If you think what you’re seeing on television in major cities is bad now, wait till Trump wins the election on November 3rd and the Left doesn’t just refuse to accept the outcome, but puts into effect their plans for escalated violence! It is already plotting to move the riots to the suburbs and their leaders are hell bent on sending their minions out to “resist”. It is NOT hyperbole to suggest that a full scale revolution is brewing, right before our eyes and right here in River City.
Gun sales have soared – no surprise! 9MM and .223/5.56 ammunition are virtually unavailable. Rural America has been armed and ready for years. Suburbia is just catching up. The BIG QUESTION is: “What will you do if and when a mob comes down your street with molotov cocktails in hand, stops in front of your house, and prepares to throw them at you?”
The time is now to think about preparing for this previously unimaginable scenario. And preparation doesn’t just mean stocking up on supplies of basics. It also means preparing contingency plans for family members who may need to escape the violence. It means preparing for widespread power outages, no internet, no cell service.
Are you prepared to take the steps necessary to protect your family and yourself? Do you know what criteria you will apply to make the decision as to whether to shelter in place or bug out? And what if a mob indeed threatens your family or your property? Have you considered under what circumstances you’re prepared to pull the trigger? It’s one thing to arm yourself. It’s another to fire a weapon in self defense. Even showing that you’re prepared to defend yourself can lead to trouble. Just ask the McCloskey’s of St. Louis who are being charged with felonies for daring to do just that!
There are scores of websites dedicated to preparing for the kind of civil unrest that’s happening and accelerating. I urge my readers to spend some time thinking about their unique circumstances, needs and considerations should the disasters we’re seeing in major and now even minor cities come to your doorstep.
A caution. Just as it is with the news, which I’ve urged readers to largely ignore, visiting prepper websites can scare the hell out of you! Just remember that preparing for the worst doesn’t mean it’ll materialize. As one site put it, if nothing terrible happens “chalk up your preparedness efforts to being that much better prepared for future disaster or crisis. But if we do see problems, do you really want to face them blind and unprepared?”
It’s really hard to believe what’s happening in America today, but the Left, ill-defined and chaotic as it may be, is absolutely dedicated to destroying our country and that unifying theme makes them not just a competing ideology anymore, but a “clear and present danger”.
An individual elected or appointed to an office of honor or profit in the civil service or uniformed services, is required by law to take the following oath: “I, (name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”
There is no higher responsibility, in my opinion, than the defense of one’s life and that of his or her loved ones. The Left is now precisely the “domestic enemy” cited in the oath. We must be prepared to bear true faith and allegiance to defending our Constitution, and our lives, against them.
May God Bless America in this time of trouble.