Taking Stock of Where We Are

Ok, it’s been a little over a month now and as I predicted, the damage being done by the Left is already starting to take its toll. Our energy independence has already been damaged and gas prices are rising quickly, The Democrats are bending over backwards to hug the Iranians. They’ve rejoined the farcical Paris Climate Accords. There’s a bill just passed by the House that will encourage boys to invade the girls’ bath and changing rooms and win all the track and field awards. Everything GOOD about the last four years is being deliberately undermined. Why?…to try to erase/cancel anything and everything about Trump and permanently banish him from politics and the Earth!

Is it just me, or does this appear to be the most childish, petulant, unhinged and tantrum-throwing behavior ever exhibited by human beings…grown-ups (not adults and not children) you’ve ever witnessed? I wish I could draw…I’d have two scenes in the cartoon I have in mind. In the first Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff and the rest of the Cabal are lying on the floor in a circle stamping their feet and fists and screaming, “Hillary should have been President! He stole the presidency from her.” In the second they’re all standing, jumping up and down screaming, “We showed them! We won!”

I think a third scene is needed. The same Cabal is sitting around a table, this time with the addition of people like Soros, Gates, Zuckerberg, Kerry, etc. Kamala Harris is there, of course, and Susan Rice is whispering in her ear saying, “Now, let’s do anything and everything we must to ensure we have power permanently in our hands: we’ll open the borders and give the illegals voting rights; we’ll demand compliance with draconian identity and “protection” regulations and statutes like mandatory vaccinations and mask wearing that will subjugate the peons and make them bend to our will. In short order they won’t be able to shop for groceries without an approved identity card! We’ll reward the homosexuals, transvestites and transgender ‘dysphoriacs’ so we can show how woke we are and continue the brainwashing we’ve been engaged in since the 60’s. We’ll push the military and intelligence community into accepting, no, celebrating sexual deviance and put leaders in place who will kowtow to us. Oh, and we’ll take away people’s ability to defend themselves by scrapping the 2nd Amendment. Don’t worry Ms. Vice President, as you know, Joe isn’t going to last for long and YOU will soon be our first woman (.sic), er gender-neutral, President.”

The tragedy of the above scenario is that it isn’t Orwellian fiction. It’s happening, right before our eyes and right here in River City (1)! The lunatics are indeed running the asylum, and the adults are chasing around after them as if they were herding cats or trying to catch a swarm of crickets. The Right is desperately trying to preserve traditional norms in politics and government. We are trying to act dignified and mature while the idiots on the Left don’t give a damn anymore who they offend, who they hurt…they don’t even acknowledge the United States as a sovereign, constitutional republic anymore! They say anything, do anything and with the endorsement and unbridled assistance of Big Tech and the media, will continue with their depravity and self-destructive, puerile antics until one of two things happen. Either: a) the People successfully revolt and cause the idiots to suffer the consequences of their idiocy (e.g. Gavin Newsome and Andrew Cuomo getting politically lynched) or b) enough anger and disgust builds up that the People, witnessing their impotence in the face of razor-wire protected government spewing forth diktats against their best interests, realize that collectively they have the power to root out and defeat the Leftists. The secession movements get traction, or some people get so pissed off that they REALLY incite armed rebellion and insurrection!

Both of the above are already happening, and this may not end well. So, in the meantime, getting prepared for not just temporary but long term utility interruptions, diminishing our reliance on tech and finding and supporting alternative sources of news and opinion are just some of the things we ought to be thinking about.

It’s said that “We are what we read.” Well, we also need to cleave to the voices we agree with! Forget the honest, liberal notion that we should welcome all opinions and views and subject everything, transparently, to honest debate. BS! If you think an honest debate can be had with domestic terrorists like the Democrat Party hyena leadership, I say, “Open your eyes…you’re sadly deluded!” Instead, gain strength and fighting words from those who can “say it better than we.”

A lot of people say, “That’s crazy! Reading and listening to conservative media is as bad as what the Left is doing listening to the mainstream demagogues and sycophants.” “It’s just as bad to live in the Right -wing bubble as it is to live in the Leftist one!”

I disagree. I’m discriminating and smart enough, thank you, to separate conspiracy myths and right-wing click bait from conservative-leaning and neutral news reporting and opinion. And I’m a skeptic of ALL media if I smell that what I’m reading is nothing more than sensationalism meant to lead the authors to “The Money”!

