On Ukraine

With all of the flak (.sic) out there on the Russia-Ukraine conflict and with virtually every political faction trying to score points out of it, what is one to think about what is transpiring over there? Here’s my take.

First, some context. Either the United States is the epitome of freedom, democracy and the best hope mankind has to achieve and maintain peace and prosperity or it is not. Fundamentally, what underlies America’s greatness are its natural and human resources, and its founding principles. The former gives us our wealth. The latter is the electricity that lights the beacon on the hill.

To varying degrees jealousy, envy, ego, megalomania, greed, and power hungriness on the part of the rest of the world, and, regrettably, fundamental, evil intent on the part of some, underlies a constant desire to knock us down. The regimes of Russia, China, Iran, North Korea and Venezuela are all cases in point.

Why has Putin invaded Ukraine? Obviously, it’s a combination of the factors cited above. Totally predictable (and it WAS predicted). And totally preventable (as the previous administration demonstrated).

Deterring Russia (and the other rogue states) and preventing incursions such as those in Crimea, Ukraine and prospectively Taiwan and South Korea CANNOT BE ACCOMPLISHED WITHOUT STRENGTH AND RESOLVE. Biden and the weak, woke, sycophants who surround him have neither. It is emblematic of just how stupid they are that they focus on climate change and LBGTQ issues in the military ranks and tout these as ‘leadership’ instead of focusing on the strengthening of our country, increasing our self-reliance, projecting freedom and democracy.

What is it about the Left that they think “we can all get along”, to quote Rodney King, that if we are just nice to everyone, they will want to be nice back? It must be part of their utopian fantasy that makes them unable to understand that the only thing the Axis of Evil/rogue states understand is STRENGTH. Biden’s complete capitulation to the Left has allowed their leaders to point to America and assert “See, they’re not so big and powerful.”

At the core, Biden’s obliteration of our energy independence was a monumental shooting of ourselves in the foot (or some other part of our anatomy). At best it was sheer incompetence on his part driven by the eco-fascist lunatics he’s surrounded himself with. At worst it was TREASON!

But making us once again reliant on imported oil and thus unable to turn to Germany and say, “Stand strong, tell Russia they can keep their oil and gas and we’ll supply you with all you need” has allowed Russia to place a Damocles sword over Western Europe. Without our RESOLVE and STRENGTH, Germany has no choice but to treat Russia with kid gloves!

THIS is what Leftist rule has wrought. THIS is the damage we predicted the Democrats would do to us after November 2020. THIS is what the money and ideology-driven media and tech companies have empowered them to foist on not just our people, but the world as a whole. When the sheriff leaves town, the criminals and bandits have a field day, and that’s what’s happening in Ukraine.

Some have noted that for us to have done more, i.e. placed boots on the ground in Ukraine, would have put us into another costly war. But stupidly, Biden telegraphed to Putin that America wouldn’t do that, and with that assurance, Putin was free to make his move. What idiot tells his adversary what cards he’s willing to play and not play? It’s as if this moron was holding his cards backward so that Putin could not only read them clearly, but Biden couldn’t either!

The answer to the question Blinken was asked the other day, “Why didn’t this happen under the previous administration?” is simple…because Biden knew Trump would take pre-emptive or decisive action if Putin were to make the kind of military moves he did right in front of Biden’s nose. It’s laughable that the Left’s answer to this question is “Because Trump, as Putin’s puppet, gave Putin everything he wanted without his having to spend any military or political capital.” What pure, sheer BS!

But that’s what the Leftist media do. They concoct the most absurd explanations and justifications and with the right intonations and incantations, with the right music and backgrounds on their sets, they convince a good number of unthinking, gullible Americans that Biden and his crew are righteously engaged in solving the world’s problems.

If you’re as sick of this administration’s idiocy regarding Ukraine as you are of the COVID mess, I suggest you take some Maalox or Pepto Bismol, as I do, and hunker down prepared for a lot more of this S-show to come.

Is The Pendulum Starting To Swing Back?

