Sparring with Mutants

I live in a community filled with limousine liberals. Many do take limousines, around here referred to euphemistically as “cars”, but mostly they just drive themselves around in $80,000 Land Rovers and Mercedes AMG’s.

Their hypocrisy knows no bounds. But it’s ok because they donate to the kids who ring our doorbells in the summer representing so-called Public Interest Research Groups or “PIRGs”, another euphemism for enviro-fascist shake down artists advocating the banning of fracking (which causes, you know, the water from your faucet to ignite) and the banishment of gas pipelines (which, after all, disturb chipmunk and snail darter migrations and can EXPLODE!). And they also have hybrids sitting in their garages which offset the use of the Land Rovers.

Sometimes I want to run screaming for the hills, away from these incredibly shallow, self-absorbed and condescending people who get their out-of-gym exercise by patting themselves on the back for all their wealth and accomplishments. 

I’m tired of having to collect, memorize and arm myself with the facts necessary to defend traditional values, economics, etc. And I’m tired and getting more and more tired of trying to have discussions with these Leftists to whom the rules don’t apply and facts are relative.

Facts simply don’t matter to them. It is impossible to have a rational discussion with a Leftist because all they do is repeat the drivel they hear. Pointing out facts and using logic is pointless. They merely say stupid things like “You have your truth and I have my truth.” It’s like trying to nail jello to a wall, like pushing on a string. Neither reason nor any attempt to explore the disastrous consequences or history of their ideology or the fallacy of their positions resonates.

The image that comes to mind is from a Will Smith movie called “I am Legend”. It’s the post-apocalyptic story of the sole survivor of a plague that transforms humans into bloodthirsty mutants. He wanders alone through New York City, calling out for other possible survivors, and works on finding a cure for the plague using his own immune blood. He is badly outnumbered and the odds are against him, and all the while, the infected wait for him to make a mistake that will deliver him into their hands. They huddle in packs in dark places like subterranean parking lots always facing inwards, shaking and panting. A sound or smell of an uninfected animal or human alerts them at which point they suddenly and viciously turn towards and run at full tilt boogie to brutally assault it.

Today’s Leftists are like those mutants. They wait for a normal, traditional human being to expose themselves and then pounce, spouting nonsense and catch-phrases with one, shrieking voice that seeks to drown out and overwhelm them.

Which reminds me of another movie called Invasion of the Body Snatchers where aliens take over the souls of normal humans and then intermingle with them. To survive, the normal humans mimic the body language and behaviors of the mutants. Should a normal human slip up, all of a sudden there will be a blood curdling shriek from the mutant who identifies the normal person, and then all the mutants will turn and scream and with outstretched arms point to the normal human being.

What we witnessed at the Kavanaugh hearings was a perfect example of body snatchers in unison pointing their fingers at a normal human being and shrieking.

They will stop at nothing to destroy the innocent. Again, facts don’t matter. The consequences of the personal destruction they inflict don’t matter. Lies and hypocrisy are ok because in their minds they are means to an end. All the care about is power and control so they can pursue and achieve their absurd utopian fantasy.

There, I’ve gotten that off my chest. Now I’ll take a deep breath and rejoin the fight to restore sanity to our country and communities.

Considering Homeschooling

The Leftist indoctrination and brainwashing of our children has intensified to the point where parents who love them and care about our Nation’s future should seriously consider homeschooling, private or parochial schools. Not every family can afford private or parochial schools, however, so homeschooling may be the only realistic alternative.

Making the decision and committing to homeschooling would represent a tectonic shift in a family’s life to say the least. Dual incomes and $1000 iPhones has replaced living within our means, the traditional norm of father providing for the family, mother tending the hearth and nurturing the children, and the schools educating and preparing our youth to become productive achievers in our society.

Homeschooling would decidedly alter the current paradigm. Your taxes would still be paying for those teacher retirement benefits (largely), your income would drop and costs will rise, but it may be the only way to counteract the destructive ideology that has infused the curriculum and that is the real driving force tearing our country apart and causing our country’s decline.

I’ve only begun to research this topic, but virtually everything I read about the practice, in terms of preparing children for the world they face and equipping them with the tools they will need to survive in their future, is positive, even laudatory.

Mom usually takes on the homeschooling challenge and not all of our daughters and daughters-in-law are either educationally or emotionally able to do so. But for those who are, though it may mean abandoning or putting their careers on hold and running a different race than the one called “keeping up with the Jones”, it could be the most rewarding and fulfilling occupation of their lives. I don’t think it’s an overstatement to suggest that a generation of well-taught-through-homeschooling or private schooled kids could save the future of America.