So, I constantly review and alter my newsfeed diet. Here is what I’m reading/viewing now:

The Epoch Times
Gateway Pundit
The Liberty Daily
Bongino Report
Just the News
Zero Hedge
Town Hall
American Thinker
Free Republic
The Daily Wire
Mike Huckabee.com
The Conservative Treehouse
Straight Line Logic
Liberty Nation News
Love Breeds Accountability
World News Daily
Jonathan Turley
Mark Levin

You’ll notice Fox News isn’t on the list. Since Rupert turned over management to his son(s), their “follow the money” pursuit has caused them to abandon their original traditional/conservative roots. The Right personalities and pundits who remain, like Tucker Carlson, Maria Bartiromo, etc. will eventually abandon the sinking ship and move to new, alternative platforms (or, like Lou Dobbs, will be cancelled).

You’ll also notice that I no longer have the Wall Street Journal on my list. The Journal, which was a mainstay of my diet for over 40 years, I’ve come to realize with age and wisdom is exclusively dedicated to the “Follow the Money” theme. In their case, of course, Money IS the topic and to have the worship and pursuit of money, even “clean” money as a constant in my diet seems misplaced now.

So I encourage my readers to be wise, be skeptical, be careful, be patient, thoughtful. Rededicate yourselves to Right principles. Live them. Do not abide fools…some of your friends may simply have to cease being your friends.

Be tolerant and patient with family members still under the spell of the little screens two inches from their noses… who lack wisdom, are filled with Leftist doctrine because they haven’t the exposure to Right principles, who lack courage to throw the BS flag and go along to get along. Love them despite their profligacy, sheepishness and naivete. It’s very easy to be angered when we hear nonsense coming out of their mouths with so much conviction. It often takes tremendous restraint to calmly, in our “indoor voices” try to exorcise the cancer they’ve been infected with.

Trying times.

Never give up. Never, never, give up.

(1) For those of you too young to get this reference, refer to the lyrics of the song, “Ya Got Trouble” from the 1957 Broadway Play and subsequent films, “The Music Man”.

To the Contrary

Before, during and shortly after the 2020 Election I continued to believe and/or trust that truth would prevail, that fraud would be exposed, that a fair analysis and exposition of what happened would materialize and that the evil Leviathan I call the Left would be halted and defeated. I sincerely thought that this last election would represent the high tide of the Leftist Cabal…that finally, the truly insidious dark forces would be exposed and sent back to Hell where they belong. I now no longer feel so optimistic. To the contrary, I now see the inmates are now running the insane asylum.

For the last several weeks I have been studying all of the reports, essays, commentary, reviews, etc. regarding and surrounding the events beginning with the late winter/early Spring emergence of the Wuhan Virus, the convenient crisis it created, the election and all that has transpired since. It’s clear the Left used every arrow in their quiver to win their battle for control. And you know what? They won this battle!

There are no two ways about it. Disgusting and repulsive as their tactics were, they successfully prosecuted their cause and took over the reins of power in our country.

It has been said that World War III has begun. It has also been said that a secession of Red States or armed/violent rebellion against the Swamp are the only two paths forward barring complete submission to the godless communists (because that’s really what they are).

The cauldron is boiling. I know of NO thinking, patriotic, god-fearing, truth-reveling American who isn’t incensed right now. Unfortunately, no leader has yet emerged to coalesce them into a force able and willing to purge the demons. He or she is out there, and many names are being floated, but he or she has yet to step forward.

I, like many others, have wondered why the military didn’t and hasn’t stepped up to defend the republic. Studying this question and speaking to high-level contacts that I have in Washington, it has become clear that just like the country as a whole, there is a Swamp in the military and, I might add, the law enforcement and Intelligence Communities as well. While the vast majority of the military, law enforcement and intelligence community (MLIC) personnel are supportive of traditional American values, their LEADERSHIP consist almost universally of political swamp creatures interested at least as much if not more in their own advancement and careers as in the interests of our democracy and constitutional republic. The command hierarchy being what it is, the patriotic values and sentiments of the rank and file is suppressed, perhaps even more so than the Main Stream Media and the Democrat Party are able to censor, cancel and suppress that of the majority of the general population (and I still believe we are the majority!).