Perhaps this is wishful thinking, but evidence that the American public has had just about enough of the idiocies emanating from Washington and are finally pushing the pendulum back the other way is starting to emerge. The revulsion against everything leftist has been there all along, of course, but recently it has become ok to “say the quiet part out loud”. An example of this concerning the COVID response comes from Zero Hedge:

HBO host Bill Maher and writer Bari Weiss received a somewhat-surprising rapturous round of applause from the mostly liberal audience during Friday’s show after they dropped truth-bomb after truth-bomb into the pool of dissonance that remains among blinkered leftists unable to think for themselves about COVID risks and see beyond the “I must zealously support anything and everything that Fauci or Biden say or I am a Trumper” mindset.”

The article from The Liberty Beacon which references Zero Hedge is available here.

Parents speaking up in school board meetings. States beginning to relax mask and vaccine mandates. Even the CDC shamelessly is flip flopping once again on its guidance essentially saying, “It’s over now…everyone can relax”. Jenn Psaki is exhibiting the most intricate verbal contortions attempting to explain the government’s policy.

But hold on. Is this really a pendulum swing shift to the Right or is it just more Leftist shenanigans for political gain?

I regret to say it’s most likely the latter.

The Leftist swing has always been opposed by a majority of the American people. It may not be a large majority, but a majority nonetheless. As is their wont, the Left overplayed their hand and the parents of school-age children and the hardworking middle class were pushed too far, and the Left knows it.

So now they’re changing their tune and claim the “science” has changed. Having been played for fools, even a significant percentage of Democrats have slammed on the brakes and said, “No way Jose”! And so now, the Left is going to vociferously announce that it was THEIR POLICIES that brought about the end of the pandemic.

It’s not going to work. The American people no longer believe anything coming out of the mouths of either Biden or Psaki or Blinken or least of all, Kamala Harris. The media will trumpet this end of masks as a Biden accomplishment. Psaki has already started to explain the change of attitude as due to Biden’s brilliance. AND WE AIN’T BUYIN IT!

That the American people have thrown the BS flag onto the field, however, does not necessarily mean that the pendulum is decidedly moving rightward. I think it’s too early to tell.

We still have to clean up the voting disaster or else the Democrats will cheat their way to minimizing the damage that should occur this coming November. We still have to slog through all the crises and minefields (as well as ‘mind’fields) that the Democrats will create between now and the election. We still have to get the now significantly divided GOP on the same page so we don’t end up in another circular firing squad this Fall.

And perhaps most importantly, we have to prevent the following scenario:

1. Biden nominates Kamala Harris for the Supreme Court and the Dems shove it down the GOP’s throat somehow (maybe by buying off or placing guns to the heads of Manchin and Sinema). Somehow, she is confirmed.

2. Biden appoints Hillary Vice President.

3. Biden steps down or the 25th Amendment is invoked.

4. Hillary becomes President.

Sound crazy? Would you put ANYTHING past the Democrats and the Clintons?

So, is the pendulum swinging back to the Right? I fear the string is bent in a right angle but that length between the angle and the pivot is still pointed Left. As the Democrats get more and more fearful, their tactics will become more and more unhinged.

We must straighten out the string and push both it and the bob at the bottom to the Right as quickly and as forcefully as we can. And we must be prepared to protect and defend the integrity of the election in November!

“I Was Wrong”: Words You’ll Never Hear From The Left

As fond as Joe Biden is of quoting his father, I thought I’d write about an aphorism MY father taught me. It is: “The hallmark of a powerful man is the ability to admit when he is wrong.” In my opinion, one of the biggest problems the Democrats have is their unwillingness to do just that. That they’re wrong on most everything is undeniable except by die-hard leftist delusionists, pedants and sycophants. The last thing I want to do is give them a formula for righting (.sic) their sinking ship, but how jarring and rejuvenating would it be for the Democratic leadership to come up to the microphone and say the words, “America, we were wrong. We were wrong about the economy, about the border, about COVID, masks, lockdowns, about therapeutics and mandates, about defunding the police, about energy independence, about wokeness in the military, about selective prosecution, about lying for political gain, about the means and methods we used to manufacture and count illegitimate votes during the 2020 elections, about unconscionable gerrymandering, about packing the Supreme Court, about ending the filibuster, about Russian collusion, about the Afghanistan withdrawal, about the sham impeachments, about apologizing for and defending anti-American, antisemitic, anti-Christian bigots, about transgenderism, about deviant behavior (e.g. pedophilia), about critical race theory and the 1619 Project, about kowtowing to the unions, about conflict of interest investing with impunity, about suppression of dissenting views and canceling voices that disagree with us or don’t preach the leftist orthodoxy, about supporting fake news, fake polls and ignoring the will of the Silent Majority, about an ambiguous, flaccid and indefensible foreign policy, about China, about Iran, about North Korea, about Venezuela, about CUBA, about Russia…”

They will of course never admit any of this nor claim to be wrong on anything.

