Chaos – Ratcheted Up

In case you haven’t noticed yet, the chaos ushered in by the Biden administration just got worse. The implications of Iran/Hamas’ actions aren’t yet fully known, but they will no doubt be significant. I’ve been asked over the last 48-72 hours for my “take” on the events.

1. First, the global implications. It’s really quite basic. When the sheriff leaves town the bad guys have a field day. In other words, when the cat’s away the mice will play. Stupid aphorisms but, regrettably, true.

When the world’s sole superpower squanders its righteous dominance and relapses into a “can’t we all get along” attitude instead of pointing out right from wrong and acting in support of the former and against the latter…when we don’t enforce sanctions on evil empires…when we sleep with the enemy by continuing to engage in trade as if their malevolent acts are benign…when we don’t use our abilities to covertly and overtly counter the buildup of arms and other offensive capabilities in which they’re engaged… this is what we get.

Now the situation is so bad we may very well be on the brink of world war. I don’t say that lightly. We may actually already be in it. Technology having transformed EVERYTHING, it may not be so much as a boots on the ground conflict but rather a “my drone is bigger than your drone” kind of war.

Everyone is condemning both the U.S. and Israeli intelligence apparatuses for the surprise aspect of the Hamas incursion into Israel. The condemnation is justified, IMHO, due to the abandonment or at least decreasing reliance on HUMINT (human intelligence using people,) and increasing reliance on TECHINT (the use of technology to obtain and analyze intelligence). As I’ve stated often, “Artificial Intelligence” is just that, “ARTIFICIAL”. There is absolutely no substitute for eyeball to eyeball, belly to belly human interaction in developing and using intelligence. Its deficiency is why Hamas was able to pull off what it did.

With a destabilized world, morally bankrupt governments….check that… AMORAL governments, the “mice” will seek to take advantage. China really could invade Taiwan. North Korea really could start lobbing missiles. The Venezuelans really could invade Colombia. The countless enemies that have infiltrated America through our open border(s) really could launch coordinated attacks on malls, on our electrical grid, on soft targets around the country.

And Israel really could nuke Tehran.

In summary, my take is that the world is in a more precarious situation than it has been in my lifetime and we should ALL be preparing for the unthinkable.

2. Domestically, the Left has obviously infested all of our institutions such that “Bizarro-world” is where we now live. Alternatively, it can be said we live in a “post-truth” society. Again, IMHO, each and every one of us, and our families and true friends, need to prepare to become as self-reliant and independent of the government and all our other institutions as possible.

What do I mean by that?

I don’t mean we need to go live “off the grid” in a mountain cabin. I don’t mean we need to prepare for TEOTWAWKI or a complete SHTF situation. I don’t mean we need to start building bomb shelters (yet), but I DO mean we need to be prepared to suffer supply chain disruptions, for civil unrest, for extended power outages, for shortages of all kinds. We need to prepared to take care of our own health in the absence of adequate or effective health care provider, i.e. doctor and hospital support. We may even need to take the education of our children into our own hands.

 It also means we need to start drinking coffee from cups which are labeled, “No More Mister Nice Guy”. And we need to wake up and smell that coffee! In case you haven’t noticed, the Left are really really good at three things: in 1. “community organizing”, 2. in ignoring the rules as “the end justify the means” and 3. getting every one of their ilk to march in lockstep. The first includes beating conservatives and traditionalists to the nursing homes to harvest ballots. The second involves cheating, lying, stealing, engaging in fraudulent tactics. The third involves using high-production-value propaganda and mass-brain-washing techniques to prey on an increasingly dumbed-down, dependent, lemming population.

We have to fight back (and, as much as I hate to say it), use the same tactics. If the rules are that there are no rules, we’ll just have to play by the lack of them as well. If we have to recruit, bribe, cajole legions of young people to knock on doors and solicit votes/ballots, so be it. If we have to show up in great numbers at polling locations to demand, by force if necessary, that vote presentation, counting and tabulation are legitimate, then we must.

Either we wrest back the levers of power by bringing the Sheriff back both on the world stage and here at home as well, or else the chaos will result in the further destruction of everything we hold dear.