One of the websites I found to be a useful introduction and guide to homeschooling is Mary Ann Kelley’s The Home School Mom. It lists many of the benefits of homeschooling, among them:

Academic flexibility. Homeschooling can work whether a child is ahead, behind, strong-willed, creative, challenging, quiet, gifted, or active.

Meeting current needs now. You can prioritize a child’s mental, emotional, behavioral, and physical health.

Meaningful learning. Avoid teaching to the test, testing mania in general, and arbitrary minimal standards.

Foster less peer dependence. Less early exposure to drugs, alcohol, sexual activity, and bullying.

Build a sense of safety. Parents can take their own steps to keep their children physically safe, and children can feel secure. (Grumps note: this also means safety from indoctrination and brainwashing!)

The full description of benefits can be found here.

I might add that taking on the responsibility for educating one’s children would of course force parents to become more educated themselves, and lifelong learning for us adults is a good thing too!

The education lobby will weep, wail and gnash their teeth, of course, and as the homeschooling trend continues to accelerate the assault by the Leftist-infused teacher’s unions will be ferocious. But consider these facts taken from research done by Brian D. Ray, Ph.D of the National Home Education Research Institute (NHERI) and published in January of this year:

  • “There are over 2.3 million homeschool students in the United States. That is, there were an estimated 2.3 million in spring 2016, and this was up from one estimate of about 2 million home-educated children (in grades K to 12) during the spring of 2010 in the United States. It appears the homeschool population is continuing to grow at an estimated 2% to 8% per annum over the past few years.”
  • “The home-educated typically score 15 to 30 percentile points above public school students on standardized academic achievement tests.”

As I wrote earlier, I’ve barely scratched the surface of this subject, but as a grandfather increasingly worried about my kids’ and grandkids’ future, as well as the future of America , I urge everyone to seriously consider abandoning the current educational rat race and provide the second most important thing (love comes first!) parents can provide their children: a sound education.


We’ve gone from handwritten invitations on personalized stationary to “I’ll have my people call your people so we can do lunch,” to “I’ll have my bot sync with your bot and we can Facetime.”

Emails, and now texting, have replaced real interpersonal communication with what I call bot-speak. For the uninitiated, bots, short for robots, are bits of software that perform automated tasks across the internet, including sending messages meant to sound and act like humans. Bot-speak has warped relationships, particularly among Gen Z, into superficial digital encounters.

A sign of the decline of a great civilization is a breakdown in language leading to a breakdown in meaningful communication leading to miscommunication leading to misunderstanding leading to conflict. The ambiguity of message frequently created by the abbreviated/truncated language of texting has caused countless avoidable arguments, hurt feelings and destroyed relationships.

Texting has become a shield or filter for real communication.

Here’s a typical exchange.

Guy: Wanna get together?
Gal: R u asking me out?
Guy: Y let’s meet at Starbucks
Gal: Dunno, time?
Guy: 10
Gal: 10 mins or 10 o clock?
Guy: 10 o clock
Gal: AM or PM?
Guy: AM
Gal: K.
Guy: look fwd c u there

What’s really going on here is the guy doesn’t have the courage to actually speak to the gal face to face. Texting allows him to be arms-length removed from the interaction and shields him from having to make eye contact or risk bumbling his words when he asks her out. Result? Superficiality: increased depersonalization, reduced interpersonal communication, increased isolation and distance between people.

OMG, what r u talking about?

Aside from depersonalization and isolation, Bot-speak can test intergenerational relationships. One example:

Grandma: How’s that new munchkin of yours doing?
Gen Z Daughter: She’s the bomb
Grandma: I don’t understand. The bomb?
Gen Z Daughter (already impatient): She’s fine grandma.
Grandma: Is she sleeping through the night yet?
Gen Z Daughter: GTG
Grandma: GTG?
Gen Z Daughter: Good to go.
Grandma: Good to go?
Gen Z Daughter (now really impatient): Yes, she’s sleeping through the night.
Grandma: And eating well?
Gen Z Daughter: G2G
Grandma: You mean GTG?
Gen Z Daughter: No, G2G, got to go g-ma (grandma) have doc appt shortly
Grandma: Oh, ok, LOL.
Gen Z Daughter: What’s funny about a doctor’s appointment?
Grandma: I was just wishing you the best. Doesn’t LOL mean Lots of love?
Gen Z Daughter: ROFL No. It means Laughing out Loud.
Grandma: What does ROFL mean?
Gen Z Daughter (now exasperated): Rolling on the floor laughing
Grandma: You or the baby?
Gen Z Daughter: Really G2G g-ma TTYL
Grandma: Let me guess, talk to you later?
Gen Z Daughter: Y XXOO
Grandma: Now XXOO I understand!

