We Get It – You CAN’T Speak Up!

Your livelihoods demand your silence. Speak out and you don’t just face ostracization but the potential loss of your employment. You see what’s going on in the country, but your employer, be it a public or private one, will overtly fire you or surreptitiously label and mark you if you don’t tow the leftist party line. The cancer has spread so far that iconic American companies have gone woke.

Why have they done that? Marketing. Some years back it was environmentalism. Companies had to demonstrate how ‘green’ they could be. That was yesterday’s woke. Today it’s jumping on the defund the police or LGBTQ+ bandwagon. Speak up and tell your employer how you REALLY feel about these topics and you do so at your own peril.

What’s so insidious about all this silencing is that the Damocles sword hanging over your head allows the evil to spread – silence equals tacit approval. But aside from an extremely small number of individuals who are so repulsed by the leftist agenda they’d rather suffer the consequences of quitting their jobs instead of putting up with the constant diet of idiocy, the majority of us keep quiet, bite our tongues and draw our paychecks.

The frustration I hear of teachers who are forced to deliver a curriculum they know is toxic for the children they teach, that of police officers I know who are forced to work with both hands tied behind their backs, the productive rank and file who are being told they can’t come to work unless they get the vaccine…all have muzzles on their faces, unable to say what they really think.

One of the things the Left is so good at is setting up a demagogue who can fill the heads of a critical mass of gullible, brain-addled sheep to believe their lies and drivel. These become acolytes and because they gravitate towards others who nod and go along to join the crowd and feed their other-directed egos by joining the team, they clump together and speak the dogma and talking points to create memes. These are then amplified by the media and whoosh, the Leftist drivel becomes gospel. It’s because of their collectivist hivemind that the weak losers of the Left become lemmings and don’t even know they’re headed to the sea and certain destruction. They just play follow the leader.

But it’s effective, because the demagogues thus have numbers on their side. In elections, that’s what matters. Millions of unthinking, weak-minded sheep follow the shepherds and in the aggregate, the Left prevails. That demagogue Jonathan Gruber, so-called architect of Obamacare, famously revealed the truth when he said “This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes. Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage…And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really really critical for the thing to pass.”  

The last thing the Democrats want is for people to question their diktats. Through lies, deceit and manipulation, not to mention high production values, clever slogans and memes, the Left pushes and pushes, screams louder and louder, uses its tech power to silence/cancel opposition, essentially saturates and carpet bombs the airwaves, billboards, cocktail party speech to petulantly, obstinately get their way.

So the Left, a.k.a. Democrats, prevail.

On the Right, because of individualism, self-reliance, critical thought, justified skepticism, we deliberate before acting, we consider others and the nation as a whole, we don’t clump and recite the canon. Thus it’s a lot harder to organize and control the masses. This hurts during an election.

But wait. Look at what’s happening in school board meetings around the country. Pushed over the edge, parents who would ordinarily never speak up have coalesced and with one voice thrown the bullshit flag onto the field. The Southwest pilots, in another display of solidarity, were able to send a strong message to the airline’s management by walking out en masse. Street cops and firemen in New York are together defying the vaccine mandate.

In other words, if the Right sets its mind to it, or gets pushed too far, the Left will get a taste of their own medicine.

This coming Tuesday’s election for governor in Virginia will be a real harbinger. First, it will be a test as to whether sufficient pressure has been generated by the outcry from November 2020 to ensure the vote is honest and fair. Second, if Youngkin, the GOP candidate, prevails, decisively, it will be another example of the repudiation of Leftist authoritarianism and nonsense, and perhaps represent a push of the pendulum to the Right. Third, it will demonstrate how the Right can succeed in vanquishing the Leftist behemoth.

We can only hope.

Act Now Or Forever Hold Your Peace

Some of my readers have asked recently why my posts come in bursts and why they seem to have tapered off in recent months. The answer is simple. Actions speak louder than words. I have markedly stepped up my activities that, for lack of a simpler description, consist of championing the “Let’s Go Brandon” movement. And if you don’t know what that slogan means, you have your head in the sand and should pull it out and look it up. It’s not just an anti-administration motivation that drives me. It’s the recognition that despite my reservations, despite the impingement on my time and energy, I must actually DO something, not just talk about it.

So I have. I have worked to expand my network of like-minded people also disgusted by what they see transpiring before their eyes. We meet regularly and discuss the atrocities of the day and what our extended networks are telling us about leftist overreach and right-minded push back. We talk about contingency plans. We speak in public settings (e.g. in bars, restaurants, at the grocery store) openly and unabashedly about the toxic drivel coming out of the Biden administration, the lies, deceit, misinformation of the main stream media, and we openly applaud those who sport patriotic tee shirts and hats.

