The “Comprehensive Health Care Plan” Canard

I’m sick (.sic) and tired of the Left carping that “the Administration has no health care plan” and accusing it of trying to take away the health care of 100 million people! Obamacare demonstrates that the last thing we need is a GOVERNMENT plan! It is the epitome of form over substance. Allowing (actually FORCING) people to procure a lousy coverage plan with high deductibles and unacceptable reimbursement rates for healthcare providers is NOT providing the “comprehensive health care plan” the Left keeps claiming Obamacare provides!

If the government were to withdraw completely from providing healthcare the private sector would quickly, competitively and efficiently take over and provide policies for everyone except the most indigent, who can continue to receive Medicaid!

The Left and its hypocritical (they all have great coverage through their employers!) media accomplices continue to obfuscate health care insurance with health care itself. Providing insurance is NOT providing health care, yet they continue to equate the two. Hogwash! Being able to claim you’ve provided health care insurance (Obamacare) to millions of people and actually providing them with health care are two vastly different things, especially when the insurance is crappy!

As for a comprehensive plan. It is precisely the need to NOT provide a comprehensive, one-size-fits-all plan that is the solution, not the opposite as the Left claims. Government is NOT the solution… it is the PROBLEM! The reason vets are getting better care now isn’t because the VA system (a pitiful archetype of government provided healthcare) has been fixed. It’s because Trump finally made it so vets can get care OUTSIDE of the VA system!

So as usual, the insidiousness of the Left’s BS is that they’ve hijacked the vocabulary and allowed the perception to continue that they’ve done something good with Obamacare. They’ve also convinced many ‘low-information’ voters that they’re providing healthcare to them when they’re not! And now they’re falsely accusing the Right of not caring, of not having a plan, of killing people, etc. etc.

Time for this charade to stop!

THIS ADMINISTRATION’S PLAN IS TO NOT HAVE A GOVERNMENT PLAN! The first step was eliminating the so-called individual mandate, which was a coercive ploy to create a larger risk pool and generate income from people who don’t generally need healthcare (the young and healthy) to pay for lousy insurance coverage for those who do. Remove government regulation and let the free market work and you get vaccines in a fraction of the time it normally takes. Keep the heavy thumb of the government on industry and you get lousy health care insurance AND lousy health care!