Walking down memory lane a bit, I remember when we all were convinced word processing would make us more efficient, save us time, improve productivity. Wrong. The ability to easily correct typographical and grammatical errors caused us to spend inordinate amounts of time re-writing. Spell checkers and grammar checkers often caused confusion rather than correction.

We were also taught that email would improve our lives. Wrong. It allowed us to transfer responsibility for a task to someone else while thinking we’ve “dealt with the problem”. Recycled problems have only made us less efficient.

The result of all this communications technology, including Bot-speak, is sloppy and lazy language, an inability to write coherently, or even SPEAK coherently. Nevertheless, it’s here to stay. I don’t see a return to correct grammar and diction anytime soon. But I’m going to keep trying to help my children and grandchildren actually answer their phones and listen to their voice mail messages, eliminate Bot-speak except for the most informal communication, and banish “like” from their vocabulary unless it’s used as a simile.

My dad used to say, “Engage brain, open mouth, speak.” He constantly warned against both speaking before opening my mouth (i.e. mumbling) or opening my mouth and speaking before engaging my brain. He was also fond of quoting, “It is better to keep silent and be considered a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.” Both are wise sayings today.

PS, here’s a dictionary you might find useful, culled from the website of a young girl who, thankfully, is speaking up against Bot-speak to her own generation. I’ve edited the list, including adding some abbreviations I’ve encountered that she hasn’t!

AFK = Away From Keyboard
ASAP = As Soon As Possible
ASL = Age, Sex, Location (also, American Sign Language)

BRB = Be Right Back
FOMO = Fear Of Missing Out
GG = Good Game
GJ = Good Job
GREE = I Agree
GTG = Good To Go
HMU = Hit Me Up
I’d’v’e = I Would Have
JOMO = Joy Of Missing Out
K = Ok
KK = oKay, cool
LMAO = Laughing My A** Off
LOL = Laughing Out Loud
NCD = No Can Do
NP = No Problem
OMG = Oh My God
OTP = One True Pair
ROFL = Rolling On Floor Laughing
TTYL = Talk To You Later
TTYT = Talk To You Tomorrow
TY = Thank You
TYVM = Thank You Very Much
Y = Yes
YW = You’re Welcome
WTG = Way To Go

Common Slang Expressions
A Stan = Stalker or fan
Bomb = Awesome
Bye Felicia = Bye forever (from the film “Friday”)
Ditto = Me too
Dope = Cool
Extra = Trying too hard
High Key = Loud and proud (opposite of low key)
Lit = Cool
Ship = Belong with each other (as in relationship)
Wack = Lame (e.g. a lame excuse)
Woke = A reference to how people should be aware of current affairs
Yass = Yes

Social Score Manipulation

I was alarmed by an article I saw recently regarding how Silicon Valley, i.e. the tech companies, are trying to build a social scoring system similar to the one created by the Chinese to control their population. A social “score” would, essentially,  label you on how well you adhere to political correctness.

Think of the consequences of the following:  Some twenty something kid develops a computer program that collects every bit of data on you from the internet, including privacy-invading captures of emails, texts, voice mail messages, credit reports, and of course Facebook and Instagram posts. An algorithm (basically, a complex series of equations and instructions) then decides whether the dossier it has compiled on you adheres to the social orthodoxy prescribed by its mostly Leftist creators. You are assigned a score which, if insufficiently high, could prevent you from obtaining insurance, a mortgage, a car loan, weapons to defend yourself and your family (nor just firearms but think, pepper spray!). Continue down this path and medical care could be rationed based on your score. Your ability to obtain a drivers license, or fly on an airplane could all be impacted by your ‘score’. So too could your ability to check into a hotel, or get your kids into a private school, camp or music program.  How about your internet speed being throttled up or down based on your number?

This is Silicon Valley tyranny of the highest order.

Artificial intelligence…what the computer geeks call computer programs that mimic human thought processes through complex “if-then” rules, is just that…ARTIFICIAL. It’s not REAL intelligence! It’s data manipulation, whether the data is valid or not, whether it’s true or not, whether it represents reality or not, whether it is complete or not. While the geeks would argue its totality represents who you are, I submit individual human beings cannot be represented by a set of numbers.