Much as I detest the content of the nonsense that spews forth from the mouth of the White House spokesperson Jen Psaki every day, I have to give her credit for her mastery at the podium. She has that skillful facility to deny, decry, defend, deflect, divert, dissemble, detract, and dismiss. “It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is”. Contrast her with two other equally talented spin doctor/press secretaries: Kayleigh McEnany and Dana Perino. The difference between Psaki and the other two is that the former can ONLY use the list of ‘d words’ above while McEnany and Perino had truth, facts and fundamental honesty on their side. They too spun the messaging so as to cast as positive a light on both successes and shed the spotlight on the failures of their administrations. But the successes so far outweighed the failures the preponderance of messaging was straight up truth. By contrast, Psaki has to cover, “circle back”, postpone, attempt to belittle valid questions, launch ad hominem attacks or just outright lie to cover the failures of the Biden administration. And of course, she NEVER admits Democrat wrongdoing.

Over the years I’ve had to admit I was wrong many times. It always stabs me in the gut to do it, but I WILL admit mistakes when I make them. Oh that we had leaders that could and would do so as well.

I’ve been reading Dwight D. Eisenhower’s book written shortly after World War II, “Crusade in Europe.” In it he describes the character attributes that would disqualify potential commanders: “Foremost among these was the one who seemed to be self-seeking in the matter of promotion.” Another was evidence that a man made any effort to ‘pass the buck’. Pessimists were eschewed, as were men who made every decision himself, i.e. who was unable to delegate both authority and responsibility. In the book he recounts numerous incidents when his own estimates or judgments were faulty or just plain wrong. The consensus building, the arbitrating, the therapy he had to administer to get the Allied commands to work together was superb preparation for leadership not just of the military, but of, as it turned out, the Country. Admitting he was wrong when he was garnered deep respect and support from the Allied command.

Lay these attributes up against what we have now. Self-aggrandizement on the part of all politicians is inveterate but the narcissism of the celebrity-addicted Left is manifest and amplified by a makeup-laden media. I’ll posit that the Left’s pre-occupation with celebrity has infected and damaged the two youngest generations to the point where social media (a euphemism to be sure) has created an almost universal self-centeredness among them.

Passing the buck or blaming everyone but oneself is commonplace, a REAL pandemic, but especially among the Left (Did you hear Kamala Harris the other day blame Congress for not fixing the border?!).

Weak-kneed positions on crime, on our duty and responsibility to be the beacon of freedom in the world (Nancy Pelosi: “Go compete at the Olympics but be careful not to offend the Chinese.”; “We will boycott the Olympics by not sending any diplomats.”), on supporting not tearing apart the American dream, about the rule of law, about the Constitution itself…the Left and Democrats have deliberately sought to “transform our country” according to a Rules for Radicals (Saul Alinsky), frankly, communist way.

I’ve been encouraged of late that there is more talk among the Republican leadership of fashioning a Contract With America version 2.0. I think they’ve figured out that it is not enough to expose and openly denigrate the idiocies of the Democrat Left. It is imperative that we provide an alternative vision of what America can and should be. Unfortunately, the Democrats have so mucked things up, it will be necessary to enact harsh measures to eradicate the detritus they have scattered across the political, social and economic landscape.

We need to distribute “No More Mr. Nice Guy” coffee cups to every elected or appointed, conservative-minded, constitution-supporting Republican now or prospectively in office. The true fabric of our nation is frayed and, in some cases, hanging by a thread. If we screw up along the way, we need to admit our mistakes and make course corrections that keep us on a path leading up the slippery slope down which we have so lamentably slid.

And by contrast let’s NOT encourage the Left to admit their mistakes. Let’s continue to point out their fallacies and destructiveness while also adhering to Napolean’s maxim: “Never interfere with the enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself.”

And let us fashion a positive, seductive message that begins to restore America to the greatness her people deserve.