NEVER admits Democrat wrongdoing.

Over the years I’ve had to admit I was wrong many times. It always stabs me in the gut to do it, but I WILL admit mistakes when I make them. Oh that we had leaders that could and would do so as well.

I’ve been reading Dwight D. Eisenhower’s book written shortly after World War II, “Crusade in Europe.” In it he describes the character attributes that would disqualify potential commanders: “Foremost among these was the one who seemed to be self-seeking in the matter of promotion.” Another was evidence that a man made any effort to ‘pass the buck’. Pessimists were eschewed, as were men who made every decision himself, i.e. who was unable to delegate both authority and responsibility. In the book he recounts numerous incidents when his own estimates or judgments were faulty or just plain wrong. The consensus building, the arbitrating, the therapy he had to administer to get the Allied commands to work together was superb preparation for leadership not just of the military, but of, as it turned out, the Country. Admitting he was wrong when he was garnered deep respect and support from the Allied command.

Lay these attributes up against what we have now. Self-aggrandizement on the part of all politicians is inveterate but the narcissism of the celebrity-addicted Left is manifest and amplified by a makeup-laden media. I’ll posit that the Left’s pre-occupation with celebrity has infected and damaged the two youngest generations to the point where social media (a euphemism to be sure) has created an almost universal self-centeredness among them.

Passing the buck or blaming everyone but oneself is commonplace, a REAL pandemic, but especially among the Left (Did you hear Kamala Harris the other day blame Congress for not fixing the border?!).

Weak-kneed positions on crime, on our duty and responsibility to be the beacon of freedom in the world (Nancy Pelosi: “Go compete at the Olympics but be careful not to offend the Chinese.”; “We will boycott the Olympics by not sending any diplomats.”), on supporting not tearing apart the American dream, about the rule of law, about the Constitution itself…the Left and Democrats have deliberately sought to “transform our country” according to a Rules for Radicals (Saul Alinsky), frankly, communist way.

I’ve been encouraged of late that there is more talk among the Republican leadership of fashioning a Contract With America version 2.0. I think they’ve figured out that it is not enough to expose and openly denigrate the idiocies of the Democrat Left. It is imperative that we provide an alternative vision of what America can and should be. Unfortunately, the Democrats have so mucked things up, it will be necessary to enact harsh measures to eradicate the detritus they have scattered across the political, social and economic landscape.

We need to distribute “No More Mr. Nice Guy” coffee cups to every elected or appointed, conservative-minded, constitution-supporting Republican now or prospectively in office. The true fabric of our nation is frayed and, in some cases, hanging by a thread. If we screw up along the way, we need to admit our mistakes and make course corrections that keep us on a path leading up the slippery slope down which we have so lamentably slid.

And by contrast let’s NOT encourage the Left to admit their mistakes. Let’s continue to point out their fallacies and destructiveness while also adhering to Napolean’s maxim: “Never interfere with the enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself.”

And let us fashion a positive, seductive message that begins to restore America to the greatness her people deserve.

Another Analysis of the 2020 Election

An interesting analysis of the dollars spent by Mark Zuckerberg and no doubt other wealthy leftists to fund a targeted, private takeover of government election operations was published today in the Federalist. In his article, “The 2020 Election Wasn’t Stolen, It Was Bought By Mark Zuckerberg“, William Doyle makes the compelling case that the “unprecedented merger of public election offices with private resources and personnel is an acute threat to our republic, and should be the focus of electoral reform efforts moving forward.”

How much are we talking about? How about $420 million passed into local government elections offices, all of it Zuckerberg’s and all “with strings attached”. The article spells out how that money “had nothing to do with traditional campaign finance, lobbying or other expenses” and everything “to do with financing the infiltration of elections offices at the city and county level by left-wing activists, and using those offices as a platform to implement preferred administrative practices, voting methods, and data-sharing agreements, as well as to launch intensive outreach campaigns in areas heavy with Democratic voters.”

I believe Doyle. His arguments and evidence are not only plausible, but perfectly explain how Joe Biden received 81 million votes. We will never know how many were illegitimately cast, but the meme that Biden got that many legitimate votes requires, to quote a vomit-inducing leftist, “the willful suspension of disbelief.”

I urge my readers to read Doyle’s complete article. It’s persusive, alarming and if we don’t assimilate the reality he paints into our election reform efforts, the 2022 and 2024 elections will without doubt be equally corrupt.

