Christmas 2020

Wishing others “Merry Christmas” this year seems misplaced somehow. For millions of people around the world the day is hardly “merry”. While I try very hard to see the bright side and the cup half full, count blessings and prayerfully remain hopeful for the future, I can’t help but feel terribly sad, not for myself so much, but for those who have suffered, are still suffering and who will yet suffer from everything that is happening around and to us.

A couple of months ago I predicted that Trump would win in a landslide and the Left and the evil it embodies would be driven back down into the hell from which it emanated. Now I’m witnessing a tsunami of unleashed, woke hellhounds that forebodes a period of chaos such as has never been seen before in our history.

It truly is a tipping point. The forces of the Left, seemingly uncoordinated but actually, masterfully directed by skilled manipulators sewing fear and creating mass delusion, have successfully brainwashed and conditioned at least half if not more of our population to believe good is evil and evil good.

Our institutions have failed us. Our judicial system, for example, has stuck its head in the sand. I attribute this to human failings of vanity, inertia and self-interest. Judges from Night Court to Supreme Court glare down from their elevated daises, ruling their fiefdoms as if they were omnipotent, demand obeisance, treat all around them with condescension (contempt, really .sic), and rule on the basis of a convoluted, ambiguous set of administrative laws that having nothing to do either with justice or the well-being of the plaintiffs and defendants appearing before them. Often their rulings are arbitrary, sometimes vindictive and sometimes even malevolent. They rarely if ever contemplate the good of society or our country as a whole. Even if they DO rule based on conviction and a desire to do what’s right, they have been so warped by Leftist rot they actually believe that society is better off with gender-neutral bathrooms! Finally, since their own livelihoods depend on what I call “popular justice”, instead of halting the Leftist, metastatic idiocy, they let it slip through their courts, kick the can down the road or punt to a higher court to preserve their income and power.

In healthcare, the “scientists” and doctors are so contradictory that even they don’t know what’s going on with either the Wuhan Virus, the other health problems that have been exacerbated by it and the influence of profit considerations on the medical-industrial complex as a whole. We are left, sadly, to hoping our doctor prescribes the right thing at the right time for our individual needs and circumstances!

In education, we’re losing an entire year of development from pre-K through post-graduate programs. The balkanization/anti-social behavior created by social media has now been institutionalized in “remote learning”, where the vast majority of students are learning little and becoming more and more socially inept. Millions of parents looking over the shoulders of their children as they watch/listen to their teachers on tablets are shocked at what their kids are being taught. Forget the three r’s….it’s woke indoctrination 24/7!

Our military and police forces are demoralized. It’s now accepted that they fight for the man or woman next to them instead of the principles of freedom, democracy or defense of the homeland. Never has the term “enemies from within” been more used or appropriate!

Politics has descended into megalomaniacal warfare – win at all costs, no holds barred, “if we have the power we can make things right” utopian lunacy. To see grownups behave like petulant adolescents, insolent malcontents, snickering brats…it’s disgusting and the Chinese, even the Europeans, are laughing at how puerile, superficial and petty our so-called leaders have become. To watch Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, the Squad, Swalwell, Schiff, Abrams and their ilk, and of course the cream of the crop, Biden and Harris, speak much less appear in public and attempt to say anything useful or uplift in any meaningful way, is to get that burning sensation when a burp comes up one’s gullet just a little.

Projection – the displacement of one’s feelings or actions onto another is the basis for all rhetoric coming out of the mouths of the Left. If we want to know what they’re doing, just listen to what they accuse the Right of! It’s like that childish, “I know you are but what am I,” phrase.

But wait. 

There is the other half or more of the country that doesn’t just sense our way of life slipping away from us, but is angry at what’s happening. Because we care about doing what’s right and acting, for the most part, in a civilized manner, we mutter to ourselves, wave flags in defiance and at our most active, call or write our congressman and women decrying the insanity. But we all sense that something is building…a righteous indignation that is a dam about to burst.

There is a quiet crying out for leadership that will right the ship as it lists in the violent, tossing waves. We’re muzzled, we’re scoffed at, we’re being treated like losers. BUT WE’RE RIGHT, and I don’t just mean politically and socially Right! Something DOES stink and it’s still the majority of Americans who recognize it, not just half or less.

And by leadership I mean, and I’ve said this before, an attractive, articulate, traditional statesman who can not just bludgeon the Left, but make it sexy, cool and desirable to be Right and Good again! He (or she) has to be tough as nails, take no BS from the media, espouse, exude and teach correct principles to the half of the population that is so dumb-downed it doesn’t even recognize it, and lift everyone up whether they no what’s good for them or not!

Perhaps it’s a military leader with civilian persuasion skills. Perhaps it’s another businessman who can navigate the political minefields and persuasively help us reconnect with our traditional roots, the roots that made us the greatest nation on earth. Perhaps, just perhaps, it’s Trump 2.0!

