More On the Coronavirus Hoax

From one of our readers regarding the comments by Canadian Dr. Roger Hodkinson stating COVID-19 is the “Greatest hoax every perpetuated on an unsuspecting public.

“Perfect example of the “silent majority” position. Funny enough, we’re not silent because we want to be anymore, we’re silent b/c we’re censored, shamed by (I like the term he used) virtue signaling, and (frankly) bullying. Intelligent people know damn well that if you buck and the left targets you – you can lose your credibility, your livelihood, your freedom and it’s extremely tough to put that at risk. The media has become the Leftist’s version of the Gestapo. You didn’t “Heil Hitler” you were suspect and could be thrown in jail or worse. You don’t wear a mask…well, how far are we from being tossed in a cell for that? And that’s just one example…

Yet, right-thinking, logical people are the “fascists”.

Dan Crenshaw is calling and he’d like me to apply for Texas residency. Lindsey Graham and Tim Scott are recruiting me too.”