And here’s something I’ve learned. As angry as I am about the Democrat daily atrocities, I’ve found that the Democrats who surround me respond better to subtle encouragement rather than overt condemnation. As much as I’d like to grab them by the neck and rub their noses in the excrement they’ve left all over the ground, I’ve found a better formula, one that doesn’t corner and confront them, but that gives them an escape route.

For example, the other day I was deployed as a member of our community emergency response team and as we worked on setting up our equipment I overheard one of the members say something about attending a Democrat meeting of one sort or another. As the conversation ended and the Democrat and I came in close proximity to one another, I said to him, “Wow Bob, I would have never pegged you for a Democrat.” His expression was priceless. It was clear he was embarrassed to have been outed!

My statement was, of course, both a compliment as well as a dig. I acknowledged he was a good guy, with smarts and skills and organizational ability, while also pointing out my surprise that anyone possessing these attributes could be a Democrat!

I’m encouraged by the fact that there are more and more traditionalist/conservative blogs, videos and other forms of media published every day. As I’ve often stated, there are many who’s ability to articulate the outrage we all feel far surpasses my own, and it’s clear, reading or viewing their work, that we all have similar sentiments. Thus, I’ve frequently begun a post only to find that someone has already covered what I want to say, and far better than I could.

I’m tempted, and may in fact act on this, to add a curation feature to GrumpsReport. Curation, by the way, is one of those terms, usually applied to the selection of displays in a museum, that the tech world has co-opted and abused. But its apt. What I’m suggesting is the establishment of a section with links to specific articles, videos, tweets, etc. that are particularly intriguing, thought-provoking or bile-inducing. Thus, my readers will have a sense of what I’m made up of.  As we all know, “we are what we consume”, and that goes for what we read, watch and listen to as well.

In the meantime, please understand that the fewer hours I spend writing the more I spend actually doing something about the stuff I’m so pissed off about!

I hope you’ll join me in DOING SOMETHING. Speak up, act out, join with, and by all means, help the unfortunate (I’m being extremely generous) Democrats and independents who think that everything’s just swell to wake up, open their eyes, filter out the bs they’re consuming and start thinking with their heads instead of other parts of their anatomies.

Authoritarianism vs. Freedom

I often repeat Rush Limbaugh’s argument that the battle raging in America is not between Conservatives and Liberals, not between Republicans and Democrats, but between Traditionalists and Secular Progressives. In my writings I’ve simplified this position as The Battle Between the Right and Left, or, frankly The Battle Between Good and Evil. Today, I’m adding to that label. The battle raging now is between Authoritarianism and Freedom.

 didn’t used to think it would come to this. After all, true liberalism is supposed to be about liberty. Democrat party Liberals, however, have shed any semblance of liberty in their approach to the future of our country. Rather, they are hell bent to generate and cement every shred of power they can before the American people revolt. Whether that revolt comes during the 2022 and 2024 elections or whether it happens violently, it is coming.

We are already repulsed by the condescension the Left manifests toward us. They are counting on their cheerleaders and lapdogs in the media and Hollywood, bankrolled by arrogant, hyper-rich oligarch-prophets, to brainwash a gullible, dumbed- down half of America into believing their absurd and empty promises. Knowing that eventually Americans will see through their bs, they’re trying to import hundreds of thousands of highly dependent illegal aliens and place them in Republican strongholds, trying to turn them into reliable Democrat voters.

Hypocrites come in many forms and varying degrees, but the so-called leadership of the Democrat Party truly win the hypocrisy contest. Do you really think Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Biden and Harris or any of the other hyporcitical leftist politicians would allow dependent, homeless people to camp out on THEIR doorsteps? They want us to think they’re Mother Teresa when in fact they’re Caligula, Stalin, Hitler, Pinochet, Pol Pot, Castro and Maduro rolled into one. Their skill at twisting and turning facts, at creatively misrepresenting truth, at spinning and outright lying to our faces is what’s making so many of us very very angry.

Our anger is justified. We’re seeing our country being destroyed by domestic enemies which, contrary to what the media would have you believe, are not right-wing skinhead white male chauvinist misogynists, but by Leftist demagogues spouting the most outrageous nonsense with the expectation that enough stupid people will believe and follow them to utopia.

