Courtesy Matters

It’s tough to be courteous to vile people, and the Left are becoming increasingly, unbearably vile.

Yet, we need to try. If we’re ever going to restore civility and traditionalism to our country, we need to respect what our parents taught us about courteousness.

I have a complete repertoire of lawyer jokes and have more than once repeated the old joke about how 5,000 dead lawyers at the bottom of the ocean is, “A start.” But there’s one thing we can learn from lawyers, particularly trial lawyers. Watch any law-themed series on television or better, attend a jury trial in a real courtroom, and you’ll see the attorneys act (99% of the time) with professionalism and courtesy towards the jury, the plaintiff, the defendant, their counsel and the judge. How they do it in the face of the distortions, spin, deflections, etc. that are thrown around by each side; how they can be civil when the integrity of witnesses, particularly, are impugned so viciously albeit courteously, is extraordinary. The performances may be part of the theatrics of litigation, but they’re instructive nonetheless. Often, the attorney who makes the best impression is the one who wins the case, and courtesy is an integral part of the act and how they make that impression.

Many years ago I was recruited to serve as the CFO of an obscure tech company. Seeking a ground floor opportunity in the post Y2K, burgeoning tech world, I responded to the offer to talk to them. One bright, sunny morning I visited its headquarters in Manhattan and was ushered into a conference room to await the CEO.

As I stood looking out the window over the Manhattan skyline, a young fellow came in and began gathering up some used styrofoam coffee cups and arranging and stacking some coasters that sat on the highly polished conference room table. He had on an open collar, rather wrinkled plaid shirt, jeans, and he had hair down to the middle of his back tightly pulled back on his head and gathered in a pony tail with a rubber band at the nape of his neck.He went about his business sheepishly, almost furtively, without speaking.

Having turned to see who had entered the room, I offered a pleasant “Good Morning” and then proceeded to help him gather up the cups and tidy up the room. He held open the garbage bag while I tossed in some of the debris from an earlier meeting, and he thanked me as he completed his task and left.

The whole incident took no more than perhaps 60 seconds, and I thought nothing of it. A minute or two later the CEO came in, dressed in a suit as was I, and we sat and had a straightforward and frank conversation about the company’s needs, my qualifications, etc. – everything you’d expect from a standard executive interview.

And then the CEO said, “You know, I’d like you to meet the President of the Company who is really my partner and co-founder. Do you have a few more minutes?” I of course replied, “Certainly,” and the CEO left, returning a couple of minutes later with, you guessed it, the man who previously had come in to tidy up the room.

I am convinced to this day that the judgment about hiring me to become the Company’s CFO was made in that two minute interval when the CEO left to fetch the President. And I am also convinced that the pivotal trigger moment which sealed the deal had nothing to do with the interview, but everything to do with the simple courtesy I extended to the President in that little interchange before the interview started.

A wise man was once quoted as saying, “The true greatness of a person, in my view, is evident in the way he or she treats those with whom courtesy and kindness are not required.” Joseph B. Wirthlin

Most of the time, simple courtesies aren’t recompensed with a job offer, or even acknowledged. Yet, a kind word, treating others with respect and dignity no matter what their station or role in life, is the right thing to do.

Courtesy matters.

Rubbernecking and The Crisis du Jour

“If it bleeds, it leads.” Everything is a crisis! Today news reports, tweets, Facebook posts and even conversations with friends are constantly linked to CRISIS! The more provocative, the more incendiary the topic, the better. Attention everyone…we’re becoming immune/desensitized to REAL crises!

The Iranians, Chinese, Russians, Venezuelans, North Koreans, European Union, the NRA, White Supremacists, Old Angry White Men, Epstein’s suicide or murder, the Border, Mass Shootings, lead in the water in Newark, N.J., California earthquakes and wild fires, heat waves in the Southwest, inflation, deflation, stocks up, stocks down, hail in Colorado, racism, fascism, xxxxxism, melting icebergs, expansion of the Antarctic, meteors coming within a million miles of the Earth…they’re ALL a crisis. We are receiving a constant firehose of hysteria.

Good news doesn’t have a chance. Sure, there’s occasionally a “human interest” segment that talks about the surprise return to his family of a soldier from the war front or neighbors looking out for neighbors, but it’s as if they’re thrown into the lineup just so the media can assert they also report good news. And if that good news doesn’t have a heart-string-tugging video associated with it, you’ll never hear about it.

If it isn’t crisis, it’s oddity, faux science, or just plain clickbait: “DNA determines your politics” is one headline. “Cop pelted with Chinese food during wild Bronx melee” is another. If it’s true that we are what we read, watch on TV or listen to… THIS is what we’re becoming: a population of paranoid, terrified, morbidly curious onlookers!

There’s no changing the info-feed. It’s going to continue like this so long as we click on the link or keep tuned to the tabloid channels (which is what virtually every cable news outlet is today with the exception, perhaps, of One America News).

