Trump vs. Biden

Today I’m pleased to share the thoughts of one of our readers who, in response to a friend who is rabidly anti-Trump, outlined the contrast between the two (quoted verbatim and in full with Editor’s additional notes italicized):

“I prefer “You are what you do, not what you say” so this is an abbreviated list of what Trump and Biden have done in public life:

Trump in 48 months:

  • Seated 150+ conservative judges as well as 2 and probably 3 Supreme Court Justices who are devotedly pro-life (Editor’s note: and adherents of the Constitution as written, not as the Left would like it to “evolve”.)
  • Best economy pre-covid, especially for blacks, Hispanics and women (Editor’s note: historically greater gains for low income earners than the wealthy)
  • Passed “Right to try” legislation for terminal patients
  • Passed tax reform (Editor’s note: directly impacting middle income families and causing economic growth to soar compared to anemic recovery under Obama/Biden.)
  • Criminal justice reform and enterprise zones and financial assistance to black colleges
  • Defeated ISIS (Editor’s note: killed its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi)
  • (Editor’s note: killed the most dangerous terrorist in the world, Iran’s Qasem Soleimani)
  • Brokered a peace accord in the Middle East which continues to expand
  • Moved US embassy to Jerusalem
  • (Editor’s note: removed us from the absurd and dangerous Iran Nuclear Deal)
  • (Editor’s note: removed us from the extremely unfavorable Trans Pacific Partnership)
  • (Editor’s note: removed us from the ridiculous and punitive Paris Climate Accord)
  • Enhanced veterans benefits and strengthened the VA
  • Rebuilt our military (decimated by 8 years of Obama/Biden)
  • Created Space Force, the new arm of the military
  • Signed trade deals with Mex./Can, Korea, China, Japan
  • Protected our border from ILLEGAL immigration
  • Created operation warp speed to bring vaccines/therapeutics to treat covid to market as quickly as possible.
  • Donated Presidential salary to charity
  • (Editor’s note: achieved U.S. energy independence with attendant benefits for ALL Americans)

(Editor’s note: and accomplished all of the above while under direct and vicious serial attacks by the Left.)

Biden in 47 years

  • Wrong on every foreign policy decision as VP (per Gates the Sec of DOD during his tenure) (Editor’s note: including opposing going after Bin Laden)
  • Started the partisan rancor over supreme court nominees with his trashing of Robert Bork
  • Sponsored the most discriminatory crime bills in history
  • Chose the most liberal senator (even left of Bernie Sanders) as a running mate
  • Gives cover to Antifa and BLM, left wing anarchist organizations 
  • Sets his son up for influence peddling with Ukraine, China and Russia while responsible for relations with these countries and taking a cut of it
  • (Editor’s note: has flip-flopped for political expediency on the single most critical component of U.S. energy independence: fracking)

Not much positive to add here. 

The democratic party is not the party you knew 20 years ago and has only gotten worse. Remember Ronald Reagan’s famous line “I didn’t leave the democratic party, it left me”. It’s done the same to lots of former democrats.

So on the merits I’ll take a man of action (albeit one who should keep his mouth shut more often). This country can’t afford any further slide to socialism.”

(Editor’s note: Thank you Bob! I’ll add that if ever there were a case of words versus action on display, Trump vs. Biden is it! Biden has run his mouth off for years and years promising everything and accomplishing little to nothing. Trump has run his mouth off for four years, accomplishing much more than he promised, all of it beneficial for the entire nation!)