And as regards 2022 and subsequently, 2024. I predict the war that will be fought between the Left and the Right over election integrity will make 2020 look like a cocktail party by comparison. The Left is already doing everything they can to stall examinations into what happened in 2020, using every Alinsky, muckracking and corrupt tactic they can possible muster. As usual, the gentlemenly GOP is trying to “work within the system” to route out corruption.

If the GOP doesn’t put on its big boy pants and start fighting harder, louder, smarter and more effectively to purge election systems of the fraud and abuse that the Democrats are all to willing to promote and accept either directly or indirectly, the Left will have succeeded in guaranteeing themselves permanent power and further hastening the demise of the greatest nation in history.

Inarticulate and shrill as some of the voices on the Right might sound, they barely begin to compete with the verbal diarrhea emanating from the Left. Who will stand up to the Democrats and be sufficiently attractive, articulate, convincing and persuasive as to halt this demonic takeover of our socity that is currently underway? I don’t think it’s Trump. He still scolds and whines like a petulant teenager who can’t string two sentences together without repeating himself five times. His policies are sound. His antipathy towards the media, the Swamp and the Left in general is right on, but he can’t inspire a huge swath of the middle that represents America. To them he’s still a New York real estate thug. He may have been the only one who could have beaten Hillary, but something better than an “I told you so” candidacy is going to be needed to win in 2024.

So who? It’s not one of the firebrands: Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, etc. It’s not Cruz, not Rubio, not a governor like Kristi Noem, nor Greg Abbot, nor Ron DeSantis. None have the broad appeal necessary to bring enough people into the tent. No, it’s going to have to be someone new, someone we haven’t thought of yet, someone who comes out of the woodwork like Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton did. It’s too early to say, to know or to tell. It has to be a surprise, someone who even Trump will endorse and gladly (if not graciously) step aside for. I know everything thinks Trump is a narcissist and would never give up the GOP nomination but I choose to believe he cares enough about the country that he’d do so if the right candidate, whom he could boast to have endorsed, emerges.

But none of it may matter. Neither Trump nor a better candidate will win in 2024 if the GOP doesn’t shellack the Democrats in 2022. And the GOP will not win in 2022 or 2024 regardless of candidates if the corruption and fraud is not routed out of the system before then.

Before I conclude. There is one thing that could peacefully (more or less) shake up the status quo. If either or both Kyrsten Sinema or Joe Manchin were to switch parties, giving control of the Senate to the GOP, THAT would stir the pot!

You heard it from me first.

A Trip Through The Heartland

I’ve just returned from a week-long road trip through Virginia and North Carolina. Getting out of the Northeast for a few days was like surfacing after holding my breath under water. People in the Shenandoah Valley, in the mountains of western North Carolina and the Outer Banks were, in a word, NORMAL. They were friendly, focused on their jobs, families and communities, and with rare exception, vocally angry about what the Left is attempting to do to our country.

I’d estimate people were split 50-50 on wearing masks indoors. Outdoors, few people wore them.

In bars and restaurants, behind hotel lobby counters, hardworking managers and staff were scrambling to meet the needs of patrons. Universally, the latter were patient and understanding.

Spring had sprung. The farms on each side of the highways were green, calves nuzzled their mothers, corn and other fields were plowed ready for planting. We had great weather and the open, blue skies, the clean air, cool mornings and evenings and warm days were a balm.

As we drove, we kept tabs on the news on SiriusXM. Same old, same old. The (expletive deleted) Left continued to pursue their utopian dream of permanent power, the politicians preened for the cameras and microphones proving, once again, that “all the world’s a stage”, and the media, ALL media, in unison jawboned about whatever was bleeding at the moment (“if it bleeds, it leads”). We frequently turned it off after hearing the “headlines”, so jarring was the contrast between the idyllic countryside through our windshield and the drivel emanating from Washington, New York and other major cities.

I couldn’t help sighing to myself, “What will become of this wonderful country?” I thought of my children and grandchildren…what their lives have been like over the last year, and what they might become like in the future. I spent a good deal of time thinking about one topic in particular…the effect “tech” has and will have on our lives.

Remember when word processing was supposed to make life better? And email? Ask yourself, “Has it really done so?”

What about the Internet in general? Has it really brought the world’s knowledge to our fingertips and made life better for all, or has it done more harm than good? 

Again I ask, “Has tech improved society and the world, or made it worse?”

It depends, of course, on what we value. If we value instant gratification, search engines and overnight delivery have certainly changed things for the better. But if we value faith and family and the rewards of applying the Golden Rule, tech has, in my humble opinion (IMHO, .sic) been tremendously deleterious.