So this Christmas I’m hopeful. I’m certainly prayerful, and I pray there is something that can be done to prevent a Biden/Harris/Puppeteer administration from happening, as well as a takeover of the Senate by the Democrats which truly would spell disaster given their beyond stupid policies, positions, tendencies and downright evil designs. May we turn to the example of the Lord Jesus Christ and turn the other cheek, (while lopping off the head of the Leftist monster that seeks to devour us)… and may we have a happier New Year!  


So, the Electoral College submitted their votes, and even Newsmax reluctantly dubbed Biden “President Elect”, but seven states also registered competing votes!

I will never accept that the American People selected a bumbling, demented, hyper-corrupt puppet spewing nothing but carefully crafted verbal diarrhea as its leader. President Trump must use every legal power he has to arrest this national travesty of an election and ensure Biden, and more accurately, Harris, never take office. I for one will support him because our constitutional republic teeters in the balance.

Where do we go from here?

The tsunami of, frankly, unadulterated nonsense that it’s all over, Biden won and we need to “move on” seems overwhelming. What’s been interesting to see is who continues to fight for the truth and the proper result to this election, and who has capitulated to the Leftist mob. So many Republicans have given up… they represent the professional political class worried only about their own skins. “Live to fight another day” is their cry!

To that I throw the BS flag! They’re cowards, weaklings and deserve to be thrown off the field of battle for their treason. How ANY self-respecting, elected GOP legislator or executive could let this travesty of an election stand disgusts me.

But I digress. As I have stated numerous times, I will not concede unless Trump does. I earlier said I’d concede if the Supreme Court rules Biden won, but they haven’t. They’ve used procedural arguments to absolve themselves of responsibility for this fiasco. From what little I know of jurisprudence, the door is still very much open to the right case brought before them, but so far it appears the only way this debacle will be rectified is with some pretty dramatic action on Trump’s part: the invocation of his 2018 Executive Order, the rejection of the Electoral College vote count on January 5th, or the ignoring of the fallacious Democrat electoral votes when they are read by Vice President Pence.

This situation is so dire, and the Democrats’ deceit, fraud and felonies so egregious, I hope the boom gets lowered on these despicable, megalomaniacal oxygen wasters!

And that just might happen!

I have not given up and will fight, with words and as much influence as I can wield, till it’s over.

And it ain’t over!

Stalwart, Steadfast

It’s December 7th, the anniversary of Pearl Harbor, and as each day goes by the evidence of election fraud keeps growing and the flak meant to obscure the truth gets thicker. Turn on the vast majority of ‘news’ programs and it’s all about what ‘President-Elect” Biden will do in his first term. “It’s a done deal, stick a fork in it, Trump and the 70+ million who voted for him are just whining, sore losers.” “The people have spoken, Biden will be inaugurated in January.”

To all that I throw the BS flag down on the field and remain steadfast in the following:

a) the election was flawed from the start;

b) There was a deliberate exploitation by the Democrats of the security loopholes to manufacture fraudulent vote totals for Biden,

c) This is still 2020. That means expect the unexpected, and

d) I will not concede this election until Trump does and/or the Supreme Court rules that it’s over.

As Alinsky preached and Cloward and Piven extrapolated, the way to “fundamentally transform” America is to “overwhelm the system”…create so much chaos that the people give up fighting and look to the government to “save” them. Sound kinda like what we see today?

Except these three radicals fundamentally underestimated the Good in the majority of Americans who believe in freedom, self-determination, fairness, truth and other traditional principles that are the underpinning of this great land! Americans who cherish these things will hold the line and defend them against the writhing Evil that is, desperately trying to consume the Good.

The cheating, fraud and manipulation of the vote was so widespread across the country, and particularly in the corrupt strongholds in various key cities, that it threatens to overwhelm the legal, political and societal outcry that is pushing back.Our system of justice has been so weaponized and become so complex and ambiguous that the Democrats seem to be able to swat the challenges aside like flies.

Which of the state legislatures has enough courage to stand and assert power over the appointment of or withholding of electors? Which judges have the moral courage and conviction to call time out on this cataclysmic and monumental travesty of an election? Do 5 or 6 justices of SCOTUS have the wisdom and strength to halt the insanity and right this ship before it goes under? Will we look back at this moment as the moment the forces of Evil overran the Good, or the moment when the Evil onslaught was halted in its tracks and Good prevailed? THIS TRULY IS A TIPPING POINT for our country and western civilization.

The war ebbs and flows, but Truth, Right and Good will ultimately prevail over the Cabal that is so against them.

May the clarion call for truth and freedom remain loud, clear and unwavering and may God bless our nation, our leaders and our institutions to do what is Right!