Instead of real human beings using real intelligence, computer programs are making assessments based on monte carlo simulations of the propensity of an individual to be or do certain things. It’s unadulterated nonsense. People aren’t average. People are individuals, but the Leftist gurus of Silicon Valley would have you believe they can categorize you and collect people into pens like livestock. They use terms like “community” and “social justice” to connote egalitarianism, but it’s really manipulation, brainwashing and population control to achieve the Leftist utopian dream.

And we’re letting it happen. The fact that I’m typing this on a laptop and that I’ll use an intenet connection to first save it in a cloud repository, then publish it on this website in the hope that people, especially my family, will read it some day and be positively influenced by it…is a trade-off. I have no illusions that there are computer algorithms that are mining my posts for key words and phrases that already categorize me at least as a neanderthal but at worst, as a old white guy white supremacist. And the thought that the government and commercial institutions would ever adopt policies to allow or deny me freedoms or products and services based on where I fall on this social scoring spectrum, is unsettling to say the least.

It used to be we’d gather our families together for Sunday dinner and at that table learn the wisdom of our elders. The patriarchs and matriarchs would instruct and seek to influence us, and by example, teach us about the world, right and wrong, how to conduct ourselves, how to find happiness in our lives.

Today, we write blogs, and emails, and texts. Our conversations are about movies and sports…in some families politics is no longer an acceptable subject, and if one member of the family is either agnostic or atheist, religion too is a subject off the table.

We are so paranoid about offending even our own family members that in a sense, the Left has won. My children can’t discipline their kids for fear some social worker will show up their door and haul them into some judicial hearing on child abuse! Have the thought police so intimidated us that we have abrogated our responsibility to impart our values to our children and grandchildren to Sesame Street, the Leftist indoctrinators in their schools and colleges?

Some of us “old people” say, “It’s their world, and their problem.” I, on the other hand, ask, “Will we stand by and watch our kids’ world devolve into an immoral and totalitarian cesspool without speaking up, without using every opportunity to point out the craziness, the manipulations and fallacies of the demagogues and those who seek to impose their will on and exercise power over us?”

We can either choose to be silenced and cower, or stand and fight for the traditional values that have proven throughout history to be the greatest driving force of mankind’s prosperity.

A Lost Generation

Once again someone has said it far better than I. Cal Thomas has hit the nail on the head. He describes in eloquent and persuasive terms what I have been saying, often sub-optimally, about the deterioration of traditional values, especially in today’s twenty-somethings…

In his piece entitled “Lost Generation abandoning traditional values” Thomas accurately describes the problem our nation faces from the attitudes of Generation Z. He cites a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll as lending credence to this assertion and then goes on to summarize, beautifully, everything I’ve been trying to say. Some excerpts from the Cal Thomas article:

“There are people in every generation who believe the generation following theirs is either going to the dogs or will ruin the country.

The founders and subsequent generations — perhaps excepting the Gilded Age and the horrors of slavery — mostly believed in the virtues younger people either now reject or approach with indifference.

How can this be? What has happened between the World War II generation, which gave so much so their children and grandchildren might enjoy the blessings of liberty, and the current generation, which seems cool to what once seemed to matter most?”

Generalizations are always problematic, but I have lived long enough and witnessed the general decline to make some.

Prosperity is one explanation. People who make more money than previous generations and possess a lot of stuff seem less inclined to participate in community (how many of us know our neighbors, who are here today and move tomorrow?). Stuff and the personal satisfaction of achievement lead to a decline in one’s need for God — too much money, too little purpose.

Politicians become a god-substitute and politics their religion. Creeping secularism has affected theological truth to the point where people can believe whatever they want — or nothing at all — and escape correction. Heresy, even apostasy, has infiltrated many churches.

Then there is culture. Younger people are exposed to what we collectively call “media” more than any previous generation. Most of what constitutes culture proceeds from a singular worldview that denigrates, or does not promote, patriotism, belief in God and values previous generations not only took for granted, but instilled in their children.

Unrestricted abortion has cheapened how many young people view the value of human life. For growing numbers of the young, marriage has become passé as children witness the pain of their parents’ divorce and decide that living together without a formal, legal or spiritual commitment is better than risking the cost and pain of ending a marriage. For some, children are viewed as a financial burden and an intrusion on adult lifestyles.

Sociologists and historians will tell us these things are cyclical, like weather. That has been true in the past when spiritual revivals often followed a fallow period of faithlessness and a focus on self. I’m not sure that cycle will repeat with younger people, given what they are taught at public schools and in liberal universities.

