Social Score Manipulation

I was alarmed by an article I saw recently regarding how Silicon Valley, i.e. the tech companies, are trying to build a social scoring system similar to the one created by the Chinese to control their population. A social “score” would, essentially,  label you on how well you adhere to political correctness.

Think of the consequences of the following:  Some twenty something kid develops a computer program that collects every bit of data on you from the internet, including privacy-invading captures of emails, texts, voice mail messages, credit reports, and of course Facebook and Instagram posts. An algorithm (basically, a complex series of equations and instructions) then decides whether the dossier it has compiled on you adheres to the social orthodoxy prescribed by its mostly Leftist creators. You are assigned a score which, if insufficiently high, could prevent you from obtaining insurance, a mortgage, a car loan, weapons to defend yourself and your family (nor just firearms but think, pepper spray!). Continue down this path and medical care could be rationed based on your score. Your ability to obtain a drivers license, or fly on an airplane could all be impacted by your ‘score’. So too could your ability to check into a hotel, or get your kids into a private school, camp or music program.  How about your internet speed being throttled up or down based on your number?

This is Silicon Valley tyranny of the highest order.

Artificial intelligence…what the computer geeks call computer programs that mimic human thought processes through complex “if-then” rules, is just that…ARTIFICIAL. It’s not REAL intelligence! It’s data manipulation, whether the data is valid or not, whether it’s true or not, whether it represents reality or not, whether it is complete or not. While the geeks would argue its totality represents who you are, I submit individual human beings cannot be represented by a set of numbers.

Instead of real human beings using real intelligence, computer programs are making assessments based on monte carlo simulations of the propensity of an individual to be or do certain things. It’s unadulterated nonsense. People aren’t average. People are individuals, but the Leftist gurus of Silicon Valley would have you believe they can categorize you and collect people into pens like livestock. They use terms like “community” and “social justice” to connote egalitarianism, but it’s really manipulation, brainwashing and population control to achieve the Leftist utopian dream.

And we’re letting it happen. The fact that I’m typing this on a laptop and that I’ll use an intenet connection to first save it in a cloud repository, then publish it on this website in the hope that people, especially my family, will read it some day and be positively influenced by it…is a trade-off. I have no illusions that there are computer algorithms that are mining my posts for key words and phrases that already categorize me at least as a neanderthal but at worst, as a old white guy white supremacist. And the thought that the government and commercial institutions would ever adopt policies to allow or deny me freedoms or products and services based on where I fall on this social scoring spectrum, is unsettling to say the least.

It used to be we’d gather our families together for Sunday dinner and at that table learn the wisdom of our elders. The patriarchs and matriarchs would instruct and seek to influence us, and by example, teach us about the world, right and wrong, how to conduct ourselves, how to find happiness in our lives.

Today, we write blogs, and emails, and texts. Our conversations are about movies and sports…in some families politics is no longer an acceptable subject, and if one member of the family is either agnostic or atheist, religion too is a subject off the table.

We are so paranoid about offending even our own family members that in a sense, the Left has won. My children can’t discipline their kids for fear some social worker will show up their door and haul them into some judicial hearing on child abuse! Have the thought police so intimidated us that we have abrogated our responsibility to impart our values to our children and grandchildren to Sesame Street, the Leftist indoctrinators in their schools and colleges?

Some of us “old people” say, “It’s their world, and their problem.” I, on the other hand, ask, “Will we stand by and watch our kids’ world devolve into an immoral and totalitarian cesspool without speaking up, without using every opportunity to point out the craziness, the manipulations and fallacies of the demagogues and those who seek to impose their will on and exercise power over us?”

We can either choose to be silenced and cower, or stand and fight for the traditional values that have proven throughout history to be the greatest driving force of mankind’s prosperity.