So the military wasn’t going to intervene on January 6th, or on January 20th, and while there is a lot of mumbling going on, so long as the top (swamp) brass is in command, the MLIC personnel will kowtow to their bosses. As an aside, this notion of “fighting for the man next to you” is just a fallback/excuse for not fighting for “truth, justice and the American Way.” THAT’s what they SHOULD be fighting for! In the absence of principles of freedom and right, however, which are nowadays largely absent from MLIC doctrine, it’s understandable the only thing our fighters have to fight for are the men on either side of them.

Like peeling an onion, as I read deeper into the answers to the question “How could this happen?”, I was reminded of all the history and forces behind this Leftist onslaught. As old as I am, and having spent my formative years overseas and seeing in my travels totalitarianism up front and personal, I have been reminded of the underpinnings. In short, the defeat of communism symbolized by the tearing down of the Berlin Wall, Glasnost, Perestroika, Tiananmen Square, etc. notwithstanding, the Left wasn’t defeated, just defanged momentarily.

I say momentarily because since the 80’s and Reagan’s “Star Wars” initiative bankrupted the Soviet Union, bringing it to its knees, the Alinsky-ites have sought to use more insidious means to infiltrate, poison and take over our institutions resulting in what we have today…a complete infestation of Leftist metastatic cancer in our society. It is embodied in the words and actions of the Leftists, from the globalists typified by George Soros, to the stupid, woke lemmings embodied in so many Gen Z snowflakes. With arrogant hyenas like Obama (behind the scenes), EVERY Democrat, from Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer and the rest of them pulling the strings of all these manipulated, leftist idiots, and thunderously spewing forth their propaganda using the tech megaphone and dominance of the media, the Right will have to adopt an opposing guerilla mentality, strategy and tactics to combat the now entrenched enemy.

When I started this blog going on two years ago, I planned to celebrate the virtues of traditional values, the benefits of a free and open society, etc. I intended to remain apolitical.

Anyone who has followed my essays will plainly see, however, that succumbing to the fact that now EVERYTHING in life and society is political, I’ve morphed into a dedicated resistance fighter who with my remaining years and breaths will do everything and anything I can to reverse the slide down the slippery slope we’re on and prevent the downfall of the greatest civilization, nation and republic the world has ever known. I will speak out boldly from this point forth, until and even after I too am “cancelled” by the hyenas, against the spread of the cancer. I will do what I can to kill, yes, kill the cancer that is Leftist, totalitarian and tyrannical ideology and resist…RESIST (!) the attempts to take away more of my freedom and that of my family and friends.

As much as the Left subscribes to moral relativism, in my book, some things are simply morally RIGHT and some things are morally WRONG!

I choose the Right.  

Where Do We Go From Here?

Honestly, that’s what I’m trying to figure out. As each day goes by more and more damage is being done by the new, illicit administration. As predicted, Biden is proving himself to be a puppet on a set of marionette strings. He has no fundamental values or love for our country. He cares only for the fact that he finally made it to the Oval Office. His handlers are comprised of Leftist ideologues with all the evil they embody, unwitting fools and sycophants who simply want to be at the table or in the room where the aura of power exists, or stupid, woke groupies with addled brains, corrupted educations and not an ounce worth of common sense or wisdom.

Now that my anger at the coup has subsided, I’ve begun thinking strategically. Counter-coups are springing up all over. Think tanks are being formed. The America First/Anti-Left Movement is alive and well, but it is as yet highly fragmented and uncoordinated. As I have noted before, it lacks new leadership that can consolidate strategies and coalesce the Right to fight back.

At one extreme, there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, who are so angry they are truly contemplating armed rebellion. At the other, there are those who are content to “ride it out” and hope to take back the House and Senate in 2022. Setting aside the hyperbole and hysteria, there are valid arguments at both ends, and along many stops of the continuum.

I’m still mulling all this over. When I decide how I will devote my time, money and energies to which paths and causes, I promise to let you know.

In the meantime, please be patient, don’t make any rash decisions and don’t jump to writing checks or devoting time to every organization that pops up. While we foresaw this state of affairs as a possibility, our worst case scenario has materialized and it’s going to take a little time to sort out how to proceed.

Hang it there. Be grateful for what blessings and freedoms we still enjoy for the moment, hold your family and friends close, and…