As I drove, I alternated between hope and despair. There is a war on, similar in some ways but different in others from any that has been fought before. It is, IMHO, an existential fight for the soul of western civilization. As I have suggested many times over the years, the United States, and by extension, the western democracies who follow the Judeo-Christian ethics and traditions are either going to follow the path to extinction that other great civilizations have followed or arrest the rapid decline we are witnessing and restore sanity and reliance on the immutable principles and traditions that have brought the greatest good to mankind through all generations.

You may scoff at such a sweeping and draconian encapsulation of our times, but when one is driving for hours and hours a day one has time to step back and view the environment differently than one does when faced with the daily grind.

The fight is exhausting. I’d like nothing more than to put on some classical music, wade into my library, curl up in my easy chair, and escape. Even as I write this, I’d rather be pursuing some of my many hobbies.

But I must continue to speak out, warning and goading and cajoling in hopes that others with youth and greater energy can and will take up arms in this fight and turn back this onslaught of Leftist cancer… by supporting those who are on our side, by leaving our comfort zones and entering the political arena (such as running for school boards), by speaking not in hushed tones but boldly against the garbage spewing forth from corrupt politicians, corrupt media and brainwashed sheep, by countering the misinformation and outright lies being taught to our children (Critical Race Theory, 1619 Project, transgenderism, etc.) with family sit-downs in which parents demonstrate to their children that they, in fact, know far more than their teachers do about the real world and instruct them accordingly.

Sit back and let this tsunami of Leftist rot wash over and consume us and our civilization will indeed be destroyed and displaced by other intending hegemons (e.g. China). Fight now, each and every day, and we can turn back the tide and restore it to one which will allow our posterity to thrive in peace.

Where Do We Go From Here?

Honestly, that’s what I’m trying to figure out. As each day goes by more and more damage is being done by the new, illicit administration. As predicted, Biden is proving himself to be a puppet on a set of marionette strings. He has no fundamental values or love for our country. He cares only for the fact that he finally made it to the Oval Office. His handlers are comprised of Leftist ideologues with all the evil they embody, unwitting fools and sycophants who simply want to be at the table or in the room where the aura of power exists, or stupid, woke groupies with addled brains, corrupted educations and not an ounce worth of common sense or wisdom.

Now that my anger at the coup has subsided, I’ve begun thinking strategically. Counter-coups are springing up all over. Think tanks are being formed. The America First/Anti-Left Movement is alive and well, but it is as yet highly fragmented and uncoordinated. As I have noted before, it lacks new leadership that can consolidate strategies and coalesce the Right to fight back.

At one extreme, there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, who are so angry they are truly contemplating armed rebellion. At the other, there are those who are content to “ride it out” and hope to take back the House and Senate in 2022. Setting aside the hyperbole and hysteria, there are valid arguments at both ends, and along many stops of the continuum.

I’m still mulling all this over. When I decide how I will devote my time, money and energies to which paths and causes, I promise to let you know.

In the meantime, please be patient, don’t make any rash decisions and don’t jump to writing checks or devoting time to every organization that pops up. While we foresaw this state of affairs as a possibility, our worst case scenario has materialized and it’s going to take a little time to sort out how to proceed.

Hang it there. Be grateful for what blessings and freedoms we still enjoy for the moment, hold your family and friends close, and…


The Rise of the Wokies (Apologies to Chewbacca)

It would be laughable if it weren’t so tragic. The Leftist Cabal pulled it off. The metastasis has progressed (.sic) to Stage 4. No more chemo or radiation therapy against the metastatic cancer, we now will have to rely on Faith, wet cloths on our foreheads, a drastic shotgun approach of therapies and adrenalin to fight it. How do we do that without killing the patient – our cherished constitutional republic – the United States of America?

We need power, money, organization, coordination, leadership.

Power and money are, regrettably, linked. Money buys media and our population lives in a reality informed by the media, true or false. Obviously, false or “fake” news can overpower truth. And now, with Big Tech suppressing, cancelling, banishing truth, it will take immense amounts of money to build and expand on alternative media facilities and channels to build a bigger megaphone for it.

Organization exists somewhat in the Republican Party, so long as the professional hacks are purged. The lists, the communication and fundraising systems can be exploited.

Coordination goes hand in hand with leadership. We need one voice to inspire. And in my opinion, that voice is NOT Trump. He simply doesn’t have the rhetorical skills, personal restraint, consensus building and coaching abilities needed to lead the New War on Terror, which is what I will henceforth call it.