My recommendation is simple…subscribe to ONE newsfeed and only pay attention to what they cite as breaking or important headlines – mine is the Wall Street Journal’s, and I may get one or two “notifications” a day. Watch ONE evening newscast – I watch OANN’s 6:00 PM Report with Patrick Hussion. And for goodness sake don’t spend hours on Social Media and tabloid sites!

We’ve simply got to refocus on Stuff That Matters. Please America, let’s eschew nonsense and deviance and embrace substance and goodness.

Let’s say a silent prayer and keep looking ahead when we pass the ambulances, fire trucks and wreck by the side of the road.

Don’t Just Do Something, STAND THERE!

The hyperventilating politicians can’t help themselves. Doing something, ANYTHING whether it makes sense or not, is not only predictable, but to every thinking American, laughable. We see this in children desperate for attention, except these are supposed to be adults. “Never let a crisis go to waste.” Insidiously true!

First come the cries of “We have to have a serious conversation…”. Almost immediately thereafter comes the search for a scapegoat, “It’s the [fill in the blank]’s fault!” Then come the condescending vituperations and finally, if enough celebrities jump on the bandwagon, come the protests and sometimes riots.

For example, let’s take the current “mass shootings”. Even though it’s been said a dozen times over that all the legislation needed to enforce gun laws are already on the books, and nothing being proposed would have made any difference in the great majority of the incidents, the theatrics are omnipresent. The 2020 presidential candidates’ hand-wringing, eye-rolling, blame-their-opponents, gnashing of teeth, weeping, wailing, demands to “do something”… it’s all unadulterated nonsense.

Why? Because if every gun in America were eliminated on a Monday, how many guns would there be on the streets by Friday, and who would have them? Of course, the answer is hundreds, if not thousands, and it’d be the criminals and the madmen! And then we’d have to defend ourselves with baseball bats. I submit you’d have to have a hellavu swing to knock out of the park a 9MM bullet shot by a determined gunman threatening your family.

But on the Left, the rhetoric is tantamount to “confiscate all guns and America will be a safer place”. More nonsense. It’d be like giving everyone in the country a tee-shirt with a target on it and the words, “shoot here”.

“We’ve got to get the guns out of the hands of the people who shouldn’t have them,” is another familiar cry. Enacting legislation that tries to do this would create more injustice to responsible gun owners. Whether a responsible gun owner goes to jail or not would then be dependent on how good the victimhood act from the aggrieved party is. “He (or she…let’s not be sexist here) is an angry old white man who’s threatening me!” Of course, the spouse making that allegation may have just had his or her belongings destroyed by that baseball bat or some other infliction, and the threats were made by the non-gun-owner party. Who gets arrested?  

No, the solution to the mass shooting problem is not more legislation. The solution is easily described but terribly difficult to achieve. It is the return to and practice of traditional values in society. Fundamental morality has to become popular again. The teaching of right and wrong has to be the norm. Heroes have to be good rather than evil, and the Golden Rule has to prevail. In the late sixties, before the pendulum swung completely to the left, it would not have been such a herculean task. Today, with the pendulum so far left it’s near the 270 degree mark, it is.

We are repeating the mistake of history. Every great civilization: Egypt, Athens, Rome, Western Europe and now America, has gone through the same pattern: growth, prosperity, indolence, moral decay, the rise of deviant, destructive hedonism and demagogues, challenges from envious nations, the crumbling of traditional family units, the celebration of evil and immorality, the eventual decline of the culture, sovereignty impugned until its demise and replacement by another civilization in an earlier stage of the cycle.

Where do you think we are in this continuum?

The rampant demagoguery we’re witnessing is the sad symptom of a great civilization that is very ill. Is our situation fatal? Absolutely not. There are many among us who are speaking out and trying to push that pendulum back the other way. We do so by word and deed. In public we no longer speak in whispers or hushed tones about the rabid and caustic influence the Left is having on our society. When we walk our dogs, we don’t just pick up after them, we take an extra bag along and collect wrappers and cans and plastic water bottles along the street as well.  

Sadly, but inevitably, it takes an outside shock like a world war, a natural disaster, a pandemic or some other cataclysmic event to wake us up and propel us to pay attention to the basics again. And by basics I mean the STUFF THAT MATTERS.  

But the one thing we need more than anything to turn our civilization around is MORAL LEADERSHIP. The fact that so many would scoff at the previous sentence is symptomatic of how great the need is.

The 2016 presidential election was a cataclysmic event and it indeed caused us to reflect on what matters. Now we need to pick up the pieces of our society broken by the events of the last 11 or so years and MAKE GOOD COOL AGAIN.

And we have to somehow get rid of demagogue politicians and replace them with serious adults who ACTUALLY care about our country and its future rather than power, influence and money – ones who will sometimes stand there and do nothing instead of making things worse.