Goodbye Wall Street Journal

I’ve been a Wall Street Journal subscriber for over fifty (!) years. Today I cancelled my subscription. The paper has been exhibiting increasing left-wing bias for some time now, and today a straw broke the camel’s back. It was a headline that appeared on my iPhone something to the effect of, “Trump moves ahead with transition to Biden after weeks of delay.”

It was that gratuitous, sniveling, “after weeks of delay” that really angered me. Not only was the WSJ among the first to start calling Biden the President Elect, but the editorial content and articles it has published concerning the election have virtually all capitulated to the Leftist, “woke” script. I can’t take it anymore.

The Journal used to be a voice of conservatism and while I understand that the Trump phenomenon has undermined the traditional support of corporate and financial America for the Republican Party, never would I have suspected that the WSJ would abandon the vast Silent Majority in an attempt to keep in the good graces of big business.

Here’s where the GOP rift now occurs. It’s big business against the upper middle, middle and working-modest-means population, what I will call America Firsters , a HUGE swath of our country! The WSJ is betting that it can ignore them while genuflecting in front of the multinational corporations.

I know something about this. I was a multinational and merchant banker for many years. While American based multinational banks and corporations started out as AMERICAN companies stretching their business models abroad, they have become something else. They have become TRANSNATIONAL businesses, with their focus almost exclusively on the top and bottom lines.

The Wall Street Journal has followed suit.

I support big business. Without it we would never have the defense and energy capabilities we now have. But Big Tech, and Big Pharma, and Big Banking…sorry, but you’ve lost me.

I will from this point forth be getting my financial news and data from other sources: the less they are tied to Big (aka Fake News) Media and the more independent they are, the better. These include Newsmax, One America News, Zero Hedge and direct market quotes form the exchanges. I’ll still listen, for the moment, to Maria Bartiromo, Stu Varney, Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, but whether I continue to do so remains to be seen.

May God bless America!