Ten Reasons To Vote Democrat On November 8th

I can’t claim to be the author of this list. Credit and attribution goes to Pete McArdle via American Thinker. I urge my readers to read the whole article here.

Pete begins with this: “Regular readers of American Thinker are well aware of all the reasons why anyone with a conscience and a modicum of intelligence should vote Republican on Election Day.  But at present, sadly, there appears to be a surfeit of potential U.S. voters lacking a moral center, a working cerebral cortex, or both.”

Here is his list:

“You like your leaders brain-dead and nearly as old as Methuselah.

You love paying taxes

You want to kill inconvenient babies

You’re a criminal

You’re a druggie

You think you may be a two-spirit, genderqueer femboi

You like siccing the FBI and IRS on your political opponents

You hate yourself for being white

You believe what the media tell you

You hate America”

And he ends,

“God forbid we make America great again.”


On A Positive Note

With permission from a friend and reader, I reprint a heartwarming letter from him to his naval officer son as the latter leaves for deployment on one of our great Navy ships. It captures just about everything a God-fearing, patriotic American would and should hold true.

“Dear Son,

Today you start writing the story of the next chapter of your life. Time to flip the switch from student to professional. From this day forward you will be judged by what you say,  what you do, and how you present yourself. All future opportunities in the organization will depend on people’s perception of you and only you can manage that. Always be mindful of your leadership position and the responsibility that attaches.

Grow thick skin. Much stress, feedback and ball busting dead ahead. Your bosses will test you to see how you handle it. Manage response and body language. Never give the bastards the satisfaction.

Embrace the chain of command and resist the trap of micro management. Let your NCOs know what needs to be done and when and turn them loose. Let them deal with the enlisted bullshit, stay above the fray. Delegation is a key management skill. Give your team responsibility and authority to complete tasks and monitor and mentor for compliance. It instills trust both ways and inspires loyalty.

First 30 days: mouth shut, eyes and ears open. Old quote: “Better to be silent and thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt”.  Identify the competent, smart team members and develop relationships but always maintain a degree of professional separation with subordinates.

Lead by example. Appearance, demeanor, language, knowledge etc. Be the “Boss” they will remember as a professional who was competent and had their backs.

Take care of your people. Be fair and just. Do what you know in your heart is right.

Giving people a voice is a great tool and has always worked for me. You may not be able to give them what they want or agree, but they will appreciate the opportunity to present their perspective and ultimately accept your decisions.

Learn from and respect seniors and always maintain an open mind. Listen to their endless war/sea stories with great interest and they will embrace you. Take pearls of wisdom from each and build into your management style/approach.

Finally, head on a swivel, when things start going sideways…slow it down. When the shit starts people will look to you for calm leadership. Inevitably mistakes and accidents will happen. Make reasonable decisions… but make a goddamn decision. Indecisiveness is a poison to the team and mission. Assess all available information, consider options and pick the best path forward.

Take ownership of the good and bad. No excuses only explanations of thought processes and lessons learned.

Finally, be safe and take great care. I love you with all my heart and am indescribably proud of you.

Life starts to speed up now…enjoy the ride.

Fair winds and following seas my boy!

Much love,


To which I add, “God Speed”!

The Darkness Before The Dawn

If you don’t feel a dark cloud hovering over our nation, a sense of impending doom, a sick feeling in your stomach, then you haven’t shopped at a grocery store recently, heard what our kids are being taught, don’t believe the crime you see on tv is real, think mounted border patrol agents whip illegal aliens with their reins, think Biden and Fetterman are just fine mentally and ideologically. It is indeed dark out there. The election is only three weeks away. The air is saturated with, frankly, political BS.

But here’s a suggestion for those of us who actually use our brains to weigh evidence, rationally examine behavior and rhetoric, think vs. feel. What I’m about to suggest is radical…

The information coming at us CANNOT BE TRUSTED. Sure there’s truth in there somewhere, but there is so much BS in the information stream that truth is obscured or colored so as to be unrecognizable. What’s RIGHT is also confused by virtue of conservatives being pitted against conservatives: GOP Republicans against MAGA supporters, the Republican Swamp dwellers against America First Reformists, etc.

Set it ALL aside. I propose we ignore ALL of the BS and reach deep within ourselves to determine which way to vote for ourselves, our families and our Republic. Stop trying to weigh facts, pseudofacts, information and misinformation to arrive at rational decisions. Here’s my radical suggestion:


Bet you never thought I’d suggest something like that huh?

But my argument is simple…the Democrats/Leftists have achieved what they wanted to achieve: they have so infected our institutions with socialist/communist/leftist/totalitarian/self-destructive ideology, so indoctrinated our children and the weak-minded among adults, so co-opted the Media and obtained its support that they have attained their overriding goal: CHAOS. No amount of rational thinking and healthy skepticism can sort it all out. Attempting to brings one to exhaustion and potentially, despair.