Because we on the Right believe in the principles that the Left so often touts but habitually flaunt, principles such as individual liberty, free speech, tolerance and acceptance, we are far more restrained and deliberate in our opposition to what’s going on. When rolls have been reversed, the Left has done the most despicable things. When the Right are the opposition, we still try to be gentlemanly about how we protest.

They’re counting on that. By the time the 2022 election rolls around, the Democrats will have honed and burgeoned their election cheating mechanisms, will have manufactured (you heard it from me first) crisis after crisis to solidify the mail-in voting, illegal vote harvesting, buried-in-code and internet protocol vote counting scams so that, lo and behold, they will eke out victories in the mid-terms and keep their majorities.

People are mighty pissed off, and the more the Left attempts to shove their authoritarian rules, regulations and tyranny down our throats the more coiled the backlash spring becomes. There is a tipping point where the Left will learn the true meaning of insurrection.

I’ll leave it at that.

Another Analysis of the 2020 Election

An interesting analysis of the dollars spent by Mark Zuckerberg and no doubt other wealthy leftists to fund a targeted, private takeover of government election operations was published today in the Federalist. In his article, “The 2020 Election Wasn’t Stolen, It Was Bought By Mark Zuckerberg“, William Doyle makes the compelling case that the “unprecedented merger of public election offices with private resources and personnel is an acute threat to our republic, and should be the focus of electoral reform efforts moving forward.”

How much are we talking about? How about $420 million passed into local government elections offices, all of it Zuckerberg’s and all “with strings attached”. The article spells out how that money “had nothing to do with traditional campaign finance, lobbying or other expenses” and everything “to do with financing the infiltration of elections offices at the city and county level by left-wing activists, and using those offices as a platform to implement preferred administrative practices, voting methods, and data-sharing agreements, as well as to launch intensive outreach campaigns in areas heavy with Democratic voters.”

I believe Doyle. His arguments and evidence are not only plausible, but perfectly explain how Joe Biden received 81 million votes. We will never know how many were illegitimately cast, but the meme that Biden got that many legitimate votes requires, to quote a vomit-inducing leftist, “the willful suspension of disbelief.”

I urge my readers to read Doyle’s complete article. It’s persusive, alarming and if we don’t assimilate the reality he paints into our election reform efforts, the 2022 and 2024 elections will without doubt be equally corrupt.

And as regards 2022 and subsequently, 2024. I predict the war that will be fought between the Left and the Right over election integrity will make 2020 look like a cocktail party by comparison. The Left is already doing everything they can to stall examinations into what happened in 2020, using every Alinsky, muckracking and corrupt tactic they can possible muster. As usual, the gentlemenly GOP is trying to “work within the system” to route out corruption.

If the GOP doesn’t put on its big boy pants and start fighting harder, louder, smarter and more effectively to purge election systems of the fraud and abuse that the Democrats are all to willing to promote and accept either directly or indirectly, the Left will have succeeded in guaranteeing themselves permanent power and further hastening the demise of the greatest nation in history.

Inarticulate and shrill as some of the voices on the Right might sound, they barely begin to compete with the verbal diarrhea emanating from the Left. Who will stand up to the Democrats and be sufficiently attractive, articulate, convincing and persuasive as to halt this demonic takeover of our socity that is currently underway? I don’t think it’s Trump. He still scolds and whines like a petulant teenager who can’t string two sentences together without repeating himself five times. His policies are sound. His antipathy towards the media, the Swamp and the Left in general is right on, but he can’t inspire a huge swath of the middle that represents America. To them he’s still a New York real estate thug. He may have been the only one who could have beaten Hillary, but something better than an “I told you so” candidacy is going to be needed to win in 2024.

So who? It’s not one of the firebrands: Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, etc. It’s not Cruz, not Rubio, not a governor like Kristi Noem, nor Greg Abbot, nor Ron DeSantis. None have the broad appeal necessary to bring enough people into the tent. No, it’s going to have to be someone new, someone we haven’t thought of yet, someone who comes out of the woodwork like Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton did. It’s too early to say, to know or to tell. It has to be a surprise, someone who even Trump will endorse and gladly (if not graciously) step aside for. I know everything thinks Trump is a narcissist and would never give up the GOP nomination but I choose to believe he cares enough about the country that he’d do so if the right candidate, whom he could boast to have endorsed, emerges.

But none of it may matter. Neither Trump nor a better candidate will win in 2024 if the GOP doesn’t shellack the Democrats in 2022. And the GOP will not win in 2022 or 2024 regardless of candidates if the corruption and fraud is not routed out of the system before then.