For the Democrats are terrorists, racists, globalists, anarchists, druids, elitists…all the things they have so cleverly tried to accuse the GOP of. They are arrogant, megalomaniacal beyond measure, petty and puerile, insolent, impetuous, dysfunctional, childish, vindictive and fundamentally dishonest.

On top of these, do you recall the harshest label of condemnation Jesus Christ ever applied to the Pharisees and Sadducees? “HYPOCRITES”!

While it is human nature to exhibit hypocrisy from time to time, above all, the Democrats have inculcated it into their very character!

We just learned that Trump will not sponsor a third party but will seek to purge the GOP from within through the mid-term elections. Necessary, but insufficient. The political process is broken beyond repair unless state legislatures are willing to tackle the reform of their election systems. This is a tall order. Even then, the judiciary is now so corrupted by Leftists that justice is no longer available. Period. So taking back the country from within the existing judicial and legislative systems may be a pipe dream.

What is needed to combat the cancer is an antidote to Big Tech and Fake News. What Trump CAN do, and I’m hopeful he will, is build an alternative megaphone that is louder than anything the Left has every built or could ever counter. In its embryonic form, consisting of news outlets like Newsmax, One America News and the many conservative websites and platforms that exist, this alternative megaphone might be dubbed, “New Tech“.

As an aside, the globalist/collectivist agenda of the Left can be used against them. The movement in tech of “open source”, developed largely by libertarian and left-leaning techies with an eye to “bringing everyone together” can be utilized to create an unassailable environment that cannot be controlled by oligarchs! (More on this in a future post!)

Trump has the contacts, familiarity with media, chutzpah and seed capital to build New Tech.

But he needs to remove his name and his ego from the process. He must turn the execution of the build over to others, putting new, attractive faces out front. More than 50% of the country can and will rally to New Tech if it can provide the same convenience benefits as Big Tech: alternatives to Amazon, Google, Social Media, Hollywood, to the Main Stream Media.

The underlying themes of New Tech will be FREEDOM, self-reliance, self-determination, self-respect and adherence to traditional values. Somehow, despite tremendous temptation to do the opposite, New Tech has to be built as an open tent. As much as I personally would like to shout down and stamp out Leftist societal perversions like transgenderism, abortion on demand, racism (remember, it’s the Democrats who are racist), same-sex marriage, etc., what we need to do is Make it Cool to be Good Again. Instead of trying to crush the perversion we need to set a candle on the hill where all can see that Good, Truth and Right lead to happiness and prosperity. We need to feel sorry for the perverted and though we might feel revulsion, we need to treat them as we would lepers…not shunning them but recognizing that leprosy is only mildly contagious and can be treated with compassion and effective protocols.

Can you imagine what could happen to our future if Wokeness referred to the awakening of brain-addled Leftist lemmings to the principles that made our nation great and our people the most prosperous the world has ever known? What if Wokies became synonymous with Traditionalists? Think how magnificent our country could become again!

We must reform what we can but build anew that which we must.

That may even require building a new internet backbone. Right now it’s fairly pluralistic but not entirely beyond the reach of the handful of Big Tech oligarchs who own and manage the servers. We need to sponsor and create truly “open source” internet channels that can’t be controlled by the Cabal.

Lots to think about. Lots to do. We can’t wait for two years…and by the way, the 2022 elections are already less than two years away! No, we must strategize while communicating deliberately to execute tactics that can prosecute the New War on Terror.

Why They Win

Human beings are either fundamentally Individuals or Groupies – Lions or Lemmings. The Left are Lemmings. They are stupid, cerebrally lazy, easily manipulated and ruled. A relatively few, megalomaniacal, attractive and articulate celebrity Lemming ‘leaders’ – Hyenas, tug at their heart strings, flatter them, overwhelm their God-given reasoning abilities with utopian fantasies and promise them prosperity and equality, and they march in lockstep. The Hyenas are demagogues, masters of deceit, twisters and shapers of perception, and thus “reality” for the Lemmings. They lie, delude themselves and the Lemmings, cheat, steal… will stop at nothing to achieve power and amass wealth for themselves.They are the few, the elite, the enlightened, who oversee the Lemming masses.

Hyenas constantly whine that the Lions “are trying to divide us”, “are selfish and mean”, are greedy, uncaring and unfeeling. They hate the Lions because they will not conform and obey. To garner power and control and keep the Lemmings brainwashed, Hyenas project onto the Lions everything of which they are guilty, which includes dividing people into identities and classes to more readily manipulate them, pitch them against one another, and then ride atop the fray as saviors, thus cementing their power. Conformity, obedience, collectivism, indoctrination…these are the principles that dominate the Lemming society.

