Could The Tide Be Turning?

It’s depressing to witness what’s happened to our country over the last ten to fifteen years. The leftist ideologues since the 60’s have infested and polluted every one of our institutions. There is no need to list all the evidence of leftist infiltration and rot here. Readers are well aware of it all (see my previous “Sitrep” post).

But there’s a whiff of fresh air amid all the leftist pollution. It’s just a whiff, but there is cause for optimism that the pendulum may have started to swing to the Right, that the long slide down the slippery slope has stopped, or at least slowed. I suggest readers read Ian MacConnell’s excellent March 2023 article in American Thinker for an inspiring and hopeful look at the landscape.

As he notes, the turning point, in retrospect, may have been Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter last October 2022.

Twitter’s penetration and influence cannot be denied. Truth or falsehood, it became the journal of record, and it was exclusively dominated by the Left. It was utilized very effectively to brainwash whole swaths of society.

Musk’s purchase began to peel the onion of leftist control, indoctrination, ideology. For the first time, the corruption we on the Right always knew about and spoke of was exposed to the masses, the already brainwashed, the dumbed down who inhabited and dominated the “Twitter-Verse.”

In the last few weeks leading up to the 2022 election the “Twitter Files” exposed how the federal government hid a ton of information from the public on everything from COVID to the Hunter laptop. They exposed how conservatives were censored and cancelled. The result was not the red wave we were all expecting, but, thank God, we at least got back the House!

And despite the rocky start, Kevin McCarthy started some of the payback so sorely and urgently needed. Among other things, he kicked the Swalwell and Schiff scum off committees. He started investigations into the leftist corruption, appointing the solid James Comer and Jim Jordan to lead the inquiries.

Now, the general public, even those who watch MSNBC and CNN, know about the corruption: of the FBI, the DOJ, the Bidens. They now know the January 6th narrative was nonsense, about all the lies and misinformation surrounding COVID, about the canceling and censorship of anyone who spoke against leftist ideology.

What’s happened to FOX News is a harbinger. Aside from Trump hurting the Rupert Murdoch’s feelings, their viewership growth had stalled. In a bid to gain viewers from the Left, it moved more to the middle in its reporting and its opinion shows, allowing leftist commentators more and more airtime. The Murdoch sons, upon inheriting the helm from their father, advanced the leftist slide at the network until the pressure to go full woke got to the point where it fired or lost various conservative hosts. The last straw was firing Tucker Carlson. Bad move.

Jumping on the leftist bandwagon, Anheuser Busch and Disney not to mention scores of other ESG/DEI compliant companies, also went full woke. The Bud Light and Disney results are evidence of the backlash to which I’m referring.

School board meetings where parents, particularly mama-bears, have drawn the line, the leftist media forced to cover the Biden corruption, more and more whistleblowers appearing before Congressional Committees publicly exposing the leftist rot in all our institutions…all of these represent the beginnings of what may be a turn in our country’s fortunes.

Now, if we can just clean up the elections and eliminate the censorship so we don’t have a repeat of 2020 and 2022 (we SHOULD have had a RED WAVE!!!) , take back the Presidency and the Senate and hold the House, so long as we can keep the RINO’s and Swamp Republicans on a leash, we may, just may, be able to start the long climb back up the slippery slope to restore America to its traditional roots and rightful place in the world.

Fingers crossed, hands clasped, arms folded in hope and prayer.


Oh, and in case the headline didn’t get my point across, ELECTION INTEGRITY has to be the paramount subject! Not enough is being done about this, especially in the swing states which will determine the outcome of the 2024 Election.

Every day there’s another poll, another talking head explaining how there’s no way Biden could win next year. “Trump will win the Primary but lose the General” is another meme.

I can’t overstate what underlies all of this posturing and campaigning and polling, etc.


As Jay Valentine points out yet again in his straightforward, persuasive, common sense  and thoughtful way, (see article in American Thinker HERE), there isn’t ANY Republican candidate: not Trump, not DeSantis, not the Lord Jesus Christ, who can win in 2024 the way the Democrats have rigged the system.

