Where Do We Go From Here?
Honestly, that’s what I’m trying to figure out. As each day goes by more and more damage is being done by the new, illicit administration. As predicted, Biden is proving himself to be a puppet on a set of marionette strings. He has no fundamental values or love for our country. He cares only for the fact that he finally made it to the Oval Office. His handlers are comprised of Leftist ideologues with all the evil they embody, unwitting fools and sycophants who simply want to be at the table or in the room where the aura of power exists, or stupid, woke groupies with addled brains, corrupted educations and not an ounce worth of common sense or wisdom.
Now that my anger at the coup has subsided, I’ve begun thinking strategically. Counter-coups are springing up all over. Think tanks are being formed. The America First/Anti-Left Movement is alive and well, but it is as yet highly fragmented and uncoordinated. As I have noted before, it lacks new leadership that can consolidate strategies and coalesce the Right to fight back.
At one extreme, there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, who are so angry they are truly contemplating armed rebellion. At the other, there are those who are content to “ride it out” and hope to take back the House and Senate in 2022. Setting aside the hyperbole and hysteria, there are valid arguments at both ends, and along many stops of the continuum.
I’m still mulling all this over. When I decide how I will devote my time, money and energies to which paths and causes, I promise to let you know.
In the meantime, please be patient, don’t make any rash decisions and don’t jump to writing checks or devoting time to every organization that pops up. While we foresaw this state of affairs as a possibility, our worst case scenario has materialized and it’s going to take a little time to sort out how to proceed.
Hang it there. Be grateful for what blessings and freedoms we still enjoy for the moment, hold your family and friends close, and…