Before I conclude. There is one thing that could peacefully (more or less) shake up the status quo. If either or both Kyrsten Sinema or Joe Manchin were to switch parties, giving control of the Senate to the GOP, THAT would stir the pot!

You heard it from me first.

Prepping at the Tipping Point

I’m not a fan of what I call “Prepper Porn”.  That’s the content of thousands of books, websites, articles, etc. predicting the Apocalypse and what everyone must do to survive scenes like those depicted in “The Walking Dead.” On the other hand, I was a Boy Scout in the old days when the BSA was the character and skills training ground for young men. The slogan was “Be Prepared.”

While it’s impossible to be prepared for everything: TEOTWAWKI (The End of the World as We Know it), SHTF (‘Stuff’ Hit the Fan), Armageddon, a nuclear holocaust, reversal of the Earth’s geomagnetic poles, a direct hit from an asteroid, EMP (Electro Magnetic Pulse), CME (Coronal Mass Ejection), a Zombie Invasion…common sense suggests that being prepared as much and as realistically as possible for life’s emergencies is a hell of a lot better than being unprepared!

Once upon a time I had two 55 gallon drums of water in my garage, several buckets of raw wheat and a few other items that amounted to “preparation.” The fact that I never used them didn’t discount their value, but even if a catastrophe had occurred, they wouldn’t have done me or my family much good.

As I look back on the emergencies that befell us during various times and in various living locations, I’m nevertheless grateful for the preparedness mindset that my Scout days imprinted on me. While the worst hasn’t happened yet, our family was subjected to a lot of natural and man-made problems: hurricanes, tornadoes, thunderstorms, high winds, bad snowstorms, localized floods, heat waves and other harmful natural events; relatively sudden general and personal economic downturns; supply disruptions of food, gasoline and staples; strikes; prolonged power outages; mass transit failures; accidents; pest infestation; injuries; illness; and of course, 9-11 and the Pandemic. Each was a wake-up call.

Yet each time, once the emergency had passed, we retreated into complacency and a sub-conscious attitude that “we weathered it and we’ll do so again when and if it happens.”

Does any of this sound or feel familiar?

Some of the emergencies were man-made, some were natural. We survived them all, and our pain ranged from mild inconvenience to some downright difficult times where we thought our lives were ruined and we thought we’d have to completely change them.

The vicissitudes of life are such that it’s likely we’ll be faced with emergencies, mini and moderate disasters and other trying times in the future.

However, TODAY, the risk of man-made hazards is greater than I’ve ever seen in my lifetime!

If you have any doubt about this, just open your eyes and look around. If you still think everything’s either just fine, or will work itself out as it always has, don’t bother reading any further.

On the other hand, if like so many millions of our fellow Americans you clearly see what’s happening “right here in River City”, right before eyes, and are not just alarmed but pessimistic that for the first time in many generations we won’t be able to give our children and grandchildren better lives than we had; if you sense the threats to our freedom, peace and prosperity are mounting as each day goes by; if you see our very civilization being systematically destroyed (“fundamentally transformed”) then friends, “Be Prepared” needs to become your slogan as well!

If you’ve spent any time thinking about Emergency Preparedness, however, you know how long the lists of considerations, questions and answers are.

There are literally thousands of resources available. I’ve spent countless hours researching the available literature, videos, websites to get answers. The array of products, services and printed/published information dedicated to “prepping” is vast. It’s available from government and commercial sources, some of it general, some of it very specific, some of it good, some of it bad, some of it useful and, in my opinion, some of it useless or even harmful.

The fundamental problem with most of these sources is that they don’t address the individual needs, preferences and budgets of families living in diverse locations, with different circumstances.

So concerned am I about the future of our country and the impact the Leftist juggernaut is having on the lives of my immediate and extended family, however, that I’ve solicited help in making sense of the matter. I have become a practitioner of the principles espoused by a new organization: Suburban Readiness Institute (SRI). One of their key tenets is secrecy – it stands to reason that the more people know about your preparedness, the less secure your family will be if things get bad. All communications and interaction with them have been and will remain discreet. Thus, I won’t be describing their means, methods, etc.

But I urge my readers to visit their website (https://suburbanreadiness.com) for a general overview of what they’re about.

And whether or not you engage with them or some other organization to assist you with your planning and preparation, I can’t overemphasize the importance, AT THIS PIVOTAL TIPPING POINT IN OUR COUNTRY’S HISTORY, of thinking seriously about and systematically, methodically, pragmatically and resolvedly preparing for what may lie ahead.

Once an emergency happens or is about to happen, with or without warning, the time for preparation is past.