El Paso or Kyiv? It’s Not One Or The Other!

So in order to deflect the narrative away from all his failings here at home, Brandon makes a surprise visit to Kyiv. As an aside, Kyiv was, arguably the ancestral home of Russia, where the Varangians (Vikings) set up shop in the late 9th Century and became the capital of the “Kievan Rus” people’s progenitors, thus, Moscow can fairly claim some attachment to the City and to Ukraine as well.

But everything is political with the Democrats, and staged, and calculated to advance power or money. With national security questions surrounding the Chinese balloon, the Ohio train derailment, the continuing border crisis, the price of eggs, chicken farms going up in smoke, power outages, the latest COVID variant and of course wokeness in all its forms dominating the headlines and exposing this administration as the bumbling idiots they are, what better way to divert attention than with a war (remember “Wag the Dog”?) or better yet, a surprise trip to a war zone!

Bonus points to the Democrats for finding yet another way to divide our people. I’m watching/hearing conservative talking heads arguing vociferously for and against helping the Ukrainians. On the one hand, what business do we have spending godzillions of dollars defending a two-bit, corrupt country’s borders while we don’t even defend our own? On the other, how can we not defend them and the breadbasket they represent to our NATO allies and halt the advance of an adversary (enemy, really) seeking to expand its territory under the maniacal rule of a thug?

The reason we have the controversy at all is that the wokesters in power have so weakened our economy, our international standing and reputation, have so poisoned our internal discourse, have so fractured our society and understanding of foreign vs. domestic affairs, and have so “fundamentally transformed” us that neither we nor the rest of the world know where the hell we stand on anything!

While Trump boasting that this Russian invasion would not have occurred on his watch doesn’t burnish his image or reputation in my eyes, there is truth in the boast. It is not, however, because of Trump but because of the unmatched power and influence that America had when we were energy independent, had the border relatively under control, exhibited strength and adherence to traditional and conservative principles – all which we began to return to when Trump simply reversed the prior eight years’ “progressiveness”.

The choice doesn’t have to be between spending money at home or spending it abroad. While a tremendous amount of damage has been done by the dysfunctional adolescents in this Administration to both the United States and the balance of power in the world, all we would have to do is abandon the environmental gods and restore our energy independence, invest in our military, seal the border, and act like the sole remaining superpower we are instead of like a bunch of sniveling transgender, victim-celebrating losers who believe in the utopian fantasy that somehow “we can all get along”!

In other word, WE CAN DO BOTH, but no under this Administration! A trip to Kyiv by THIS President isn’t going to convince Putin to withdraw, or the Chinese to stop spying on us, or halt their Taiwan invasion planning, or the North Koreans from further developing their missile and nuclear technology, or the mullahs in Tehran to stop trying to figure out how they can wipe Israel off the map, or the Venezuelans from plotting how they can assimilate their neighbors, etc. etc.!

The chaos wrought by Biden and his Obama-inspired henchmen makes it impossible to predict what the outcome of this latest shiny object effort will be. The MSM are going to extol Biden’s ‘courage’ in the face of extraordinary danger (like Hillary coming under Bosnian sniper fire or similar nonsense) and continue to regurgitate the Democrat talking points, further confusing, dividing and pushing us all down the slippery slope.

Please keep your seat belts fastened, think skeptically and critically on EVERYTHING you read, hear or watch. We live in a Post-Truth world. Don’t parrot the media’s talking points from either the Right OR the Left. Ask yourself whether it makes sense, how it affects you, and PREPARE for a continuation of this Bizarro World.

The State of the Union Address

I admit. I didn’t watch it. I am so disgusted by the continuing marionette show I prefered to simply review the commentary afterwards. Others far more informed than I have already pointed out all the lies and distortions that spewed forth from the mouth of the puppet-in-chief. I’m going to, rather, address the peripheral question as to whether the GOP over-reacted and/or inappropriately reacted to the deliberate, pre-meditated misrepresentations and accusations hurled at them. Should they have sat quietly shaking their heads as Kevin McCarthy did, or should they have stood and yelled, “liar”, as Marjorie Taylor Greene did?

I’ve listened to both sides of the argument. Some on the Right say that not only was it uncharacteristic of members to shout out their opposition, but unseemly at best, rude and obnoxious at worst. They suggest that having done so, the GOP descended into the mud pit and acted no better than the Democrats. “Take the high road” has more often than not been the admonition of the Right.

What good has taking the high road done? I’m all for nobility and decorum, but when your opposition elevates their game from name-calling to defamation, censorship and character assassination (not to mention threat of REAL assassination – e.g. Kavanaugh), i.e. nonsensical speech to verbal kinetics, and has destroyed all means of civil undertakings to oppose him, the decision has to be made whether to take off the gloves and fight back, or not. The Democrats have so destroyed the principles by which we as a nation have governed ourselves for over three hundred years, so twisted and perverted the vocabulary, the rules of engagement, our history, even FACTS, that we have no choice, really, but to fight fire with fire.

This does not mean that we should simply resort to the kind of perverted antics so cherished by the Alinsky/Cloward and Piven brainwashed Left. Throwing the BS flag onto the floor of the House as was done during the SOTU isn’t a duplication of their style. Rather, it was a transparent, for-all-the-world-to-see return of fire akin (but more honest) to the ripping up of Trumps SOTU speech by Pelosi.

While some on the Right have argued that we gave the MSM a golden opportunity to castigate us further, I could almost hear the unified voices of the Traditionalists and Conservatives in America joining MTG, in unison!

Just as the Chinese push and push to see how far they can go, what our limits are, the Democrats have pushed and pushed to determine how far THEY can go. And once our limit is reached, and we push back, they cry, “See, you’re pigs and fascists and racists and anti-democracy and insurrectionists and threats to America.”

This is projection of the first order! Their banal vituperations are so childish, so outlandish, so petulant, so descriptive of precisely what THEY are and what THEY do, it would be laughable if it were not so destructive.

Shouting “liar” may be rude, but it’s factual, and for many brain-addled, MSNBC/CNN/NBC/CBS/ABC-watching Americans, it’s the first time they’ve ever seen any opposition to the BS spewing forth from their “leaders”.  The MSM has so distorted and censored the truth, they have created an alternative reality that millions of our fellow Americans actually believe! They are shocked to see the Right stand and call “BS”. They are puzzled when the MSM is forced (follow the money!) to cover the Democrats’ patently obvious treachery and deceit, their attempts to hide their failures and the results of their destructive policies and actions.

Is vocal opposition such as that witnessed during the SOTU enough to turn the tide? Does it help push the pendulum back? Will the probes by Comer and Jordan and the continuing exposure by what remains of conservative media start to repair the damage done to the hearts and minds of so many Americans who have fallen for the Leftist “alternative reality”?

I fear not. As good as it felt to hear someone voice what I would have said in the House chamber that night, it’s all talk. Until the GOP uses its power to halt the idiocracy created by the Democrats, until it garners and uses every tool at its disposal to pierce the dark fog of BS with which the Democrats have filled the airwaves, until more MTG’s, Gaetz’s Jordans, Kennedys, etc. create enough headlines with truth bombs to get the lemmings to break from their rush to the precipice, we will continue to simply hurl invectives at one another and continue sliding down the slippery slope.

As I have come to conclude, it’s going to take something monumental to wake America up. Not a balloon, not the Hunter laptop, not yelling “liar”. Something truly nasty may need to happen that will cause us to apply chemotherapy combined with radiation to kill the cancer that has metastasized. The Democrats have skillfully exploited the ratchet effect to incrementally destroy our values, our principles, our country.

We need to strip the ratchet.