It’s Karl Marx 101.

Lions think for themselves, have confidence in their own judgment and resist being ruled. They are providers, not takers, choose to congregate together bound by common values of truth, fairness, meritocracy, not because they have been coerced or manipulated to do so. They demand and assert freedom and the exercise of their free will. If they are led it’s because they selected their leaders, not because they were manipulated into turning over and subjecting their freedom.  

The reality is that the Lions are not trying to divide people, they simply know when they’re being fed bs and refuse to step into line. And because they’re individuals, they are NOT easily led. They must be persuaded to unite behind a common purpose. This takes time as the Lions’ critical thinking and BS monitors are always turned on. This makes them vulnerable. The Lemming Leaders incite the masses of unthinking followers to shout down the Lions with a collective, conformed voice. The Lions roar, but their roar is overwhelmed by the noise made by the Lemmings, so much so that some Lions even give up their freedom and join the Lemmings, turning on their own.

So Lemmings, led by demagogues, win because their masses surround and overwhelm individual Lions, or small prides of Lions.

Do we wish to be ruled by Hyenas, or rule ourselves?


With the Hyenas now virtually in control of all the levers of power, the Lions will have to decide how to use their superior strength, speed, cunning and real power to overthrow the Hyenas and restore freedom to the masses. No small task, as the Hyenas control the means of communication, can watch and listen to everything the Lions do, have infiltrators and spies everywhere, hold the purse strings and have the biggest megaphone that they’ve ever had.

Some of the Lions, though in the employ of the Hyenas, are already primed to exert the power and leadership they have over their prides and bond with other prides. Many will now have to be persuaded to join the fight against the Hyenas and Lemmings. It may take an apocalyptic ruining of freedom, democracy, our Republic to get the reluctant Lions to turn. New channels of communication, new leadership, new guerilla and insurgency techniques will be needed, but either the Lions unite and destroy the Hyenas, or the Hyenas will destroy both the Lions and the land.

Allow me some time to lick my wounds and paws, and then I will join other Lions in mounting and executing a campaign to rid the landscape of Hyenas, wake up Lemmings who can be awakened, and restore the traditional values, mores and institutions that have WORKED to bring peace and prosperity to mankind over thousands of years.

May God bless us in this effort.

Observations on Last Night’s ‘Debate’

So Trump has been compelled to move from counter-puncher to puncher, from defense to offense. He really has no choice. The stakes are too high. Inarticulate and as much of a blunt object as he is, his principles are right, his cause just, and the fight real.

I have to admit that If I had been vilified, excoriated, politically assaulted and lied about continuously for four years I too would have thrown the BS flag at the first sign of repeated falsehoods, distortions, accusations and deflections. One of the Left’s most cherished tactics is to saturate the air with so much crap that there’s not enough time to respond to it all. They just throw stuff against the wall with such force and variety that it overwhelms any possible response, particularly if it is delivered in one unending stream for a full two minutes. Even using shorthand, the list of defensive replies is too long to state in the subsequent two minutes. So Trump could not have waited a full two minutes for the onslaught to end before unpacking and responding to all the lies and distortions coming from Biden’s mouth. And it would be impossible for any rational comeback to be formulated and delivered in the subsequent two minutes. So Trump did Trump. He threw the bs flag as each lie and distortion left Biden’s mouth, not waiting for the verbal diarrhea to stop.

Last night was an embarrassment for our nation. I wish the civility and diction exhibited in the Reagan-Mondale, or better, the Lincoln-Douglas debates could have had been present. The Chinese, Russians, Venezuelans, Iranians, Palestinians all loved what they saw and no doubt their media will be filled today with “see, we told you so’s” as THEY vilify our constitutional republic form of government. I don’t care. The fact that these two men could stand there and speak they way they did is in and of itself worth defending.

But it’s not Trump who brought our politics into the gutter, but the left who have “resisted” and tried to “fundamentally transform” our nation, barring NOTHING to gain power. Trump has always been a counter-puncher. At this moment, he MUST go on the offensive if he is to save this country from the leftist onslaught. Is it all disgusting? Yes, but the Democrats are the ones who made it so and now that it is a street fight for the soul of our country, thank God there’s a street thug like Trump who will stand up for it.

