Pushing the Pendulum Back the Other Way

In a society where celebrity politics reigns and people have the attention span of a gnat, how do we push the pendulum, now way too far to the Left and still moving in that direction, back the other way?

We think fire must be fought with fire.

With so many noses glued to tiny screens and every headline, every advertisement, every video and picture competing for “Shock Jock of the Year Award”; when supposed adults are more interested in keeping up with some Hollywood  actor or YouTube personality’s life than attending a local school board meeting; when “emotional intelligence” substitutes for critical thinking and REAL intelligence; in a world where clever phrases, “tweets” and seven second soundbites substitute for journalism, and where politicians have the audacity to say things like, “That may be YOUR truth, but it isn’t MY truth”…

…absent an alien invasion (from outer space…you have to differentiate these days from the one happening at our border) or global pandemic, or God forbid a real revolution, how can this Leftist idiocy be halted and sanity be restored?

We had hoped that a truly inspiring leader could serve as the adult, meting out harsh love and discipline to an otherwise dysfunctional adolescent populace. Alas, with the megaphones having been handed out to both the Far Right as well as the Far Left, no-one, and we mean NO-ONE is capable of cutting through the din.

So, how does a traditionalist society without a messianic leader effect the change so desperately needed?

First, we need to recognize that those of us who wish to inspire a return to traditional society will only be able to accomplish this by accepting that short attention spans and obsession with celebrity are ‘givens’, that emotion and not reason will continue to guide many if not most of our society. Thus, it must be done through a tugging of heart-strings or shocking stimuli – “Fire with fire”. We need to “Grab ’em”, like the Left has grabbed the airwaves with its drivel. We need to elevate heroes who prevail over Leftist cancer.

We’d be remiss if we didn’t give recognition to some organizations who are already trying to do this: The Hallmark Channel, for instance, has displaced Disney as the destination for heart-string-tugging shows celebrating traditional values. The highly successful “Blue Bloods” series, starring Tom Selleck as the head of an intergenerational family of NY cops, is filled with traditional values. There are quite a few others, including many serious, Talk Radio and cable or television non-shout-fest shows that are also contributing mightily to the fight. And we have to give huge credit to traditionalist celebrities who have had the courage to “come out” in Hollywood: James Woods, Clint Eastwood, Dean Cain, Mike Rowe, to name just a few.

We need more!

We need stories of individuals and families who encounter and are forced to fight against Leftist, amoral oppression…and who prevail, winning back hearts and minds to fundamental principles of right and wrong, of good and evil.

And we need comedy! In a brilliant article written by Mike LaChance in June 2018 on Town Hall, he suggested there be a mirror alternative to Saturday Night Live called “Live from Omaha!” Although tongue-in-cheek, there’s much merit in what he suggests. It’s recommended reading!

As LaChance notes, if we want to win the culture war we need to “Meet the left on their own turf and beat them at their own game. It would devastate their narrative and remind millions of Americans that not everyone agrees with the Democrat Media Complex. If we’re serious about culture, we have to get in the game.”

He concludes with, “As they say with the lottery, you can’t win if you don’t play”.

We agree.