So go with your gut. Deep within all of us, call it what you will: Conscience, Holy Spirit, Innate Goodness of Man, Divine Spark…we KNOW what is right, and IMHO (in my humble opinion) I will forever assert that

RIGHT is right!

Ignore the peccadillos, real or imagined, of the candidates. Ignore the tabloid headlines. Ignore whatever October Surprises materialize over the next few weeks. Go with your gut!

And don’t fight the brainwashed, some would say idiots, on the Left. Turn the other cheek and invite them into the tent of those who would preserve traditional norms of Good. While you may see that some members of the Republican party are hypocrites, two-faced, driven by power and money rather than altruism and devotion to our country, please, please, please don’t stay home in defiance and rejection. If you have to swallow hard and clench your teeth, vote Republican. An abstention is a vote for the other side, a vote for what is truly destructive and downright evil.

If we don’t take back power, even if it’s in the hands of leaders we may not like, i.e. McConnell and McCarthy, the only way we can turn this country around is to first STOP the insanity, and that can only be done by winning and holding the majority in both houses of Congress. Then, with WHOMEVER, we must win the White House in 2024, or, barring that, add to our majorities to achieve a veto-proof amalgamation of power, then push and pass, steamroll if we must, legislation to REVERSE the insanity and restore America to what it should be, what it needs to be to walk back the entire world from the precipice it is currently on.

Go with your gut.

On The Subject Of Election Integrity

As we approach November 8th, I continue to encounter friends and acquaintances on the Right who want to just “move on” from the 2020 Election. They argue that to echo Trump on the subject is counterproductive. They argue that not moving on constitutes relitigating the election and proves we’re sore losers. They argue that the ‘stolen’ argument is self-defeating as it plays into the left narrative. The suggestion is that it would be more productive to highlight what influences tipped the scales in Biden’s favor. I reproduce here below two of my responses to these arguments.

“The problem is the 2020 Election WAS NEVER LITIGATED! If we don’t expose what happened and refute the truly false narrative that it WAS legitimate we’ll never have another honest election in our country. To continue exposing the fraud and cheating that got Biden his 81 million votes isn’t being a sore loser, it’s being righteously indignant and protective of freedom, our constitutional republic and not allowing the leftist cancer to win. The tide is turning, the Silent Majority is starting to speak up, there is an opportunity to restore a modicum of honesty and integrity to our country and government, but not if we allow the BS in our elections to stand. We are fighting a foe that will stop at nothing for power and money and taking the high road and trying to be gentlemanly and “moving on” is precisely what they’re counting on. No, we must not let them get away with this again. The only way we could possibly lose this November in both the House and Senate is through more of the same kind of fraud and shenanigans as they foisted on everyone in 2020. If we don’t have drop box tail gate parties to prevent ballot stuffing, legions of lawyers standing over the vote counters, legislators willing to challenge the unconstitutional (both federal and state) violations of voting laws, and computer counting systems proven to be un-hackable, they will do it again, and God help us if the Dems remain in power through 2023 and beyond! We really can’t take much more of their brand of “progress” can we?”

And in response to the notion that to pursue 2020 is self-defeating and that we should focus on righting the tipped scales I responded:

“My big problem with “moving on” is that to do so is to allow the scales to remain tipped. I concede that Trump beating this theme continuously is not helpful for either him, the MAGA/America First Movement, the GOP or the country. He is not the right spokesperson to address this fundamental problem nor are Mike Lindell or any of the other champions of the ‘stolen election’ assertion.

 The reason I’m exercised about this topic this week is that Ginni Thomas, no publicity hound, had the courage to reiterate her contention that the election was stolen/rigged/whatever and that it needed to be thoroughly investigated and essentially, that we should NOT just “move on”. I agree. What I would like to see is some respected jurist like Clarence Thomas (or, preferably, John Roberts or several of the jurors) say, “We’ve got to get to the bottom of this” so the whole process gets cleaned up. Same day voting, paper ballots, proof of citizenship before registration, voter ID, legitimate monitoring of the vote count, consequences for violating state election laws, real penalties/perp walks for cheaters and the operatives behind them (those with “plausible deniability” for implementing the cheating schemes) and cleaned up voter rolls…Sounds like a tall order, but by already letting 2020 slide as much as we as a nation have, this November is going to be a s-show irrespective of the outcome. In my opinion, not resolving the problem of election integrity is the greatest threat to our republic, not all the crap the media and politicians grouse about. If our elections are honest and Millennials, Gen Y and Gen Z want to vote in all the leftist idiocy so be it…it’s their world and they can have it. But to stand by and allow a handful of evil, power-hungry and greedy politicians, oligarchs and technocrats permanently control our lives as they’re doing now on into the future without a fight is a bridge too far. I don’t have much time left on this planet but election integrity is, in my opinion, the hill to die on.”

So for those of you who have asked why I keep pounding on the 2020 Election thing, the above explains my position.