Now that the Left has officially wrapped itself in the Socialist cloak, why are we still referring to the Right as Red and the Left as Blue?
Red is the color of protest and revolution. Red is the color of Communism. We used to say, “Better dead than Red”! Historically, Federalists and Republicans (think Alexander Hamilton and Abe Lincoln) dressed in and were associated with the color blue.
I’ve read many of the explanations of how it is that every Right/ Conservative/ Traditional party and movement in the world is colored Blue while in the U.S. the Right is Red. And I’ve looked at the analysis of how and when the colors got switched.
My conclusion is that the media is responsible for the reversal. Those of us who lived through the sixties have known that for years the television network media (NBC, CBS, ABC- later, CNN) were increasingly infiltrated by the forerunners of our current Leftist News managements and staff. (Academia and Law were similarly infested, which is probably a more appropriate term, but that will be the subject of a different article.)
With the advent of color television, it made sense to contrast the Left and Right with different colors, but in an attempt to paint the Right as radical, reactionary, hostile (i.e. “Red”) and all the other adjectives normally applied to them, the denizens of the Leftist media (whether in collusion with one another or not we’ll need a Special Counsel to discern) showed Democrats as a cool and collected Blue.
Why do I draw this conclusion? Because the networks used the excuse, “Red and Republican both start with R.” Nonsense! It was deliberate, conscious, and now, completely contrary and opposite to what everyone knows: the Left and Democrats are the radicals, the socialists, the victims, the losers, while the Republicans are the optimists, the patriotic, the traditionalists, the meritocrats, the builders and the winners.
The Right are also the Silent Majority. In 2016, they said, “enough is enough”…the Left has taken us too far down the slippery slope”, and it took a major shock (Trump) to our political system to reverse course and start us on the long climb back up that hill.
So from this point on, we here at GrumpsReport will start referring to Republicans/ Conservatives/ Traditionalists… the RIGHT, as BLUE, and the Democrats/ Takers/ Victims/ Earth Worshipers/ Infanticidals/ as RED – the color of communism, socialism, nihilism and statism.
Phew..I feel better now having gotten that off my chest.