Some Random Thoughts for the Day – October 15, 2020

There is so much to analyze, so much to comment on, so much to write about, I think today I’ll just list bullet points. Please click below to read them…

  • The chaos being sewn by both parties, but particularly and obviously that by the Left, is deliberate. It makes it difficult for many to sort fact from fiction, to sort honesty from dishonesty. Only clear-headed Americans with open minds and critical thinking skills will be able to discern truth from lies.
  • The Left, and I’ve said this before, will stop at NOTHING to defeat Donald Trump and the Republicans this election cycle. Couched in a wide range of statesman-like rhetoric (e.g. Dick Durbin) to outright obnoxious, poisonous and odious verbal diarrhea (e.g. Kamala Harris) the Left is throwing anything and everything at the wall in hopes something will stick.
  • If you look up “unhinged” in the dictionary, Nancy Pelosi’s picture should be next to the definition. Her performance with Wolf Blitzer on CNN simply says it all. You can’t make this stuff up.
  • As evidence of how on the one hand our country is innovative as hell, and on the other how crazy it’s becoming, I offer the fact that Hormel is now offering face masks with the scent of bacon. ‘Nuff said.
  • New bumper sticker: “My expert/scientist is bigger than your expert/scientist”.
  • Seen on a trail in the middle of nowhere in the High Peaks Wilderness of the Adirondacks a couple of weeks ago: a family, all wearing masks, including the family dog!
  • I predict the barons of Wall Street, in a final attempt to knock Trump down, will tank the market just before the election.
  • There is corruption on both sides of the political swamp, but the Clintons, Bidens, and their ilk truly are the varsity, All-American champions. Tell me how a so-called public servant his entire life, Joe Biden, is fabulously wealthy (and don’t say because Jill Biden is a physician… she didn’t make THAT much over the years). Don’t even try to justify the Biden family’s “business interests” that were implicitly, if not explicitly tied to his government positions as less than major conflicts of interest, whether ‘legal’ or not! As for the Clintons…the $100,000 commodities trading scandal was nothing compared to what they extracted and continue to extract from the Clinton Foundation into which influence buyers poured tens of millions of dollars! Again, legal or not, it stinks to high heaven!
  • Amy Comey Barrett is a superstar, and it’s not because of her technically perfect performance before the Senate Judiciary Committee. It’s because she acts, behaves and speaks like a NORMAL PERSON with solid traditional values – a role model if ever there was one.
  • Anybody with half a brain knows how corrupt and biased the so-called mainstream media is. The Twitter and Facebook censorship of the NY Post article on Hunter Biden that was published yesterday underscores just how corrupt and biased Silicon Valley is as well.
  • How any self-respecting citizen of our country could believe the Left’s lies, distortions, deflections, dissembling, denigrating, deceit, whining and histrionics is truly a sad commentary on our society.
  • The Republican outcry against the already evident problems with this election’s ballots may be enough to scare or at least influence ballot counters, poll watchers and voters to be vigilant. Contrary to what’s being trumpeted, I think there’s a good chance we WILL know the outcome of the election the night of November 3rd. The lawsuits and s#$%-show that will inevitably continue (they’ve already started) post November 3rd will not change a clear outcome.
  • Yogi Berra where are you when we need you. Your sayings, “It’s like “déjà vu all over again” and “It ain’t over till it’s over” have never been more apt.
  • Conservatives and Republicans don’t participate in polls and don’t put lawn signs up in Blue and Purple States.
  • “My Doctor is Bigger than Your Doctor” too!
  • School age kids are suffering. The Left doesn’t give a damn…they just want to use their new teaching platform to indoctrinate them through the medium they’re most used to. Teaching has now become a “social media” activity…
  • If you don’t want to be shot by a citizen defending himself or herself or by a law enforcement officer, it’s simple… don’t: a) hang out with the wrong people at the wrong times in the wrong places, b) strictly obey law enforcement’s commands, c) don’t threaten in an attempt to be macho, d) don’t be insolent, condescending…show respect for law enforcement, e) don’t do things that are, simply, ILLEGAL, e.g. riot, loot, destroy property, trespass, physically assault others, carry an unlicensed firearm or other deadly force object and misuse it, etc. etc.!
  • Life begins at conception, period. If you don’t want to have a baby, practice contraception, not infanticide.
  • Labels like socialism, marxism, white supremacy, ‘Karen’, oppressed, victim, racism, white privilege, etc. etc. are empty when not properly and adequately defined and explained. They’re just labels intended to incite positive or negative ‘feelings’ and simply should be ignored!
  • The lines will be long on election day. Try not to be too impatient and plan on going early and staying as long as you have to to make your vote count!