If what happened in 2020 and in the Supreme Court of Wisconsin election this year doesn’t hit us in the face like the Binaca blast, we’re dreaming, in denial or have just been so ground down to the point that we’ve given up.

Can anything be done about this? Is there any way our election system can be repaired in a few short months so it reflects the will of the American people, not the will of the Leftist Cabal?

I honestly don’t think it can. No amount of money put into advertising, in pointing out the obvious, in trying to inspire the electorate…means a damn thing if the corruption is not rooted out of the election process.

I continue to maintain that either a Black Swan, Unknown-Unknown Event or Divine Intervention will be needed to neutralize the corruption, send the cheaters and criminals back under their rocks and repair our constitutional republic.

By definition, if we can speculate what that Black Swan might consist of it wouldn’t be an Unknown-Unknown. Truly, something monumental, a universal ‘tipping point’, a cataclysmic Paradigm Shift is what will be needed to save our country.

God help us if a woke or incompetent Democrat is seated in the White House come January 2025, if true conservatives don’t have supermajorities in the House and Senate. Even if the GOP controls both the Executive and Legislative branches It will still take a generation to reverse this slide down the slippery slope to ruin.

But we must not, we cannot, we may not stop fighting to retrieve what’s left of our sanity, our integrity, our humanity.

And what does “fighting” mean? It means sending letters to the RNC, to Trump, to DeSantis, to the other candidates, to our senators and congressmen placing Jay Valentine’s article in front of them.  It’s also sending letters to the major and minor media outlets giving them a piece of your mind. It’s attending Town Hall meetings and not just listening, but speaking up when woke idiocracy is spouted by those on the dais. It’s courageously speaking up in a restaurant or McDonalds when some green-haired snowflake begins acting out and telling them to “shut up”, sit down and behave themselves.

It also means preparing for the worst, placing our heads on swivels and being prepared to physically defend ourselves, our loved ones, our friends and our homes if the Leftist mob comes down our street to attack us.

Now is the time to prepare. If and when things go South, it will be too late.

On The Subject Of Election Integrity

As we approach November 8th, I continue to encounter friends and acquaintances on the Right who want to just “move on” from the 2020 Election. They argue that to echo Trump on the subject is counterproductive. They argue that not moving on constitutes relitigating the election and proves we’re sore losers. They argue that the ‘stolen’ argument is self-defeating as it plays into the left narrative. The suggestion is that it would be more productive to highlight what influences tipped the scales in Biden’s favor. I reproduce here below two of my responses to these arguments.

“The problem is the 2020 Election WAS NEVER LITIGATED! If we don’t expose what happened and refute the truly false narrative that it WAS legitimate we’ll never have another honest election in our country. To continue exposing the fraud and cheating that got Biden his 81 million votes isn’t being a sore loser, it’s being righteously indignant and protective of freedom, our constitutional republic and not allowing the leftist cancer to win. The tide is turning, the Silent Majority is starting to speak up, there is an opportunity to restore a modicum of honesty and integrity to our country and government, but not if we allow the BS in our elections to stand. We are fighting a foe that will stop at nothing for power and money and taking the high road and trying to be gentlemanly and “moving on” is precisely what they’re counting on. No, we must not let them get away with this again. The only way we could possibly lose this November in both the House and Senate is through more of the same kind of fraud and shenanigans as they foisted on everyone in 2020. If we don’t have drop box tail gate parties to prevent ballot stuffing, legions of lawyers standing over the vote counters, legislators willing to challenge the unconstitutional (both federal and state) violations of voting laws, and computer counting systems proven to be un-hackable, they will do it again, and God help us if the Dems remain in power through 2023 and beyond! We really can’t take much more of their brand of “progress” can we?”

And in response to the notion that to pursue 2020 is self-defeating and that we should focus on righting the tipped scales I responded:

“My big problem with “moving on” is that to do so is to allow the scales to remain tipped. I concede that Trump beating this theme continuously is not helpful for either him, the MAGA/America First Movement, the GOP or the country. He is not the right spokesperson to address this fundamental problem nor are Mike Lindell or any of the other champions of the ‘stolen election’ assertion.

