Roe v. Wade Overturned
Immediate thoughts: 1. Roe was decided 50 years ago based on convoluted contortions of constitutional law and was the HEIGHT of judicial activism. 2. What happened today reverses the wrong done 50 years ago. 3. It’s not about pro-life vs. pro-choice…it’s about the essential meaning of the Constitution. Roe violated the principles of federalism. This decision restores them. 4. The Left’s/Democrats’ whining, weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth is just their typical histrionics. Any fair reading of the opinion underscores this decision doesn’t outlaw abortion! 5. Comparisons between this decision and the 2A decision yesterday are ridiculous. The right to bear arms is an ENUMERATED right in the Bill of Rights. Abortion is about a judicially activated ‘right’ that was NOT based either on the Constitution or the Bill of Rights.