Their Real Strategy

Been away for a week hiking in the mountains. With a fresh head I’ve returned home and caught up on all the latest Leftist shenanigans. I am increasingly convinced their strategy of fomenting as much chaos as possible in connection with both the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court as well as the election is deliberate and calculated.

I believe what the Left really wants is to create so much doubt about the results that either: a) should Biden miraculously win on election night, they will immediately stop counting votes and declare him the winner or b) when he gets shellacked on election night, they will declare Biden victorious anyway, ensure that additional ballots miraculously materialize to make it so, and in the meantime start promoting a Biden 100 days plan, publicize his cabinet picks, etc. so as to make it seem a fait accompli.

The whole process now already stinks and the BS flag needs to be thrown well in advance of November 3rd. What the Supreme Court should REALLY do is rule that citizens must show up at a polling place on election day, or submit an AUTHENTICATED election ballot well in advance such that it arrives by election day. NO OTHER BALLOTS should be permitted, except, perhaps, for legitimate and authenticated ballots submitted by U.S. Military personnel or expatriates serving abroad.

Aside from the occasional moron wearing a mask on the trail (I even saw a dog with a mask…maybe it was a fashion statement?), the leaves were turning, the air was cool, clear and pure and there was no cell or internet service so I guess I missed some events in the continuing soap opera. But even though every election is billed as “the most consequential in our lifetime”, this upcoming one is certainly a notch above the last one, and THAT one took the prize!

In just a few weeks Americans will have the chance to either vote for what is Right, or what is Left. Left no longer means liberal – there’s nothing wrong with true liberals. Today’s Left, however, is so antithetical to everything that made America the greatest nation in the history of the world, no self-respecting, self-reliant, self-determinant, self-responsible citizen of our nation should even consider voting for Leftists in November. Say what you will about Trump and the Republican Party, at least they’re not completely insane like the woke, defund-the-police, anti-Christian/Religion, let-the-government-solve-all-my-problems, hyper-hypocritical, projecting Leftist idiots also on the ballot!

Now ask me how I REALLY feel about the new Democrat party.

Right Before Our Very Eyes

I just read one of the most damning and frightening exposés ever written by my most respected conservative intellectual. Victor Davis Hanson has penned a piece describing not only what is currently happening to our country and society, but also what more could happen to it if the Left gains any more power.

I strongly recommend reading the entire essay, entitled “Will 2021 be 1984”, available here. To wet your appetite, the first paragraph follows:

“Cultural revolutions are insidious and not just because they seek to change the way people think, write, speak, and act. They are also dangerous because they are fueled by self-righteous sanctimoniousness, expressed in seemingly innocuous terms such as “social activism,” “equality,” and “fairness.”

I’ve often used the fable of the frog dropped in a pot of water as well as the adage “a death by a thousand cuts” to describe what’s happening to us. The former, just in case you’re not familiar with it, teaches us that if you throw a frog into a pot of boiling water, it will immediately jump out. If, however, you place a frog in lukewarm water and turn up the heat gradually, it will remain until it is boiled to death. The latter, of course, refers to how we could bleed to death while hardly noticing it.

Referring to these in either case, what I’ve suggested many times is that it is by small steps and increments that the evil ideology perpetrated by the Left has infiltrated virtually every aspect of our lives. And, truth be known, it has gone past the point where we can openly criticize it for fear of our personal safety, livelihoods and property not to mention our communities. Teaching by example doesn’t work. “Hitting them up side of the head” doesn’t work. Shaming their disgusting behavior and exposing their lies, distortions and idiocies doesn’t work. Now, we have cause to be fearful that even the ballot box and our ability to vote out the fools will be violated.

Could it be that our pugilist/counter-puncher-in-chief and those on the Right, fractious and fractured as they may be, will nevertheless successfully defend what’s left of Good and triumph over Evil? Alas, I wish I were young again and had the strength, clarity of mind and resources to add my outcry and condemnation to the cause of preserving our liberty, meritocracy… in short, our way of life. I hope by bringing to the attention of my now hundreds of readers the words and ideas of people far smarter and articulate than I, I will have done a small service to countering the noxious noise with which the Left has saturated the air.

I fear that we’ve traveled so far down the slippery slope that it will take something akin to another 9-11 or a counter-revolution from within to leash or better, destroy this Leftist cancer. On the other hand, the optimistic view is that perhaps, what we’re seeing are the remaining, thrashing, death throes of a dying hydra. I pray it’s the latter and urge EVERYONE who values what’s RIGHT to courageously speak up, defend yourselves and your families against the scourge, and vote, futile as it may seem, accordingly.