 The reason I’m exercised about this topic this week is that Ginni Thomas, no publicity hound, had the courage to reiterate her contention that the election was stolen/rigged/whatever and that it needed to be thoroughly investigated and essentially, that we should NOT just “move on”. I agree. What I would like to see is some respected jurist like Clarence Thomas (or, preferably, John Roberts or several of the jurors) say, “We’ve got to get to the bottom of this” so the whole process gets cleaned up. Same day voting, paper ballots, proof of citizenship before registration, voter ID, legitimate monitoring of the vote count, consequences for violating state election laws, real penalties/perp walks for cheaters and the operatives behind them (those with “plausible deniability” for implementing the cheating schemes) and cleaned up voter rolls…Sounds like a tall order, but by already letting 2020 slide as much as we as a nation have, this November is going to be a s-show irrespective of the outcome. In my opinion, not resolving the problem of election integrity is the greatest threat to our republic, not all the crap the media and politicians grouse about. If our elections are honest and Millennials, Gen Y and Gen Z want to vote in all the leftist idiocy so be it…it’s their world and they can have it. But to stand by and allow a handful of evil, power-hungry and greedy politicians, oligarchs and technocrats permanently control our lives as they’re doing now on into the future without a fight is a bridge too far. I don’t have much time left on this planet but election integrity is, in my opinion, the hill to die on.”

So for those of you who have asked why I keep pounding on the 2020 Election thing, the above explains my position.

The 2020 Steal – Implications for 2022 and 2024

Many conservatives with whom I’ve spoken in recent months have said something to the effect of “Trump has to get off the 2020 Election thing and present a new vision for 2022 and beyond.” Sorry, but if he and we don’t keep the pressure on to expose and prepare to counteract the fraud that occurred in 2020, it will be repeated. While there are signs conservatives are prepared to stand up and fight (e.g. tail-gate parties at every ballot drop site), there is still way too much Alinsky-inspired shenanigans going on to ensure the 2022 election will be honest.

So, in that vein of keeping up the pressure, this article, penned by John F. Di Leo and published on August 15th on the always thought-provoking American Thinker, is one of those that had me nodding my head. Besides incitefully summarizing the fraudulent, lawless tactics used by the Left to manufacture 81 million votes for Biden, it addresses the impact that the otherwise laudable and critical feature of our elections, the Secret Ballot, has on the ability to AUDIT, ex-post-facto, the results.

On the one hand, we want our ballots to be secret. On the other, we want every ballot to be LEGITIMATE. As I pointed out back in November 2020, once a mail-in ballot is removed from its container (envelope), the latter usually bearing the auditable signature of a voter, and heads to the counting machine (themselves corruptible), it is impossible to determine whether the vote was legitimate. President Trump warned of precisely the potential for fraud in mail-out/mail-in ballots before the election. The Left executed their plan flawlessly, in all aspects!

WE MUST NOT LET THIS HAPPEN AGAIN! If legislators won’t get rid of ballot drop boxes, if they won’t clean up their voter rolls, if they will not stop Democrat harvesting practices…and if it takes ALL NIGHT LONG, and FOR AS LONG AS IT TAKES, we need to watch those drop boxes, as well as the COUNT, like eagles (eagles have even better sight than hawks)!!!

We are truly on the precipice. If we don’t decisively take back both the House and Senate in November, just a few short weeks away, we’re absolutely, fundamentally, possibly irretrievably, SCREWED!

Some excerpts from Di Leo’s article:

“In the “pandemic year” of 2020, Democrat bureaucrats across the country took advantage of public fears of Covid-19 to scare millions of people out of the traditional American election practice: in person, at a polling place, where each voter could at least potentially undergo an identity check as protection against vote fraud.

In 2020, numerous state, county, and city governments authorized such corruptible concepts as mass mail-in ballots, unguarded non-mail public drop boxes, and virtually unlimited ballot harvesting.