The values that shaped and sustained America through economic downturns and wars had to be taught and instilled in the next generation. Today’s younger people, as reflected in the poll, seem intent on making their own rules (if they can be called rules) and creating their own gods.

They will eventually learn the impossibility of it all as their substitutions will fail them. The question is can America survive when our moral, spiritual and patriotic foundations are destroyed? If you don’t love your country, what’s the point of having one?”

To illustrate precisely what Thomas is talking about, following is a sample of the comments to his article on the comment blog Reddit. THIS is what we’re up against. Profanity has been edited by me.

“AutoModerator🤖 Bot • 13h (Note from Grumps: Gotta laugh…as if the following warning is heeded…)        

As a reminder, this subreddit is for civil discussion.

In general, be courteous to others. Attack ideas, not users. Personal insults, shill or troll accusations, hate speech, any advocating or wishing death/physical harm, and other rule violations can result in a permanent ban.

If you see comments in violation of our rules, please report them.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

aethsyn • 13h   

F*** traditional values.


pegothejerk • 13h          

They mean conservative values, traditional American values include genocide, cheating, broken treaties, protesting, rampant immigration, wars, poverty for most, etc.

I’d say those things are still here. The youth just isn’t into their bull***t religious dogma, rhetoric, and manipulation.


teyhan_bevafer • 12h    

Same author, earlier column:

God designed norms for behavior that are in our best interests. When we act outside those norms—such as for premarital sex, adultery, or homosexual sex—we cause physical, emotional, and spiritual damage to ourselves and to our wider culture. The unpleasant consequences of divorce and sexually transmitted diseases are not the result of intolerant bigots seeking to denigrate others. They are the result of violating God’s standards, which were made for our benefit. — Cal Thomas, “Immutable Morals”

What a f***ing sicko. Perfect for FOX


MSgtJohnCWoods • 12h              

Now I’m curious what insane, kinky s**t he’s into.


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Kkooopp • 9h    

Haha. Pedophile priests shaming us regular sinners.


casualphilosopher1 • 12h            

I wonder how his fellow Fox News columnists feel about that. I don’t think many of them follow his standards.


VioletBeauregard:flag-va: Virginia • 13h

Gen X, Millenials, and Gen Z are “rejecting traditional values?”

More accurate headline is “Every generation younger than Baby Boomers is sick of patriarchal bulls**t.”


BilltheCatisBack • 12h   

I take offense. I am a Baby boomer hippie flower child and my generation really started the rejection of the traditional values. “ The times they are a changing. “


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gringostroh • 13h           

F**k Cal Thomas.


TedCruzsAnalFissure • 13h          

In his flabby face


Taman_Should • 12h     

“But muh traditional values!” they said, when slavery was abolished.

“But muh traditional values!” they said, when women got suffrage.

“But muh traditional values!” they said, when schools desegregated.

“But muh traditional values!” they said, when Martin Luther nailed on the church door.


1991560SEC • 12h          

I wonder why people are turning away from Christianity? Maybe because their “God” is a disgusting hateful p**k and so are his followers? Jesus and his kind ways and teachings about the poor and decent are dead to these a**holes. Look in the mirror Cal, YOU are the f**king problem.


__Parallax__ • 11h         

Modern “christians” have more in common with the pharisees and money changers than they do with the disciples of christ


heyhey922 • 13h            

This article is basically just Fox News crying over that millennials are entirely lost for the GOP and Gen Z currently look exactly like millennials.


jratcliff63367 • 13h        

Traditional values of hate against people of color and the LGBT community? Yeah…let’s hope so…


Tylorw09:flag-mo: Missouri • 12h            

Where my country hatred gone?


Cobrawine66 • 12h        

I’m happily abandoning “traditional values”.


archerjenn:flag-tx: Texas • 13h  

F**k Fox News.

None of these things sound bad to me.


Boleen • 13h     

Traditional American values such as Trump’s cheating on all three wives?


segvcore • 13h 

Cal Thomas! I’d forgotten about that sick f**k. Surprised he’s still around, not surprised that Fox pulled him up out of their gimp box.


Ill_Try_To_Be_Civil • 13h             

Yeah, I thought he was dead. He was exhausting and odious 20 years ago.


poloniumpanda:flag-us: America • 10h  

Says the party that sacrifced all they claimed to stand for to fellate trump and the Russians.