In Wisconsin, for example, the program known as “democracy in the parks” enabled Democrat activists to turn in tens of thousands of ballots that they claimed without evidence to have collected from hobos on park benches in the state capital of Madison. Nursing homes were told by the Wisconsin Election Commission that they could go ahead and cast votes on behalf of their patients, however conscious or unconscious they may be, without state officials supervising the voting to ensure that the actual voters’ wishes are the ones being recorded. Both practices are gross violations of Wisconsin state law, and likely resulted in tens of thousands of invalid votes being cast for Joe Biden in 2020… easily enough to change the statewide result in that narrow-margin election.

The same can be said of many states. There are dozens of different kinds of vote fraud, from the patronage worker bus tours of Chicago and New Orleans, to the late-night polling place openings judicially mandated in St. Louis, to the hundreds of thousands of votes cast by non-citizens, from green card holders to illegal aliens in sanctuary cities. There are states where poll workers traditionally take advantage of lulls on Election Day to cast ballots in the names of registered no-shows. There are college towns where votes are cast from dorms and student housing in the names of students who graduated and moved away years before.

Every state has a broad mix of these and other methods. No two states are identical.

There have been a host of election process investigations since November, 2020, when Donald Trump, who won 74 million popular votes, was declared to have lost to Joe Biden’s alleged 81 million, in a total purported voting population of 158 million. This would be an increase of 22 million over the turnout in 2016, in a country in which the only significant population demographic that’s increasing is that of non-citizens. It is statistically dubious, leading to the logical conclusion that a lot of those votes, certainly millions if not tens of millions, were fabricated.

What have almost all the investigations found? Even the most cursory review of their findings shows numerous opportunities for fraud — the lack of ID checks, the opportunity for round-tabling, the lack of any chain of custody in most non-election day voting… dozens of methods putting tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands, of votes per state in question. Nonetheless, these reports always conclude that they cannot “prove” that fraud occurred. They can show that opportunities exist ad infinitum, but they cannot establish beyond the shadow of a doubt that corrupt actors actually took advantage of these millions of opportunities.


Because of the secret ballot.”

“In any traditional audit, from an ISO-9000 audit at the plant to an IRS tax audit at your small business, a spot check is used to see if the intended results match the real recorded results.

The secret ballot makes such an audit impossible. A definitive election audit would not check the total ballots cast against the total count; it would check the ballots as processed against the actual will of the voters. And this is impossible because we don’t know who cast which ballot. We cannot determine if John Smith and Mary Jones cast that ballot, or if a different one was substituted for theirs, because their ballot was not signed, and in fact could not be, by law.”

“Our system recognizes the risks of a publicly known ballot – the risk of discrimination, for example, by a corrupt local political machine – so the secret ballot is rightly sacrosanct.

But what this means is that few election integrity studies can ever conclusively state that they have “proven” that an election was stolen. All they can do is show the overwhelming risks in an intentionally compromised system, and trust that the reader can figure out what it means. We must prevent vote fraud in advance, precisely because we cannot usually catch and prosecuted it after the fact.

How does the press report it, though? Without fail, the mainstream media – and their clients in the political class, from elected officials to the deep state denizens who rule them – report that yet another study failed to prove vote fraud. They can report, again and again, that the claims of fraud are all “unproven,” smirking under their Covid-19 masks in the knowledge that they’re reporting the exact opposite of the study’s real findings.

Vote fraud in America has been well known for generations, but the Democrat party has successfully managed to trick the public into believing that it’s limited to known dens of iniquity like Chicago and New Orleans. They hid how widespread it was. Until 2020.

With the 2020 election, everything was exposed. The tools used against Donald Trump, from 2000 real mules to 20,000 fictional hobos, smacked of desperation. They succeeded, but at great cost: they replaced incumbent Donald Trump with a basement-dwelling dementia patient who couldn’t fill a New Hampshire diner let alone a stadium rally. The canary in the coal mine – the Trump presidency – was extinguished.”