AthaanShadar • 13h       

Enlightened generation abandoning traditional american racist values


grandtheftdragon:flag-id: Idaho • 12h    

The fruits of traditional values abandoned us. What incentive is there for people under 35 to view “traditional values,” (whatever that is codeword for) to hold up in the same light as our forebears?


StopTheAltWhite • 12h 

Yeah, it’s called “crony capitalism eating up all income in America for the 1%.”


NormP • 12h     

A Fox News pundit talking about having values.


milqi:flag-ny: New York • 11h     

Wow. This entire piece reads like an angry grandpa on too much hooch.


prodigalpariah • 11h      

Racism misogyny and xenophobia?


mclumber1 • 13h            

Cal, don’t you support a guy who likes to “grab em by the p***y”?


Tylorw09:flag-mo: Missouri • 12h            

And who has been divorced 2 times!

Let’s read about Cal’s views on divorce…

God designed norms for behavior that are in our best interests. When we act outside those norms—such as for premarital sex, adultery, or homosexual sex—we cause physical, emotional, and spiritual damage to ourselves and to our wider culture. The unpleasant consequences of divorce and sexually transmitted diseases are not the result of intolerant bigots seeking to denigrate others. They are the result of violating God’s standards, which were made for our benefit. — Cal Thomas, “Immutable Morals”


tehmlem • 12h 

If there’s a lost generation it’s the boomers who took the values they were taught and warped them into a hateful, bigoted parody. Who abandoned freedom of expression, equal rights, and the highest standard of living in the world in favor of tradition, exclusion, and deprivation.


Ssider69 • 10h  

News flash….every generation changes their values. I’m not yet an old guy…but hardly young. I don’t think my peers would have shown up in large numbers to face off against neo Nazis (I often wonder exactly what it is those “boys” are so “proud” of). For that matter a HS student standing up to the jeers of very powerful adults in order to speak out against mass shootings in schools (btw, the grown ups that insulted this kid must be real proud of themselves…way better than popping a toddlers balloon!)

And that is patriotism. It is the act of trying to make your nation a better place.


schoocher • 9h 

GOP traditional “values”:

Patriotism: We all work together for the benefits of multi-nat corporations and the super-wealthy.

Religion: There is no god but my God and not other way to worship him then with my ingrained belief system of hate, intolerance, and greed.


GhostBalloons19:flag-us: America • 9h  

Traditional = Conservative which is a world view based on hate, fear and the status quo. So yeah.


Amartist19 • 13h            

What values? Racism? Bigotry? This country doesn’t seem to have any.


shelbys_foot • 13h         

The founders and subsequent generations — perhaps excepting the Gilded Age and the horrors of slavery — mostly believed in the virtues younger people either now reject or approach with indifference.

Seems to me they’re rejecting the New Gilded Age and the horrors of Trumpism.


hotbrownrain • 13h       

Props for choosing greed as the primary cause but beyond that Cal Thomas is a f**king chump.


deviltrombone • 13h     

“Cal” is Nadsat for “s**t.”


dogswontsniff • 9h         

Ah yes the hack from the newspaper. Smug, ignorant, intolerant ass.


LucidCharade • 3h          

[…]traditional American values like slavery, segregation, and internment camps. Those Ni****s and Japs should have known their place beneath us white men!

I finished that thought for you Cal, no worries. This one is free of charge.

ComradeGibbon • 2h     

TIL: Cal Thomas is still alive.

ViskerRatio • 13h            

Note that the ‘traditional American values’ they’re really talking about is valuing other people by participating in a community rather than merely pursuing self-absorption and narcissism.

And that should be worrisome for anyone. Not just from a “keep off my lawn” standpoint of old fogies, but from the younger generations who are going to fritter away their youth on pointless pursuits while not establishing the relationships they need to sustain themselves in old age.


MSgtJohnCWoods • 13h              

valuing other people

By caging children, blocking health care access, institutionalizing racism, demeaning women and stripping their autonomy….


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ME24601:flag-pa: Pennsylvania • 11h     

valuing other people by participating in a community rather than merely pursuing self-absorption and narcissism.

*As long as said people fit one’s preconceived notion of who belongs to said community

The younger generation, meanwhile, wants to bring more people into the tent rather than force them to stay apart.”

While there are those who argue, “It’s their world, let them have it,” I choose to at least speak up, like Cal Thomas, and warn of the potential collapse of our country and our civilization. It’s spitting in the wind, perhaps, but I’d rather go down fighting in the hope that in some small way a remnant of the time-honored, proven principles I call traditional values will be preserved in my children and grandchildren.